921 resultados para Medicine, Naval
Compte-rendu / Review
Recent advances in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have shown that controlling cells microenvironment during growth is a key element to the development of successful therapeutic system. To achieve such control, researchers have first proposed the use of polymeric scaffolds that were able to support cellular growth and, to a certain extent, favor cell organization and tissue structure. With nowadays availability of a large pool of stem cell lines, such approach has appeared to be rather limited since it does not offer the fine control of the cell micro-environment in space and time (4D). Therefore, researchers are currently focusing their efforts on developing strategies that include active compound delivery systems in order to add a fourth dimension to the design of 3D scaffolds. This review will focus on recent concepts and applications of 2D and 3D techniques that have been used to control the load and release of active compounds used to promote cell differentiation and proliferation in or out of a scaffold. We will first present recent advances in the design of 2D polymeric scaffolds and the different techniques that have been used to deposit molecular cues and cells in a controlled fashion. We will continue presenting the recent advances made in the design of 3D scaffolds based on hydrogels as well as polymeric fibers and we will finish by presenting some of the research avenues that are still to be explored.
The paper identifies twelve elements of ship recycling and highlights their respective roles and duties in a proposed ship recycling system. The source and items of knowledgebase for ship recycling have been brought out. A new philosophy focusing clean and safe ship recycling namely design for ship recycling has been introduced based on principles such as ecofriendliness, engineering efficiency, energy conservation and ergonomics. The role of naval architects in ship recycling industry has been described based on the above factors. The paper brings out the role of naval architects in ship recycling the way it has been practiced worldwide and proposed by regulatory bodies. The authors have brought out the new concept of design for ship recycling and various aspects of it. The role of naval architects in the practice of this new design philosophy which is ready to be embraced by the maritime industry has been reiterated.
Since 2003 the School of Medicine at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, offers to the students a program named Peer Tutors. The program’s objectives are: to generate a social interaction mechanism that favors knowledge construction side by side with advanced peers; to promote the development of ethical, moral and coexistence oriented values through an academic experience, and to generate a space to explore specific academic interests and teacher´s potential. This article presents the theoretic frame that supports the importance of social interaction in knowledge construction, as well as some indicators that allow a first appraisal of the program. Several achievements that account for the synergic value of an experience that not only fulfills the function of initiating a process of teaching formation and academic support, but that also builds a proactive attitude before learning, are highlighted.
José Celestino Mutis showed different interest areas of study and worked in multiple knowledge fields: mathematics, mineralogy, astronomy, zoology and botanic, the one in which is best known. However, he was a medical doctor, whit profound an up to date knowledge. He studied at Sevilla University, and in the Royal College of Cadiz. He arrived to the “Nuevo Reino de Granada” as personal medical doctor of the the viceroy Pedro Messía de la Cerda and during 47 years, period of time he lived there, he always exercised his profession. We showed a special interest in the study of cinchona and the only work he published was El Arcano de la quina. He advised in public health many viceroys and he contributed in different fields but particularly in the prevention of smallpox by inoculation. He played a decisive role in the reopening of the medical school of the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Some of his achievements justifies the appellative “Father of the Medicine in Colombia”.
Teniendo en cuenta que la Armada Nacional en el centro de Medicina Naval no cuenta con un diagnóstico de las condiciones de trabajo del personal , que especifique los factores de riesgo a los cuales están expuestos los funcionarios de ésta
Reportaje dedicado a la Escuela de Ingeniería Naval de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid. Se hace una introducción a los antecedentes históricos de la Escuela, entre los que se insertan incluso, imágenes de las maquetas del edificio ideado. Se examina la organización que tenía la antigua Escuela de Ingeniería Naval de El Ferrol. Se describe el nuevo edificio de la Ciudad Universitaria. Se desarrolla la colocación profesional que obtendrán los nuevos titulados en Ingeniería Naval. Se analiza la selección del profesorado de la Escuela de Ingeniería Naval. Se expone una comparación de presupuestos para la creación de nueva Escuela.
O estudo e tratamento de fundos arquivísticos de arquivos associativos, constituem um tema até agora por explorar no âmbito da teoria arquivística. A presente Dissertação pretende contribuir para a identificação e análise deste tipo de fundos arquivísticos, tendo por base uma abordagem teórica complementada pelo estudo dos casos concretos dos fundos arquivísticos do Clube Naval de Lisboa, da Associação Naval de Lisboa e do sub-fundo de arquivo do Grupo Náutico Portuguesa/Clube Náutico de Portugal, que se encontram à guarda do Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Cascais ao abrigo do PRADIM – Programa de Recuperação de Arquivos e de Documentos de Interesse Municipal. A abordagem teórica, baseia-se na análise de bibliografi geral e normativa sobre os tipos de arquivos de acordo com as entidades produtoras e sobre criação de planos de classificação de documentação de arquivo. Recorremos também à bibliografia mais específica sobre Câmaras Municipais, uma vez que estas instituições são conotadas como tendo uma forte organização interna e perante a ausência de bibliografia sobre a temática específica dos arquivos associativos, optamos pela analogia com os Arquivos Municipais, como forma de identificar o estado da arte e as políticas a este nível arquivístico. O estudo dos casos concretos enunciados, e consequente criação de um Plano de Classificação, e de um Inventário específico para cada um dos casos em análise, são o objecto da presente investigação, pretendendo contemplar a perspectiva prática do Tratamento dos Arquivos Associativos. Avaliamos o paradigma das agremiações náuticas de modo a construir um modelo válido para futuras classificações de fundos similares ou congéneres se encontrem por organizar nos locais onde se conservam os repectivos documentos de Arquivo, de modo a enriquecer a História do Associativismo e do meio em que estes se inserem, bem como para contribuir para o desenvolvimento do estudo arquivístico aplicado a este tipo de arquivos. Quando outras fontes não subsistem para contar a história de uma Vila, Cidade ou Região, os Fundos dos Arquivos Associativos, podem revelar-se fontes preciosas para o Conhecimento ou enriquecimento da História Local, dos seus lugares, e das suas gentes. Considera-se que este estudo poderá contribuir para o conhecimento da longa vida e do enquadramento local das instituições em análise, mas também para uma eventual aplicação mais ampla a outras instituições congéneres, nacionais e internacionais que têm igual perfil e idênticas necessidades de tratamento arquivístico dos seus fundos.