976 resultados para Larynx (Diseases of, Treatment of)


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Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is responsible for many enterically transmitted viral hepatitides around the world. It is currently one of the waterborne diseases of global concern. In industrialized countries, HEV appears to be more common than previously thought, even if it is rarely virulent. In Switzerland, seroprevalence studies revealed that HEV is endemic, but no information was available on its environmental spread. The aim of this study was to investigate -using qPCR- the occurrence and concentration of HEV and three other viruses (norovirus genogroup II, human adenovirus-40 and porcine adenovirus) in influents and effluents of 31 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Switzerland. Low concentrations of HEV were detected in 40 out of 124 WWTP influent samples, showing that HEV is commonly present in this region. The frequency of HEV occurrence was higher in summer than in winter. No HEV was detected in WWTP effluent samples, which indicates a low risk of environmental contamination. HEV occurrence and concentrations were lower than those of norovirus and adenovirus. The autochthonous HEV genotype 3 was found in all positive samples, but a strain of the non-endemic and highly pathogenic HEV genotype I was isolated in one sample, highlighting the possibility of environmental circulation of this genotype. A porcine fecal marker (porcine adenovirus) was not detected in HEV positive samples, indicating that swine are not the direct source of HEV present in wastewater. Further investigations will be necessary to determine the reservoirs and the routes of dissemination of HEV.


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Schistosomiasis low transmission areas as Venezuela, can be defined as those where the vector exists, the prevalence of active cases is under 25%, individuals with mild intensity of infection predominate and are mostly asymptomatic. These areas are the consequence of effective control programs, however, "silent" epidemiological places are difficult to trace, avoiding the opportune diagnosis and treatment of infected persons. Clinic and abdominal ultrasound have not shown to discriminate infected from uninfected persons in areas where besides Schistosoma mansoni, intestinal parasites are the rule. Under these conditions, serology remains as a very valuable diagnostic tool, since it gives a closer approximation to the true prevalence. In this sense, circumoval precipitin test, ELISA-SEA with sodium metaperiodate, and alkaline phosphatase immunoassay joined to coprology allow the identification of the "schistosomiasis cases". In relation to public health, schistosomiasis has been underestimated by the sanitary authorities and the investment on its control is being transferred to other diseases of major social and political relevance neglecting sanitary efforts and allowing growth of snail population. Some strategies of diagnosis and control should be done before schistosomiasis reemergence occurs in low transmission areas.


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Background. A software based tool has been developed (Optem) to allow automatize the recommendations of the Canadian Multiple Sclerosis Working Group for optimizing MS treatment in order to avoid subjective interpretation. METHODS: Treatment Optimization Recommendations (TORs) were applied to our database of patients treated with IFN beta1a IM. Patient data were assessed during year 1 for disease activity, and patients were assigned to 2 groups according to TOR: "change treatment" (CH) and "no change treatment" (NCH). These assessments were then compared to observed clinical outcomes for disease activity over the following years. RESULTS: We have data on 55 patients. The "change treatment" status was assigned to 22 patients, and "no change treatment" to 33 patients. The estimated sensitivity and specificity according to last visit status were 73.9% and 84.4%. During the following years, the Relapse Rate was always higher in the "change treatment" group than in the "no change treatment" group (5 y; CH: 0.7, NCH: 0.07; p < 0.001, 12 m - last visit; CH: 0.536, NCH: 0.34). We obtained the same results with the EDSS (4 y; CH: 3.53, NCH: 2.55, annual progression rate in 12 m - last visit; CH: 0.29, NCH: 0.13). CONCLUSION: Applying TOR at the first year of therapy allowed accurate prediction of continued disease activity in relapses and disability progression.


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PURPOSE: The severity and most appropriate treatment of diverticulitis in young patients are still controversial. The aim of this study is to compare young patients (<or=50 years) with older patients (>50 years) regarding clinical and radiologic parameters of acute left colonic diverticulitis and to determine whether differences exist in presentation and treatment. METHODS: We reviewed medical records of 271 consecutive patients with left colonic acute diverticulitis admitted to our institution from 2001 through 2004: 71 patients were aged 50 years or younger and 200 patients were older than 50. Clinical and radiologic parameters were analyzed. Conservative treatment was standardized, and included antibiotic therapy and bowel rest. Criteria for emergency surgical treatment were diffuse peritonitis, pneumoperitoneum, and septic shock. RESULTS: Conservative treatment alone was successful in 64 patients (90.1%) in the younger group and in 152 patients (76%) in the older group (P = .017). The percentage of patients requiring surgery at admission or during the hospital stay was significantly lower in younger than in older patients (5.6% vs 20.5%, P = .007), and the percentage of patients requiring emergency end colostomy was higher (although not significantly) in the older group (1.4% vs 9.0%, P = .059). No differences in rate of successful conservative treatment were observed between patients with a first episode and those with recurrence in either age group (P = .941 in the younger group; P = .227 in the older group). CONCLUSION: Young age is not a predictive factor of poor outcome in the management of first or recurrent episodes of acute diverticulitis. Patients older than 50 years more frequently need emergency surgical treatment.


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A technique to restore acetabular anatomy by deepening the acetabular cavity and reconstructing the femoral head ligament and the joint capsule was tested on nine large breed dogs with severe hip dysplasia and acute subdislocation or dislocation. The technique consisted of two phases. First, all dogs were submitted to bilateral pectinotomy. In a second surgical intervention on the same dogs the acetabulum was approached and deepened, and the femoral head ligament and the joint capsule were reconstructed. In general, within 30 days of the surgery dogs could stand on the operated member to walk. Except for two dogs, all the others recovered pelvic member locomotive ability within 60-90 days after surgery. It is concluded that acetabuloplasty is a good alternative for treatment of severe canine hip dysplasia.


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The 'direct costs' attributable to 30 different endemic diseases of farm animals in Great Britain are estimated using a standardised method to construct a simple model for each disease that includes consideration of disease prevention and treatment costs. The models so far developed provide a basis for further analyses including cost-benefit analyses for the economic assessment of disease control options. The approach used reflects the inherent livestock disease information constraints, which limit the application of other economic analytical methods. It is a practical and transparent approach that is relatively easily communicated to veterinary scientists and policy makers. The next step is to develop the approach by incorporating wider economic considerations into the analyses in a way that will demonstrate to policy makers and others the importance of an economic perspective to livestock disease issues.


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Experts from six Latin American countries met to discuss critical issues and needs in the diagnosis and management of primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDD). The diagnosis of PIDD is generally made following referral to an immunology centre located in a major city, but many paediatricians and general practitioners are not sufficiently trained to suspect PIDD in the first place. Access to laboratory testing is generally limited, and only some screening tests are typically covered by government health programmes. Specialised diagnostic tests are generally not reimbursed. Access to treatment varies by country reflecting differences in healthcare systems and reimbursement policies. An online PIDD Registry Programme for Latin America has been available since 2009, which will provide information about PIDD epidemiology in the region. Additional collaboration across countries appears feasible in at least two areas: a laboratory network to facilitate the diagnosis of PIDD, and educational programmes to improve PIDD awareness. In total, these collaborations should make it possible to advance the diagnosis and management of PIDD in Latin America. (C) 2010 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.


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Uma técnica para restituir a anatomia acetabular com aprofundamento da cavidade acetabular e reconstrução do ligamento da cabeça do fêmur e da cápsula articular, foi testada em nove cães, de raças de grande porte, portadores de displasia coxofemoral grave com subluxação acentuada ou luxação. O procedimento cirúrgico foi constituído de duas fases. Inicialmente, foi realizada a pectineotomia bilateral em todos os cães. A segunda intervenção nos mesmos cães incluiu abordagem e aprofundamento do acetábulo, reconstrução do ligamento da cabeça do fêmur e da cápsula. em geral, 30 dias após a cirurgia, os cães apoiavam o membro operado para se locomover. Com exceção de dois cães, todos os outros recuperaram a função locomotora do membro pélvico dentro de 60-90 dias. É concluído que a técnica de acetabuloplastia é uma boa alternativa para o tratamento da displasia coxofemoral grave.


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BACKGROUND: Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) represents an attractive alternative to open aortic repair (OAR). The aim of this study was to assess outcome and quality of life in patients treated either by TEVAR or OAR for diseased descending thoracic aorta. METHODS: A post hoc analysis of a prospectively collected consecutive series of 136 patients presenting with surgical diseases of the descending aorta between January 2001 and December 2005 was conducted. Fourteen patients were excluded because of involvement of the ascending aorta. Assessed treatment cohorts were TEVAR (n = 52) and OAR (n = 70). Mean follow-up was 34 +/- 18 months. End points were perioperative and late mortality rates and long-term quality of life as assessed by the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score questionnaires. RESULTS: Mean age was significantly higher in TEVAR patients (69 +/- 10 years versus 62 +/- 15 years; p = 0.002). Perioperative mortality rates were 9% (OAR) and 8% (TEVAR), respectively (p = 0.254). Accordingly, cumulative long-term mortality rates were similar in both cohorts. Overall quality-of-life scores were 93 (63-110, OAR) and 83 (60-112, TEVAR), respectively. Normal quality-of-life scores range from 85 to 115. Anxiety and depression scores were not increased after open surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Thoracic endovascular aortic repair and OAR both provide excellent long-term results in treatment of thoracic aortic disease. Long-term quality of life, however, is reduced after thoracic aortic repair. Interestingly, TEVAR patients did not score higher in overall quality of life despite all advantages of minimized access trauma. Similarly, anxiety and depression scores are not reduced by TEVAR, possibly reflecting a certain caution against the new technology.


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We examined outcomes and trends in surgery and radiation use for patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer, for whom optimal treatment isn't clear. Trends in surgery and radiation for patients with T1-T3N1M0 squamous cell or adenocarcinoma of the mid or distal esophagus in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database from 1998 to 2008 were analyzed using generalized linear models including year as predictor; Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results doesn't record chemotherapy data. Local treatment was unimodal if patients had only surgery or radiation and bimodal if they had both. Five-year cancer-specific survival (CSS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed using propensity-score adjusted Cox proportional-hazard models. Overall 5-year survival for the 3295 patients identified (mean age 65.1 years, standard deviation 11.0) was 18.9% (95% confidence interval: 17.3-20.7). Local treatment was bimodal for 1274 (38.7%) and unimodal for 2021 (61.3%) patients; 1325 (40.2%) had radiation alone and 696 (21.1%) underwent only surgery. The use of bimodal therapy (32.8-42.5%, P = 0.01) and radiation alone (29.3-44.5%, P < 0.001) increased significantly from 1998 to 2008. Bimodal therapy predicted improved CSS (hazard ratios [HR]: 0.68, P < 0.001) and OS (HR: 0.58, P < 0.001) compared with unimodal therapy. For the first 7 months (before survival curve crossing), CSS after radiation therapy alone was similar to surgery alone (HR: 0.86, P = 0.12) while OS was worse for surgery only (HR: 0.70, P = 0.001). However, worse CSS (HR: 1.43, P < 0.001) and OS (HR: 1.46, P < 0.001) after that initial timeframe were found for radiation therapy only. The use of radiation to treat locally advanced mid and distal esophageal cancers increased from 1998 to 2008. Survival was best when both surgery and radiation were used.


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First edition published in 1926 under title: Diseases and treatment of the rabbit.


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Obstructive lung diseases of different etiologies present with progressive peripheral airway involvement. The peripheral airways, known as the silent lung zone, are not adequately evaluated with conventional function tests. The principle of gas washout has been used to detect pulmonary ventilation inhomogeneity and to estimate the location of the underlying disease process. Volumetric capnography (VC) analyzes the pattern of CO2 elimination as a function of expired volume. To measure normalized phase 3 slopes with VC in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCB) and in bronchitic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in order to compare the slopes obtained for the groups. NCB and severe COPD were enrolled sequentially from an outpatient clinic (Hospital of the State University of Campinas). A control group was established for the NCB group, paired by sex and age. All subjects performed spirometry, VC, and the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT). Two comparisons were made: NCB group versus its control group, and NCB group versus COPD group. The project was approved by the ethical committee of the institution. Statistical tests used were Wilcoxon or Student's t-test; P<0.05 was considered to be a statistically significant difference. Concerning the NCB group (N=20) versus the control group (N=20), significant differences were found in body mass index and in several functional variables (spirometric, VC, 6MWT) with worse results observed in the NCB group. In the comparison between the COPD group (N=20) versus the NCB group, although patients with COPD had worse spirometric and 6MWT values, the capnographic variables mean phase 2 slope (Slp2), mean phase 3 slope normalized by the mean expiratory volume, or mean phase 3 slope normalized by the end-tidal CO2 concentration were similar. These findings may indicate that the gas elimination curves are not sensitive enough to monitor the severity of structural abnormalities. The role of normalized phase 3 slope may be worth exploring as a more sensitive index of small airway disease, even though it may not be equally sensitive in discriminating the severity of the alterations.


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OBJECTIVES: Addition of chemotherapy in the resting period between radiotherapy completion and response assessment during neoadjuvant treatment for distal rectal cancer could potentially increase rates of complete tumor regression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate toxicity rates and the impact of an extended neoadjuvant chemoradiation regimen on complete response rates. METHODS: Thirty-four consecutive patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer were prospectively included. Patients were managed by 5,400 Gy of radiation and 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin-based chemotherapy given for three consecutive days every 21 days for six cycles (three cycles concomitant with radiotherapy). Tumor response assessment was performed at ten weeks from radiation completion. Patients with complete clinical response were strictly monitored and were not immediately operated on. Patients with incomplete clinical response were referred to surgery. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients had completed 12 months of follow-up and were included in this preliminary analysis. Twenty-eight (97%) successfully completed treatment. Fifteen of 16 patients had Grade III toxicities that were skin-related (93%). Median follow-up was 23 months. Fourteen patients (48%) were considered as complete clinical responders sustained for at least 12 months (median, 24 months) after chemoradiation completion by clinical assessment alone. An additional five patients (17%) were considered as complete responders with ypT0 results after full-thickness local excision. Overall, the complete response rate was 65%. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of chemotherapy during the resting period after neoadjuvant chemoradiation is associated with acceptable toxicity and high tolerability rates. The considerably high rates of complete response in this preliminary series requires further follow-up, but they may provide valuable information for future prospective, randomized trials.


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BACKGROUND: Complete tumor regression may develop after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for distal rectal cancer. Studies have suggested that selected patients with complete clinical response may avoid radical surgery and close surveillance may provide good outcomes with no oncologic compromise. However, definition of complete clinical response is often imprecise and may vary between different studies. The aim of this study is to provide a clear definition for a complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in patients with distal rectal cancer in addition to actual endoscopic videos from patients managed nonoperatively. METHODS: Patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, including 50.4 Gy and concomitant 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin, were assessed for tumor response at least 8 weeks after chemoradiation therapy completion. Complete and incomplete clinical responses were defined based on clinical and endoscopic findings. Patients with complete clinical response were not immediately operated on and were closely followed. Early and late endoscopic findings were recorded. RESULTS: Definition of a complete clinical response should be based on very strict clinical and endoscopic criteria. The finding of any residual superficial ulceration, irregularity, or nodule should prompt surgical attention, including transanal full-thickness excision or even a radical resection with total mesorectal excision. Standard or incisional biopsies should be avoided in this setting. Complete clinical responders should harbor no more than whitening of the mucosa, teleangiectasia with mucosal integrity to be considered for a nonoperative approach. In the presence of these findings, regularly scheduled reassessments may provide a safe alternative to these patients with early detection of recurrent disease. CONCLUSION: Strict definition of the clinical and endoscopic findings of patients experiencing complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy may provide a useful tool for the understanding of outcomes of patients managed with no immediate surgery allowing standardization of classifications and comparison between the experiences of different institutions.