954 resultados para Lizards - Body temperature
El análisis de los ritmos se realiza desde el contexto de dos disciplinas interrelacionadas: la cronopsicología, que se ocupa de estudiar los ritmos de comportamiento por ellos mismos (Fraisse, 1980) y la cronobiología, que estudia las oscilaciones rítmicas de los parámetros biológicos (Halberg, 1979). El objetivo de las investigaciones cronopsicológicas consiste básicamente en analizar la variabilidad temporal que presentan distintas variables comportamentales, como la memoria, la atención o el rendimiento escolar, entre otros. Desde una perspectiva cronobiológica, en cambio, el interés se centra en el estudio de distintos aspectos biológicos, como el ritmo sueño-vigilia, la temperatura corporal, los ritmos nutricionales, el ritmo cardíaco, etc
Comparación de la anestesia espinal con anestesia general endovenosa para legrado uterino obstétrico
Introducción: La elección de la técnica anestésica para cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico debe estar basada en su seguridad, la rapidez para su aplicación, la recuperación óptima para el paciente y minimización de los efectos secundarios, la anestesia raquídea es una técnica anestésica que puede ser utilizada con buenos resultados clínicos y minimas complicaciones . Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional con recolección prospectiva en mujeres clasificadas como ASA I - II y que posteriormente fueron llevadas a la realización de legrado uterino obstétrico por embarazo no viable durante las primeras 12 semanas de gestación, las técnicas anestésicas fueron anestesia espinal o anestesia general endovenosa dependiendo de la elección hecha por el anestesiólogo previo al procedimiento. Se midieron variables hemodinámicas, control del dolor postoperatorio, tiempo de recuperación y complicaciones perioperatorias con el fin de determinar si se presentaban diferencias significativas entre estas dos técnicas anestésicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes, 63.6% (n=70) con anestesia general y 36.4% (n40) con anestesia espinal. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. Se presentaron menos efectos secundarios con la técnica espinal, hay una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al dolor a favor de la anestesia espinal (p0,000) Discusión: La anestesia raquídea es una opción viable, sencilla , fácil y eficaz para la realización de legrados obstétricos, se puede realizar con monitorización básica y las complicaciones son mínimas. Se requieren estudios más amplios para determinar el papel de cual es la mejor técnica. Palabras claves: legrado uterino instrumentado, anestesia espinal, anestesia general endovenosa
La exposición a altas temperaturas en ambientes laborales conlleva a cambios fisiológicos que se manifiestan como mecanismos de compensación a la alteración del equilibrio homeostático corporal. El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar los cambios y el comportamiento de variables fisiológicas a través de frecuencia cardiaca, densidad urinaria, temperatura corporal y tasa de sudoración, en dos escenarios con condiciones térmicas ambientales diferentes definidas por la exposición (grupo expuesto y no expuesto). Adicional, en dos áreas de trabajo diferentes correspondientes al proceso de fundición del acero, una de ellas, Horno electrico donde se hace la fusión de la chatarra y demás materias primas, obteniendo así el acero liquido, el cual se vuelca en el Horno Cuchara y en este, libre ya de escoria se realiza el afino y ajuste definitivo de la composición química del acero. Objetivos: Identificar la relación de las respuestas fisiológicas a carga física y térmica, comparar las respuestas funcionales registradas en el grupo expuestos y no expuestos y contribuir a la introducción de nuevos indicadores para evaluar carga e intensidad de trabajo con fines de normalización ergonómica. Método: Investigación experimental en una muestra de 30 trabajadores evaluados en dos condiciones ambientales diferentes. La temperatura oral se registró al inicio de la jornada y con intervalos de toma de 3 horas. La frecuencia cardiaca (HR) se registró durante las 8 horas de trabajo continuas con pulsometría. Igualmente, se estimó la sudoración por pérdida de masa corporal entre el inicio y el final de la jornada laboral teniendo en cuenta ingestas y perdidas. El procesamiento estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS v. 20.0, calculándose medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, prueba de wilconxon para las variables dependientes y correlación para identificar asociaciones. Para todos los cálculos se asumió p <0,05. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias significativas frente a la variación de la frecuencia cardiaca (media y máxima), la tasa de sudoración y la densidad urinaria. A pesar de que no hubo diferencias significativas en la variación de la temperatura corporal en horno cuchara, si se observó una diferencia significativa en el horno eléctrico Conclusión: Aunque no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la mayoría de las variables, es un hecho que la exposición a temperaturas elevadas extremas tiene un impacto en el comportamiento fisiológico del organismo. Futuros estudios deben considerar la posibilidad de estandarizar protocolos que permitan la exposición térmica basada en el perfil particular de cada trabajador.
We have shown that there is significant disparity in the expression of uncoupling proteins (UCP) 2 and 3 between modern-commercial and ancient-Meishan porcine genotypes, commercial pigs also have higher plasma triiodothyronine (T(3)) in on the first day of life. T(3) and the sympathetic nervous system are both known to regulate UCPs in rodents and humans; their role in regulating these proteins in the pig is unknown. This study examined whether thyroid hormone manipulation or administration of a selective beta3 adrenoceptor agonist (ZD) influenced plasma hormones, colonic temperature and UCP expression in adipose tissue of two breeds of pig. To mimic the differences observed in thyroid hormone status, piglets from Meishan and commercial litters were randomly assigned to control (1 ml/kg water), T(3) (10 mg/kg) (Meishan only), methimazole (a commonly used antithyroid drug) (50 mg/kg) (commercial only) or ZD (10 mg/kg) oral administration for the first 4 days of postnatal life. Adipose tissue UCP2/3 mRNA abundance was measured on day 4 using PCR. T(3) administration raised plasma T(3) concentrations and increased colonic temperature on day 4. UCP3 mRNA abundance was higher in Meishan, than commercial piglets (p = 0.042) and was downregulated following T(3) administration (p = 0.014). Irrespective of genotype, ZD increased UCP2 mRNA abundance (Meishan p = 0.05, commercial p = 0.03). Expression of neither UCP2 nor 3 was related to colonic temperature, regardless of treatment. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a dissociation between thyroid hormones and the sympathetic nervous system in the regulation of UCPs in porcine adipose tissue. We have also suggested that expression of adipose tissue UCP2 and 3 are not related to body temperature in piglets.
The vanilloid receptor-1 (VR1) is a heat-gated ion channel that is responsible for the burning sensation elicited by capsaicin. A similar sensation is reported by patients with esophagitis when they consume alcoholic beverages or are administered alcohol by injection as a medical treatment. We report here that ethanol activates primary sensory neurons, resulting in neuropeptide release or plasma extravasation in the esophagus, spinal cord or skin. Sensory neurons from trigeminal or dorsal root ganglia as well as VR1-expressing HEK293 cells responded to ethanol in a concentration-dependent and capsazepine-sensitive fashion. Ethanol potentiated the response of VR1 to capsaicin, protons and heat and lowered the threshold for heat activation of VR1 from approximately 42 degrees C to approximately 34 degrees C. This provides a likely mechanistic explanation for the ethanol-induced sensory responses that occur at body temperature and for the sensitivity of inflamed tissues to ethanol, such as might be found in esophagitis, neuralgia or wounds.
Any occupation of northern Europe by Lower Palaeolithic hominins, even those occurring during full interglacials, must have addressed the challenges of marked seasonality and cold winters. These would have included the problems of: wind-chill and frostbite; duration, distribution and depth of snow-cover; reduced daylight hours; and distribution and availability of animal and plant foods. Solutions can essentially be characterised as a ‘stick or twist’ choice: i.e. year-round presence on a local scale vs. extensive annual mobility. However these options, and the ‘interim’ strategies that lie between them, present various problems, including maintaining core body temperature, meeting the energetic demands of mobility, coping with reduced resource availability and increasing patchiness, and meeting nutritional requirements. The feasibility of different winter survival strategies are explored with reference to Lower Palaeolithic palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and on-site behavioural evidence. Emphasis is placed upon possible strategies for (i) avoiding the excessive lean meat protein problem of ‘rabbit starvation’ (e.g. through exploitation of ‘residential’ species with significant winter body fat and/or by targeting specific body parts, following modern ethnographic examples, supplemented by the exploitation of winter plants); and (ii) maintaining body temperatures (e.g. through managed pyrotechnology, and/or other forms of cultural insulation). The paper concludes with a suggested winter strategy.
The aging process causes an increase in percent body fat, but the mechanism remains unclear. In the present study we examined the impact of aging on brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic activity as potential cause for the increase in adiposity. We show that aging is associated with interscapular BAT morphologic abnormalities and thermogenic dysfunction. In vitro experiments revealed that brown adipocyte differentiation is defective in aged mice. Interscapular brown tissue in aged mice is progressively populated by adipocytes bearing white morphologic characteristics. Aged mice fail to mobilize intracellular fuel reserves from brown adipocytes and exhibit deficiency in homeothermy. Our results suggest a role for orexin (OX) signaling in the regulation of thermogenesis during aging. Brown fat dysfunction and age-related assimilation of fat mass were accelerated in mice in which OX-producing neurons were ablated. Conversely, OX injections in old mice increased multilocular morphology, increased core body temperature, improved cold tolerance, and reduced adiposity. These results argue that BAT can be targeted for interventions to reverse age-associated increase in fat mass.
The objectives were to assess the degree of thermolysis capacity as a characteristic of heat tolerance of the Simmental beef cattle and evaluate the effects of shade and shade type (artificial: AS, trees: TS, or no shade: NS) on daily behavior patterns during summer. Black globe temperature (BGT) was different under the two types of shade (P < 0.05) and was lower under the TS (P < 0.01) and under AS (P > 0.01) than average BGT in the sun. Animals when in AS used more intensely the shade (P = 0.002) mostly lying down under it (10.00-14.00 hours), while time standing was similar (P = 0.107) between TS and NS. Bulls without shade (NS) spent significantly more time at the water trough and most part of the day standing idle (72.4%, 10.1 h/14 h). TS bulls spent more time grazing/standing (P < 0.001). The Simmental bulls that were in TS and AS spent more time ruminating than bulls that stay without shade (NS). The availability of shade changes grazing, rumination and idling behavior of cattle in response to environmental conditions. Shade provided by trees can be more efficient than artificial shading as cattle spent more time grazing when tree shade was available. Thermolysis capacity can be used to select heat-tolerant animals.
Habitat use affects food intake, reproductive fitness and body temperature control in reptiles. Habitat use depends on both the characteristics of the animal and the environmental heterogeneity. In this study we investigated habitat use in a population of the South-American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, in a cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) remnant, in south-eastern Brazil. In general, snakes appeared to be thermal generalists. However, they showed substrate temperature preferences in the rainy season, when they selected colder substrates during the day and warmer substrates at night. Individuals were predominantly active on the surface and more frequently found under bushes. Furthermore, in general, the principal component analysis results indicate that rattlesnakes are generalists regarding the microhabitat variables examined in this study. These habitat characteristics, associated with a low thermal selectivity, indicate that rattlesnakes are able to colonize deforested areas where shade occurrence and vegetation cover are similar to those in the cerrado.
Circadian rhythms are regarded as essentially ubiquitous features of animal behavior and are thought to confer important adaptive advantages. However, although circadian systems of rodents have been among the most extensively studied, most comparative biology is restricted to a few related species. In this study, the circadian organization of locomotor activity was studied in the subterranean, solitary north Argentinean rodent, Ctenomys knightii. The genus, Ctenomys, commonly known as Tuco-tucos, comprises more than 50 known species over a range that extends from 12S latitude into Patagonia, and includes at least one social species. The genus, therefore, is ideal for comparative and ecological studies of circadian rhythms. Ctenomys knightii is the first of these to be studied for its circadian behavior. All animals were wild caught but adapted quickly to laboratory conditions, with clear and precise activity-rest rhythms in a light-dark (LD) cycle and strongly nocturnal wheel running behavior. In constant dark (DD), the rhythm expression persisted with free-running periods always longer than 24h. Upon reinstatement of the LD cycle, rhythms resynchronized rapidly with large phase advances in 7/8 animals. In constant light (LL), six animals had free-running periods shorter than in DD, and 4/8 showed evidence of splitting. We conclude that under laboratory conditions, in wheel-running cages, this species shows a clear nocturnal rhythmic organization controlled by an endogenous circadian oscillator that is entrained to 24h LD cycles, predominantly by light-induced advances, and shows the same interindividual variable responses to constant light as reported in other non-subterranean species. These data are the first step toward understanding the chronobiology of the largest genus of subterranean rodents.
TNF alpha is an important mediator of catabolism in cachexia. Most of its effects have been characterized in peripheral tissues, such as skeletal muscle and fat. However, by acting directly in the hypothalamus, TNF alpha can activate thermogenesis and modulate food intake. Here we show that high concentration TNF alpha in the hypothalamus leads to increased O(2) consumption/CO(2) production, increased body temperature, and reduced caloric intake, resulting in loss of body mass. Most of the thermogenic response is produced by beta 3-adrenergic signaling to the brown adipose tissue (BAT), leading to increased BAT relative mass, reduction in BAT lipid quantity, and increased BAT mitochondria density. The expression of proteins involved in BAT thermogenesis, such as beta 3-adrenergic receptor, peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha, and uncoupling protein-1, are increased. In the hypothalamus, TNF alpha produces reductions in neuropeptide Y, agouti gene-related peptide, proopiomelanocortin, and melanin-concentrating hormone, and increases CRH and TRH. The activity of the AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathway is also decreased in the hypothalamus of TNF alpha-treated rats. Upon intracerebroventricular infliximab treatment, tumor-bearing and septic rats present a significantly increased survival. In addition, the systemic inhibition of beta 3-adrenergic signaling results in a reduced body mass loss and increased survival in septic rats. These data suggest hypothalamic TNF alpha action to be important mediator of the wastage syndrome in cachexia. (Endocrinology 151: 683-694, 2010)
Inside the `cavernous sinus` or `parasellar region` the human internal carotid artery takes the shape of a siphon that is twisted and torqued in three dimensions and surrounded by a network of veins. The parasellar section of the internal carotid artery is of broad biological and medical interest, as its peculiar shape is associated with temperature regulation in the brain and correlated with the occurrence of vascular pathologies. The present study aims to provide anatomical descriptions and objective mathematical characterizations of the shape of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in human infants and its modifications during ontogeny. Three-dimensional (3D) computer models of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery of infants were generated with a state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction method and analysed using both traditional morphometric methods and novel mathematical algorithms. We show that four constant, demarcated bends can be described along the infant parasellar section of the internal carotid artery, and we provide measurements of their angles. We further provide calculations of the curvature and torsion energy, and the total complexity of the 3D skeleton of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery, and compare the complexity of this in infants and adults. Finally, we examine the relationship between shape parameters of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in infants, and the occurrence of intima cushions, and evaluate the reliability of subjective angle measurements for characterizing the complexity of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in infants. The results can serve as objective reference data for comparative studies and for medical imaging diagnostics. They also form the basis for a new hypothesis that explains the mechanisms responsible for the ontogenetic transformation in the shape of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery.
Linalool is a monoterpene often found as a major component of essential oils obtained from aromatic plant species., many of which are used in traditional medical systems as hypno-sedatives. Psychopharmacological evaluations of linalool (i.p. and i.c.v.) revealed marked sedative and anticonvulsant central effects in various mouse models. Considering this profile and alleged effects of inhaled lavender essential oil, the purpose of this study was to examine the sedative effects of inhaled linalool in mice. Mice were placed in an inhalation chamber during 60 min, in an atmosphere saturated with 1% or 3% linalool. Immediately after inhalation, animals were evaluated regarding locomotion, barbiturate-induced sleeping time, body temperature: and motor coordination (rota-rod test). The 1% and 3% linalool increased (p < 0.01) pentobarbital sleeping time and reduced (p<0.01) body temperature. The 3% linalool decreased (p<0.01) locomotion. Motor coordination was not affected. Hence, linalool inhaled for I h seems to induce sedation without significant impairment in motor abilities, a side effect shared by most psycholeptic drugs. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Objectives To investigate the effects of levomepromazine and different desflurane concentrations upon electrocardiographic variables.Animals Twenty adult mongrel dogs of both sexes weighing 6-28 kg.Methods Dogs were divided into two groups of 10 animals. Group I received 1 mg kg(-1) lV of levomepromazine and 15 minutes later anesthesia was induced with propofol (3 mg kg(-1) IV). Desflurane end-tidal concentration was set at 1.6 MAC. After 30 minutes at this concentration, measurements were taken and the end-tidal concentration was reduced to 1.4 MAC. Thereafter, it was reduced to 1.2 and then 1.0 MAC at 1.5-minute intervals. The same procedure was followed for group 2, except that levomepromazine was replaced with 0.2 mL kg(-1) of 0.9% saline solution and more propofol was needed for induction (7 mg kg(-1)). The animals' body temperature was maintained between 38.3 and 39 degreesC using a heating pad. The electrocardiographic tracing was obtained from lead II throughout the experimental period. The measurements were taken immediately before the administration of levomepromazine or placebo (T-1), 15 minutes after pre-medication (T-2) and 30 minutes after the establishment of 1.6 MAC (T-3)The other measurements were made at the concentrations of 1.4, 1.2, and 1.0 MAC, respectively (T4-6). The numerical data were submitted to analysis of variance plus F-test (p < 0.05).Results the dogs that received levomepromazine had a decrease in heart rate. However, in both groups it increased with desflurane administration. Levomepromazine, in association with desflurane, did not induce significant electrocardiographic changes, and all mean values (except P-wave duration) were within the reference range for this species.Conclusions and clinical relevance This study documented that levomepromazine, in association with desflurane, does not induce significant changes in electrocardiographic variables, suggesting that this drug combination has minimal effect on myocardial conduction.
Empregou-se a associação midazolam e detomidina para indução de anestesia com cetamina em 16 potros, machos e fêmeas, entre três e seis meses de idade, distribuídos aleatória e equitativamente em dois grupos (GI e GII). A todos os animais foram administrados midazolam, via intramuscular, na dose de 0,2mg/kg, e após 15 minutos, detomidina, via intravenosa, na dose de 0,02mg/kg. Os animais do GII receberam cetamina pela via intravenosa, dose 2,0mg/kg, três minutos após a administração de detomidina. Quinze minutos após o midazolam, ocorreram sedação e ligeira ataxia, e dois minutos após a administração da detomidina, decúbito lateral em todos os potros, com miorrelaxamento e presença dos reflexos de deglutição e miorrelaxamento, anal e oculo-palpebral. A associação midazolam/detomidina e cetamina provocou ausência dos reflexos de deglutição. Para todos os animais, o tempo de recuperação foi de 45-60 minutos, e temperatura retal e frequência respiratória permaneceram estáveis. Ocorreram bradicardia, bloqueio atrioventricular de segundo grau e aumento das pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e média após dois minutos da administração da detomidina. A associação midazolam/detomidina e cetamina demonstrou ser um método eficiente e seguro para a anestesia de potros hígidos.