997 resultados para Marschner, Heinrich, 1795-1861.


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The juvenile development of the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861 was studied under laboratory conditions, focusing on setae morphology. The ovigerous females were collected manually associated with water hyacinth at the Municipal Dam of Sao Jose do Rio Preto (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The specimens were raised in the laboratory under constant aeration, photoperiod (12: 12 h) and temperature (27 +/- 1 degrees C). Twelve juvenile stages were obtained with descriptions of the main morphological characters that allow their identification are presented. Fourteen types of setae were discovered: dentate, denticulate, serrulate, papposerrate, cuspidate, plumose, plumodenticulate, plumoserrulate, simple, pappose, brush, curved, nail and setules. The greatest diversity of setae was found on the mouth appendages, especially the maxillule. The gill ontogeny and sexual dimorphism becomes apparent from the second juvenile stage onwards. At the third juvenile stage, the carapace begins to exhibit a wider shape, becoming similar to that of the adults.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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1. 1. Total hemolysates of Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795 captured at four different sites in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, showed two different hemoglobin phenotypes when submitted to agar-starch gel electrophoresis on glass slides in basic buffer. 2. 2. Phenotype I was characterized by 3 hemoglobin bands. When the total hemolysate was submitted to cellulose acetate electrophoresis in basic buffer containing 6 M urea and β-mercaptoethanol, Phenotype I showed four globins of the α 1, α 2, β and γ types, with 11.9 ± 1.9 g% total hemoglobin, 45.3 ± 3.6% globular volume, and 26.8 ± 4.4% mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). 3. 3. Phenotype II showed three groups of hemoglobins, with a total of up to 12 hemoglobin bands. When the total hemolysate was submitted to cellulose acetate electrophoresis in basic buffer containing 6 M urea and β-mercaptoethanol, phenotype II showed five types of globins, denoted types α 1, α 2, γ 1, γ 2 and β, having electrophoretic positions different from those of Phenotype I globins, with 18.1 ± 3.3% total hemoglobin, 47.9 ± 6.4% globular volume, and 37.8 ± 4.4% MCHC. 4. 4. The distribution of the specimens having the two hemoglobin phenotypes is associated with the different geomorphological provinces of the State of São Paulo, suggesting the existence of at least two populational groups of Synbranchus marmoratus. © 1986.


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1. 1. Total hemolysates of Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795, captured in Vitoriana, district of Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to agar-starch gel electrophoresis on glass slides using 42 mM-Tris 1.7 mM EDTA-6.1 mM borate buffer, pH 8.8, for the gel and 10 mM borate-1.7 mM NaOH buffer, pH 8.6, for the cuvette. 2. 2. Three distinct hemoglobin bands were detected, with Hb I being of the cathodic type. 3. 3. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis in 800 mM Tris-2.1 mM EDTA buffer, pH 8.9, containing 6 M urea and 2.25 mM β-mercaptoethanol indicated the presence of four globin chains denoted α 1, α 2, β and γ. 4. 4. It is suggested that the probable tetrameric constitution of the hemoglobin of Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795 is Hb I (α 2 2γ 2), Hb II (α 2 1γ 2) and Hb III (α 2 1β 2). © 1986.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ensino do Direito internacional nas arcadas – José Mendes foi professor ordinário da disciplina (1911-1918) – sua obra Direito internacional público – preleções (1913) completa cem anos de publicação.


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Famille de pasteurs, politiciens et entrepreneurs de Zofingue, attestée pour la première fois en 1527, lorsque leur aïeul Jean, tonnelier originaire de Nîmes, obtint la bourgeoisie de Zofingue. Michael (1521-1605), avoyer, l'un de ses cinq fils, est l'ancêtre de la branche des imprimeurs et éditeurs. Après lui, de nombreux R. consolidèrent durablement l'influence de la famille. A partir du XVIIIe s., divers membres firent des carrières politiques, tels Samuel (1706-1786), avoyer, et Rudolf Friedrich (1805-1886), président de la ville. Les R. furent aussi très liés à l'Eglise. Le fils de Michael, Moritz (1557-1615), fut pasteur et doyen à Zofingue. Jusqu'au XIXe s., la famille compta une trentaine d'ecclésiastiques, essentiellement des pasteurs officiant sur le territoire bernois, tels Johann Heinrich ( -> 3) et Michael ( -> 8). Les conseillers Beat (1712-1778) et Niklaus (1734-1766) furent les premiers R. actifs dans la production protoindustrielle de drap. D'autres négociants suivirent jusqu'au milieu du XIXe s. L'architecte Niklaus Emanuel (1744-1815) construisit l'hôtel de ville de Zofingue (1792-1795) de style baroque tardif. Johann Rudolf ( -> 4) se distingua sous la République helvétique (1798-1803). Samuel (1767-1826), conseiller municipal de Zofingue, créa les armoiries du canton d'Argovie en 1803. Les R. s'affirmèrent sur le plan cantonal avec Karl Ludwig ( -> 6), chancelier, et Arnold ( -> 1), conseiller d'Etat et plusieurs fois landamman, et sur le plan fédéral avec Johann Rudolf ( -> 5), conseiller national, et Gottlieb ( -> 2), conseiller aux Etats et chancelier de la Confédération. Johann Rudolf (1803-1874) fonda, en 1833, l'imprimerie Ringier à Zofingue, reprise par son fils Franz Emil (1837-1898). A partir de 1898, Paul August ( -> 9), représentant de la troisième génération d'imprimeurs, agrandit l'entreprise dont il fit la principale imprimerie et maison d'édition de Suisse. Cette expansion se poursuivit après 1960 sous son fils Hans (1906-2003). Avec les fils de celui-ci, Christoph (naissance1941, dans la firme jusqu'en 1991) et Michael (naissance1949), Ringier devint, à partir de 1985, une entreprise multinationale et multimédia. Bibliographie – F. Schoder, Ortsbürger von Zofingen, 1962 – P. Meier, T. Häussler, Zwischen Masse, Markt und Macht, 2009