329 resultados para Maura


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Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and mammals. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the most common TSE in humans, can be sporadic (sCJD), genetic (gCJD), or acquired by infection. All TSEs are characterised by the accumulation of PrPSc, a misfolded form of the cellular protein PrPC. PrPSc is insoluble in detergents, partially resistant to proteolysis and shows a highly enriched β-sheet secondary structure. Six clinico-pathological phenotypes of sCJD have been characterized which correlate at the molecular level with two types (1 or 2) of PrPSc with distinctive physicochemical properties and the genotype at the polymorphic (methionine or valine) codon 129 of the prion protein gene. According to the protein-only hypothesis, which postulates that prions are composed exclusively of PrPSc, the strains of prions that are largely responsible for the wide spectrum of TSE phenotypes are enciphered in PrPSc conformation. In support to this view, studies mainly conducted in experimental scrapie, have shown that several prion strains can be identified based on distinguishing PrPSc biochemical properties. To further contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of strains and to develop more sensitive strain typing assays in humans we have analyzed PrPSc biochemical properties in two experimental setting. In the first we compared the size of the core after protease digestion and the glycoform pattern of PrPSc before and after transmission of human prions to non human primates or bank voles, whereas in the second we analyzed the conformational stability of PrPSc associated with sCJD, vCJD or fCJD using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) as denaturant. Combining the results of the two studies, we were able to distinguish five human strains for at least one biochemical property. The present data extend our knowledge about the extent of strain variation and its relationship with PrPSc properties in human TSEs.


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The survey approachs the issue of health and the problem of its effective protection in a context of deprivation of liberty and coercion, which is the prison. The theoretical reflection born from the reform of the Legislative Decree 230/99 which marked the transition from an employee by the Prison Health within prison a fully integrated in the National Health Service. The comparison between an institution of health promotion and institution of punishment which may operate on the same subject held produces multiple attrits, making their relationship problematic. The work shows the daily difficulties in the management of prison health within the institution, physician-patient between different health care roles, and between the latter and prison workers. The coexistence, in fact, is not always harmonious though quite often it is common sense and the willingness of operators to reduce barriers: overcrowding, limited resources and insufficient staff make the application of the rule and therefore the right to goal a difficult to be pursued. It is designed for a scheme of semi-structured interview essay is divided into 3 sections covering: "staff and its functions", "health reform" and "health of the prisoner"; questions were directed to doctors, nurses and psychologists engaged inside the prison of Rimini with the specific aim of examining the ambivalent relationship between the demand for health care in prisons and the need for security and a clear - albeit partial - point of view. We tried to reconstruct the situation of prison health care through the perception of prison operators, capturing the problematic issues that deal on both issues is instrumental to the experience of persons detained by analyzing, in terms of operators , what happens inside of a prison institution in everyday health care.


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Abstract Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal abnormality (total or partial absence of one of the sexual chromosomes in some or all cells of the body), which affects approximately 1:2000 female. Principal characteristics are short stature and gonadal disgenesis. Clinical management consist of Growth Hormone (GH) treatment and oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT), to induce development of secondary characteristics and to avoid the sequelae of oestrogen deficiency. Aim of the study: To assess clinical management, quality of life (QoL) and general psychosocial adjustment of women with TS. Population: 70 adult Caucasian females with TS (mean age: 27.8, ± 7.6; range 18-48 y.). Setting: Specialist service for Rare Disease care, University Hospital. Methods: Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires collecting ASR, WHOQOL, and 8 open questions. Data were compared with those of the Italian population or to those collected in a comparison group (70 healthy females, mean age: 27.9, ±7.3, range 21-48 y.). Results: Women with TS are educated as well as the Italian Population, but they have a less successful professional life. They show good QoL in general, but they appeared less satisfied in social area. They had statistically higher scores than the comparison group for depression, anxiety and withdrawal. Are less involved in a love relationship. Diagnosis communication was mostly performed by doctors or parents, satisfaction was higher when information was given by parents. Main preoccupation about TS are infertility, feeling of being different and future health problem. Conclusions: Italian people with TS were generally well adapted and have a good QoL, but lived more often with parents and show impaired sentimental and sexual life. They have higher degree of psychological distress compared to a comparison group. Psychological intervention should firstly address parents in order to encourage an open communication on diagnosis issues and on sexual education.


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Il Genius Loci, affrontato nelle sue caratteristiche e analizzato tra la perdita e la riscoperta del luogo, è il filo conduttore per la rilettura di un percorso, che si snoda attraverso le esperienze didattiche progettuali maturate durante il corso di studi. L’analisi del concetto di luogo avviene secondo la lettura data dagli architetti che in particolare ne hanno promosso il confronto, Aldo Rossi e Christian Norberg-Schulz, nella loro interpretazione volta alla riscoperta della memoria del luogo e dell’identificazione con esso. Se da una parte c’è una valutazione della sedimentazione storica, individuata come memoria imprescindibile; dall’altra c’è un apprezzamento delle caratteristiche intrinseche del sito, che ne costituiscono la sua identità. Il confronto con alcuni scritti di Umberto Cao e Franco Purini ha permesso di concludere un lungo discorso, riallacciandolo al dibattito culturale che aveva suscitato. Per avvicinarci a questo concetto di rispetto del luogo e alla sua valorizzazione si sono presentati due progetti, che ne rappresentano da una parte la piena realizzazione e dall’altra il fallimento e questi sono il Centro culturale Jean-Marie Tjibaou a Nouméa in Nuova Caledonia di Renzo Piano ed il progetto Nexus di un complesso di abitazioni a Fukuoka, in Giappone, coordinato da Arata Isozaky. I progetti maturati durante le esperienze didattiche e presentati per un confronto sul tema sono: Un giardino in forma di teatro, progettato per il quadrilatero di Cervia, con la professoressa Maura Savini; Tre edifici per uffici e pubblici esercizi, realizzati all’interno di un intervento di gruppo più ampio, sulla Vena Mazzarini, a Cesenatico, affrontati con il professor Jose’ Charters Monteiro; un Edificio per il rilevamento delle acque, in prossimità di Kleve, in Germania, realizzato durante il periodo Erasmus, svoltosi presso la Fachhochschule di Colonia, con il professor Hannes Hermanns.


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Il lavoro compiuto porta in evidenza un tema di grande attualità per il progetto urbano e promuove la ricerca tipologica e figurativa volta a interpretare il luogo tramite l’analisi dei caratteri, tessuti, giaciture per capirne le criticità e da queste partire, non con la pretesa di una capacità risolutiva assoluta dell’intera gamma dei problemi che lo sviluppo del territorio pone, ma come occasione per dare un assetto ordinato a una parte di città e con l’intento di mettersi a disposizione e al servizio della città stessa, costruita e attuata come accumulo indifferenziato di manufatti privo di un qualsiasi disegno generale che lo regoli. L’idea guida del progetto è stata la scelta di rivalutare, anche dal punto di vista espositivo, il carattere di museo-laboratorio proprio dell’Accademia, così da ridefinire il suo ruolo didattico. Tra la necessità di salvaguardare il carattere di Brera come Istituzione e il bisogno di trovare una collocazione più adatta alla didattica attraverso il trasferimento degli spazi dell’Accademia nel Comprensorio delle ex caserme XXIV Maggio, Carroccio, Magenta.


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Riscrivere la storia di un luogo urbano, risolverlo sviluppando un sistema progettuale complesso, rende necessario cogliere le caratteristiche stesse del luogo, individuare le possibilità e le potenzialità strutturali che lo spazio offre e svelare rapporti talvolta sottesi. Il progetto ha origine dalle necessità e da esse trae forza: l’architettura ideata deriva direttamente dal confronto tra il luogo, la sua storia e le sue trasformazioni, e gli esempi, le architetture che conosciamo, quelle costruite e quelle soltanto disegnate. La risoluzione della Caserma Mameli, la restituzione del suo spazio alla grande città, l’auspicabile creazione di un nuovo nucleo di riferimento per la zona Milano Nord, porta a riflettere sull’importanza del riutilizzo urbano al fine di ottenere nuove unioni e sinergie all’interno del complesso schema della città del XXI secolo. La città contemporanea, in continua trasformazione, vive un’epoca di profondi cambiamenti: si intende progettare e pensare la città in maniera sostenibile, limitando l’impatto della nuova costruzione, favorendo il riutilizzo, urbano ed umano, sviluppando reti sempre più estese per la mobilità collettiva e cercando di limitare quanto più possibile la mera speculazione.


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Questa ricerca mira ad indagare le immagini possibili di una città, nello specifico Rimini, sperimentando un sistema insediativo in cui l'elemento verde e le relazioni sociali e funzionali sono stati elementi fondamentali nella progettazione. L'area di intervento è la stazione di Rimini, per cui si è proposta una riqualificazione urbana capace di innescare flussi e capacità attrattiva, grazie alla scelta di inserire edifici di carattere pubblico, quali un museo, l'accademia delle belle arti, servizi agli universitari, un hotel e del terziario. Le residenze sono immerse nel parco, per godere di un rapporto privilegiato con l'elemento natura. Il lavoro è partito da un'analisi delle caratteristiche di Rimini, la sua forte vocazione turistica e le sue componenti culturali, cercando di rappresentare al meglio gli aspetti e i valori della città.


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Il disegno del verde acquisisce un ruolo imprescindibile nell’intera area soggetta a studio. Se in prossimità delle zone edificate di progetto esso assume una dialettica propria, derivata dallo studio dei tracciati urbani sopra citati, in adiacenza di Via Carlo Tosi, prospiciente all’ospedale San Carlo, va ad assumere un carattere affine alla griglia ortogonale sopra descritta, rispondendo non più alle giaciture del costruito esistente ma all’inclinazione dei campi risalenti al 1878, epoca a cui corrisponde la carta di Manovra.


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Intervenire su un sistema urbano che si fa portatore di storia e tradizioni complesse, nel tentativo di addurvi una risoluzione attraverso la costruzione logica del luogo, comporta l’imparare a leggere tra le sfumature di quei fatti da cui, quel luogo, è stato plasmato. Fatti passati o attuali, le cui potenzialità, forma e struttura offrono delle modalità di comprendere lo spazio della città, fissando gli eventi che hanno segnato le sue vicende architettoniche. L’atto progettuale trae origine dalla volontà di assolvere a necessità e bisogni espressi dalla città, pensando la vicenda architettonica come un momento di riflessione, cercando un equilibrio nella dinamica urbana tra la città in continua evoluzione ed il sistema progettuale fissato.


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Il ragionamento condotto su Milano è partito dalla considerazione del rapporto architettura natura oltre alla considerazione dei tracciati principali aventi carattere strutturante. Il primo atto dell’architettura è la distribuzione pieno-vuoto.Questo significa guardare alla planimetria e rappresenta una scelta forte rispetto all’architettura contemporanea, la quale, spesso, si basa sull’immagine, quindi sulla facciata.L’attenzione è stata posta non alla facciata, ma all’architettura in profondità, riconosciuta nella città storica. Il processo razionale svolto ha portato all’articolazione delle varie parti, progettando edifici che, assieme a quelli esistenti, danno unitarietà all’impianto generale tentando una semplificazione formale attraverso la successione di volumi nuovi ed esistenti. Il procedimento condotto per la redazione del progetto ha seguito una successione razionale, non cercando direttamente l’immagine di una forma voluta, ma una successione di spazi, pieni e vuoti, in rapporto tra loro. Solo in un secondo momento si sono individuati, nella storia, i riferimenti di progetto. Il procedimento seguito, quindi, è stato influenzato, sia dall’architettura dell’illuminismo, sia dall’architettura neoclassica milanese. Lo stesso Bonicalzi chiarisce come l’attenzione non andrebbe posta agli aspetti estetici, ma agli aspetti logici dell’architettura. In questo progetto si è tentato di fare questo.


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Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an uncommon benign condition that is occasionally associated with air within the spinal canal. We describe a further case in a 14-year-old girl and suggest a classification system based on a detailed review of the previous literature. Forty-eight patients with spontaneous pneumomediastinum and intraspinal air accumulation (36 men and 12 women, age range 4-72 years, median age 18 years) were grouped into those with underlying lung disease (n = 13), those with other underlying etiologic factors (n = 22), and those arising spontaneously (n = 13). Neurologic symptoms or signs were noted in one case. The remaining cases were successfully managed conservatively. In spontaneous pneumomediastinum, accumulation of air within the spinal canal is self-limiting and benign. The same management is advised in spontaneous pneumomediastinum with and without intraspinal air accumulation.


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Adrenocortical tumors are rare in children and present with variable signs depending on the type of hormone excess. We herein describe the unusual presentation of a child with adrenocortical tumor and introduce the concept of in vitro chemosensitivity testing. CASE REPORT: A 10.5-year-old girl presented with hypertrichosis/hirsutism and weight loss. The weight loss and behavioral problems, associated with halted puberty and growth, led to the initial diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. However, subsequent weight gain but persisting arrest in growth and puberty and the appearance of central fat distribution prompted further evaluation. RESULTS AND FOLLOW-UP: 24h-urine free cortisol was elevated. Morning plasma ACTH was undetectable, while cortisol was elevated and circadian rhythmicity was absent. Thus a hormonally active adrenal cortical tumor (ACT) was suspected. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a unilateral, encapsulated tumor was found which was subsequently removed surgically. Tissue was investigated histologically and for chemosensitivity in primary cell cultures. Although there were some risk factors for malignancy, the tumor was found to be a typical adenoma. Despite this histology, tumor cells survived in culture and were sensitive to cisplatin in combination with gemcitabine or paclitaxel. At surgery, the patient was started on hydrocortisone replacement which was unsuccessfully tapered over 3 months. Full recovery of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis occurred only after 3 years. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of a hormonally active adrenocortical tumor is often delayed because of atypical presentation. Cortisol replacement following unilateral tumor excision is mandatory and may be required for months or years. Individualized chemosensitivity studies carried out on primary cultures established from the tumor tissue itself may provide a tool in evaluating the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs in the event that the adrenocortical tumor may prove to be carcinoma.


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Background Increasing attention is being paid to improvement in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education through increased adoption of research-based instructional strategies (RBIS), but high-quality measures of faculty instructional practice do not exist to monitor progress. Purpose/Hypothesis The measure of how well an implemented intervention follows the original is called fidelity of implementation. This theory was used to address the research questions: What is the fidelity of implementation of selected RBIS in engineering science courses? That is, how closely does engineering science classroom practice reflect the intentions of the original developers? Do the critical components that characterize an RBIS discriminate between engineering science faculty members who claimed use of the RBIS and those who did not? Design/Method A survey of 387 U.S. faculty teaching engineering science courses (e.g., statics, circuits, thermodynamics) included questions about class time spent on 16 critical components and use of 11 corresponding RBIS. Fidelity was quantified as the percentage of RBIS users who also spent time on corresponding critical components. Discrimination between users and nonusers was tested using chi square. Results Overall fidelity of the 11 RBIS ranged from 11% to 80% of users spending time on all required components. Fidelity was highest for RBIS with one required component: case-based teaching, just-in-time teaching, and inquiry learning. Thirteen of 16 critical components discriminated between users and nonusers for all RBIS to which they were mapped. Conclusions Results were consistent with initial mapping of critical components to RBIS. Fidelity of implementation is a potentially useful framework for future work in STEM undergraduate education.


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Many research-based instruction strategies (RBISs) have been developed; their superior efficacy with respect to student learning has been demonstrated in many studies. Collecting and interpreting evidence about: 1) the extent to which electrical and computer engineering (ECE) faculty members are using RBISs in core, required engineering science courses, and 2) concerns that they express about using them, are important aspects of understanding how engineering education is evolving. The authors surveyed ECE faculty members, asking about their awareness and use of selected RBISs. The survey also asked what concerns ECE faculty members had about using RBISs. Respondent data showed that awareness of RBISs was very high, but estimates of use of RBISs, based on survey data, varied from 10% to 70%, depending on characteristics of the strategy. The most significant concern was the amount of class time that using an RBIS might take; efforts to increase use of RBISs must address this.


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This study explored how academics' beliefs about teaching and learning influenced their teaching in engineering science courses typically taught in the second or third year of 4-year engineering undergraduate degrees. Data were collected via a national survey of 166 U. S. statics instructors and interviews at two different institutions with 17 instructors of engineering science courses such as thermodynamics, circuits and statics. The study identified a number of common beliefs about how to best support student learning of these topics; each is discussed in relation to the literature about student development and learning. Specific recommendations are given for educational developers to encourage use of research-based instructional strategies in these courses.