932 resultados para Marcantonio, Angela: The Uralic language family: facts, myths and statistics
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The family Callichthyidae comprises eight genera of fishes widely distributed across the Neotropical region. In the present study, sequences of the mitochondrial genes 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, ND4, tRNA(His), and tRNA(Scr) were obtained from 28 callichthyid specimens. The sample included 12 species of Corydoras, three species of Aspidoras, two species of Brochis, Dianema, Lepthoplosternum, and Megalechis, and two local populations of Callichthys and Hoplosternum. Sequences of Nematogenys inermis (Nematogenyidae), Trichomycterus areolatus, and Henonemus punctatus (Trichomycteridae), Astroblepus sp. (Astroblepidae), and Neopleeostomus paranensis, Delturus parahybae, and Hemipsilichthys nimius (Loricariidae) were included as the outgroup. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by using the methods of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The results of almost all analyses were very similar. The family Callichthyidae is monophyletic and comprises two natural groups: the subfamilies Corydoradinae (Aspidoras, Brochis, and Corydoras) and Callichthyinae (Callichthys, Dianema, Hoplosternum, Lepthoplosternum, and Megalechis), as previously demonstrated by morphological studies. The relationships observed within these subfamilies are in several ways different from those previously proposed on the basis of morphological data. Molecular results were compared with the morphologic and cytogenetic data available on the family. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The hspA gene (XAC1151) from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri encodes a protein of 158 amino acids that belongs to the small heat-shock protein ( sHSP) family of proteins. These proteins function as molecular chaperones by preventing protein aggregation. The protein was crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method in the presence of ammonium phosphate. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 1.65 angstrom resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. The crystal belongs to the rhombohedral space group R3, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 128.7, c = 55.3 angstrom. The crystal structure was solved by molecular-replacement methods. Structure refinement is in progress.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Includes bibliography
(10) Hygiea is the fourth largest asteroid of the main belt, by volume and mass, and it is the largest member of its family, that is made mostly by low-albedo, C-type asteroids, typical of the outer main belt. Like many other large families, it is associated with a 'halo' of objects, that extends far beyond the boundary of the core family, as detected by traditional hierarchical clustering methods (HCM) in proper element domains. Numerical simulations of the orbital evolution of family members may help in estimating the family and halo family age, and the original ejection velocity field. But, in order to minimize the errors associated with including too many interlopers, it is important to have good estimates of family membership that include available data on local asteroid taxonomy, geometrical albedo and local dynamics. For this purpose, we obtained synthetic proper elements and frequencies of asteroids in the Hygiea orbital region, with their errors. We revised the current knowledge on asteroid taxonomy, including Sloan Digital Sky Survey-Moving Object Catalog 4th release (SDSS-MOC 4) data, and geometric albedo data from Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Near-Earth Object WISE (NEOWISE). We identified asteroid family members using HCM in the domain of proper elements (a, e, sin (i)) and in the domains of proper frequencies most appropriate to study diffusion in the local web of secular resonances, and eliminated possible interlopers based on taxonomic and geometrical albedo considerations. To identify the family halo, we devised a new hierarchical clustering method in an extended domain that includes proper elements, principal components PC1, PC2 obtained based on SDSS photometric data and, for the first time, WISE and NEOWISE geometric albedo. Data on asteroid size distribution, light curves and rotations were also revised for the Hygiea family. The Hygiea family is the largest group in its region, with two smaller families in proper element domain and 18 families in various frequencies domains identified in this work for the first time. Frequency groups tend to extend vertically in the (a, sin (i)) plane and cross not only the Hygiea family but also the near C-type families of Themis and Veritas, causing a mixture of objects all of relatively low albedo in the Hygiea family area. A few high-albedo asteroids, most likely associated with the Eos family, are also present in the region. Finally, the new multidomains hierarchical clustering method allowed us to obtain a good and robust estimate of the membership of the Hygiea family halo, quite separated from other asteroids families halo in the region, and with a very limited (about 3 per cent) presence of likely interlopers. © 2013 The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.
FSH induces expansion of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) in cattle, which can be enhanced by oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs). In this study it was hypothesised that FSH stimulates COC expansion in part from direct stimulation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like ligands amphiregulin (AREG), epiregulin (EREG) and betacellulin (BTC), but also in part through regulation of OSFs or their receptors in cumulus cells. Bovine COCs were cultured in defined medium with graded doses of FSH. In the absence of FSH, COCs did not expand. FSH caused cumulus expansion, and increased the abundance of AREG and EREG mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but decreased BTC mRNA levels. FSH had modest stimulatory effects on the levels of mRNA encoding the bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) receptor, BMPR1B, in cumulus cells, but did not alter mRNA expression of the growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) receptor, TGFBR1. More interestingly, FSH dramatically stimulated levels of mRNA encoding two receptors for fibroblast growth factors (FGF), FGFR2C and FGFR3C, in cumulus cells. FSH also stimulated mRNA expression of FGFR1B, but not of FGFR2B in cumulus cells. Based on dose-response studies, FGFR3C was the receptor most sensitive to the influence of FSH. This study demonstrates that FSH stimulates the expression of EGF-like factors in bovine cumulus cells, and provides evidence that FSH differently regulates the expression of distinct receptors for OSFs in cumulus cells. © CSIRO 2013.