505 resultados para Macrofauna
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la diversidad zoológica asociada a un silvopastoreo con leucaena-guinea, por medio de la caracterización de la composición y estructura de las aves, insectos y la macrofauna del suelo, en cuatro edades de establecimiento (3, 4, 5 y 6 años de explotación). Con las especies registradas en cada uno de estos grupos zoológicos, se calcularon los índices ecológicos: número de individuos, riqueza, diversidad y abundancia de especies, en diferentes edades del sistema. En todos los grupos, se apreció el aumento significativo en la riqueza de especies y en el índice de diversidad biológica de Shannon, en la medida que se desarrolló el sistema. Se observó incremento en la abundancia de insectos biorreguladores y, en relación con las aves, el horario de muestreo no mostró interacción con los distintos años de siembra. La macrofauna se incrementó, observándose dominancia de anélidos al 6º y 7º año de explotación, caracterizado por Polyferetrina elongata y Oligochaeta elegans. El desarrollo del silvopastoreo leucaena-guinea logra sistemas productivos pecuarios que aumentan la producción de biomasa y de otros componentes biológicos y contribuir para crear un sistema sostenible y compatible con el ambiente.
The objective of this work was to assess the effect of different coffee organic cultivation systems on chemical and biological soil characteristics, in different seasons of the year. The following systems were evaluated: coffee intercropped with one (CJ1), two (CJ2) or three (CJ3) pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) alleys; coffee planted under full sun (CS); area planted with sweet pepper and snap bean in a conventional tillage system (AC); and secondary forest area (FFR). Row spacing in CJ1, CJ2, CJ3 and CS was 2.0x1.0, 2.8x1.0, 3.6x1.0, and 2.8x1.0 m, respectively. Soil samples were collected at 10-cm depth, during the four seasons of the year. The results were subjected to analysis of variance, principal component analysis, and redundancy analysis. There was an increase in edaphic macrofauna, soil basal respiration, and microbial quotient in the summer. Total macrofauna density was greater in CJ2 followed by CJ3, CS, CJ1, AC and FFR; Coleoptera, Formicidae, and Isoptera were the most abundant groups. There are no significant differences among the areas for soil basal respiration, and the metabolic quotient is higher in CJ1, CJ3, and FFR. Microbial biomass carbon and the contents of K, pH, Ca+Mg, and P show greater values in AC.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do sistema integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) sobre os atributos morfológicos, físicos e biológicos do solo. O experimento foi realizado em Dourados, MS, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico. Foram avaliados os seguintes sistemas: monocultura com sistema convencional de preparo do solo, ILP com sistema plantio direto, pastagem contínua de Urochloa decumbens (Syn. Brachiaria decumbens) e vegetação nativa. Em cada sistema, foi aberta uma trincheira com o intuito de detectar as modificações morfológicas provocadas pelos diferentes manejos com uso do método do perfil cultural. Os macroinvertebrados do solo foram avaliados conforme o método "Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility". Utilizaram-se, ainda, amostras de solo indeformadas para avaliação dos atributos físicos do solo (densidade do solo, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade). Entre os sistemas produtivos, a melhor estrutura do solo foi verificada no sistema ILP, nas camadas de 0-0,1 e 0,1-0,2 m. Os sistemas sob ILP e em pastagem cultivada continuamente favoreceram um ambiente edáfico biologicamente mais ativo em comparação aos outros sistemas cultivados. A visualização conjunta dos atributos do solo mostrou que a integração lavoura-pecuária é uma estratégia para desenvolver sistemas de produção sustentáveis e que o período de dois anos de manejo é adequado para a rotação lavoura-pecuária.
Fauna invertebrada e atributos físicos e químicos do solo em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) nos principais grupos da macrofauna invertebrada do solo e a relação destes organismos com os atributos físicos e químicos do solo. Foram comparados: sistema de manejo convencional, sistema integração lavoura-pecuária, sistema plantio direto, pastagem cultivada continuamente e fragmentos naturais de Cerrado e de floresta semidecídua. O experimento foi conduzido em Dourados, MS, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico, disposto em faixas. A maior densidade, riqueza e diversidade das famílias foi observada no sistema de ILP, em plantio direto, e no sistema em pastagem cultivada continuamente. O sistema convencional promoveu maior redução na comunidade dos organismos invertebrados do solo. O sistema de ILP favorece a manutenção da diversidade da fauna invertebrada, a formação dos agregados estáveis e a fertilidade do solo. A família Sthaphylinidae é um potencial bioindicador de qualidade do solo, principalmente na floresta semidecídua e no sistema de ILP.
Sedjrrlents deposited in the Late Quaternary marine sUbrnergences that follov'ted the deglaciation of Ontario} Quebec., and 6ritlst-1 Columbia often contaln an abundant nlarlne invertebrate macrofauna. The rnacrofauna~ dotYllnated by aragonitic pelecypods} is fully preserved In their original mineralogy and cherrlistry 8S deternl1ned by x-ray dlffractlon., scannlng electron tl-,lcroscoDY., trace and r1l1 nor elet11ent analyses and stable isotopes. Ttle trace elernent and stable isotope geochen-Ilstry of chernlcal1y unaltered aragorlitlc molluscs can be used to determine paleoter1-lperatures and paleosallnltles." HO\Never} corrections need to be tllade \fvtlen deterrTIlnlng oxygen-isotope paleotenlperi:ttures due to the lnfluence of isotopically 11gtlt glaciol rneltv-laters and reduced sal1nltles. Ttle eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet probably had an o:~ygen lS0tOP1C composition as low as -8e) 0/00 (Sr1[IW). In additl0fl} corrections need to be rnade to the carbonlsotope values, before salinity deterrnlnatlons are t11ade., due to the reJjuctlon of the terrestrial carbon bl0rnass during glac1al maxlrna. Using geochernlcal data frot11 537 marlne n-'8crolnvertebrates frorTI 72 localities in soutt-,easter Ontarl0 and southern Quebec, it tras been deterrnined that the Late Quaternary Char1lplaln Sea \N6S density stratified along salinity and temperatlJre gradients. The deep-\h/aters of tt-,e Charnplaln Sea tlad salinities that ranged frorn 31 to 36 ppt} and terrlperatures of 00 to 5°C. Conversely.. the st1alloy./-\f*later regirrle of ttle Ctlarnplaln Sea tlad sal1nltles that ranged fron-, 24 to 33 ppt} Y.tltt1 terrlperatures ranglng from 5° to 15°C. Tr,8 rrlajorl rnlnor1 and trace e1et1-,ent geochernlcal analysls of 155 marine lnvertebrates frorn 4 10C611t1es of tt-,e Late Quaternary Ft. Langley Forrnatlon and Capl1ano Sedlments;. souttl\Nestern Brltlsh Columblal suggest l t~lat the 'waters of the o-,arlne lnundation that fol1o....ved the retreating Cordl11eran Ice Sheet had sal1nltles ranglng frorn 32 to 3f. DPt.
Department of Marine Biology,Microbiology and Biochemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology
The present study was undsrtaken.with the objectives to assess the distribution and density of population of benthic animals with special reference to macrofauna from the south west coast of India from ' Malippursa 1 in the north to Alleppey in the south, to evaluate significant difference, if any, in the number and distribution of animals in th md bank regions and other intermittent stations, to examine the influence of bottom stability on the distribution of fauna, to observe the effect of the environmental parameters on the distribution pattern of nacrofauna, and to evaluate the nature and depthpwise distribution of the benthic fishery. The region selected for the investigation is one of the nest important fishing grounds in India for bottom fishing especially for prawns, covering a distance of about 60 kns in length.total number of thirty stations in five transects at right angles to the coast, each consisting of six stations were surveyed. The six stations in a transect were at depths of 5 m, 10m, 20:, 30:, 35m and 45m respectively formation of the Iudbanke, popularly known as 'Ghaknra' in the local language, is a peculiar phenomenon along the ooaet of Kerala and provides a good fishing ground.quantitative distribution of the mecrofauna chewed that the maximum number of organism was near the 35 n contour line in the first three profiles whereas in the fourth and fifth profiles it was at 20 n and 30 m depth respectively. The density of the fauna wee comparatively poor in shallow water etatione at depths 5-‘IO M.was a general decline in the numerical abundance and biomass of the bottom fauna in all the stations during the monsoon period. There has been very little yearly change in the composition of the fauna during the two years‘ study.
In this thesis a detailed sampling is conducted using grabs and dredges to access the qualitative and quantitative nature of the macrobenthos. A11 the animal contributing to the fauna are identified and their pattern of distribution and seasonal abundance are discussed. Affinity and diversity of polychaete fauna have also been studied. Importance of different benthic forms and their contribution to the standing crop are studied in detail. Trophic relationship between macrofauna and botton feeding commercially important fishes and prawns are also given attention. The physico-chemical aspects or the environment have been studied and their relation to the distribution and abundance of bottom fauna has been discussed. Environmental parameters such as temperature. salinity and dissolved oxygen. both in bottom and in the overlying waters. and rainfall were studied along with the benthos investigations. The physico-chemical nature of the sediments was also subjected to investigation. Influence of all those ecological parameters on the bottom fauna is discussed. A detailed quantitative faunal list of maorobenthio species and a brief systematic account of the polychaeta are also given.
Cochin estuary is a shallow brackish water body situated on the south west coast of India. It is a tropical positive estuary extending between 90 40’ and 100 12’ N and 760 10’and 760 30’ E with its northern boundary at Azhikode and southern boundary at Thannermukkom bund.The abundance of benthic fauna in an ecosystem shows the close relationship to its environment and reflects the characteristics of an ecological niche. Seasonal and monthly variations in the distribution of macrobenthos in relation to sediment characteristics were conducted in Cochin estuary from 2009-10 periods. Oxidation-reduction potential showed reducing trends that affected the distribution and diversity of fauna. Seasonal variations in water quality and river discharge pattern affected the faunal composition in the different stations. Sewage mixing was the principal source of organic pollution in the Cochin estuary. The sediment pH was generally on the alkaline side ranging from 4.99 at St.9 and 8.33 at St.1.The Eh ranged from -11mV at St.3 to -625mV at St.2.The temperature varied from 260C to 320C in the estuary. The moisture content ranged from 1.63 to 12.155%, that of organic carbon from 0 09 at St. 6 to 4.29% at St.9 and that of organic matter from 0.16 to 7.39%. Seasonally, the average of Eh was highest during the monsoon (156.22 mV) and in the pre monsoon (140.94 mV). The average pH for the 9 study stations was 7.68 during monsoon period and 7.08 during post monsoon. Based on group wise seasonal analysis, the average mean abundance was maximum for polychaetes (43.47) followed by nematodes (33.62), crustaceans (21.62), molluscs (11.94) and Pisces (0.05) in the estuary. Monsoon season was most favourable for benthic faunal abundance followed by the post monsoon period in the study. The series of human interventions like dredging, discharge of industrial effluents, urbanisation and related aspects had a strong influence on the distribution, abundance of benthic macrofauna in the wetland.
A reduction in the numbers of macroinvertebrates present in soil may have a negative effect on soil structure, infiltration rates, and gas exchanges. Soil pollution by metal is known to have a detrimental effect on soil macrofauna. The aim of the present study was to evaluate (1) direct and indirect effects of soil pollution on soil macroinvertebrate bioturbation and (2) effects of the two macroinvertebrate communities found in a polluted and a nonpolluted area (one supposed sensitive, the other tolerant to metals) on burrow systems parameters. Macroinvertebrate porosity was studied using X-ray tomography. Three-dimensional reconstructions and characterisation of the burrow system were obtained using image analysis. Results showed that metal pollution principally affected the spatial distribution of macropores (more macropores were found near the soil surface) and the shape of the burrow system (branching rate was higher in the polluted soil), whereas soil macroinvertebrate composition principally affects burrow density parameters (the number of burrows was higher for the sensitive macroinvertebrate community).
Ecological indicators are taxa that are affected by, and indicate effects of, anthropogenic environmental stress or disturbance on ecosystems. There is evidence that some species of soil macrofauna (i.e. diameter > 2 min) constitute valuable biological indicators of certain types of soil perturbations. This study aims to determine which level of taxonomic resolution, (species, family or ecological group) is the best to identify indicator of soil disturbance. Macrofauna were sampled in a set of sites encompassing different land-use systems (e.g. forests, pastures, crops) and different levels of pollution. Indicator taxa were sought using the IndVal index proposed by Dufrene and Legendre [Dufrene, M., Legendre, P., 1997. Species assemblages and indicator species: the need for a flexible asymetrical approach. Ecological Monographs 67, 345-3661. This approach is based on a hierarchical typology of sites. The index value changes along the typology and decreases (increases) for generalist (specialist) faunal units (species, families or ecological groups). Of the 327 morphospecies recorded, 19 were significantly associated with a site type or a group of sites (5.8%). Similarly, species were aggregated to form 59 families among which 17 (28.8%) displayed a significant indicator value. Gathering species into 28 broad ecological assemblages led to 14 indicator groups (50%). Beyond the simple proportion of units having significant association with a given level of the site typology, the proportion of specialist and generalist groups changed dramatically when the level of taxonomic resolution was altered. At the species level 84% of the indicator units were specialist, whereas this proportion decreased to 70 and 43% when families and ecological groups were considered. Because specialist groups are the most interesting type of indicators either in terms of conservation or for management purposes we come to the conclusion that the species level is the most accurate taxonomic level in bioindication studies although it requires a high amount of labour and operator knowledge and is time-consuming. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The presence of a grass strip was found to be beneficial to soil macrofauna, increasing the species densities and abundances of earthworms, woodlice and staphylinid beetles. The biodiversity of the three main feeding groups - predators, soil ingesters and litter consumers - was also significantly higher in the grass strips than in the field edges without strips, indicating that establishment of grassy margins in arable fields may enhance ecosystem services such as soil fertility and pest control. The grass strip habitat contained a large number of species of soil macrofauna, being second only to hedgerow habitat, with 10% of the total species list for the farm found only within the margins. Of the rare species recorded on the farm, five of the nine were from the grass strips, four of which were found only there. This study shows that establishing grassy strips in the margins of arable fields increases the biodiversity of the soil macrofauna, both within fields (alpha diversity) and across the farm (beta diversity). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The presence of a grass strip was found to be beneficial to soil macrofauna, increasing the species densities and abundances of earthworms, woodlice and staphylinid beetles. The biodiversity of the three main feeding groups – predators, soil ingesters and litter consumers – was also significantly higher in the grass strips than in the field edges without strips, indicating that establishment of grassy margins in arable fields may enhance ecosystem services such as soil fertility and pest control. The grass strip habitat contained a large number of species of soil macrofauna, being second only to hedgerow habitat, with 10% of the total species list for the farm found only within the margins. Of the rare species recorded on the farm, five of the nine were from the grass strips, four of which were found only there. This study shows that establishing grassy strips in the margins of arable fields increases the biodiversity of the soil macrofauna, both within fields (alpha diversity) and across the farm (beta diversity).