545 resultados para Marins


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Despite increasing interest in long-distance migration, the wintering areas, migration corridors, and population mix in winter quarters of most pelagic marine predators are unknown. Here, we present the first study tracking migration movements of shearwaters through the non-breeding period. We used geolocators (global location sensing [GLS] units based on ambient light levels) to track 22 Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in three different areas. Most birds wintered in one or more of three relatively small areas, all clearly associated with major coastal upwelling systems of the tropical and south Atlantic. Trans-equatorial movements were dominated by prevailing trade winds and westerlies, while calm, oligotrophic areas were avoided. Breeding populations clearly differed in their preference amongst the three major wintering areas, but showed substantial mixing. This illustrates the exceptional value of GLS, not only for determining and describing the influence of oceanographic features on migration patterns, but also for assessing population mix in winter quarters. This knowledge is essential to understanding the impacts of population-level threats, such as longlining, offshore windfarms, and oil spills on multiple breeding sites, and will be critical in devising conservation policies that guarantee the sustainable exploitation of the oceans.


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We investigated trophic ecology variation among colonies as well as sex- and age-related differences in the diet of the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, a long-lived seabird that is sexually dimorphic in size. We measured stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) in blood samples collected during breeding at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica) in 1998 and at 2 colonies in the Argentinean area of Patagonia in 2000 and 2001. Individuals from South Georgia showed lower δ13C and δ15N values than those in Patagonia, as expected from the more pelagic location and the short length of the Antarctic food web. Males and females showed significant differences in the isotopic signatures at both localities. These differences agree with the sexual differences in diet found in previous studies, which showed that both sexes rely mainly on penguin and seal carrion, but females also feed extensively on marine prey, such as fish, squid and crustaceans. However, males from Patagonia showed significantly higher δ15N and δ13C values than females did, and the reverse trend was observed at South Georgia. This opposite trend is probably related to the different trophic level of carrion between locations: whereas penguins and pinnipeds in Patagonia rely mainly on fish and cephalopods, in South Georgia they rely mainly on krill. Stable isotope values of male and female chicks in Patagonia did not differ; both attained high values, similar to adult males and higher than adult females, suggesting that parents do not provision their single offspring differently in relation to sex; however, they seem to provide offspring with a higher proportion of carrion, probably of higher quality, and more abundant food, than they consume themselves. Stable isotopes at South Georgia were not affected by age of adults. We have provided new information on intraspecific segregation in the diet in a seabird species and have also underlined the importance of considering food web structure when studying intraspecific variability in trophic ecology.


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T-cell mediated immune response (CMI) hasbeen widely studied in relation to individual andfitness components in birds. However, few studieshave simultaneously examined individual and socialfactors and habitat-mediated variance in theimmunity of chicks and adults from the samepopulation and in the same breeding season. Weinvestigated ecological and physiological variancein CMI of male and female nestlings and adults in abreeding population of Cory's Shearwaters(Calonectrisdiomedea) in theMediterranean Sea. Explanatory variables includedindividual traits (body condition, carbon andnitrogen stable isotope ratios, plasma totalproteins, triglycerides, uric acid, osmolarity,β-hydroxy-butyrate, erythrocyte meancorpuscular diameter, hematocrit, andhemoglobin) and burrow traits(temperature, isolation, and physicalstructure). During incubation, immune responseof adult males was significantly greater than thatof females. Nestlings exhibited a lower immuneresponse than adults. Ecological and physiologicalfactors affecting immune response differed betweenadults and nestlings. General linear models showedthat immune response in adult males was positivelyassociated with burrow isolation, suggesting thatmales breeding at higher densities suffer immunesystem suppression. In contrast, immune response inchicks was positively associated with bodycondition and plasma triglyceride levels.Therefore, adult immune response appears to beassociated with social stress, whereas a trade-offbetween immune function and fasting capability mayexist for nestlings. Our results, and those fromprevious studies, provide support for anasymmetrical influence of ecological andphysiological factors on the health of differentage and sex groups within a population, and for theimportance of simultaneously considering individualand population characteristics in intraspecificstudies of immune response.


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We analyzed offspring sex ratio variation in Mediterranean Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris d. diomedea) during two consecutive breeding seasons in two colonies. We test for differential breeding conditions between years and colonies looking at several breeding parameters and parental condition. We then explored the relationship between offspring sex ratio and parental condition and breeding parameters. This species is sexually dimorphic with males larger and heavier than females; consequently we expected differential parental cost in rearing sexes, or a greater sensitivity of male chicks to adverse conditions, which may lead to biased sex ratios. Chicks were sexed molecularly by the amplification of the CHD genes. Offspring sex ratio did not differ from parity, either at hatching or fledging, regardless of the colony or year. However, parental body condition and breeding parameters such as egg size and breeding success were different between years and colonies. Nevertheless, neither nestling mortality nor body condition at fledging varied between years or colonies, suggesting that male and female chicks were probably not differentially affected by variability in breeding conditions.


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We analysed concentrations of cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium in blood from males and females of the 2 sibling species of giant petrels, the northern Macronectes halli and the southern M. giganteus, breeding sympatrically at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica). Blood samples were collected in 1998 during the incubation period, from 5 November to 10 December. Between species, cadmium and lead concentrations were significantly higher for northern than for southern giant petrels, which probably resulted from northern giant petrels wintering in more polluted areas (mainly on the Patagonian Shelf and Falkland Islands) compared to southern giant petrels (wintering mainly around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). Between sexes, cadmium concentrations were significantly higher for females than for males in both species, corresponding to the more pelagic habits of females compared to the more scavenging habits of males. Lead and cadmium concentrations in circulating blood decreased significantly over the incubation period, suggesting that when breeding at Bird Island, exposure to the source of pollution had ended, and these metals had been cleared from the blood and excreted, or rapidly transferred to other tissues. Association of lead and cadmium with a common source of pollution was further corroborated by a significant positive correlation between the levels of the 2 elements found. Mercury levels were similar between the species, but showed an opposite trend between sexes, with males showing higher levels than females in northern giant petrels, and the opposite was true in southern giant petrels, with no changes throughout incubation. Selenium levels were similar between sexes, but significantly greater for northern than for southern giant petrels. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the selenium levels over the incubation period in northern giant petrels. Age of adult birds did not affect metal concentrations. Coefficients of variation of metal levels were consistently lower for northern than for southern giant petrels, particularly for mercury, suggesting that the former species is more dietary specialised than the latter. Contaminant analyses, when combined with accurate information on seabird movements, obtained through geolocation or satellite tracking, help us to understand geographic variation of pollution in the marine environment.


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We studied the mercury contamination of 13 species of seabirds breeding on Bird Island, South Georgia, in 1998. Total mercury concentrations in body feather samples of birds caught at their breeding colonies were determined. Among the species, grey-headed albatross (8933 ng g-1) and southern giant petrel (7774 ng g-1) showed the highest, and gentoo penguin (948 ng g-1) the lowest body feather mercury concentrations. Mercury levels were negatively correlated with the proportion of crustaceans (mainly krill) in the species¹ diets, suggesting that the trophic level is the most important factor in explaining the variation of mercury concentrations in Antarctic seabirds. In 4 species studied for age effects among adult birds (grey-headed and black-browed albatross, northern and southern giant petrel), no age-dependent variation in mercury levels was found. Sex differences were also assessed: female gentoo penguins had lower mercury levels than males, which may be related to the elimination of part of the mercury body burden by females into eggs. In contrast, northern giant petrel males had lower levels than females, which may be related to a higher consumption by males of carrion from Antarctic fur seals. In grey-headed albatrosses, mercury levels were 113% higher than in 1989, when this species was investigated at the same site, indicating a possible increase in mercury pollution of the Southern Ocean during the last decade.


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T-cell mediated immune response (CMI) hasbeen widely studied in relation to individual andfitness components in birds. However, few studieshave simultaneously examined individual and socialfactors and habitat-mediated variance in theimmunity of chicks and adults from the samepopulation and in the same breeding season. Weinvestigated ecological and physiological variancein CMI of male and female nestlings and adults in abreeding population of Cory's Shearwaters(Calonectrisdiomedea) in theMediterranean Sea. Explanatory variables includedindividual traits (body condition, carbon andnitrogen stable isotope ratios, plasma totalproteins, triglycerides, uric acid, osmolarity,β-hydroxy-butyrate, erythrocyte meancorpuscular diameter, hematocrit, andhemoglobin) and burrow traits(temperature, isolation, and physicalstructure). During incubation, immune responseof adult males was significantly greater than thatof females. Nestlings exhibited a lower immuneresponse than adults. Ecological and physiologicalfactors affecting immune response differed betweenadults and nestlings. General linear models showedthat immune response in adult males was positivelyassociated with burrow isolation, suggesting thatmales breeding at higher densities suffer immunesystem suppression. In contrast, immune response inchicks was positively associated with bodycondition and plasma triglyceride levels.Therefore, adult immune response appears to beassociated with social stress, whereas a trade-offbetween immune function and fasting capability mayexist for nestlings. Our results, and those fromprevious studies, provide support for anasymmetrical influence of ecological andphysiological factors on the health of differentage and sex groups within a population, and for theimportance of simultaneously considering individualand population characteristics in intraspecificstudies of immune response.


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The marine alkaloid, Lamellarin D (Lam-D), has shown potent cytotoxicity in numerous cancer cell lines, and was recently identified as a potent topoisomerase I inhibitor. A library of open lactone analogs of Lam-D was prepared from a methyl 5,6-dihydropyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinoline-3- carboxylate scaffold (1) by introducing various aryl groups through sequential and regioselective bromination, followed by Pd(0)-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling chemistry. The compounds were obtained in a 24-44% overall yield, and tested in a panel of three human tumor cell lines, MDA-MB- 231 (breast), A-549 (lung), and HT-29 (colon), to evaluate their cytotoxic potential. From these data the SAR study concluded that more than 75% of the open-chain Lam-D analogs tested showed cytotoxicity in a low micromolar GI50 range.


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Kahalalide compounds are peptides that are isolated from a Hawaiian herbivorous marine species of mollusc, Elysia rufescens, and its diet, the green alga Bryopsis sp. Kahalalide F and its synthetic analogues are the most promising compounds of the Kahalalide family because they show anti-tumoral activity. Linear solid-phase syntheses of Kahalalide F have been reported. Here we describe several new improved synthetic routes based on convergent approaches with distinct orthogonal protection schemes for the preparation of Kahaladide analogues. These strategies allow a better control and characterization of the intermediates because more reactions are performed in solution. Five derivatives of Kahalalide F were synthesized using several convergent approaches.


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The first total synthesis of the indole alkaloids ()-aplicyanins A, B and E, plus seventeen analogs, all in racemic form is reported. Modifications to the parent compound included changing the number of bromine substituents on the indole, the groups on the indole nitrogen (H, Me or OMe), and/or the oxidation level of the heterocyclic core tetrahydropyrimidine. Each compound was screened against three human tumor cell lines, and fourteen of the newly synthesized compounds showed considerable cytotoxicity. The assay results were used to establish structure-activity relationships. These results suggest that the acetyl group moiety on the imine nitrogen, and the bromine at position 5 of the indole, are both critical to activity.


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The design and synthesis of Lamellarin D conjugates with a nuclear localization signal peptide and a poly(ethylene glycol)-based dendrimer are described. Conjugates 1-4 were obtained in 8-84% overall yields from the corresponding protected Lamellarin D. Conjugates 1 and 4 are 1.4 to 3.3-fold more cytotoxic than the parent compound against three human tumor cell lines(MDA-MB-231 breast, A-549 lung, and HT-29 colon). Besides, conjugates 3, 4 showed a decrease in activity potency in BJ skin fibroblasts, a normal cell culture. Cellular internalization was analyzed and nuclear distribution pattern was observed for 4, which contains a nuclear localization signalling sequence.


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The marine alkaloid, Lamellarin D (Lam-D), has shown potent cytotoxicity in numerous cancer cell lines, and was recently identified as a potent topoisomerase I inhibitor. A library of open lactone analogs of Lam-D was prepared from a methyl 5,6-dihydropyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinoline-3- carboxylate scaffold (1) by introducing various aryl groups through sequential and regioselective bromination, followed by Pd(0)-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling chemistry. The compounds were obtained in a 24-44% overall yield, and tested in a panel of three human tumor cell lines, MDA-MB- 231 (breast), A-549 (lung), and HT-29 (colon), to evaluate their cytotoxic potential. From these data the SAR study concluded that more than 75% of the open-chain Lam-D analogs tested showed cytotoxicity in a low micromolar GI50 range.


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Este trabajo se centra en el uso del lenguaje Python y la librería OpenCV de visión por computador para el seguimiento de crustáceos marinos en condiciones experimentales y determinar su comportamiento en un entorno social.


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Aquest Projecte Fi de Carrera consisteix en l’elaboració d’un projecte per poder realitzar la implantació d’un centre de repoblació de llamàntols del mediterrani i contribuir en el restabliment de l’equilibri de crustacis marins a la costa de Menorca. El centre de repoblació s’ubica en una piscifartoria de cria de llobarros i aurades actualment tancada a ‘Sa Caleta de Binillautí’ de Menorca. Es realitza la reforma pertinent de les instal·lacions i edificacions existent per adaptar-les al cultiu del llamàntol. El procés aqüícola consisteix en agafar llamàntols femella gràvides del medi, els ous s’eclosionen i s’obtenen les larves de llamàntol en condicions controlades. D’aquesta manera s’augmenta la taxa de supervivència de les larves. Aquestes es preengreixen en el viver i s’obtenen les postlarves d’últim estadi aptes per engreixar-les en les muscleres del port de Maó. Finalment aquestes postlarves o juvenils serveixen per repoblar la costa del mar de Menorca. Ha estat indispensable l’elaboració d’una memòria, uns annexes relacionats amb la memòria, el plec de condicions, uns plànols i un pressupost. Dins del projecte s’ha de destacar la importància de les particularitats del cultiu del llamàntol, les instal·lacions de subministrament d’aigua marina i l’estudi de viabilitat realitzat.


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Soitinnus: Kuoro, urut.