937 resultados para Metro Consultant
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento de um grupo de cultivares de feijão vagem de crescimento determinado, assim como a influência da densidade de população sobre a produção das mesmas, visnado cultura de mesa ou para indústria. Os cultivares usados foram: 'Contender', 'Tendercrop', 'Gallatin 50', 'Early Gallatin', 'Harvester' e 'Eagle'. Os melhores cultivares foram: 'Contender', 'Early Gallatin' e 'Tendercrop'. Destacou-se pela precocidade o 'Contender'. A produção de vagens por planta diminui com o aumento da população, porém, o rendimento por área aumentou com a densidade. Os mais altos rendimentos foram observados com 28 plantas por metro quadrado.
Este ensaio foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do estimulante vegetal Respond, na produção do arroz (Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC-165), em condições de campo. No campo experimental da E.S.A. "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba (SP), aplicou-se Respond nas dosagens de 1,0 e 1,5 l/ha por ocasião da iniciação da panícula e em plena florescência, além do controle. Por ocasião da colheita observou-se que Respond reduziu a altura das plantas de arroz. Respond 1,5 l/ha diminuiu o perfilhamento e o número de panículas por metro de linha. Respond 1,0 l/ha aumentou o número de sementes por panícula do arroz 'IAC-165'. Outros parâmetros da produção não foram afetados pela aplicação do estimulante vegetal.
Besouros da família Staphylinidae são comuns em zonas costeiras inundáveis pelas marés, como praias arenosas, manguezais, estuários e marismas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a distribuição espacial e a variação temporal da abundância ao longo de um ano, das espécies ocorrentes em duas praias arenosas (Assenodi e Cem) no Pontal do Paraná, Paraná, Brasil. Coletas semanais com um cilindro de PVC com 15 cm de diâmetro (0,017 m²) enterrado a 5 cm de profundidade, foram realizadas de janeiro a dezembro de 2012. A praia Assenodi apresentou altos valores de umidade de sedimento no supralitoral e pós-praia. Nesta praia, Bledius bonariensis foi dominante, mas também houve registro de B. fernandezi, ambas distribuídas nas porções superiores do perfil praial e ocorreram ao longo de todo o ano. A praia Cem apresentou valores altos de umidade do sedimento apenas no mesolitoral, em decorrência da subida e descida da maré, neste estrato B. hermani, foi a espécie dominante. Bledius bonariensis teve ocorrência ocasional em alguns meses do outono e inverno, associada a um aumento nas precipitações. A variação na abundância de B. hermani foi grande, sendo os maiores valores associados às altas temperaturas do verão. As espécies de Bledius mostraram uma clara separação espacial relacionada a distintos requerimentos ambientais, o que possibilita a coocorrência das três espécies na mesma praia em função de variações ambientais ao longo do ano.
Regular stair climbing has well-documented health dividends, such as increased fitness and strength, weight loss and reduced body fat, improved lipid profiles and reduced risk of osteoporosis. The general absence of barriers to participation makes stair climbing an ideal physical activity (PA) for health promotion. Studies in the US and the UK have consistently shown that interventions to increase the accumulation of lifestyle PA by climbing stairs rather than using the escalators are effective. However, there are no previous in Catalonia. This project tested one message for their ability to prompt travelers on the Montjuïc site to choose the stairs rather than the escalator when climbing up the Monjuïc hill. One standard message, " Take the stairs! 7 minutes of stair climbing a day protects your heart" provided a comparison with previous research done in the UK. Translated into Catalan and Spanish, it was presented on a poster positioned at the point of choice between the stairs and the escalator. The study used a quasi-experimental, interrupted time series design. Travelers, during several and specific hours on two days of the week, were coded for stair or escalator use, gender, age, ethnic status, presence of accompanying children or bags by one observer. Overall, the intervention resulted in a 81% increase in stair climbing. In the follow-up period without messages, stair climbing dropped out to baseline levels. This preliminary study showed a significant effect on stair use. However, caution is needed since results are based on a small sample and, only a low percentage of the sample took the stairs at baseline or the intervention phase . Future research on stair use in Catalonia should focus on using bigger samples, different sites (metro stations, airports, shopping centers, etc) , different messages and techniques to promote stair climbing.
Continuamos observações sobre as biocenoses litorâneas, na parte oeste do Rio de Janeiro, na Enseada mais poluída, onde está a ilha do Pinheiro. Chegamos à conclusão que há graus de estragos acima dos verificados em publicações anteriores, os 7º, 8º, 9º e 10º graus de estragos, com desaparecimento de todas cinturas vegetais. Anotamos os assoreamentos; devido a aterros artificiais na vizinhança, a lama subiu muito, meio metro em 20 anos, ou seja 2,5 centímetros por ano. Apresentamos as alterações ecológicas resultantes do assoreamento, mostramos a mudança de vários nichos de alguns componentes do manguezal. Fizemos 4 mapas ecológicos, em local que constitui a média representativa do que se passou na Enseada de Inhaúma nesses últimos 5 anos. Chegamos a índices de recuperação de zonações do manguezal, como 60/1 para o Avicennietum; e nenhum para o Laguncularietum, comunidade de "mangues mansos" que está em regressão; Houve regeneração das populações de caranguejos Ucides e Cardisoma que voltaram a habitar a Ilha do Pinheiro. Mostramos uma correlação entre o guaiamu e a aroeira da praia, Schinus. Concluímos que: podem ser usadas as técnicas de recuperação de poluição para esses caranguejos e guaiamus, para a alimentação humana, assim como para peixes apanhados em alagados de manguezais poluídos. O material pescado no Rio de Janeiro, tendo algas do gênero Oscillatoria, apresenta um cheiro de urina pútrida, bem como outros cheiros, mas pode ser recuperado para a alimentação humana. Damos sugestões para se utilizar cercados de vegetação de manguezal contra a poluição em locais apropriados, alagados com camarões e peixes, como usam-se na Ásia. As plantas utilizadas baseiam-se no estudo ecológico que estabelece o nicho apropriado a cada uma delas, resistente á poluição, e que pode combater alguns estragos; entre elas as Iresine e as do gênero Avicennia, pois elas promoveram uma pequena recuperação na Ilha do Pinheiro, onde apareceram novamente os caranguejos e guaiamus.
Aquest treball pretén acostar-se a la situació lingüística real de la Catalunya d’avui. En la nostre anàlisi s’aborda el bilingüisme com a característica individual i col·lectiva i com a tret lingüístic que defineix Catalunya. A partir d’una contextualització històrica en el camp de la lingüística catalana, es presenta la problemàtica actual de convivència entre català i castellà per, més tard, utilitzar els mitjans de comunicació com a eina per acostar-se, entendre i treure conclusions al voltant de la situació lingüística de Catalunya. L’objectiu de l’estudi és aportar noves dades als treballs recents elaborats sobre la qüestió lingüística de Catalunya amb la finalitat de reforçar o contradir les conclusions dels mateixos. Per tal d’assolir aquest objectiu, s’analitza quantitativament el percentatge de català i castellà dels quatre grans diaris gratuïts de Catalunya (20 Minutos, Metro, Què i ADN) tenint en compte que tots ells opten pel bilingüisme en els seus blocs locals. Amb tot, determinarem que aquests rotatius són un reflex de la situació lingüística que es viu avui a Catalunya. Com podrem observar, les dades que ens faciliten els diaris són força més alarmants que les conclusions a què arriben d’altres estudis realitzats fins al moment. Segons els diaris bilingües, l’ús del català entre la població de Catalunya ha disminuït en els darrers anys i, per tant, les polítiques de normalització lingüística han tingut uns efectes decebedors en l’autèntica essència d’una societat: la seva població. La necessitat de reconduir el procés de normalització lingüística i innovar en polítiques de preservació de la llengua ha de ser, doncs, una prioritat en un futur proper. Tanmateix, l’aportació de dades exactes, fiables i independents d’interpretacions interessades és el primer pas cap a l’objectiu de preservació de qualsevol llengua minoritària. De la mateixa manera, els nous mètodes d’estudi i l’ús d’eines alternatives al nostre abast, com poden ser els mitjans de comunicació, ens ha de servir per aproximar-nos a la realitat. Aquest treball, doncs, va adreçat a totes les persones interessades en l’actual debat lingüístic de Catalunya que, darrerament, ocupa part de l’actualitat dels diaris. Més enllà d’això, pot cridar l’atenció a qui vulgui fer-se una idea del model de bilingüisme que es dóna a casa nostra i el futur que aquest els depara tant al català com al castellà. Fins i tot, pot aportar dades útils per aquell que se senti atret pels mitjans de comunicació i pel mirall que aquests poden significar per a les societats modernes.
In this paper we take on the role of a ‘virtual consultant’ to a potentially independent Scotland. What should the exchange rate regime of an independent Scotland look like? We argue that the current proposal of the Scottish government to remain part of the sterling zone is doomed to failure, both because it falls short of a full political and monetary union and because it fails to recognize the reality of the Scottish economy post independence. We argue that the only tenable solution for an independent Scotland is to have a separate currency and for this currency to have some flexibility against Scotland’s main trading partners. One option offered here is managed float or crawl against a basket of currencies.
I have been employed by several different organizations during over 30 years working on schistosomiasis, the majority spent in endemic areas of Caribean, South America, Africa and the Western Pacific. Much of the work is best classified as applied research but sometimes it strayed to the extremes of either public health control programmes or pure research. Over this period, there have been several significant research developments that have altered our whole approach to control. Ideally, research and control should complement each other but, in reality, they sometimes have conflicting objectives. Public health workers understandably wish to provide immediate, shot-term protection to the communities in their care, but research workers may, within ethical limits, reasonably want to observe untreated communities for extended periods in order to understand the underluing process of transmission, disease pathogenesis and immunity to help develop more effective control measures. An example of this situation has occured recently in Senegal where water development projects seem to have favoured the introduction and spreed of Schistosoma mansoni in the Senegal River Basin. I have been asked to be the scientific consultant to the newly formed ESPOIR programme, linking European research organizations and the Senegal Ministry of Health, to reconcile the conflictiong aims of public health workers, wishing to use whatever funds can be obtained for an immediate chemotherapy to try to eliminate the focus, at present confined to the vicinity of a relatively small, commercially run sugar irrigation scheme; and research workers who see a rare chance to study the development of immune mechanisms in a adults in a community not previously exposed to the infection. This information could prove invaluable in understanding the development of immunity and the pathogenesis of disease, leading eventually to the development of vaccines to revolutionise the future approach to schistosomiasis...
La dépression majeure est fréquente chez les patients qui consultent un cabinet de médecine générale. Elle reste toutefois difficile à diagnostiquer car elle est souvent masquée par une ou plusieurs plaintes physiques qui sont l'unique motif de consultation. Pour aider le médecin généraliste à démasquer ce trouble, un test de dépistage composé de deux questions a été développé et validé. Ce test indique une probabilité accrue de dépression si le patient répond positivement à au moins une des deux questions suivantes : « Est-ce que, durant le mois qui a précédé, vous vous êtes senti(e) triste, déprimé(e), désespéré(e) ? » et « Durant le mois qui a précédé, avez-vous ressenti un manque d'intérêt et de plaisir dans la plupart des activités que d'habitude vous appréciez ? ». Une troisième question, ajoutée aux deux questions ci-dessus, a été proposée récemment afin d'améliorer les performances de ce test de dépistage. Cette troisième question rend le test négatif si le patient répond négativement à la question suivante : « Souhaitez-vous de l'aide pour cela ? ». Une étude avait indiqué que l'ajout de la question supplémentaire améliorait la spécificité du test sans réduire sa sensibilité. Objectifs Il s'agissait de décrire la performance de deux tests de dépistage de la dépression majeure, composés, respectivement, de deux et de trois questions, dans une population de patients consultant dans un cabinet de médecine générale pour une plainte physique, et de les valider. Méthode Les réponses aux questions des tests de dépistage de la dépression dans la population de la cohorte SODA (Somatisation, Depression, Anxiety) ont été utilisées. Il s'agissait de patients de plus de 18 ans, sélectionnés aléatoirement, consultant pour au moins une plainte physique auprès de 24 médecins généralistes de Suisse Romande, réexaminés une année après l'inclusion dans la cohorte. Le questionnaire validé « Full Patient Health Questionnaire » a été utilisé, le même jour, pour diagnostiquer une dépression majeure. Ce résultat a été utilisé pour évaluer les performances des deux tests de dépistage en calculant la sensibilité et la spécificité, notamment. Résultats Les données de 724 / 937 patients inclus ont pu être utilisées. Un diagnostic de dépression majeure a été posé chez 9.5% des patients (n = 69). La sensibilité et la spécificité des deux questions de dépistage étaient de 91.3% (IC95% : 81.4-96.4%) et 65.0% (IC95% : 61.2-68.6%), respectivement. En ajoutant la troisième question, la sensibilité des deux questions de dépistage a diminué à 59.4% (IC95% : 47.0-70.9%) et la spécificité a augmenté à 88.2% (IC95% : 85.4-90.5%). Conclusions L'utilisation des deux questions pour le dépistage de la dépression majeure est associée à une haute sensibilité et à une basse spécificité chez des patients se présentant en cabinet de médecine générale pour une plainte physique. En ajoutant la troisième question, la spécificité augmente, mais la sensibilité diminue. Ainsi, en ajoutant la troisième question, quatre patients dépressifs majeurs sur dix ne sont pas détectés, alors que seulement un patient sur dix n'est pas détecté avec les deux questions de dépistage. Notre étude montre que le test composé de deux questions reste une méthode de choix pour le dépistage de la dépression majeure et que l'ajout de la troisième question n'est pas recommandée. Celle-ci reste toutefois pertinente dans l'incitation au dialogue sur le sujet de la dépression entre le médecin et son patient.
La consultance ou les coulisses d'une pratique de soins.. [The consultation or behind the scenes...]
Sur la base d'une analyse de leur pratique, les membres d'une équipe mobile intra-hospitalière de soins palliatifs proposent de définir le concept de la consultance. En décrivant trois modèles d'interaction entre un praticien et un consultant, ils invitent à prendre conscience de la complexité des enjeux relationnels existant entre les intervenants et espèrent ainsi favoriser leur collaboration au bénéfice du patient.
In this longitudinal study 5,710 people were included. The inclusion criteria were two positive serological results for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, 15 and 50 years old and no other demostrable diesease at the time of study. In the five year follow up 1,117 patients were lost. The follow up involved yearly evaluation of serology, clinical examination, X-ray of torax, and ECG, for 4,593 patients and 263 were contacted at home because they did not assist for their clinical consultant. Time average of follow up was 5.3 years. Eighty nine (1.5%) of the 4,593 patients died during the follow-up period, 63 (71%) by cardiac insufiency (CI) and 26 (29%) by severe ventricular arrithmias. Diagnosis of cardiomegaly was present in all the patients with diagnosis of CI and in 15 (5%) of the patients with diagnosis of arrithmias.The ECG alterations of these pacients show 61 right bundle brunch block (RBBB), associated or not with left anterior hemiblock (LAHB), 47 pathological Q wave and 70 primary repolarization alterations; 61 had polyfocal ventricular arrithmia. The death rate was similar in the sexes and was more frequent between 40 and 50 years of age. Information on 1,380 recuperated patients shows that 15 died with no previous symptoms and without medical assistance and were interpretate as sudden death. The latest ECG in three follow-up of these pacients indicates (before death) that only one had normal study and 14 presented 12 RBBB; 9 LAHB; 7 isolated ventricular arrithmia; 10 repolariz alterations; 2 patological Q wave, 10 patients of them with RBBB and repolariz alterations. In all the cases we had people between 35 and 43 years old, 9 men and 6 women. This study shows that in Chagas disease is possible to differenciate two risk groups. A low risk death group that have normal ECG and clinical evaluation during the follow up, and a high risk group associate ECG with RBBB and primary alterations of repolarization and/or inactivation zones with not anual clinical evaluation.
Number of hospital discharges and age-standardised discharge rates for emergency hospital admissions for injury by sex and type of injury for the following regions and year:Republic of Ireland 2006Northern Ireland 2006England 2006/07Scotland 2006/07Wales 2006 Numbers and rates are based on official hospital statistics from each region. All regions use International Classification of Disease (ICD) version 10 for hospital discharges in these years. Only emergency inpatient hospital spells with an ICD 10 code in the range S000-T739, T750-T759, T780-T789 (in any diagnostic position) and an ICD10 external cause code in the range V01-Y36 (in any diagnostic position) were included. A hospital spell is an unbroken period of time that a person spends as an inpatient in a hospital. The person may change consultant and/or specialty during a spell but is counted only once. See http://www.injuryobservatory.net/analysis-of-inpatient-admissions-data-f... for more details.
The treatment of morphoeic (or sclerosing) basal cell carcinoma (mBCC) of the face is associated with high rates of incomplete excision and recurrence. A principal risk factor for incomplete resection is the grade of surgeon. We did a prospective, randomised study of 40 consecutive patients with mBCC of the face. The extent of the tumour was assessed under standard conditions by consultant surgeons and compared with assessments by resident surgeons with the help of the Varioscope, a combination of microscope and loupe glasses with strong illumination and a maximal magnification of 7x. The data from a former retrospective study of all excisions of mBCC of the face during a five-year period at the hospital served as control. Residents with the support of the Varioscope achieved a rate of incomplete excisions similar to that of consultants under standard conditions. There was a significant reduction of the rate of incomplete resections by resident surgeons thanks to high magnification and good lighting (p=0.02). High magnification and good lighting were useful in learning how to recognise skin changes associated with mBCC of the face and achieving a low rate of incomplete excisions.
The Minister for Health and Children has requested that an independent review be carried out of the circumstances surrounding the employment of a UK based Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr John Harding-Price, to a locum psychiatrist position with the South Eastern Health Board (SEHB) while he was suspended by the General Medical Council (GMC) in the United Kingdom and consequently the subject of legal proceedings by the Medical Council in Ireland. The Consultant was continuously registered with the Medical Council since 1968. Download the document here
Report of the National Task Force on Medical Staffing (Hanly report) Patients deserve the best possible care that the Irish health services can deliver. At present, most frontline medical care in hospitals is delivered by non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs), the majority of whom work excessively long hours. Patients have limited access to consultant care. NCHDs will soon be required by law to work fewer hours. This will have significant benefits for both doctors and patients. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb