936 resultados para MIXED-MODEL


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The Montreal Process indicators are intended to provide a common framework for assessing and reviewing progress toward sustainable forest management. The potential of a combined geometrical-optical/spectral mixture analysis model was assessed for mapping the Montreal Process age class and successional age indicators at a regional scale using Landsat Thematic data. The project location is an area of eucalyptus forest in Emu Creek State Forest, Southeast Queensland, Australia. A quantitative model relating the spectral reflectance of a forest to the illumination geometry, slope, and aspect of the terrain surface and the size, shape, and density, and canopy size. Inversion of this model necessitated the use of spectral mixture analysis to recover subpixel information on the fractional extent of ground scene elements (such as sunlit canopy, shaded canopy, sunlit background, and shaded background). Results obtained fron a sensitivity analysis allowed improved allocation of resources to maximize the predictive accuracy of the model. It was found that modeled estimates of crown cover projection, canopy size, and tree densities had significant agreement with field and air photo-interpreted estimates. However, the accuracy of the successional stage classification was limited. The results obtained highlight the potential for future integration of high and moderate spatial resolution-imaging sensors for monitoring forest structure and condition. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 2000.


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An increasing number of studies shows that the glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) can survive and may indeed proliferate under the alternating anaerobic/aerobic conditions found in EBPR systems, thus forming a strong competitor of the polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs). Understanding their behaviors in a mixed PAO and GAO culture under various operational conditions is essential for developing operating strategies that disadvantage the growth of this group of unwanted organisms. A model-based data analysis method is developed in this paper for the study of the anaerobic PAO and GAO activities in a mixed PAO and GAO culture. The method primarily makes use of the hydrogen ion production rate and the carbon dioxide transfer rate resulting from the acetate uptake processes by PAOs and GAOs, measured with a recently developed titration and off-gas analysis (TOGA) sensor. The method is demonstrated using the data from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated under alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The data analysis using the proposed method strongly indicates a coexistence of PAOs and GAOs in the system, which was independently confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) measurement. The model-based analysis also allowed the identification of the respective acetate uptake rates by PAOs and GAOs, along with a number of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters involved in the PAO and GAO models. The excellent fit between the model predictions and the experimental data not involved in parameter identification shows that the parameter values found are reliable and accurate. It also demonstrates that the current anaerobic PAO and GAO models are able to accurately characterize the PAO/GAO mixed culture obtained in this study. This is of major importance as no pure culture of either PAOs or GAOs has been reported to date, and hence the current PAO and GAO models were developed for the interpretation of experimental results of mixed cultures. The proposed method is readily applicable for detailed investigations of the competition between PAOs and GAOs in enriched cultures. However, the fermentation of organic substrates carried out by ordinary heterotrophs needs to be accounted for when the method is applied to the study of PAO and GAO competition in full-scale sludges. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France. Best Paper Award Nominee


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This paper examines competition in the standard one-dimensional Downsian model of two-candidate elections, but where one candidate (A) enjoys an advantage over the other candidate (D). Voters' preferences are Euclidean, but any voter will vote for candidate A over candidate D unless D is closer to her ideal point by some fixed distance \delta. The location of the median voter's ideal point is uncertain, and its distribution is commonly known by both candidates. The candidates simultaneously choose locations to maximize the probability of victory. Pure strategy equilibria often fails to exist in this model, except under special conditions about \delta and the distribution of the median ideal point. We solve for the essentially unique symmetric mixed equilibrium, show that candidate A adopts more moderate policies than candidate D, and obtain some comparative statics results about the probability of victory and the expected distance between the two candidates' policies.


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Rare diseases are typically chronic medical conditions of genetic etiology characterized by low prevalence and high complexity. Patients living with rare diseases face numerous physical, psychosocial and economic challenges that place them in the realm of health disparities. Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare endocrine disorder characterized by absent puberty and infertility. Little is known about the psychosocial impact of CHH on patients or their adherence to available treatments. This project aimed to examine the relationship between illness perceptions, depressive symptoms and adherence to treatment in men with CHH using the nursing-sensitive Health Promotion Model (HPM). A community based participatory research (CBPR) framework was employed as a model for empowering patients and overcoming health inequities. The study design used a sequential, explanatory mixed-methods approach. To reach dispersed CHH men, we used web-based recruitment and data collection (online survey). Subsequently, three patient focus groups were conducted to provide explanatory insights into the online survey (i.e. barriers to adherence, challenges of CHH, and coping/support) The online survey (n=101) revealed that CHH men struggle with adherence and often have long gaps in care (40% >1 year). They experience negative psychosocial consequences because of CHH and exhibit significantly increased rates of depression (p<0.001). Focus group participants (n=26) identified healthcare system, interpersonal, and personal factors as barriers to adherence. Further, CHH impacts quality of life and impedes psychosexual development in these men. The CHH men are active internet users who rely on the web forcrowdsourcing solutions and peer-to-peer support. Moreover, they are receptive to web-based interventions to address unmet health needs. This thesis contributes to nursing knowledge in several ways. First, it demonstrates the utility of the HPM as a valuable theoretical construct for understanding medication adherence and for assessing rare disease patients. Second, these data identify a range of unmet health needs that are targets for patient-centered interventions. Third, leveraging technology (high-tech) effectively extended the reach of nursing care while the CBPR approach and focus groups (high-touch) served as concurrent nursing interventions facilitating patient empowerment in overcoming health disparities. Last, these findings hold promise for developing e-health interventions to bridge identified shortfalls in care and activating patients for enhanced self- care and wellness -- Les maladies rares sont généralement de maladies chroniques d'étiologie génétique caractérisées par une faible prévalence et une haute complexité de traitement. Les patients atteints de maladies rares sont confrontés à de nombreux défis physiques, psychosociaux et économiques qui les placent dans une posture de disparité et d'inégalités en santé. L'hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope congénital (CHH) est un trouble endocrinien rare caractérisé par l'absence de puberté et l'infertilité. On sait peu de choses sur l'impact psychosocial du CHH sur les patients ou leur adhésion aux traitements disponibles. Ce projet vise à examiner la relation entre la perception de la maladie, les symptômes dépressifs et l'observance du traitement chez les hommes souffrant de CHH. Cette étude est modélisée à l'aide du modèle de la Promotion de la santé de Pender (HPM). Le cadre de l'approche communautaire de recherche participative (CBPR) a aussi été utilisé. La conception de l'étude a reposé sur une approche mixte séquentielle. Pour atteindre les hommes souffrant de CHH, un recrutement et une collecte de données ont été organisées électroniquement. Par la suite, trois groupes de discussion ont été menées avec des patients experts impliqués au sein d'organisations reliés aux maladies rares. Ils ont été invités à discuter certains éléments additionnels dont, les obstacles à l'adhésion au traitement, les défis généraux de vivre avec un CHH, et l'adaptation à la maladie en tenant compte du soutien disponible. Le sondage en ligne (n = 101) a révélé que les hommes souffrant de CHH ont souvent de longues périodes en rupture de soins (40% > 1 an). Ils vivent des conséquences psychosociales négatives en raison du CHH et présentent une augmentation significative des taux de dépression (p <0,001). Les participants aux groupes de discussion (n = 26) identifient dans l'ordre, les systèmes de soins de santé, les relations interpersonnelles, et des facteurs personnels comme des obstacles à l'adhésion. En outre, selon les participants, le CHH impacte négativement sur leur qualité de vie générale et entrave leur développement psychosexuel. Les hommes souffrant de CHH se considèrent être des utilisateurs actifs d'internet et comptent sur le web pour trouver des solutions pour trouver des ressources et y recherchent le soutien de leurs pairs (peer-to-peer support). En outre, ils se disent réceptifs à des interventions qui sont basées sur le web pour répondre aux besoins de santé non satisfaits. Cette thèse contribue à la connaissance des soins infirmiers de plusieurs façons. Tout d'abord, elle démontre l'utilité de la HPM comme une construction théorique utile pour comprendre l'adhésion aux traitements et pour l'évaluation des éléments de promotion de santé qui concernent les patients atteints de maladies rares. Deuxièmement, ces données identifient une gamme de besoins de santé non satisfaits qui sont des cibles pour des interventions infirmières centrées sur le patient. Troisièmement, méthodologiquement parlant, cette étude démontre que les méthodes mixtes sont appropriées aux études en soins infirmiers car elles allient les nouvelles technologies qui peuvent effectivement étendre la portée des soins infirmiers (« high-tech »), et l'approche CBPR par des groupes de discussion (« high-touch ») qui ont facilité la compréhension des difficultés que doivent surmonter les hommes souffrant de CHH pour diminuer les disparités en santé et augmenter leur responsabilisation dans la gestion de la maladie rare. Enfin, ces résultats sont prometteurs pour développer des interventions e-santé susceptibles de combler les lacunes dans les soins et l'autonomisation de patients pour une meilleure emprise sur les auto-soins et le bien-être.


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A simple model is proposed, using the method of maximum likelihood to estimate malformation frequencies in racial groups based on data obtained from hospital services. This model uses the proportions of racial admixture, and the observed malformation frequency. It was applied to two defects: postaxial polydactyly and cleft lip, the frequencies of which are recognizedly heterogeneous among racial groups. The frequencies estimated in each racial group were those expected for these malformations, which proves the applicability of the method.


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The intraseasonal variability (ISV) of the Indian summer monsoon is dominated by a 30–50 day oscillation between “active” and “break” events of enhanced and reduced rainfall over the subcontinent, respectively. These organized convective events form in the equatorial Indian Ocean and propagate north to India. Atmosphere–ocean coupled processes are thought to play a key role the intensity and propagation of these events. A high-resolution, coupled atmosphere–mixed-layer-oceanmodel is assembled: HadKPP. HadKPP comprises the Hadley Centre Atmospheric Model (HadAM3) and the K Profile Parameterization (KPP) mixed-layer ocean model. Following studies that upper-ocean vertical resolution and sub-diurnal coupling frequencies improve the simulation of ISV in SSTs, KPP is run at 1 m vertical resolution near the surface; the atmosphere and ocean are coupled every three hours. HadKPP accurately simulates the 30–50 day ISV in rainfall and SSTs over India and the Bay of Bengal, respectively, but suffers from low ISV on the equator. This is due to the HadAM3 convection scheme producing limited ISV in surface fluxes. HadKPP demonstrates little of the observed northward propagation of intraseasonal events, producing instead a standing oscillation. The lack of equatorial ISV in convection in HadAM3 constrains the ability of KPP to produce equatorial SST anomalies, which further weakens the ISV of convection. It is concluded that while atmosphere–ocean interactions are undoubtedly essential to an accurate simulation of ISV, they are not a panacea for model deficiencies. In regions where the atmospheric forcing is adequate, such as the Bay of Bengal, KPP produces SST anomalies that are comparable to the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI) SST analyses in both their magnitude and their timing with respect to rainfall anomalies over India. HadKPP also displays a much-improved phase relationship between rainfall and SSTs over a HadAM3 ensemble forced by observed SSTs, when both are compared to observations. Coupling to mixed-layer models such as KPP has the potential to improve operational predictions of ISV, particularly when the persistence time of SST anomalies is shorter than the forecast lead time.


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Using the Met Office large-eddy model (LEM) we simulate a mixed-phase altocumulus cloud that was observed from Chilbolton in southern England by a 94 GHz Doppler radar, a 905 nm lidar, a dual-wavelength microwave radiometer and also by four radiosondes. It is important to test and evaluate such simulations with observations, since there are significant differences between results from different cloud-resolving models for ice clouds. Simulating the Doppler radar and lidar data within the LEM allows us to compare observed and modelled quantities directly, and allows us to explore the relationships between observed and unobserved variables. For general-circulation models, which currently tend to give poor representations of mixed-phase clouds, the case shows the importance of using: (i) separate prognostic ice and liquid water, (ii) a vertical resolution that captures the thin layers of liquid water, and (iii) an accurate representation the subgrid vertical velocities that allow liquid water to form. It is shown that large-scale ascents and descents are significant for this case, and so the horizontally averaged LEM profiles are relaxed towards observed profiles to account for these. The LEM simulation then gives a reasonable. cloud, with an ice-water path approximately two thirds of that observed, with liquid water at the cloud top, as observed. However, the liquid-water cells that form in the updraughts at cloud top in the LEM have liquid-water paths (LWPs) up to half those observed, and there are too few cells, giving a mean LWP five to ten times smaller than observed. In reality, ice nucleation and fallout may deplete ice-nuclei concentrations at the cloud top, allowing more liquid water to form there, but this process is not represented in the model. Decreasing the heterogeneous nucleation rate in the LEM increased the LWP, which supports this hypothesis. The LEM captures the increase in the standard deviation in Doppler velocities (and so vertical winds) with height, but values are 1.5 to 4 times smaller than observed (although values are larger in an unforced model run, this only increases the modelled LWP by a factor of approximately two). The LEM data show that, for values larger than approximately 12 cm s(-1), the standard deviation in Doppler velocities provides an almost unbiased estimate of the standard deviation in vertical winds, but provides an overestimate for smaller values. Time-smoothing the observed Doppler velocities and modelled mass-squared-weighted fallspeeds shows that observed fallspeeds are approximately two-thirds of the modelled values. Decreasing the modelled fallspeeds to those observed increases the modelled IWC, giving an IWP 1.6 times that observed.


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In this paper, the mixed logit (ML) using Bayesian methods was employed to examine willingness-to-pay (WTP) to consume bread produced with reduced levels of pesticides so as to ameliorate environmental quality, from data generated by a choice experiment. Model comparison used the marginal likelihood, which is preferable for Bayesian model comparison and testing. Models containing constant and random parameters for a number of distributions were considered, along with models in ‘preference space’ and ‘WTP space’ as well as those allowing for misreporting. We found: strong support for the ML estimated in WTP space; little support for fixing the price coefficient a common practice advocated and adopted in the environmental economics literature; and, weak evidence for misreporting.


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Using mixed logit models to analyse choice data is common but requires ex ante specification of the functional forms of preference distributions. We make the case for greater use of bounded functional forms and propose the use of the Marginal Likelihood, calculated using Bayesian techniques, as a single measure of model performance across non nested mixed logit specifications. Using this measure leads to very different rankings of model specifications compared to alternative rule of thumb measures. The approach is illustrated using data from a choice experiment regarding GM food types which provides insights regarding the recent WTO dispute between the EU and the US, Canada and Argentina and whether labelling and trade regimes should be based on the production process or product composition.


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A model for comparing the inventory costs of purchasing under the economic order quantity (EOQ) system and the just-in-time (JIT) order purchasing system in existing literature concluded that JIT purchasing was virtually always the preferable inventory ordering system especially at high level of annual demand. By expanding the classical EOQ model, this paper shows that it is possible for the EOQ system to be more cost effective than the JIT system once the inventory demand approaches the EOQ-JIT cost indifference point. The case study conducted in the ready-mixed concrete industry in Singapore supported this proposition.


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An idealized equilibrium model for the undisturbed partly cloudy boundary layer (BL) is used as a framework to explore the coupling of the energy, water, and carbon cycles over land in midlatitudes and show the sensitivity to the clear‐sky shortwave flux, the midtropospheric temperature, moisture, CO2, and subsidence. The changes in the surface fluxes, the BL equilibrium, and cloud cover are shown for a warmer, doubled CO2 climate. Reduced stomatal conductance in a simple vegetation model amplifies the background 2 K ocean temperature rise to an (unrealistically large) 6 K increase in near‐surface temperature over land, with a corresponding drop of near‐surface relative humidity of about 19%, and a rise of cloud base of about 70 hPa. Cloud changes depend strongly on changes of mean subsidence; but evaporative fraction (EF) decreases. EF is almost uniquely related to mixed layer (ML) depth, independent of background forcing climate. This suggests that it might be possible to infer EF for heterogeneous landscapes from ML depth. The asymmetry of increased evaporation over the oceans and reduced transpiration over land increases in a warmer doubled CO2 climate.