967 resultados para Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879.


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Foi levantada a prevalência de "I. felis" (24,0%), de "I. rivolta" (14,4%) e de infecções mistas (15,2%) em 125 gatos da Guanabara e do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foi estudado o ciclo endógeno desses coccídios no epitélio intestinal. A "I. felis" se caracteriza pelo seu maior tamanho e pelo maior número de merozoítos e microgametos; e a "I. rivolta" por evoluir freqüentemente junto à lâmina própria, e quando isto não acontece, pelo seu menor tamanho em relação a "I. felis". Não foi conseguida a infecção de 3 cães desmamados e 4 recém-nascidos com as Isospora do gato. De 20 gatos com isosporose, apenas 2 deram reação de Sabin-Feldman positiva (1:16 e 1:64 respectivamente).


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Discute-se a validade de dois nomes propostos para o mesmo complexo genérico, ficando estabelecida a prioridade de Ischnoplas Dall, 1879.


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Com o intuito de elucidar a cosntituição da genitália masculina e criar novos parâmetros para serem usados em taxionomia, estudamos Limnogonus aduncus Drake & Harris, 1932 - Gerrinae e Halobatopsis platensis (Berg, 1879) - Trepobatinae, evidenciamenos 11 estruturas no falo e comprovamos uma nítida separação entre estas duas subfamílias, não só pela disposição como também pela forma do aparelho articular, vesica, falosoma, suporte do falosoma, conjuntiva e parâmetros.


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La recerca es centra en l'™obra de divulgació cientí­fica d'™Antoni Bergnes de las Casas al llarg del segle XIX a Barcelona. En les obres i revistes que publicà destaca la difusió de noves concepcions en la història natural. En elles es divulga la teoria evolucionista de Lamarck i d'altres models evolutius similars, però que defensen la intervenció divina en el procés. Aquests fets posen de manifest la presència de teories evolutives a Catalunya i a Espanya en la primera meitat del segle XIX, i de la teoria evolucionista de Lamarck a principi dels anys seixanta del segle.


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In order to stablish new taxonomic characters for the genus Opisthcidius a detailed comparative study of the male external genitalia was performed in O. rubropictus (H. Shaeffer, 1848), the type species, and O. pertinax (Breddin, 1903), mantioned as predators of triatomines. The most representative phallic structures were: the median process of pygophore, the phallosoma struts and the vesica process.


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OBJECTIVE: Cx40 is a gap junction protein important for cell-cell communication in the endothelium. Polymorphisms in the promoter region of the human Cx40 gene, -44G>A and +71A>G, were shown to reduce Cx40 transcription by half. As mice with an endothelial-specific deletion of Cx40 are more susceptible to atherosclerosis, this study was designed to discover a correlation between these polymorphisms and atherosclerosis in European populations.¦METHODS AND RESULTS: 803 patients referred to the Geneva University Hospitals for elective coronary angiography were divided according to the number of significantly stenosed vessels (from 0 to 3) and were genotyped for the Cx40 polymorphisms. Genotype distribution in the control group was -44GG/+71AA=59.8%, -44AG/+71AG=35.1% and -44AA/+71GG=5.2%. Surprisingly, this distribution was similar in the CAD group, with -44GG/+71AA=58.5%, -44AG/+71AG=37.6% and -44AA/+71GG=3.8% (p=0.67). Moreover, no significant association between histological carotid plaque composition of culprit lesions and Cx40 polymorphisms could be detected in 583 Dutch patients of the Athero-Express study.¦CONCLUSIONS: Despite a clear antiatherogenic role of Cx40 in mice, our study could not detect an association of Cx40 promoter polymorphisms and CAD in human. Moreover, a correlation with atherosclerotic plaque stability or hypertension could not be demonstrated either. Connexin polymorphisms affecting channel function may be of greater importance for cardiovascular disease than polymorphisms affecting the expression level of the protein.


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McCaughan's pharmacy in this project will work with Rural Support to address the needs of farmers, identify causes of stress, improve their ability to manage stress and increase their access to services available to them. Infomation events will be held at the local mart and the pharmacist will be on hand to offer 1-1 support and signposting. An aspect of this project is to train up mart staff so to make it sustainable on a longer term basis.