931 resultados para London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This project verified the potential for the production of hydrogen via water electrolysis by using the exceeding electrical energy resultant from alcohol and sugar plants that use sugar cane bagasse as fuel. The studies were carried out in cogeneration plants authorized by the Electrical Energy National Agency (ANEEL). The processing history of sugar cane considered was based on the 2006/2007 harvests. The total bagasse produced, electrical energy generated and exceeding electrical energy in a year were calculated. It was obtained an average energy consumption value of 5.2 kWh Nm(-3) and the hydrogen production costs regarding the amount of sugar cane processed that ranged from US$ 0.50 to US$ 0.75 Nm(-3). The results pointed that the costs for the production of hydrogen via the bagasse exceeding energy are close to the production costs that use other sources of energy. As the energy generated from the bagasse is a renewable one, this alternative for the production of hydrogen is economical and environmentally viable. (C) 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thaumastocoris peregrinus is a recently introduced invertebrate pest of non-native Eucalyptus plantations in the Southern Hemisphere. It was first reported from South Africa in 2003 and in Argentina in 2005. Since then, populations have grown explosively and it has attained an almost ubiquitous distribution over several regions in South Africa on 26 Eucalyptus species. Here we address three key questions regarding this invasion, namely whether only one species has been introduced, whether there were single or multiple introductions into South Africa and South America and what the source of the introduction might have been. To answer these questions, bar-coding using mitochondrial DNA (COI) sequence diversity was used to characterise the populations of this insect from Australia, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa and Uruguay. Analyses revealed three cryptic species in Australia, of which only T. peregrinus is represented in South Africa and South America. Thaumastocoris peregrinus populations contained eight haplotypes, with a pairwise nucleotide distance of 0.2-0.9% from seventeen locations in Australia. Three of these haplotypes are shared with populations in South America and South Africa, but the latter regions do not share haplotypes. These data, together with the current distribution of the haplotypes and the known direction of original spread in these regions, suggest that at least three distinct introductions of the insect occurred in South Africa and South America before 2005. The two most common haplotypes in Sydney, one of which was also found in Brisbane, are shared with the non-native regions. Sydney populations of T. peregrinus, which have regularly reached outbreak levels in recent years, might thus have served as source of these three distinct introductions into other regions of the Southern Hemisphere.


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Reproductive rate is an important component of economic success in livestock production. Parturition interval (IEP) is a direct measure of the productivity of the animal. Long IEP reduce the number of calves produced per year. The objective this study was to determine the distribution of parturitions across month and to evaluate factors affecting IEP. The data included 7,588 parturitions of Murrah, Mediterranean and Carabobo buffalo from 10 herds in Southern and South-eastern Brazil. The analysis of distribution of parturitions evaluated the effects of month, year and their interaction on birth date of calves by using a Chi-Square test in SAS PROC FREQ (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Parturition intervals (n = 2,630) were evaluated using analysis of variance in SAS PROC GLM. The model for IEP included the fixed effects of season (December to May = 1, June to November = 2), year, season x year, sex of the preceding parturition, age of weaning of the previous calf, and herd. All sources of variation were significant (P<0.0001) except sex of the preceding parturition (P <0.85). The mean IEP was 446.7 +/- 10.4 days, for seasons 1 and 2 IEP were 419.8 +/- 11.3 and 473.6 +/- 40.7 days, respectively, a difference of 54 days. As weaning age increased there was a lengthening of IEP. Buffalo in Brazil showed seasonal parturition with calving concentrated from January to April, although the frequency by month differed across years (P<0.0001). These months also had the lowest calving interval.


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Phylogeographic trends in Batrachospermum macrosporum Mont. were investigated using the mitochondrial intergenic spacer between the cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 and 3 genes (cox2-3). A total of 11 stream segments were sampled with seven in the coastal plain of North America and four in tropical areas of South America. Fifteen thalli were sampled from seven streams, 14 thalli from two streams, and eight thalli from two streams. There were 16 haplotypes detected using 149 individuals. of the eight haplotypes from locations in North America, all were 334 base pairs (bp) in length, and of those from South America, five were 344 bp, and three were 348 bp. Two individual networks were produced: one for the haplotypes from North America and another for those from South America, and these could not be joined due to the large number of base pair differences. This split between haplotypes from North and South America was confirmed with sequence data of the rbcL gene. There was very little genetic variation among the haplotypes from the North American locations, leading us to hypothesize that these are fairly recent colonization events along the coastal plain. In contrast, there was high variation among haplotypes from South America, and it would appear that the Amazon serves as a center of diversity. We detected considerable variation in haplotypes among streams, but frequently, a single haplotype in an individual stream segment, which is consistent with data from previous studies of other batrachospermalean taxa, may suggest a single colonization event per stream.


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This paper examines Elizabeth Bishop's evolving social views, as revealed through her poetry. A selection of poems, written before and after she moved to Brazil in 1951, are compared so as to disclose changes in her personal expression and in her approaches to issues of human interaction and social organization.


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Sequence data from the RUBISCO large subunit (rbcL) plastid gene and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) were examined for five samples of Sirodotia delicatula from southeastern Brazil. Data from six North American samples previously identified as S. huillensis and S. suecica were also included in the analysis. Molecular data supported the continued recognition of these three species as separate entities, although one of the North American collections was misidentified. These results were shown to be congruent with morphology, chromosome number and geographic distribution. S. delicatula is more closely related to S. huillensis, both occurring in tropical-subtropical regions, than either to S. suecica with a temperate-boreal distribution. There was little rbcL variation within S. delicatula from Brazil and Costa Rica (the latter a collection previously identified as S. huillensis), with the six samples sequenced diverging from each other by 0-8 bp (0-0.67%). SSU rDNA data set did not provide sufficient resolution to infer phylogenetic relationships among the species of this group due to the low rates of variation (5 bp). Sirodotia was a well-supported clade (100% bootstrap or 1.00 a posteriori probability) based on rbcL sequences. Thus, the results confirm that Sirodotia is a monophyletic group within the Batrachospermales and we continue to recognize it at the generic level. The species S. delicatula, S. huillensis and S. suecica are morphologically and genetically distinct.


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Eighteen collections of red-coloured Audouinella from Central Mexico and southeastern Brazil detected three species. The most common species, A. eugenea, is characterized by macroscopic thalli, the erect system consisting of filaments with cylindrical cells, undifferentiated into proximal and distal parts, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). Spermatangia. and possible propagules were observed in some Mexican populations. This is the third Audouinella species observed to have gametangia and the first member of the Acrochaetiales with putative propagules. The second species, from Central Mexico, was characterized by the following features: macroscopic thalli, the erect system differentiated into proximal parts with cylindrical cells, unbranched or rarely branched, and distal parts with barrel-shaped cells, abundantly branched to form dense fascicles, with alternate or dichotomous branching, some at right-angles to the axis, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). The morphologically distinct proximal and distal portions of the erect system, the latter forming dense fascicles, was a consistent character so far unknown in Audouinella; thus, we propose a new species, A. huastecana sp. nov. The third species is a microscopic epiphyte, A. meiospora, with a well-developed prostrate system composed of creeping and loosely aggregated filaments, and a short homogeneous erect system (less than or equal to 15 cells) of filaments with cylindrical or barrel-shaped cells and small monosporangia (less than or equal to 13.0 mum long). A. eugenea and A. meiospora are characterized for the first time from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, respectively, both occurring mostly in areas of tropical or subtropical rainforests. A. meiospora is reported from new macroalgal hosts. A. eugenea and A. huastecana tended to occur in warm, alkaline waters with a high ion content that were moderate to fast flowing, whereas A. meiospora was not associated with particular habitats.


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We write the London limit of the Lawrence Doniach free energy in terms of the local magnetic field and of the average supercurrent over the interplane distance. Starting from this formulation we study a model where the supercurrent at the buffer layers is obtained from the superconducting sheets by a Taylor expansion. The continuum limit of this model gives corrections to the anisotropic London theory due to the layered structure.


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Thirteen populations of Thorea were analyzed from central Mexico and south-eastern Brazil. All populations were considered as belonging to a single species [Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux], with wide variation of morphological features. Secondary branches varying in frequency were observed in several populations with an overlapping in the range of branch density for Thorea violacea Bory and T. hispida (0-9 and 11-41 per 30 mm, respectively). As this is the most distinguishing character and on the basis of the overlapping (within a same population or even a single plant), we regarded T. violacea as a synonym of T. hispida. 'Chantransia' stage in culture, as well as gametophyte and carposporophyte were described in detail. We confirmed the coexistence of asexual monosporangia with sexual reproductive structures (carpogonia and spermatangia) and carposporangia. Size, content, arrangement and chromosome number were the most distinctive characteristics among spermatangia, carposporangia and monosporangia. Monosporangia can be promptly differentiated from spermatangia by their granulated content and larger size but they are similar to carposporangia in shape and size; however, monosporangia are not arranged in fascicles. Structures resembling bisporangia were observed in female plants of some populations. Chromosome numbers were n = 4 for spermatangia and fascicle cells, and 2n ca8 for gonimoblast filaments, carpospores and the 'Chantransia' stage cells. The populations of Thorea from central Mexico and south-eastern Brazil corroborated the known world distribution for T. hispida, consisting dominantly of tropical to subtropical rainforests, sometimes extending into warm temperate areas. Thorea hispida occurred in warm (temperature 17.6-28.0°C), neutral to alkaline (pH 7.0-8.0), high ion content (specific conductance 59-2140 μS cm-1), moderate flowing (current velocity 17-43 cm/s) and shallow waters (depth <50 cm); these data are essentially similar to previous reports.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Neste estudo descreve-se as características da estrutura vertical de um episódio de Jatos de Baixos Níveis (JBN) ocorrido no litoral do Pará, utilizando-se para tal, dados das radiossondagens de Ajuruteua, Município de Bragança coletados durante o experimento DESMATA (Impacto do Desmatamento Junto ao Litoral Atlântico da Amazônia) realizado no período de 08 a 22 de abril de 2002. Dentre os casos detectados no período chuvoso, selecionou-se um que se manteve por 12 horas com velocidade média de 15m/s e que estava direcionado de Nordeste para Leste, no ponto de máxima velocidade. Os resultados observacionais indicaram que, este JBN localizado no litoral Paraense foi resultado da ação combinada de dois fatores: (1) oscilação inercial e (2) baroclinia superficial. Estes dois fatores combinados sustentaram este JBN com intensidades entre 10 e 13m/s durante o dia e entre 14 e 16m/s durante a noite, localizado a uma altitude média de 800m acima da superfície.