985 resultados para Mares - Doppler ultrasonography


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Teixint Cultures és un projecte de recerca-acció comunitari que intenta promoure des de I'educació d'adults, I'aprenentatge de la llengua catalana a partir dels recursos Iingüístics que les mares d'origen africà tenen en la seva llengua familiar. El programa atén a mares d'origen immigrat amb fills menors de tres anys no escolaritzats al seu càrrec (la majoria de les quals té altres fills en edat escolar que assisteixen a la tarda a la biblioteca per fer els deures escolars). Tot el projecte esta vehiculat a partir dels contes infantils. De fet, intenta recuperar els contes de tradició oral provinents del continent africà per posteriorment elaborar materials educatius bilingües (en català i en les seves llengües) que es puguin utilitzar com a llibres educatius de consulta, tant per les biblioteques públiques com pels centres educatius. El programa es realitza de forma setmanal, al llarg de dues hores, a la biblioteca pública infantil d'en Massagran de Salt. Les mares expliquen contes i llegendes rellevants de la seva infància en la seva llengua i, a partir de diferents activitats de narració, traducció i dramatització de les històries basades en una metodologia de a dual-language D, elaboren textos escrits i narracions orals en català i en la seva llengua. Posteriorment són les mateixes participants les que editen els contes a I'ordinador i elaboren digitalment un llibre de contes bilingüe. Les sessions s'han registrat en àudio i vídeo i hem estudiat el procés d'implementació del programa i les estratègies multilingües utilitzades per les participants, els educadors i voluntaris. Els resultats evidencien el progrés de les dones en I'aprenentatge del català, la modificació de les seves actituds lingüístiques i de la seva autoimatge, així com I ‘impacte positiu del programa a la comunitat pel que fa al reconeixement dels recursos lingüístics i culturals de les minories ètniques.


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OBJECTIVE: Ultrasounds are a useful tool when looking for indirect evidence in favor of pulmonary embolism. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of acute cor pulmonale and deep venous thrombosis revealed by ultrasonographic techniques in a population of patients presenting with pulmonary embolism. METHODS: 96 consecutive patients with a mean (+/- SD) age of 65 +/- 15 years, admitted to our hospital for pulmonary embolism were included in this study. The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was made either by spiral computed tomography or selective pulmonary angiography. Each patient subsequently underwent both trans-thoracic echocardiography and venous ultrasonography. The diagnostic criterion used for defining acute cor pulmonale by echocardiography was the right to left ventricular end-diastolic area ratio over (or equal to) 0.6. Diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis was supported by the visualization of thrombi or vein incompressibility and/or the absence of venous flow or loss of flow variability by venous ultrasonography. RESULTS: Using ultrasounds, an acute cor pulmonale was found in 63% of our patients while 79% were found to have deep venous thrombosis and 92% of the patients had either acute cor pulmonale or deep venous thrombosis or both. All of the patients with proximal pulmonary embolism had acute cor pulmonale and/or deep venous thrombosis. The presence of acute cor pulmonale on echocardiography was significantly higher in patients with proximal pulmonary embolism (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: This study emphasizes the potential value of ultrasonographic techniques in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism.


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The species Equus caballus is characterized as a seasonal polyoestrous herd mammal, providing continuous interactions between stallions and mares in feral herds throughout the year. Under domesticated conditions mares and stallions are stabled and kept separated mostly due to hygienic and safety concerns. Managing mares through the spring transitional phase until they show fertile cycles represents a high multifactorial challenge for horse breeders and veterinarians. The goal of this study was to examine the influence of a permanent stallion contact on the onset of cyclicity in anoestrous mares in the transition period.


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El projecte « Teixint Cultures » és un projecte de recerca-acció comunitari que intenta promoure des de l’àmbit de l’educació d’adults, l’aprenentatge de la llengua catalana a partir dels recursos lingüístics que les mares d’origen africà tenen en la seva llengua familiar. El programa es porta a terme des d’una biblioteca pública infantil, i atén a mares d’origen immigrat amb fills menors de tres anys no escolaritzats al seu càrrec. Tot el projecte està vehiculat a partir dels contes infantils. De fet, intenta recuperar els contes de tradició oral provinents del continent africà per posteriorment elaborar materials educatius bilingües (en català i en les seves llengües) que es puguin utilitzar com a llibres educatius de consulta, tant per les biblioteques públiques com pels centres educatius. Els resultats s'agrupen entres àmbits a) descripció de les característiques metodològiques i organitzatives que han fet possible el projecte; b) impacte del projecte en les participants (aprenentatge del català, actituds, satisfacció i autoestima, pràctiques al voltant de la narració i la lectura de contes a la llar); i c) impacte del projecte a la biblioteca i al context local de la població de Salt. El futur del projecte es relaciona amb el Pla d'Entorn lligat amb l'establiment de relacions de continuïtat família-escola, implicació de les entitats i associacions de persones estrangeres i el tractament educatiu de la llengua familiar de l'alumnat.


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BACKGROUND: The superficial femoral vein (SFV) is a well-established alternative conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructivenous hypertension after SFV harvest may however result in significant morbidity. This study reports the efficiency of SFV as conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and characterize the anatomic and physiologic changes in harvest limbs and their relationship to the development of venous complications. METHODS: From May 1999 through November 2003, 23 SFV were harvested from 21 patients undergoing infra-inguinal reconstructions. Bypasses were controlled by regular duplex-ultrasound. The venous morbidity was assessed by measurements of leg circumferences, strain-gauge plethysmography and quality of life, investigated by the VEINES-QOL scale. RESULTS: At a mean follow-up of 10.4 months (range 1-56), primary, secondary patency and limb salvage rates of infra-inguinal bypasses using SFV are 71.4%, 76.2% and 85.7% respectively. No patient had major venous claudication. Oedema was significantly present in nine patients. Strain-gauge plethysmography showed outflow obstruction in all patients. The VEINES-QOL assessment showed no limitation in social and domestic activity, moderate complain about leg heaviness despite presence of oedema. CONCLUSION: The SFV harvest is a reliable conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and results in moderate venous morbidity in terms of functional consequences and quality of life.


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Expressions relating spectral efficiency, power, and Doppler spectrum, are derived for Rayleigh-faded wireless channels with Gaussian signal transmission. No side information on the state of the channel is assumed at the receiver. Rather, periodic reference signals are postulated in accordance with the functioning of most wireless systems. The analysis relies on a well-established lower bound, generally tight and asymptotically exact at low SNR. In contrast with most previous studies, which relied on block-fading channel models, a continuous-fading model is adopted. This embeds the Doppler spectrum directly in the derived expressions, imbuing them with practical significance. Closed-form relationships are obtained for the popular Clarke-Jakes spectrum and informative expansions, valid for arbitrary spectra, are found for the low- and high-power regimes. While the paper focuses on scalar channels, the extension to multiantenna settings is also discussed.


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Human arteries affected by atherosclerosis are characterized by altered wall viscoelastic properties. The possibility of noninvasively assessing arterial viscoelasticity in vivo would significantly contribute to the early diagnosis and prevention of this disease. This paper presents a noniterative technique to estimate the viscoelastic parameters of a vascular wall Zener model. The approach requires the simultaneous measurement of flow variations and wall displacements, which can be provided by suitable ultrasound Doppler instruments. Viscoelastic parameters are estimated by fitting the theoretical constitutive equations to the experimental measurements using an ARMA parameter approach. The accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed method are tested using reference data generated by numerical simulations of arterial pulsation in which the physiological conditions and the viscoelastic parameters of the model can be suitably varied. The estimated values quantitatively agree with the reference values, showing that the only parameter affected by changing the physiological conditions is viscosity, whose relative error was about 27% even when a poor signal-to-noise ratio is simulated. Finally, the feasibility of the method is illustrated through three measurements made at different flow regimes on a cylindrical vessel phantom, yielding a parameter mean estimation error of 25%.


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A 41-year-old male presented with severe frostbite that was monitored clinically and with a new laser Doppler imaging (LDI) camera that records arbitrary microcirculatory perfusion units (1-256 arbitrary perfusion units (APU's)). LDI monitoring detected perfusion differences in hand and foot not seen visually. On day 4-5 after injury, LDI showed that while fingers did not experience any significant perfusion change (average of 31±25 APUs on day 5), the patient's left big toe did (from 17±29 APUs day 4 to 103±55 APUs day 5). These changes in regional perfusion were not detectable by visual examination. On day 53 postinjury, all fingers with reduced perfusion by LDI were amputated, while the toe could be salvaged. This case clearly demonstrates that insufficient microcirculatory perfusion can be identified using LDI in ways which visual examination alone does not permit, allowing prognosis of clinical outcomes. Such information may also be used to develop improved treatment approaches.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To present the practical aspects of transcranial Doppler (TCD) and provide evidence supporting its use for the management of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. RECENT FINDINGS: TCD measures systolic, mean, and diastolic cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocities and calculates the pulsatility index from basal intracranial arteries. These variables reflect the brain circulation, provided there is control of potential confounding factors. TCD can be useful in patients with severe TBI to detect low CBF, for example, during intracranial hypertension, and to assess cerebral autoregulation. In the emergency room, TCD might complement brain computed tomography (CT) scan and clinical examination to screen patients at risk for further neurological deterioration after mild-to-moderate TBI. SUMMARY: The diagnostic value of TCD should be incorporated into other findings from multimodal brain monitoring and CT scan to optimize the bedside management of patients with TBI and help guide the choice of appropriate therapies.


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Osteoporosis is well recognized as a public health problem in industrialized countries. Because of the efficiency of new treatments to decrease fracture risk, it is of a major interest to detect the patients who should benefit from such treatments. A diagnosis of osteoporosis is necessary before to start a specific treatment. This diagnosis is based on the measurement of the skeleton (hip and spine) with dual X-ray absorptiometry, using diagnostic criteria established by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In Switzerland, indications for bone densitometry are limited to precise situations. This technique cannot be applied for screening. For this purpose, peripheral measurements and particularly quantitative ultrasounds of bone seem to be promising. Indeed, several prospective studies clearly showed their predictive power for hip fracture risk in women aged more than 65 years. In order to facilitate the clinical use of bone ultrasounds, thresholds of risk of fracture and osteoporosis of the hip will be shortly published. This will integrate bone ultrasound in a global concept including bone densitometry and its indications, but also other risk factors for osteoporosis recognized by the Swiss association against osteoporosis (ASCO).


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A precise knowledge of arterial, portal, hepatic and biliary anatomical variations is mandatory when a liver intervention is planned. However, only certain variations must be searched when a precise intervention is planned. The basic liver anatomy as well as the most relevant malformations will be precised.


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Atherosclerotic renal artery disease represents a cause of which little is known but not a cause to be neglected for hypertension and renal insufficiency. Even though its occurrence remains badly defined, atherosclerotic renal artery disease is constantly on the rise due to the aging population, the never prevailing hypertension and diabetes mellitus. This review aims to give a clinical profile of patients presenting with atherosclerotic renal artery disease and to discuss, in the light of study results, which diagnostic evaluation should be used considering the sequence and the benefit and risk of each in order to initiate a personalized treatment. Patients affected by atherosclerotic renal artery disease are likely to have more complications and more extensive target-organ damage than patients without renal artery stenosis. The evolution of the atherosclerotic renal artery disease is in general slow and progressive. Nevertheless, certain clinical cases manifest themselves with the onset of acute renal failure bought upon by the administration of blockers of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or by some other causes responsible for a sudden drop in renal plasma flow (e.g., thrombosis of the renal artery). The relationship between atherosclerotic renal artery disease and atherosclerosis is complex, and mediators implicated in the pathophysiology of renovascular disease may also contribute to the progression of cardiovascular damage. An early assumption of the atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is warranted to determine the adapted treatment (i.e., medical treatment, revascularisation...) just as the assumption and the correction of the more general cardiovascular risk factors.


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We present the case of a young man with compression of both renal arteries by the crura of the diaphragm. Correct diagnosis of renal artery entrapment is difficult but crucial. The investigations rely on an high index of suspicion and include Doppler ultrasound and spiral computed tomography angiography, which permits visualization of the diaphragm and its relationships with the aorta. This pathology, unlike common renal artery stenoses, requires surgical decompression and sometimes aortorenal bypass graft.