286 resultados para Lemaire


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v. 1. Amphitruo. Asinaria. Aulularia. Bacchides. Captivi. Casina.-- v. 2. Cistellari. a. Curculio. Epidicus. Menaechmi. Mercator. Miles gloriosus. Mostellaria. Persa.-- v. 3. Poenulus. Pseudolus. Rudens. Stichus. Trinumus. Truculentus. Fragmenta. Querolus. Vita Plauti. Notitia literaria.-- v. 4. Index.


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v. 1. Gratii et Nemesiani Cynegetica, T. Calpurnii Siculi Ecolgae, Q. Ennii, Severi Sancti, Bedae, Septimii Sereni, Ausonii, Casii Parmensis, Optatiani Porphyrii, et aliorum carmina.- v. 2. Satirica, Elegiaca, Lyrica, et alia quaedam carmina.- v. 3. Lucilii Junioris, Saleii Bassi, et aliorum carmina heroica; Epithalamia, et Homeristarum Latinorum opera, Ausonii et variorum auctorum carmina geographica, Varronis Atacini fragmenta.- v. 5. Rufi Festi Avieni Descriptio orbis terrae, Ora Maritima, et carmina minora; ejusdem Aratea Phaenomena et prognostica.- v. 6. De re astronomica Ciceronis et Germanici carmina ex Arato translata; item M. Manilii Astronomicon libri quinque ex recensione Jos. Scaligeri.- v. 7. De re Hortensi et Villatica carmina Columellae, Palladii Vomani, et aliorum; item Amatoria et Ludicra Maximiani Etrusci, Ofilii, Juventini, Sperati, Symposii, Hosidii Getae, et Ausonii. Indices varios rerum, latinitatis et nominum in septum voluminum carminibus necnon in notis, prooemiis, argumentis et excursibus occurrentium.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Melodies to principal arias included.


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Vol. 1-2 also called no 337-379 in continuation of the numbering of Journal des arts.


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Top Row: Emma Abramson, Emilee Amo, Philip Arnold, Janet Biezlein, Anna Brede, Lindsey Brighton, Bethany Brown, Connie Brown-Olds, Charlene Bugais, Jammy Coates, Heather Coopex, Angie Costtakes, Jeffin Dejanovich, Jessica Farhat, Renee Filo, Kelly Fons, Katie Francis, Courtney Franklin, Rebecca Fransted

Row 2: Janelle Gailliard, Ericka Gess, Rebecca Goldstein, Candace Graham, Monique Grinnell, Jacob Grossman

Row 3: Joann Haderer, Diane Hamilton, Janet Hasse, Lisa Hoag, Nicole Hoeft, Emily Keeton

Row 4: Annette Keevex, Karen Kevelighan, Kelli Kincaid, Jennifer Kittell, Alison Knapp, Kelly Kulczyk

Row 5: Meejin Kwon, Megan Layher, Autumn Ledtke, Lora Lemaire-Valdez, Jessica Lewis, Diana Loud

Row 6: Melissa Maci, Andrea Magnus, Bre'Anne Mallon, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Judy Wismont, Carrie Marshall, Neika Martin, Sarah Martin

Row 7: Lindsay Mason, Maryanne Matkovich, Alison McCann, Lina srgedas, Paula Graff, Rachel Mundinger, Christopher Ramos, Lauren Bealafeld, Gennifer Gasek, Angie Henderson, Sarah Ansett, Marisa Lirot, Caitlin McClellan, Diane Mille, Theresa Molyneux

Row 8: Isabel Moreno, Kristy Morrison, Phyllis Mulchay, Joielinn Nelson, Ann Newhof, Dawn O'Neil, Shontaya Overall, Theresa Overwater, Katherine Piper, Teresa Pizana, Erica Powers, Sarah Ricci, Leah Richardson, Anne Rucinski, Karon Sanderson, Rachel Sawman, Kathryn Sisterman, Sarah Smart, Curt Smith

Row 9: Elizabeth Stackable, Tracey Streiff, Angelica Susi, Tracy Swerrod, Leah Tatasciore, Julie Thomas, Rebecca Tidrick, Rebecca Vander Werff, Danielle Victor, Andrea Vincent, Katie Wagner, Essence Walker, Myre Ware, Jill Weirich, Kelly Wickham, Karen Wiklanski


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Brunet (v.5, #1295) says this is the second part of the 8th volumes of an edition of Virgil published in Paris by Lemaire, 1819-1822. Hoefer's Nouvelle biographie générale gives this as a separately published work with the imprint Paris: F. Didot, 1822.


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Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) via the nitrite pathway and anaerobic-anoxic enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) are two processes that can significantly reduce the COD demand for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The combination of these two processes has the potential of achieving simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal with a minimal requirement for COD. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated in alternating anaerobic-aerobic mode with a low dissolved oxygen concentration (DO, 0.5 mg/L) during the aerobic period, and was demonstrated to accomplish nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal. Under anaerobic conditions, COD was taken up and converted to polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), accompanied with phosphorus release. In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA was oxidized and phosphorus was taken up to less than 0.5 mg/L at the end of the cycle. Ammonia was also oxidised during the aerobic period, but without accumulation of nitrite or nitrate in the system, indicating the occurrence of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. However, off-gas analysis found that the final denitrification product was mainly nitrous oxide (N2O) not N-2. Further experimental results demonstrated that nitrogen removal was via nitrite, not nitrate. These experiments also showed that denitrifying glycogen.-accumulating organisms rather than denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms were responsible for the denitrification activity.


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The recently described process of simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) has a great potential to save capital and operating costs for wastewater treatment plants. However, the presence of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) and the accumulation of nitrous oxide (N2O) can severely compromise the advantages of this process. In this study, these two issues were investigated using a lab-scale sequencing batch reactor performing SNDPR over a 5-month period. The reactor was highly enriched in polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) and GAOs representing around 70% of the total microbial community. PAOs were the dominant population at all times and their abundance increased, while GAOs population decreased over the study period. Anoxic batch tests demonstrated that GAOs rather than denitrifying PAOs were responsible for denitrification. NO accumulated from denitrification and more than half of the nitrogen supplied in a reactor cycle was released into the atmosphere as NO. After mixing SNDPR sludge with other denitrifying sludge, N2O present in the bulk liquid was reduced immediately if external carbon was added. We therefore suggest that the N2O accumulation observed in the SNDPR reactor is an artefact of the low microbial diversity facilitated by the use of synthetic wastewater with only a single carbon source. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.