365 resultados para Martens
We estimated the relative contribution of atmospheric Nitrogen (N) input (wet and dry deposition and N fixation) to the epipelagic food web by measuring N isotopes of different functional groups of epipelagic zooplankton along 23°W (17°N-4°S) and 18°N (20-24°W) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Results were related to water column observations of nutrient distribution and vertical diffusive flux as well as colony abundance of Trichodesmium obtained with an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5). The thickness and depth of the nitracline and phosphocline proved to be significant predictors of zooplankton stable N isotope values. Atmospheric N input was highest (61% of total N) in the strongly stratified and oligotrophic region between 3 and 7°N, which featured very high depth-integrated Trichodesmium abundance (up to 9.4×104 colonies m-2), strong thermohaline stratification and low zooplankton delta15N (~2 per mil). Relative atmospheric N input was lowest south of the equatorial upwelling between 3 and 5°S (27%). Values in the Guinea Dome region and north of Cape Verde ranged between 45 and 50%, respectively. The microstructure-derived estimate of the vertical diffusive N flux in the equatorial region was about one order of magnitude higher than in any other area (approximately 8 mmol m-2 d 1). At the same time, this region received considerable atmospheric N input (35% of total). In general, zooplankton delta15N and Trichodesmium abundance were closely correlated, indicating that N fixation is the major source of atmospheric N input. Although Trichodesmium is not the only N fixing organism, its abundance can be used with high confidence to estimate the relative atmospheric N input in the tropical Atlantic (r2 = 0.95). Estimates of absolute N fixation rates are two- to tenfold higher than incubation-derived rates reported for the same regions. Our approach integrates over large spatial and temporal scales and also quantifies fixed N released as dissolved inorganic and organic N. In a global analysis, it may thus help to close the gap in oceanic N budgets.
Apart from providing semantics and reasoning power to data, ontologies enable and facilitate interoperability across heterogeneous systems or environments. A good practice when developing ontologies is to reuse as much knowledge as possible in order to increase interoperability by reducing heterogeneity across models and to reduce development effort. Ontology registries, indexes and catalogues facilitate the task of finding, exploring and reusing ontologies by collecting them from different sources. This paper presents an ontology catalogue for the smart cities and related domains. This catalogue is based on curated metadata and incorporates ontology evaluation features. Such catalogue represents the first approach within this community and it would be highly useful for new ontology developments or for describing and annotating existing ontologies.
The analysis addresses the issue of transport equity and explores three different approaches to equity in transport: utilitarianism, sufficientarianism and prioritarianism. Each approach calls for a different treatment of the benefits reaped by different population groups in the assessment of transport investments or policies. In utilitarianism, which underlies much of the current practice of transport project appraisal, all benefits receive the same weight, irrespective of the recipient of the benefits. In both sufficientarianism and prioritarianism, benefits are weighed in distinct ways, depending on the characteristics of the recipients. The three approaches are illustrated using a fictive case study, in which three different transport investment are assessed and compared to each other. Finally, the assessment of transport investments will be explored using the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). The CEA assesses the distributional effects of transport investments for utilitarism, sufficientarism and prioritarism approaches and addresses distinct needs associated with different population groups in respect to their transport
The ultra-long telomeres that have been observed in mice are not in accordance with the concept that critical telomere shortening is related to aging and immortalization. Here, we have used quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization to estimate (T2AG3)n lengths of individual telomeres in various mouse strains. Telomere lengths were very heterogeneous, but specific chromosomes of bone marrow cells and skin fibroblasts from individual mice had similar telomere lengths. We estimate that the shortest telomeres are around 10 kb in length, indicating that each mouse cell has a few telomeres with (T2AG3)n lengths within the range of human telomeres. These short telomeres may be critical in limiting the replicative potential of murine cells.
Los videojuegos permiten enseñar contenidos y destrezas de forma eficiente, posibilitando un aprendizaje duradero (Rama et al., 2012), y aumentan la motivación y la implicación del alumnado (Martens et al., 2004). En esta línea, el presente estudio pretende medir tanto el grado de satisfacción de dos grupos de estudiantes de L2 de la Universidad de Alicante con respecto a la adquisición de terminología especializada por medio de un videojuego como la percepción sobre el propio grado de aprendizaje. Tras un periodo de práctica, se ha medido y analizado tanto el grado de aprendizaje alcanzado como la satisfacción con la herramienta empleada y, muy especialmente, las diferencias en el grado de aprendizaje percibido por cada uno de estos grupos.
From the Executive Summary. The European Union’s enlargement to the Balkans seems to be running on autopilot since Croatia’s accession in 2013 and amidst the on-going crisis. While the region still has a clear European perspective, progress on the dossier has been marred not just by outstanding challenges in individual Balkan countries but often also by hurdles which develop within the Union – more specifically in the member states. While the EU’s internal procedures for handling enlargement have always been intergovernmental in nature, the frequency of incursions and opportunities for the member states to interfere and derail the process has increased over the past years, suggesting a so-called ‘nationalisation’ of enlargement. In 17 case studies and two theoretical chapters, this Issue Paper investigates whether the dossier has shifted more under the control of the member states, and looks at the kind of considerations and potential ‘roadblocks’ that influence the positions of key national actors on enlargement.
It is widely accepted that a new way of looking at Europe’s health sector is necessary if we are to maintain universal health coverage. Financial resources are limited, and the sustainability of Europe’s health systems is under threat. Economic growth is slow, health expenditures outpace GDP growth, public budgets are under strain and demographics – with a growing aging population – are putting pressure on the younger tax-paying generations. In an effort to ensure the sustainability of Europe’s health systems, reforms, underpinned by a new understanding of the economic value of health for individuals and society is needed.
Back Row: Scott Wolfe, Phil Bromley, Bob Chmiel, Cam Cameron, Les Miles, Tirrel Burton, Jerry Hanlon, Gary Moeller, Lloyd Carr, Tom Reed, Bill Harris, Bobby Morrison, Jim Herrmann, Mike Gittleson, Jon Falk, Russ Miller, John Heacock, Kevin Kolcheff, Mike Dietzel
7th Row: Brian Schrag, Dave Herrick, Jeff Tack, Pete Elezovic, Mike Maloney, Terry Looby, Brian Foster, Ron Buff, Robert Harbour, Greg Lobdell*, Joshua Wuerfel, Jim Plocki, Mike Dillon, Paul Schmidt, Bob Bland, Mike Vollmer
6th Row: Chris Stapleton, Derrick Alexander, Alfie Burch, Marc Milia, Steve Rekowski, Marc Burkholder, Eric Graves, Ninef Aghakhan, Troy Plate, Mike Lewis, Sylvester Stanley, Todd Martens, Tony McGee, Burnie Legette, Mike Nadlicki, Doug Musgrave, Dave Dobreff, Joe Barry, William Steuk
5th Row: Desmond Howard, Jon Vaughn, Dwayne Ware, Corwin Brown, Pat Maloney, Paul Manning, Randy Stark, Brian Wallace, John Albertson, Kevin Hedding, Curt Mallory, Eduardo Azcona, Doug Cohen, John Ellison, Coleman Wallace, Livetius Johnson, Dennis Washington
4th Row: Alozie Okezie*, Ra-Mon Watkins, Leon Morton, Dave Caputo, Steve Everitt, Elvis Grbac, Doug Skene, Rob Doherty, Joe Cocozzo, Martin Davis, Chris Hutchinson, Eric Knuth, Barry Kelley, Bill Schaffer, John Woodlock, Bill Madden*, Shawn Watson, Eric Traupe, Yale VanDyne
3rd Row: J.D. Carlson, Kevin Owen, Lance Dottin, Matt McCoy, Neil Simpson, Matt Elliott, Brian Townsend, Dave Diebolt, Greg Skrepenak, Alex Marshall, Dan Jokisch, Mike Evans, Dave Ritter, Ron Zielinski, Otis Williams, Steve Zacharias, Dave Knight, Chris Bohn, Eric Bush
2nd Row: Dean Dingman, Scott Smykowski, Marc Spencer, Warde Manuel, Mike Teeter, Tom Dohring, Brent White, Derrick Walker, Bobby Abrams, Greg McMurtry, J.J. Grant, Jarrod Bunch, T.J. Osman, Marc Ramirez, John Milligan, Tim Williams, Doug Daugherty, Trey Walker, Erick Anderson
Front Row: Gulam Khan, Curtis Feaster, Tony Boles, Vada Murray, David Key, Tripp Welbourne, Chris Calloway, Michael Taylor, Allen Jefferson, Leroy Hoard, Todd Plate, Rusty Fichtner, Ken Sollom
* = left the team
Back Row: Ed Whited, Paul Schmidt, Phil Bromley, Jeff Long, Bob Chmiel, TJ Weist, Jim Hermann, Bobby Morrison, Tirrel Burton, Lloyd Carr, Jerry Hanlon, Tom Reed, Bill Harris, Cam Cameron, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Jon Falk, Russ Miller, Lee Taggert
7th Row: Roger Mastrontonio, Ken Mouton, Kevin Keenan, Jeff Watson, Jim Plocki, Chris Smith, Bob Bland, Paul Brown, Marvin Jennings, Marc Elliott, Sergio Gasperoni, Justin Carlson, Mike Vollmar, Mike Dietzel, Daryl Bullock, David Robinson, Mike Bossary, Irv Sigler, Matt McCoy
6th Row: Joshua Wuerfel, Pete Elezovic, Shawn Miller, Charlie Stumb, Walter Smith, Jason Kendrick, Deon Johnson, Steve Morrison, Bobby Powers, Greg McThomas, Gordon Laro, Gannon Dudlar, Jesse Johnson, Marcus Walker, Tony Henderson, Allen Woodard, Dave Henkel, Julian Sweringin, Eric Lovell
5th Row: Ken Spencer, Matt Brady, Brian Foster, Mike Lyons, Terry Looby, Joe Barry, Mike Lewis, Juan Kemp, Todd Collins, Ricky Powers, Nate Holdren, Matt Dyson, John Jaeckin, Doug Musgrave, Troy Plate, Mike Nadlicki, Joel Blankenship, Bill Steuk, Ron Buff
4th Row: Barry Kelley, Cole Wallace, Eduardo Azcona, Michael Maloney, Dennis Washington, Steve Rekowski, Dave Dobreff, Tony McGee, Derrick Alexander, Sylvester Stanley, Chris Stapleton, Marc Burkholder, Marc Milia, Alfie Burch, Eric Graves, Ninef Aghakhan, Todd Martens, John Albertson
3rd Row: John Ellison, Paul Manning, Brian Wallace, Martin Davis, Corwin Brown, Dwayne Ware, Desmond Howard, Chris Hutchinson, Elvis Grbac, Steve Everitt, Joe Cocozzo, Rob Doherty, Joe Vaughn, Doug Skene, Livetius Johnson, Erik Knuth, John Woodlock, Bill Schaffer
2nd Row: Curt Mallory, Leon Morton, Ron Zielinski, Neil Simpson, TJ Osman, Matt Elliott, Erick Anderson, Greg Skrepenak, John Milligan, Dean Dingman, Tom Dohring, Mike Evans, Alex Marshall, Dave Diebolt, Brian Townsend, Randy Stark, Kevin Owen, Shawn Watson
Front Row: Eric Traupe, Dan Jokisch, Chris Bohn, Pat Maloney, Yale VanDyne, Allen Jefferson, JD Carlson, David Key, Vada Murray, Jarrod Bunch, Tripp Welborn, Lance Dottin, Todd Plate, Otis Williams, Dave Ritter, Ken Sollom, Eric Bush, Gary Moeller
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