340 resultados para Métal-chromophore
The synthesis of the monomeric building block 13 and its constitutional isomer 12 of a new type of DNA analog, distamycin-NA, is presented (Schemes 1 and 2). This building block consists of a uracil base attached to a thiophene core unit via a biaryl-like axis. Next to the biaryl-like axis on the thiophene chromophore, a carboxy and an amino substituent are located allowing for oligomerization via peptide coupling. The proof of constitution and the conformational preferences about the biaryl-like axis were established by means of X-ray analyses of the corresponding nitro derivatives 10 and 11. Thus, the uracil bases are propeller-twisted relative to the thiophene core, and bidentate H-bonds occur between two uracil bases in the crystals. The two amino-acid building blocks 12 and 13 were coupled to give the dimers 15 and 16 using dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) in THF/LiCl and DMF, respectively. While the dimer 15 showed no atropisomerism on the NMR time scale at room temperature, its isomer 16 occurred as distinct diastereoisomers due to the hindered rotation around its biaryl-like axis. Variable-temperature 1H-NMR experiments allowed to determine a rotational barrier of 19 ± 1 kcal/mol in 16. The experimental data were complemented by AM1 calculations.
A protected S-acetylthio porphyrin was synthesized and attached to the Au38(2-phenylethanethiolate)24 cluster in a ligand exchange reaction. Chiral high performance liquid chromatography of the functionalized cluster yielded enantiomeric pairs of clusters probably differing in the binding site of the porphyrin. As proven by circular dichroism, the chirality was maintained. Exciton coupling between the cluster and the chromophore is observed. Zinc can be incorporated into the porphyrin attached to the cluster, as evidenced by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, however, the reaction is slow. Quenching of the chromophore fluorescence is observed, which can be explained by energy transfer from the porphyrin to the cluster. Transient absorption spectra of Au38(2-phenylethanethiolate)24 and the functionalized cluster probe the bleach of the gold cluster due to ground state absorption and the characteristic excited state absorption signals. Zinc incorporation does not have a pronounced effect on the photophysical behaviour. Decay times are typical for the molecular behaviour of small monolayer protected gold clusters.
Archäologie in den Hochalpen: Vom Rückgang der Gletscher sind auch archäologische Objekte betroffen. Über Jahrtausende hinweg haben sie im Eis überdauert, nun kommen sie zum Vorschein. Im Hitzesommer 2003 fand eine Wanderin am Schnidejoch ein fremdartiges Objekt aus Birkenrinde. Es erwies sich als Teil eines 4800 Jahre alten Bogenfutterals. In den Jahren 2004 bis 2011 unternahm der Archäologische Dienst des Kantons Bern über 30 Begehungen der Nordseite und – zusammen mit der Walliser Kantonsarchäologie – auch der Südseite des Schnidejochs. Zahlreiche weitere Funde aus Holz, Leder und Metall konnten geborgen und wissenschaftlich untersucht werden. Einzigartige Funde Zu den spektakulärsten Funden vom Schnidejoch zählt das Bogenfutteral aus Birkenrinde. Weiter stechen aus den rund 900 Funden ein Pfeilbogen, mehrere vollständige Pfeile und Fragmente einer Schale aus Ulmenholz hervor. Es handelt sich dabei um das älteste Holzgefäss der Schweiz. Weitere herausragende Funde sind ein bronzezeitliches Holzgefäss aus Birkenrinde, eine bronzezeitliche Gewandnadel sowie Bekleidung und Schuhe aus Leder. Archéologie dans les Alpes bernoises Le recul des glaciers a aussi un impact sur les découvertes archéologiques. Il fait réapparaître des objets préservés dans les glaces depuis des millénaires. Pendant l’été caniculaire de 2003, une randonneuse a découvert un objet singulier en écorce de bouleau, qui s’est avéré être un morceau de carquois vieux de 4800 ans. De 2004 à 2011, le Service archéologique du canton de Berne s’est rendu plus de trente fois sur le versant nord du Schnidejoch et, en collaboration avec le Service d’archéologie du canton du Valais, sur le versant sud de ce col. De nombreux autres objets en bois, cuir et métal ont pu être mis au jour et étudiés scientifiquement. Des découvertes uniques Le carquois en écorce de bouleau constitue l’une des découvertes les plus sensationnelles du Schnidejoch. Parmi les quelque 900 objets mis au jour figurent un arc, plusieurs flèches complètes et les fragments d’un bol en bois d’orme. Ce bol est le plus ancien récipient en bois de Suisse. D’autres trouvailles spectaculaires ont été faites, notamment un récipient en écorce de bouleau et une épingle à vêtements datant de l’Âge du Bronze ainsi que des vêtements et des chaussures en cuir.
Vorbesitzer: Zacharias Konrad von Uffenbach;
Vorbesitzer: Zacharias Konrad von Uffenbach;
The molecular complex of sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and its transducer HtrI mediate color-sensitive phototaxis in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light causes a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of this molecular complex were explored: (i) We determined the stoichiometry of SRI and HtrI to be 2:2 by gene fusion analysis. A SRI-HtrI fusion protein was expressed in H. salinarum and shown to mediate 1-photon and 2-photon phototaxis responses comparable to wild-type complex. Disulfide crosslinking demonstrated that the fusion protein is a homodimer in the membrane. Measurement of photochemical reaction kinetics and pH titration of absorption spectra established that both SRI domains are complexed to HtrI in the fusion protein, and therefore the stoichiometry is 2:2. (ii) Cytoplasmic channel closure of SRI by HtrI, an important aspect of their interaction, was investigated by incremental HtrI truncation. We found that binding of the membrane-embedded portion of HtrI is insufficient for channel closure, whereas cytoplasmic extension of the second HtrI transmembrane helix by 13 residues blocks proton conduction through the channel as well as full-length HtrI. The closure activity is localized to 5 specific residues, each of which incrementally contributes to reduction of proton conductivity. Moreover, these same residues in the dark incrementally and proportionally increase the pKa of the Asp76 counterion to the protonated Schiff base chromophore. We conclude that this critical region of HtrI alters the dark conformation of SRI as well as light-induced channel opening. (iii) We developed a procedure for reconstituting HtrI-free SRI and the SRI/HtrI complex into liposomes, which exhibit photocycles with opened and closed cytoplasmic channels, respectively, as in the membrane. This opens the way for study of the light-induced conformational change and the interaction in vitro by fluorescence and spin-labeling. Single-cysteine mutations were introduced into helix F of SRI, labeled with a nitroxide spin probe and a fluorescence probe, reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and light-induced conformational changes detected in the complex. The probe signals can now be used as the readout of signaling to analyze mutants and the kinetics of signal relay. ^
SRI is unique among known photoreceptors in that it produces opposite signals depending on the color of light stimuli. Absorption of orange light (587 nm) triggers an attractant response by the cell, whereas absorption of orange light followed by near-UV light (373 run) triggers a repellent response. Using behavioral mutants that exhibit aberrant color-sensing ability, we tested a two-conformation equilibrium model, using FRET and EPR spectroscopy. The essence of the model applied to SRI-HtrI is that the complex exists in a metastable two-conformer equilibrium which is shifted in one direction by orange light absorption (producing an attractant signal) and in the opposite direction by a second UV-violet photon (producing a repellent signal). First, by FRET we found that the E-F cytoplasmic loop of SRI moves toward the RAMP domain of the HtrI transducer during the formation of the orange-light activated signaling state of the complex. This is the first localization of a change in the physical relationship between the receptor and transducer subunits of the complex and provides a structural property of the two proposed conformers that we can monitor. Second, EPR spectra of a spin label probe at this cytoplasmic position showed shifts in the dark in the mutants toward shorter or longer EF loop-RAMP distances, explaining their behavior in terms of their mutations causing pre-stimulus shifts into one or the other conformer. ^ Next, we applied a novel electrophysiological method for monitoring the directionality of proton movement during photoactivation of SRI, to investigate the process of proton transfer in the photoactive site from the chromophore to proton acceptors on both the wildtype and aberrant color-response mutants. We observed an unexpected and critical difference in the two signaling conformations of the SRI-HtrI complex. The finding is that the vectoriality (i.e. movement away or toward the cytoplasm) of the light-induced proton transfer from the chromophore to the protein is opposite in formation of the two conformations. Retinylidene proton transfer is a common critical process in rhodopsins and these results are the first to show differences in vectoriality in a rhodopsin receptor, and to demonstrate functional importance of the direction of proton transfer. ^
We present a helical unwinding assay for reversibly binding DNA ligands that uses closed circular DNA, topoisomerase I (Topo I), and two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis. Serially diluted Topo I relaxation reactions at constant DNA/ligand ratio are performed, and the resulting apparent unwinding of the closed circular DNA is used to calculate both ligand unwinding angle (φ) and intrinsic association constant (Ka). Mathematical treatment of apparent unwinding is formally analogous to that of apparent extinction coefficient data for optical binding titrations. Extrapolation to infinite DNA concentration yields the true unwinding angle of a given ligand and its association constant under Topo I relaxation conditions. Thus this assay delivers simultaneous structural and thermodynamic information describing the ligand–DNA complex. The utility of this assay has been demonstrated by using calichearubicin B (CRB), a synthetic hybrid molecule containing the anthraquinone chromophore of (DA) and the carbohydrate domain of calicheamicin γ1I. The unwinding angle for CRB calculated by this method is −5.3 ± 0.5°. Its Ka value is 0.20 × 106 M−1. For comparison, the unwinding angles of ethidium bromide and DA have been independently calculated, and the results are in agreement with canonical values for these compounds. Although a stronger binder to selected sites, CRB is a less potent unwinder than its parent compound DA. The assay requires only small amounts of ligand and offers an attractive option for analysis of DNA binding by synthetic and natural compounds.
Diversification of cone pigment spectral sensitivities during evolution is a prerequisite for the development of color vision. Previous studies have identified two naturally occurring mechanisms that produce variation among vertebrate pigments by red-shifting visual pigment absorbance: addition of hydroxyl groups to the putative chromophore binding pocket and binding of chloride to a putative extracellular loop. In this paper we describe the use of two blue-shifting mechanisms during the evolution of rodent long-wave cone pigments. The mouse green pigment belongs to the long-wave subfamily of cone pigments, but its absorption maximum is 508 nm, similar to that of the rhodopsin subfamily of visual pigments, but blue-shifted 44 nm relative to the human red pigment, its closest homologue. We show that acquisition of a hydroxyl group near the retinylidene Schiff base and loss of the chloride binding site mentioned above fully account for the observed blue shift. These data indicate that the chloride binding site is not a universal attribute of long-wave cone pigments as generally supposed, and that, depending upon location, hydroxyl groups can alter the environment of the chromophore to produce either red or blue shifts.
The complete sequence of the Synechocystis chromosome has revealed a phytochrome-like sequence that yielded an authentic phytochrome when overexpressed in Escherichia coli. In this paper we describe this recombinant Synechocystis phytochrome in more detail. Islands of strong similarity to plant phytochromes were found throughout the cyanobacterial sequence whereas C-terminal homologies identify it as a likely sensory histidine kinase, a family to which plant phytochromes are related. An ≈300 residue portion that is important for plant phytochrome function is missing from the Synechocystis sequence, immediately in front of the putative kinase region. The recombinant apoprotein is soluble and can easily be purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography. Phycocyanobilin and similar tetrapyrroles are covalently attached within seconds, an autocatalytic process followed by slow conformational changes culminating in red-absorbing phytochrome formation. Spectral absorbance characteristics are remarkably similar to those of plant phytochromes, although the conformation of the chromophore is likely to be more helical in the Synechocystis phytochrome. According to size-exclusion chromatography the native recombinant apoproteins and holoproteins elute predominantly as 115- and 170-kDa species, respectively. Both tend to form dimers in vitro and aggregate under low salt conditions. Nevertheless, the purity and solubility of the recombinant gene product make it a most attractive model for molecular studies of phytochrome, including x-ray crystallography.
A key step in signal transduction in the visual cell is the light-induced conformational change of rhodopsin that triggers the binding and activation of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein. Site-directed mAbs against bovine rhodopsin were produced and used to detect and characterize these conformational changes upon light activation. Among several antibodies that bound exclusively to the light-activated state, an antibody (IgG subclass) with the highest affinity (Ka ≈ 6 × 10−9 M) was further purified and characterized. The epitope of this antibody was mapped to the amino acid sequence 304–311. This epitope extends from the central region to the cytoplasmic end of the seventh transmembrane helix and incorporates a part of a highly conserved NPXXY motif, a critical region for signaling and agonist-induced internalization of several biogenic amine and peptide receptors. In the dark state, no binding of the antibody to rhodopsin was detected. Accessibility of the epitope to the antibody correlated with formation of the metarhodopsin II photointermediate and was reduced significantly at the metarhodopsin III intermediate. Further, incubation of the antigen–antibody complex with 11-cis-retinal failed to regenerate the native rhodopsin chromophore. These results suggest significant and reversible conformational changes in close proximity to the cytoplasmic end of the seventh transmembrane helix of rhodopsin that might be important for folding and signaling.
Graphs of second harmonic generation coefficients and electro-optic coefficients (measured by ellipsometry, attenuated total reflection, and two-slit interference modulation) as a function of chromophore number density (chromophore loading) are experimentally observed to exhibit maxima for polymers containing chromophores characterized by large dipole moments and polarizabilities. Modified London theory is used to demonstrated that this behavior can be attributed to the competition of chromophore-applied electric field and chromophore–chromophore electrostatic interactions. The comparison of theoretical and experimental data explains why the promise of exceptional macroscopic second-order optical nonlinearity predicted for organic materials has not been realized and suggests routes for circumventing current limitations to large optical nonlinearity. The results also suggest extensions of measurement and theoretical methods to achieve an improved understanding of intermolecular interactions in condensed phase materials including materials prepared by sequential synthesis and block copolymer methods.
The present paper describes the total chemical synthesis of the precursor molecule of the Aequorea green fluorescent protein (GFP). The molecule is made up of 238 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain and is nonfluorescent. To carry out the synthesis, a procedure, first described in 1981 for the synthesis of complex peptides, was used. The procedure is based on performing segment condensation reactions in solution while providing maximum protection to the segment. The effectiveness of the procedure has been demonstrated by the synthesis of various biologically active peptides and small proteins, such as human angiogenin, a 123-residue protein analogue of ribonuclease A, human midkine, a 121-residue protein, and pleiotrophin, a 136-residue protein analogue of midkine. The GFP precursor molecule was synthesized from 26 fully protected segments in solution, and the final 238-residue peptide was treated with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride to obtain the precursor molecule of GFP containing two Cys(acetamidomethyl) residues. After removal of the acetamidomethyl groups, the product was dissolved in 0.1 M Tris⋅HCl buffer (pH 8.0) in the presence of DTT. After several hours at room temperature, the solution began to emit a green fluorescence (λmax = 509 nm) under near-UV light. Both fluorescence excitation and fluorescence emission spectra were measured and were found to have the same shape and maxima as those reported for native GFP. The present results demonstrate the utility of the segment condensation procedure in synthesizing large protein molecules such as GFP. The result also provides evidence that the formation of the chromophore in GFP is not dependent on any external cofactor.
We have investigated the pH dependence of the dynamics of conformational fluctuations of green fluorescent protein mutants EGFP (F64L/S65T) and GFP-S65T in small ensembles of molecules in solution by using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). FCS utilizes time-resolved measurements of fluctuations in the molecular fluorescence emission for determination of the intrinsic dynamics and thermodynamics of all processes that affect the fluorescence. Fluorescence excitation of a bulk solution of EGFP decreases to zero at low pH (pKa = 5.8) paralleled by a decrease of the absorption at 488 nm and an increase at 400 nm. Protonation of the hydroxyl group of Tyr-66, which is part of the chromophore, induces these changes. When FCS is used the fluctuations in the protonation state of the chromophore are time resolved. The autocorrelation function of fluorescence emission shows contributions from two chemical relaxation processes as well as diffusional concentration fluctuations. The time constant of the fast, pH-dependent chemical process decreases with pH from 300 μs at pH 7 to 45 μs at pH 5, while the time-average fraction of molecules in a nonfluorescent state increases to 80% in the same range. A second, pH-independent, process with a time constant of 340 μs and an associated fraction of 13% nonfluorescent molecules is observed between pH 8 and 11, possibly representing an internal proton transfer process and associated conformational rearrangements. The FCS data provide direct measures of the dynamics and the equilibrium properties of the protonation processes. Thus FCS is a convenient, intrinsically calibrated method for pH measurements in subfemtoliter volumes with nanomolar concentrations of EGFP.
The discovery of cyanobacterial phytochrome histidine kinases, together with the evidence that phytochromes from higher plants display protein kinase activity, bind ATP analogs, and possess C-terminal domains similar to bacterial histidine kinases, has fueled the controversial hypothesis that the eukaryotic phytochrome family of photoreceptors are light-regulated enzymes. Here we demonstrate that purified recombinant phytochromes from a higher plant and a green alga exhibit serine/threonine kinase activity similar to that of phytochrome isolated from dark grown seedlings. Phosphorylation of recombinant oat phytochrome is a light- and chromophore-regulated intramolecular process. Based on comparative protein sequence alignments and biochemical cross-talk experiments with the response regulator substrate of the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1, we propose that eukaryotic phytochromes are histidine kinase paralogs with serine/threonine specificity whose enzymatic activity diverged from that of a prokaryotic ancestor after duplication of the transmitter module.