997 resultados para Libraries newsletter, articles, professional


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This paper examines the proposition that the traditional archetype of the professional partnership is said to have changed into a more 'business-like' entity, the managed professional business. It broadens the restricted case sample base on which much of the evidence has been adduced, by developing a survey questionnaire through which 197 large British law firms were sampled. Change, consistent with the notion of a more commercially oriented and consciously managed organization, is concentrated in the market-facing area of the firm but coexists with areas of continuity in the governance of the firm and its strategic management. The findings reveal a more managerial form of organization in which the core elements of the traditional form of professional organization have not been transformed. These results contest the assertion of either transformational or sedimented change found in other, case-based research and suggest that archetype change needs theoretically to be distinguished from the general phenomenon of greater managerialism within the professional service firm.


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Knowledge of differences in voice and speech characteristics between novice and professional broadcasters is essential for effective education of broadcast journalism students. Because newsreaders rely on optimal voice production, information pertaining to vocal hygiene is also important. The first aim of this study was to compare the voice and speech characteristics of professional newsreaders, student newsreaders and control participants. The second aim was to compare the awareness and use of vocal hygiene across these groups. Professional radio newsreaders, broadcast journalism students and two matched control groups were included in the study. Each participant recorded a news bulletin and completed a questionnaire on vocal hygiene. Data analysis of the recording included objective analysis and perceptual ratings by a panel of three judges. Significant student-professional differences were found. Compared to both the students and the control groups, the professional newsreaders had greater variation in speaking fundamental frequency, a faster rate of speech, fewer pronunciation errors and higher perceptual ratings on vocal quality, emphasis, continuity, phrasing and style of newsreading. Female professional newsreaders had a higher speaking fundamental frequency than both their control participants and the student newsreaders. Comparison of vocal hygiene awareness revealed few significant differences between any of the groups.


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A partir da segunda metade do século XX, mudanças no modo de produção capitalista começaram a afetar a relação que as empresas estabeleciam com o trabalhador. Diante de um mercado imprevisível, a carreira tradicional, marcada, entre outros aspectos, por empregos duradouros e com possibilidade de ascensão na hierarquia da organização, tornou-se menos recorrente. Paralelamente, começaram a despontar novas concepções sobre carreira, tendo a maioria um enfoque individualista. Dentre as novas proposições, o presente estudo tomou como referência a concepção de carreira proteana. Esse modelo, de origem norte-americana, tem como ideia central a noção de uma carreira que é gerida pelo indivíduo, e tem como meta o alcance do sucesso psicológico. Desta forma, ancora-se em duas principais dimensões: autogerenciamento e direcionamento para valores. Considerando os diversos estudos que descrevem as dificuldades enfrentadas por estudantes na transição da universidade para o mercado de trabalho, esta pesquisa objetivou compreender aspectos do gerenciamento proteano de carreira entre universitários brasileiros que já tinham concluído, pelo menos, a primeira metade do curso de graduação. Para tanto, o estudo foi dividido em dois artigos. O primeiro foi destinado ao desenvolvimento e validação da Escala de Atitudes de Carreira Proteana para universitários, tendo sido realizado com uma amostra de 1016 estudantes de 37 cursos diferentes, com idade variando entre 18 e 65 anos, e média de 24,52 (DP = 6,69 anos). O instrumento, denominado neste estudo de Escala de Gerenciamento Proteano de Carreira para Universitários (EGPC-U) atestou a estrutura de duas dimensões, evidenciada também na versão original da medida. Os índices de confiabilidade foram satisfatórios e superiores a 12 0,61, tendo o instrumento a possibilidade de ser utilizado em serviços de orientação profissional ou de carreira. O segundo artigo objetivou compreender como as dimensões do modelo proteano se relacionam com variáveis sóciodemográficas e com construtos psicossociais: personalidade, lócus de controle, saúde e satisfação com a vida, e envolveu alunos de duas áreas de conhecimento: humanas e exatas. A amostra foi composta por 525 alunos, sendo 245 da área de humanas e 280 de exatas, sendo 52% do sexo masculino. A idade dos participantes variou entre 18 e 30 anos e média de 22,59 anos (DP = 2,66 anos). A partir dos resultados do estudo 2, constatou-se que alunos da área de humanas, quando comparados a estudantes de exatas, tendem a apresentar média superior na dimensão de direcionamento para valores. Verificou-se ainda que os aspectos de conscienciosidade e lócus de controle interno são preditores significativos do autogerenciamento tanto entre alunos de humanas como de exatas e que a adoção de atitudes proteanas tende a impactar positivamente aspectos da saúde e da satisfação com a vida do indivíduo. O estudo, de um modo geral, permitiu verificar a existência de características proteanas entre universitários, como também possibilitou conhecer variáveis relacionadas às atitudes de autogerenciamento e direcionamento para valores. Destaca-se, porém, a necessidade de pesquisas complementares com a exploração de outras variáveis psicossociais que possam estar relacionadas ao gerenciamento proteano entre graduandos.


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The way an employee behaves in his work can be influenced by the organisational and professional commitment. Nurses are professionals who are guided by organisational and professional goals and values. Among nurses, professional commitment may be an important antecedent of organisational citizenship behaviours. The study shows how organisational and professional commitment is related with nurses’ organisational citizenship behaviours. Data from a sample of 420 nurses working in two hospitals --- the Hospital of St. Marcos, Braga and the Hospital Centre of Alto Ave, Guimarães and Fafe units were collected. The main findings are as follows: (a) organisational commitment and professional commitment contribute to the explanation of nurses’ organisational citizenship behaviours, (b) affective organisational commitment, continuance organisational commitment --- personal sacrifice, affective professional commitment and continuance professional commitment explain 28.6% of variance of organisational citizenship behaviours. © 2013 Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave (IPCA). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.


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Following the alterations and additions to the pharmaceutical law of Lithuanian Republic the pharmaceutical activity in Lithuanian pharmacies is carried out by pharmacy specialists – pharmacists and pharmacy assistants (pharmacy technicians). The ability of pharmacy specialists to adapt, to improve and to develop their competencies is one of the success preconditions for Lithuanian health care pharmacy sector. Work aim: to investigate the changes among the specialists employed in pharmacies and pharmacy sector as well as to highlight the necessity to develop the qualification of pharmacy assistants (pharmacy technicians) according to the modern pharmaceutical legal basis in Lithuania. In 2008–2011 the research in Lithuanian pharmacy sector was performed which identified the changes in the numbers of pharmacies and their staff: the number of pharmacies decreased, while the number of pharmacists increased and the number of the assistants of pharmacists (pharmacy technicians) decreased. The decrease in the number of the assistants of pharmacists (pharmacy technicians) and the danger of their extinction in the future has been identified. The qualification appraisal for pharmacy assistants (pharmacy technicians) is implemented through the leveling studies at the Pharmacy technique department at the Health care faculty of Kauno Kolegija University of applied sciences and pharmacy study programme at the faculty of Pharmacy of Medical Academy at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. 75 % of respondents use their own money to pay for the qualification appraisal, and 25 % of respondents get financial support for the qualification appraisal activities from the pharmacy managers.


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Mestrado em Auditoria


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The central place hospitals occupy in health systems transforms them into prime target of healthcare reforms. This study aims to identify current trends in organizational structure change in public hospitals and explore the role of accounting in attempts to develop controls over professionals within public hospitals. The analytical framework we proposed crosses the concept of “new professionalism” (Evetts, 2010), with the concept of “accounting logic” for controlling professionals (Broadbent and Laughlin, 1995). Looking for a more holistic overview, we developed a qualitative and exploratory study. The data were collected trough semi-structured interviews with doctors of a clinical hospital unit. Content analysis suggests that, although we cannot say that there is a complete and generalized integration of accounting information in the clinical decisions, important improvement has been made in that area. Despite the extensive literature developed on this topic, there is any empirical studies of authors are aware that allow us to realize how real doctors in reals day-to-day work integrated these trends of change in theirs clinical decisions.


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The paper discusses the difficulties in judging the quality of scientific manuscripts and describes some common pitfalls that should be avoided when preparing a paper for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Peer review is an imperfect system, with less than optimal reliability and uncertain validity. However, as it is likely that it will remain as the principal process of screening papers for publication, authors should avoid some common mistakes when preparing a report based on empirical findings of human research. Among these are: excessively long abstracts, extensive use of abbreviations, failure to report results of parsimonious data analyses, and misinterpretation of statistical associations identified in observational studies as causal. Another common problem in many manuscripts is their excessive length, which makes them more difficult to be evaluated or read by the intended readers, if published. The evaluation of papers after their publication with a view towards their inclusion in a systematic review is also discussed. The limitations of the impact factor as a criterion to judge the quality of a paper are reviewed.


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O estudo caso apresentado neste artigo aborda a colaboração entre profissionais de múltiplas áreas disciplinares. Este estudo descreve como foi realizada a parceria entre a equipa de enfermagem e a equipa de psicologia clinica nas visitas domiciliárias com familias em risco. Igualmente, discute as dificuldades enfrentadas quando os profissionais não partilhavam os mesmos modelos de praticas colaborativas.