310 resultados para Locking
Wavelength-locking of a multiwavelength stabilized slotted Fabry-Perot (SFP) laser to a single-mode laser source is experimentally demonstrated. The SFP resonates at channels spaced by similar to 8 nm between 1510 and 1565 nm over a wide range of temperatures and drive currents. Under low-power (<- 20 dBm) external optical injection, wavelength-locking with a sidemode suppression ratio (SMSR) > 25 dB is achieved. A locking width of > 25 GHz and SMSR > 30 dB can be achieved for each locked wavelength channel at injection power > - 16 dBm.
We review our recent progress on the study of new nonlinear mechanisms of pulse shaping in passively mode-locked fiber lasers. These include a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on our recent experimental studies unveiling new types of vector solitons with processing states of polarization for multi-pulse and tightly bound-state soliton (soliton molecule) operations in a carbon nanotube (CNT) mode-locked fiber laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.
This paper presents the current status of our research in mode-locked quantum-dot edge-emitting laser diodes, particularly highlighting the recent progress in spectral and temporal versatility of both monolithic and external-cavity laser configurations. Spectral versatility is demonstrated through broadband tunability and novel mode-locking regimes that involve distinct spectral bands, such as dual-wavelength mode-locking, and robust high-power wavelength bistability. Broad tunability of the pulse repetition rate is also demonstrated for an external-cavity mode-locked quantum-dot laser, revealing a nearly constant pulse peak power at different pulse repetition rates. High-energy and low-noise pulse generations are demonstrated for low-pulse repetition rates. These recent advances confirm the potential of quantum-dot lasers as versatile, compact, and low-cost sources of ultrashort pulses. © 2011 IEEE.
We have presented and demonstrated efficient mode locking of erbium doped fiber laser using graphene carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) polymer composites. The laser gives out soliton pulse with duration of ∼837 fs, and 0.19 nJ pulse energy. © 2014 OSA.
We present the first self-mode-locked optically pumped quantum-dot semiconductor disk laser. Our mode-locked device emits sub-picosecond pulses at a wavelength of 1040 nm and features a record peak power of 460 W at a repetition rate of 1.5 GHz. In this work, we also investigate the temperature dependence of the pulse duration as well as the time-bandwidth product for stable mode locking. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
A nonlinear polarization rotation based all-fiber passively modelocked Tm3+-doped fiber laser is demonstrated by using a 45° tilted fiber grating (TFG) as an in-line polarizer. The 45° TFG centered at 2000 nm with polarization dependent loss (PDL) of >12 dB at 1850 nm∼2150 nm range was UV inscribed for the first time in SM28 fiber using a 244 nm Ar+ continuous wave laser and a phase mask with 25 mm long uniform pitch and titled period pattern of 33.7° with respect to the fiber axis. Stable soliton pulses centered at 1992.7 nm with 2.02 nm FWHM bandwidth were produced at a repetition rate of 1.902 MHz with pulse duration of 2.2 ps and pulse energy of 74.6 pJ. As increased pump power, the laser also can operate at noise-like regime with 18.1 nm FWHM bandwidth and pulse energy of up to 250.1 nJ. Using the same 45° TFG, both stable soliton and noise-like mode-locking centered at ∼1970 nm and ∼2050 nm, were also achieved by shortening and extending the length of Tm3+-doped fiber, respectively, exhibiting advantages of broadband and low insertion loss at 2 μm band.
The deliberate addition of Gaussian noise to cochlear implant signals has previously been proposed to enhance the time coding of signals by the cochlear nerve. Potentially, the addition of an inaudible level of noise could also have secondary benefits: it could lower the threshold to the information-bearing signal, and by desynchronization of nerve discharges, it could increase the level at which the information-bearing signal becomes uncomfortable. Both these effects would lead to an increased dynamic range, which might be expected to enhance speech comprehension and make the choice of cochlear implant compression parameters less critical (as with a wider dynamic range, small changes in the parameters would have less effect on loudness). The hypothesized secondary effects were investigated with eight users of the Clarion cochlear implant; the stimulation was analogue and monopolar. For presentations in noise, noise at 95% of the threshold level was applied simultaneously and independently to all the electrodes. The noise was found in two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) experiments to decrease the threshold to sinusoidal stimuli (100 Hz, 1 kHz, 5 kHz) by about 2.0 dB and increase the dynamic range by 0.7 dB. Furthermore, in 2AFC loudness balance experiments, noise was found to decrease the loudness of moderate to intense stimuli. This suggests that loudness is partially coded by the degree of phase-locking of cochlear nerve fibers. The overall gain in dynamic range was modest, and more complex noise strategies, for example, using inhibition between the noise sources, may be required to get a clinically useful benefit. © 2006 Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
We proposed and demonstrated pulsed fiber lasers Q-switched and mode-locked by using a large-angle tilted fiber grating, for the first time to our best knowledge. Owing to the unique polarization properties of the large-angle tilted fiber grating (LA-TFG), i.e. polarization-dependent loss and polarization-mode splitting, switchable dual-wavelength Q-switched and mode-locked pulses have been achieved with short and long cavities, respectively. For the mode-locking case, the laser was under the operation of nanosecond rectangular pulses, due to the peak-power clamping effect. With the increasing pump power, the durations of both single-and dual-wavelength rectangular pulses increase. It was also found that each filtered wavelength of the dual-wavelength rectangular pulse corresponds to an individual nanosecond rectangular pulse by employing a tunable bandpass filter.
We review recent progress in the research on nonlinear mechanisms of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fibre lasers. These include parabolic self-similar pulse mode-locking, a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on the possibility of achieving various regimes of advanced temporal waveform generation in a mode-locked fibre laser by inclusion of a spectral filter into the laser cavity.
This thesis presents a detailed numerical analysis, fabrication method and experimental investigation on 45º tilted fiber gratings (45º-TFGs) and excessively tilted fiber gratings (Ex-TFGs), and their applications in fiber laser and sensing systems. The one of the most significant contributions of the work reported in this thesis is that the 45º-TFGs with high polarization extinction ratio (PER) have been fabricated in single mode telecom and polarization maintaining (PM) fibers with spectral response covering three prominent optic communication and central wavelength ranges at 1060nm, 1310nm and 1550nm. The most achieved PERs for the 45º-TFGs are up to and greater than 35-50dB, which have reached and even exceeded many commercial in-fiber polarizers. It has been proposed that the 45º-TFGs of high PER can be used as ideal in-fiber polarizers for a wide range of fiber systems and applications. In addition, in-depth detailed theoretical models and analysis have been developed and systematic experimental evaluation has been conducted producing results in excellent agreement with theoretical modeling. Another important outcome of the research work is the proposal and demonstration of all fiber Lyot filters (AFLFs) implemented by utilizing two (for a single stage type) and more (for multi-stage) 45º-TFGs in PM fiber cavity structure. The detailed theoretical analysis and modelling of such AFLFs have also been carried out giving design guidance for the practical implementation. The unique function advantages of 45º-TFG based AFLFs have been revealed, showing high finesse multi-wavelength transmission of single polarization and wide range of tuneability. The temperature tuning results of AFLFs have shown that the AFLFs have 60 times higher thermal sensitivity than the normal FBGs, thus permitting thermal tuning rate of ~8nm/10ºC. By using an intra-cavity AFLF, an all fiber soliton mode locking laser with almost total suppression of siliton sidebands, single polarization output and single/multi-wavelength switchable operation has been demonstrated. The final significant contribution is the theoretical analysis and experimental verification on the design, fabrication and sensing application of Ex-TFGs. The Ex-TFG sensitivity model to the surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) has been developed for the first time, and the factors that affect the thermal and SRI sensitivity in relation to the wavelength range, tilt angle, and the size of cladding have been investigated. As a practical SRI sensor, an 81º-TFG UV-inscribed in the fiber with small (40μm) cladding radius has shown an SRI sensitivity up to 1180nm/RIU in the index of 1.345 range. Finally, to ensure single polarization detection in such an SRI sensor, a hybrid configuration by UV-inscribing a 45º-TFG and an 81º-TFG closely on the same piece of fiber has been demonstrated as a more advanced SRI sensing system.
Competing approaches exist, which allow control of phase noise and frequency tuning in mode-locked lasers, but no judgement of pros and cons based on a comparative analysis was presented yet. Here, we compare results of hybrid mode-locking, hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding, and sideband optical injection seeding performed on the same quantum dot laser under identical bias conditions. We achieved the lowest integrated jitter of 121 fs and a record large radio-frequency (RF) tuning range of 342 MHz with sideband injection seeding of the passively mode-locked laser. The combination of hybrid mode-locking together with optical injection-locking resulted in 240 fs integrated jitter and a RF tuning range of 167 MHz. Using conventional hybrid mode-locking, the integrated jitter and the RF tuning range were 620 fs and 10 MHz, respectively. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have proved to be versatile lasers which allow for various emission schemes which on the one hand include remarkably high-power multi-mode or single-frequency continuouswave operation, and on the other hand two-color as well as mode-locked emission. Particularly, the combination of semiconductor gain medium and external cavity provides a unique access to high-brightness output, a high beam quality and wavelength flexibility. Moreover, the exploitation of intra-cavity frequency conversion further extends the achievable radiation wavelength, spanning a spectral range from the UV to the THz. In this work, recent advances in the field of VECSELs are summarized and the demonstration of self-mode-locking (SML) VECSELs with sub-ps pulses is highlighted. Thereby, we present studies which were not only performed for a quantum-well-based VECSEL, but also for a quantum-dot VECSEL.
We describe the technique allowing for generation of low-noise wider frequency combs and pulses of shorter duration in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers. We compare experimentally noise stabilization techniques in semiconductor modelocked lasers. We discuss the benefits of electrical modulation of the laser absorber voltage (hybrid mode-locking), combination of hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding from the narrow linewidth continues wave master source and optical injection seeding of two coherent sidebands separated by the laser repetition rate. © 2014 SPIE.
A single-pulse actively mode-locked fibre laser with a cavity length exceeding 1 km has been developed and investigated for the first time. This all-fibre erbium-doped laser has a normal intracavity dispersion and generates dissipative 8-ns solitons with a fundamental repetition rate of 163.8 kHz; the energy per pulse reaches 34 nJ. The implemented mode locking, based on the use of intracavity intensity modulator, provides self-triggering and high stability of pulsed lasing. A possibility of continuous tuning of the centre lasing wavelength in the range of 1558 - 1560 nm without any tunable spectral selective elements in the cavity is demonstrated. The tuning occurs when controlling the modulation signal frequency due to the forced change in the pulse repetition time (group delay) under the conditions of intracavity chromatic dispersion. © 2013 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.
We report an in-fiber laser mode locker based on carbon nanotube with n-methyl-2-pryrrolidone solvent filled in-fiber microchamber. Symmetrically femtosecond laser fabricated in-fiber microchamber with randomly oriented nanotubes assures polarization insensitive oscillation of laser mode locking. The proposed and demonstrated passively mode locked fiber laser shows higher energy soliton output. The laser has an output power of ∼29 mW (corresponding to 11 nJ energy). It shows stable soliton output with a repetition rate of ∼2.3 MHz and pulse width of ∼3.37 ps. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.