901 resultados para Machinery, Kinematics of.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The magnetic field in the local interstellar medium (ISM) provides a key indicator of the galactic environment of the Sun and influences the shape of the heliosphere. We have studied the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) in the solar vicinity using polarized starlight for stars within 40 pc of the Sun and 90 degrees of the heliosphere nose. In Frisch et al. (Paper I), we developed a method for determining the local ISMF direction by finding the best match to a group of interstellar polarization position angles obtained toward nearby stars, based on the assumption that the polarization is parallel to the ISMF. In this paper, we extend the analysis by utilizing weighted fits to the position angles and by including new observations acquired for this study. We find that the local ISMF is pointed toward the galactic coordinates l, b = 47 degrees +/- 20 degrees, 25 degrees +/- 20 degrees. This direction is close to the direction of the ISMF that shapes the heliosphere, l, b = 33 degrees +/- 4 degrees, 55 degrees +/- 4 degrees, as traced by the center of the "Ribbon" of energetic neutral atoms discovered by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission. Both the magnetic field direction and the kinematics of the local ISM are consistent with a scenario where the local ISM is a fragment of the Loop I superbubble. A nearby ordered component of the local ISMF has been identified in the region l approximate to 0 degrees -> 80 degrees and b approximate to 0 degrees -> 30 degrees, where PlanetPol data show a distance-dependent increase of polarization strength. The ordered component extends to within 8 pc of the Sun and implies a weak curvature in the nearby ISMF of +/- 0 degrees.25 pc(-1). This conclusion is conditioned on the small sample of stars available for defining this rotation. Variations from the ordered component suggest a turbulent component of +/- 23 degrees. The ordered component and standard relations between polarization, color excess, and H-o column density predict a reasonable increase of N(H) with distance in the local ISM. The similarity of the ISMF directions traced by the polarizations, the IBEX Ribbon, and pulsars inside the Local Bubble in the third galactic quadrant suggest that the ISMF is relatively uniform over spatial scales of 8-200 pc and is more similar to interarm than spiral-arm magnetic fields. The ISMF direction from the polarization data is also consistent with small-scale spatial asymmetries detected in GeV-TeV cosmic rays with a galactic origin. The peculiar geometrical relation found earlier between the cosmic microwave background dipole moment, the heliosphere nose, and the ISMF direction is supported by this study. The interstellar radiation field at +/- 975 angstrom does not appear to play a role in grain alignment for the low-density ISM studied here.
Background: The progression of diabetes and the challenge of daily tasks may result in changes in biomechanical strategies. Descending stairs is a common task that patients have to deal with, however it still has not been properly studied in this population. Objectives: We describe and compare the net joint moments and kinematics of the lower limbs in diabetic individuals with and without peripheral neuropathy and healthy controls during stair descent. Method: Forty-two adults were assessed: control group (13), diabetic group (14), and neuropathic diabetic group (15). The flexor and extensor net moment peaks and joint angles of the hip, knee, and ankle were described and compared in terms of effect size and ANOVAs (p<0.05). Results: Both diabetic groups presented greater dorsiflexion [large effect size] and a smaller hip extensor moment [large effect size] in the weight acceptance phase. In the propulsion phase, diabetics with and without neuropathy showed a greater hip flexor moment [large effect size] and smaller ankle extension [large effect size]. Conclusion: Diabetic patients, even without neuropathy, revealed poor eccentric control in the weight acceptance phase, and in the propulsion phase, they showed a different hip strategy, where they chose to take the leg off the ground using more flexion torque at the hip instead of using a proper ankle extension function.
In recent years, new precision experiments have become possible withthe high luminosity accelerator facilities at MAMIand JLab, supplyingphysicists with precision data sets for different hadronic reactions inthe intermediate energy region, such as pion photo- andelectroproduction and real and virtual Compton scattering.By means of the low energy theorem (LET), the global properties of thenucleon (its mass, charge, and magnetic moment) can be separated fromthe effects of the internal structure of the nucleon, which areeffectively described by polarizabilities. Thepolarizabilities quantify the deformation of the charge andmagnetization densities inside the nucleon in an applied quasistaticelectromagnetic field. The present work is dedicated to develop atool for theextraction of the polarizabilities from these precise Compton data withminimum model dependence, making use of the detailed knowledge of pionphotoproduction by means of dispersion relations (DR). Due to thepresence of t-channel poles, the dispersion integrals for two ofthe six Compton amplitudes diverge. Therefore, we have suggested to subtract the s-channel dispersion integrals at zero photon energy($nu=0$). The subtraction functions at $nu=0$ are calculated through DRin the momentum transfer t at fixed $nu=0$, subtracted at t=0. For this calculation, we use the information about the t-channel process, $gammagammatopipito Nbar{N}$. In this way, four of thepolarizabilities can be predicted using the unsubtracted DR in the $s$-channel. The other two, $alpha-beta$ and $gamma_pi$, are free parameters in ourformalism and can be obtained from a fit to the Compton data.We present the results for unpolarized and polarized RCS observables,%in the kinematics of the most recent experiments, and indicate anenhanced sensitivity to the nucleon polarizabilities in theenergy range between pion production threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance.newlineindentFurthermore,we extend the DR formalism to virtual Compton scattering (radiativeelectron scattering off the nucleon), in which the concept of thepolarizabilities is generalized to the case of avirtual initial photon by introducing six generalizedpolarizabilities (GPs). Our formalism provides predictions for the fourspin GPs, while the two scalar GPs $alpha(Q^2)$ and $beta(Q^2)$ have to befitted to the experimental data at each value of $Q^2$.We show that at energies betweenpion threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance position, thesensitivity to the GPs can be increased significantly, as compared tolow energies, where the LEX is applicable. Our DR formalism can be used for analysing VCS experiments over a widerange of energy and virtuality $Q^2$, which allows one to extract theGPs from VCS data in different kinematics with a minimum of model dependence.
ZusammenfassungrnrnrnDer Köderstreifentest, die Auswertung der Minicontainer und die Erfassung der Bodenlebewesen mit Hilfe der Bodenstechkerne ergeben zusammen eine gut standardisierte Methode zur Darstellung und Beurteilung der Mesofauna. Unter der Vorraussetzung gleicher abiotischer Faktoren ist es problemlos möglich, selbst unterschiedliche Standorte wie Agrarflächen, Weinberge und Waldböden vergleichend zu untersuchen.rnrnAuf den verschiedenen Versuchsflächen des Laubenheimer Weinberges gelingt es deutlich zu zeigen, wie wichtig eine naturnahe Begrünung für den Boden ist. Dies betrifft nicht nur die Entwicklung der Humusschicht und damit die Bodenlebewesen, sondern auch die Schaffung von Kapillaren und Poren, die durch schwere landwirtschaftliche Geräte im Rahmen der Bo-denverdichtung reduziert werden. Erosionserscheinungen kommen vollständig zum Stillstand. Das Ökosystem Boden sollte auch so gut wie keine Belastung durch Herbizide, Insektizide und Pestizide erfahren. Ähnliches gilt auch für agrarisch genutzte Flächen. rnrnDer Lennebergwald als Naherholungsregion von Mainz ist besonders schützenswert, da dieser durch intensiven Immissionseintrag aufgrund der Nähe zu den Autobahnen und durch die Eutrophierung über die Haustiere stark belastet wird. Die immer größere Ausdehnung des Siedlungsgebietes und die damit verbundene steigende Anzahl an Waldbesuchern, die durch Verlassen der vorgegebenen Wege den Boden zerstören, gefährden zusätzlich das Ökosystem.rnrnÜber Sinn und Zweck einer Flurbereinigung zu diskutieren ist hier nicht angebracht. Aus bo-denkundlicher Sicht ist sie nicht zu befürworten, da hiermit alle bodenbewahrenden Maßnah-men ignoriert werden. Wichtig ist es, bei den Landwirten Aufklärungsarbeit zu leisten, was bodenschonende und bodenweiterentwickelnde Bearbeitungsmethoden bedeuten. Mit Hilfe sachgemäßer Aufklärung und richtiger Umsetzung kann durch Begrünungsmaßnahmen der zum Teil sehr stark strapazierte Boden erhalten, gefördert und auf lange Sicht stabilisiert wer-den.rnrnAufgrund der festgestellten Tatsachen wurde ab 2008 auf eine flächige Dauerbegrünung um-gestellt, so dass es auch in den unbegrünten Rebzeilen zu einer Bodenverbesserung kommen kann. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit dürfte diese schneller voranschreiten, da die Mesofauna von den benachbarten begrünten Rebzeilen einwandern kann. rnDie Mesofauna landwirtschaftlich genutzter Flächen und Waldgebiete kann, obwohl extrem unterschiedlich, miteinander verglichen werden.rnrnBrachflächen und Waldgebiete lassen sich aufgrund der unberührten Bodenstrukturen sogar gut miteinander vergleichen. Temperatur- und Niederschlagsverhältnisse müssen dabei über-einstimmen. Die Azidität der jeweiligen Böden gilt es zu berücksichtigen, da verschiedene Tiergruppen damit unterschiedlich umgehen. Collembolen bevorzugen neutrale Böden, wäh-rend Acari als Räuber mit den Lebewesen in sauren Böden besser zurechtkommen. Die Streu-auflage ist dabei von großer Bedeutung.rnrnIm Rahmen von Bearbeitungsmaßnahmen kommt es durch jeglichen Maschineneinsatz zu ei-ner mehr oder weniger starken Veränderung der Bodenstruktur und somit auch der darin le-benden Mesofauna. Bis sich diese erholt hat, steht meist schon die nächste Bodenbewirtschaf-tung an. Die Bodenverdichtung spielt auch eine Rolle. Bei herkömmlichem Ackerbau ist eine Fruchtfolge mit eingeschalteter Brache oder Gründüngung mit Klee oder Luzerne angebracht, um die Mesofauna nicht zu stark zu strapazieren. Organische Düngegaben leicht abbaubarer Streu sind deutlich zu bevorzugen gegenüber sehr zellulose- und ligninhaltigen Pflanzenresten. Die Einbringung von Stoppeln nach Aberntung von Getreidefeldern ist sinnvoll, solange dabei nicht zu tief in die Bodenstruktur eingegriffen wird (ZIMMER 1997).rnrnIm Rahmen der Sonderkultur Wein, bei der eine Bodenbearbeitung aus den aufgezeigten Gründen eigentlich nicht notwendig wäre, sind Dauerbegrünungsmaßnahmen generell von Nutzen: der Erosion wird vorgebeugt, die Bodenfeuchte konstant gehalten, der anfallende Mulch als Gründüngung genutzt. Dies sind alles entscheidende Faktoren, die die Meso- und Makrofauna fördern. Nur die Bodenverdichtung durch schweres Gerät, wie Schlepper und Vollernter, sind für den Boden nicht förderlich (HEISLER 1993, EHRENSBERGER 1993). Nie-derdruckreifen und Verringerung der Befahrung sind geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen. rnrnEntgegen landläufiger Winzermeinung, stellen die Pflanzen einer Begrünung eigentlich keine Konkurrenz für die Weinstöcke dar. Die Vorteile einer Begrünung sind nicht nur die Förde-rung der einheimischen Flora in ihrem standortgerechten Artenreichtum, sondern auch Ver-vielfältigung von Meso- und Makrofauna aufgrund der dadurch mehr anfallenden und ein-zuarbeitenden leicht abbaubaren Streu (GRIEBEL 1995).rn
Recentemente, vari ricercatori si sono concentrati sulle proprietà funzionali dei muscoli, sulla meccanica e sulla cinematica legata al volo, ma senza la possibilità di consultare un’adeguata letteratura poiché assente o incompleta. Si è quindi ritenuto utile studiare la miologia della regione della spalla e del braccio di specie non in precedenza esaminate e che mostrassero differenti stili di volo, al fine di creare una base di informazioni per futuri studi funzionali. Tutte le specie prese in esame sono membri della famiglia degli Accipitridae e nello specifico si sono selezionati: il Falco pecchiaiolo (Pernis apivorus Linnaeus, 1758), l’Astore comune (Accipiter gentilis Linnaeus, 1758) e lo Sparviero eurasiatico (Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758). Questi animali attuano stili di volo differenti e sono stati pertanto scelti per capire se diverse performance di volo potessero indurre una differenziazione dell’apparato muscolare. La comparazione dei dati raccolti durante questo studio con quelli presenti in letteratura in altre specie aviarie ha evidenziato che, mentre alcuni muscoli non sembrano andare incontro a grandi modificazioni nei rapaci, altri invece presentano una grande eterogeneità. In particolare, grazie alle caratteristiche dei diversi muscoli, si è potuto raggruppare questi ultimi in base a possibili funzioni comuni: a) muscoli che concorrono a stabilizzare l’ala rispetto al tronco e che assorbono le forze generate durante il volo; b) muscoli con possibile ruolo nel controllo della rotazione dell’omero; c) muscoli con possibile funzione propriocettiva. Il presente studio ha inoltre evidenziato, nei muscoli esaminati, alcune similitudini e molteplici peculiarità anatomiche non precedentemente segnalate in letteratura. Si ritiene che questo studio macroscopico possa rappresentare un punto di partenza per futuri studi microscopici o elettrofisiologici, a dimostrazione dell’importanza della dissezione quale primo strumento di indagine.
We have discovered using Pan-STARRS1 an extremely red late-L dwarf, which has (J - K)(MKO) = 2.78 and (J - K) (2MASS) = 2.84, making it the reddest known field dwarf and second only to 2MASS J1207-39b among substellar companions. Near-IR spectroscopy shows a spectral type of L7 +/- 1 and reveals a triangular H-band continuum and weak alkali (K I and Na I) lines, hallmarks of low surface gravity. Near-IR astrometry from the Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program gives a distance of 24.6 +/- 1.4 pc and indicates a much fainter J-band absolute magnitude than field L dwarfs. The position and kinematics of PSO J318.5-22 point to membership in the beta Pic moving group. Evolutionary models give a temperature of 1160(-40)(+30) K and a mass of 6.5(-1.0)(+1.3) M-Jup, making PSO J318.5-22 one of the lowest mass free-floating objects in the solar neighborhood. This object adds to the growing list of low-gravity field L dwarfs and is the first to be strongly deficient in methane relative to its estimated temperature. Comparing their spectra suggests that young L dwarfs with similar ages and temperatures can have different spectral signatures of youth. For the two objects with well constrained ages (PSO J318.5-22 and 2MASS J0355+11), we find their temperatures are approximate to 400 K cooler than field objects of similar spectral type but their luminosities are similar, i.e., these young L dwarfs are very red and unusually cool but not "underluminous." Altogether, PSO J318.5-22 is the first free-floating object with the colors, magnitudes, spectrum, luminosity, and mass that overlap the young dusty planets around HR 8799 and 2MASS J1207-39
The mechanism of viral persistence, the driving force behind the chronic progression of inflammatory demyelination in canine distemper virus (CDV) infection, is associated with non-cytolytic viral cell-to-cell spread. Here, we studied the molecular mechanisms of viral spread of a recombinant fluorescent protein-expressing virulent CDV in primary canine astrocyte cultures. Time-lapse video microscopy documented that CDV spread was very efficient using cell processes contacting remote target cells. Strikingly, CDV transmission to remote cells could occur in less than 6 h, suggesting that a complete viral cycle with production of extracellular free particles was not essential in enabling CDV to spread in glial cells. Titration experiments and electron microscopy confirmed a very low CDV particle production despite higher titers of membrane-associated viruses. Interestingly, confocal laser microscopy and lentivirus transduction indicated expression and functionality of the viral fusion machinery, consisting of the viral fusion (F) and attachment (H) glycoproteins, at the cell surface. Importantly, using a single-cycle infectious recombinant H-knockout, H-complemented virus, we demonstrated that H, and thus potentially the viral fusion complex, was necessary to enable CDV spread. Furthermore, since we could not detect CD150/SLAM expression in brain cells, the presence of a yet non-identified glial receptor for CDV was suggested. Altogether, our findings indicate that persistence in CDV infection results from intracellular cell-to-cell transmission requiring the CDV-H protein. Viral transfer, happening selectively at the tip of astrocytic processes, may help the virus to cover long distances in the astroglial network, "outrunning" the host's immune response in demyelinating plaques, thus continuously eliciting new lesions.
Understanding the geometry and kinematics of the major structures of an orogen is important to elucidate its style of deformation, as well as its tectonic evolution. We describe the temporal and spatial changes in the state of stress of the trans-orogen area of the Calama-Olacapato-El Toro (COT) Fault Zone in the Central Andes, at about 24°S within the northern portion of the Puna Plateau between the Argentina-Chile border. The importance of the COT derives principally from the Quaternary-Holocene activity recognized on some segments, which may shed new light on its possible control on Quaternary volcanism and on the seismic hazard evaluation of the area. Field geological surveys along with kinematic analysis and numerical inversion of ∼140 new fault-slip measurements have revealed that this portion of the COT zone, previously considered a continuous, long-lived lineament, in reality has been subjected to three different kinematic regimes: 1) a Miocene transpressional phase with the maximum principal stress (σ1) chiefly trending NNE-SSW; 2) an extensional phase that started by 9 Ma, with a horizontal NW-SE-striking minimum principal stress (σ3) – permutations between σ2 and σ3 axes have been recognized at two sites – and 3) a left-lateral strike-slip phase with a horizontal ∼E-W &sigma1 and ∼N-S σ3 dating to the Late Pliocene-Quaternary. Spatially, in the Quaternary, the left-lateral component decreases toward the westernmost tip of the COT, where it transitions to extension; this produced to a N-S horst and graben structure. Hence, even if transcurrence is still active in the eastern portion of the COT, as focal mechanisms of crustal earthquakes indicate, our study demonstrates that extension is becoming the predominant structural style of deformation, at least in the western region. These major temporal and spatial changes in the tectonic regimes are attributed in part to changes in the magnitude of the boundary forces due to subduction processes. The overall orogen-perpendicular extension might be the result of vertical stress larger than both the horizontal stresses induced by gravitational effect of a thickened crust.
The paramyxovirus entry machinery consists of two glycoproteins that tightly cooperate to achieve membrane fusion for cell entry: the tetrameric attachment protein (HN, H, or G, depending on the paramyxovirus genus) and the trimeric fusion protein (F). Here, we explore whether receptor-induced conformational changes within morbillivirus H proteins promote membrane fusion by a mechanism requiring the active destabilization of prefusion F or by the dissociation of prefusion F from intracellularly preformed glycoprotein complexes. To properly probe F conformations, we identified anti-F monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize conformation-dependent epitopes. Through heat treatment as a surrogate for H-mediated F triggering, we demonstrate with these MAbs that the morbillivirus F trimer contains a sufficiently high inherent activation energy barrier to maintain the metastable prefusion state even in the absence of H. This notion was further validated by exploring the conformational states of destabilized F mutants and stabilized soluble F variants combined with the use of a membrane fusion inhibitor (3g). Taken together, our findings reveal that the morbillivirus H protein must lower the activation energy barrier of metastable prefusion F for fusion triggering.
To estimate the kinematics of the SIRGAS reference frame, the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) as the IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS (IGS RNNAC SIR), yearly computes a cumulative (multi-year) solution containing all available weekly solutions delivered by the SIRGAS analysis centres. These cumulative solutions include those models, standards, and strategies widely applied at the time in which they were computed and cover different time spans depending on the availability of the weekly solutions. This data set corresponds to the multi-year solution SIR11P01. It is based on the combination of the weekly normal equations covering the time span from 2000-01-02 (GPS week 1043) to 2011-04-16 (GPS week 1631), when the IGS08 reference frame was introduced. It refers to ITRF2008, epoch 2005.0 and contains 230 stations with 269 occupations. Its precision was estimated to be ±1.0 mm (horizontal) and ±2.4 mm (vertical) for the station positions, and ±0.7 mm/a (horizontal) and ±1.1 mm/a (vertical) for the constant velocities. Computation strategy and results are in detail described in Sánchez and Seitz (2011). The IGS RNAAC SIR computation of the SIRGAS reference frame is possible thanks to the active participation of many Latin American and Caribbean colleagues, who not only make the measurements of the stations available, but also operate SIRGAS analysis centres processing the observational data on a routine basis (more details in http://www.sirgas.org). The achievements of SIRGAS are a consequence of a successful international geodetic cooperation not only following and meeting concrete objectives, but also becoming a permanent and self-sustaining geodetic community to guarantee quality, reliability, and long-term stability of the SIRGAS reference frame. The SIRGAS activities are strongly supported by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the Pan-American Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH). The IGS RNAAC SIR highly appreciates all this support.
El trabajo analiza las posibilidades que tienen las estrategias de desarrollo local, inspiradas en realidades como la europea, de ser aplicadas del mismo modo en países de la periferia como la Argentina. En esta descripción se diferencian el contexto global-nacional y local. Se realiza el análisis a partir de los discursos geográficos y también sociológicos y económicos que, a partir de la experiencia italiana, francesa, etc., relativizan la escala nacional como eje del análisis y se enfocan en el surgimiento de lo local como escala de referencia. Se utiliza el ejemplo de las empresas de maquinaria agrícola de la ciudad argentina de Las Parejas, provincia de Santa Fe, para graficar cómo una ciudad intermedia puede generar proyectos asociativos que ayudan a los actores a enfrentar el contexto, pero que éste sigue siendo una variable determinante de la performance empresaria y de la vida de los tejidos productivos locales.
El trabajo analiza las posibilidades que tienen las estrategias de desarrollo local, inspiradas en realidades como la europea, de ser aplicadas del mismo modo en países de la periferia como la Argentina. En esta descripción se diferencian el contexto global-nacional y local. Se realiza el análisis a partir de los discursos geográficos y también sociológicos y económicos que, a partir de la experiencia italiana, francesa, etc., relativizan la escala nacional como eje del análisis y se enfocan en el surgimiento de lo local como escala de referencia. Se utiliza el ejemplo de las empresas de maquinaria agrícola de la ciudad argentina de Las Parejas, provincia de Santa Fe, para graficar cómo una ciudad intermedia puede generar proyectos asociativos que ayudan a los actores a enfrentar el contexto, pero que éste sigue siendo una variable determinante de la performance empresaria y de la vida de los tejidos productivos locales.
El trabajo analiza las posibilidades que tienen las estrategias de desarrollo local, inspiradas en realidades como la europea, de ser aplicadas del mismo modo en países de la periferia como la Argentina. En esta descripción se diferencian el contexto global-nacional y local. Se realiza el análisis a partir de los discursos geográficos y también sociológicos y económicos que, a partir de la experiencia italiana, francesa, etc., relativizan la escala nacional como eje del análisis y se enfocan en el surgimiento de lo local como escala de referencia. Se utiliza el ejemplo de las empresas de maquinaria agrícola de la ciudad argentina de Las Parejas, provincia de Santa Fe, para graficar cómo una ciudad intermedia puede generar proyectos asociativos que ayudan a los actores a enfrentar el contexto, pero que éste sigue siendo una variable determinante de la performance empresaria y de la vida de los tejidos productivos locales.