860 resultados para La señal de Jonás
Manual de prácticas: Introducción al software UnityPro y a los PLCs M340 de Schneider.
Manual de la Práctica 1. Programación y Simulación de un PLC
Práctica 3. Comunicación con RS-485 y MODBUS.
Ejercicios de la práctica 2. Programación con GRAFCET de un PLC.
Manual de prácticas de la Práctica 1-2: Montaje eléctrico de baja tensión.
Diapositivas del tema 1: El circuito eléctrico de corriente continua.
In this work we prensent an analysis of non-slanted reflection gratings by using exact solution of the second order differential equation derived from Maxwell equations, in terms of Mathieu functions. The results obtained by using this method will be compared to those obtained by using the well known Kogelnik's Coupled Wave Theory which predicts with great accuracy the response of the efficieny of the zero and first order for volume phase gratings, for both reflection and transmission gratings.
Documento que describe las normas de uso del laboratorio de electrónica y los equipos usados en prácticas.
Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) is a remote sensing method with the well demonstrated ability to monitor geological hazards like earthquakes, landslides and subsidence. Among all these hazards, subsidence involves the settlement of the ground surface affecting wide areas. Frequently, subsidence is induced by overexploitation of aquifers and constitutes a common problem that affects developed societies. The excessive pumping of underground water decreases the piezometric level in the subsoil and, as a consequence, increases the effective stresses with depth causing a consolidation of the soil column. This consolidation originates a settlement of ground surface that must be withstood by civil structures built on these areas. In this paper we make use of an advanced DInSAR approach - the Coherent Pixels Technique (CPT) [1] - to monitor subsidence induced by aquifer overexploitation in the Vega Media of the Segura River (SE Spain) from 1993 to the present. 28 ERS-1/2 scenes covering a time interval of about 10 years were used to study this phenomenon. The deformation map retrieved with CPT technique shows settlements of up to 80 mm at some points of the studied zone. These values agree with data obtained by means of borehole extensometers, but not with the distribution of damaged buildings, well points and basements, because the occurrence of damages also depends on the structural quality of the buildings and their foundations. The most interesting relationship observed is the one existing between piezometric changes, settlement evolution and local geology. Three main patterns of ground surface and piezometric level behaviour have been distinguished for the study zone during this period: 1) areas where deformation occurs while ground conditions remain altered (recent deformable sediments), 2) areas with no deformation (old and non-deformable materials), and 3) areas where ground deformation mimics piezometric level changes (expansive soils). The temporal relationship between deformation patterns and soil characteristics has been analysed in this work, showing a delay between them. Moreover, this technique has allowed the measurement of ground subsidence for a period (1993-1995) where no instrument information was available.
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of TerraSAR-X for subsidence monitoring in urban areas. The city of Murcia has been selected as a test-site due to its high deformation rate and the set of extensometers deployed along the city that provide validation data. The obtained results have been compared with those obtained from ERS/ENVISAT data belonging to the same period and validated with the in-situ measurements.
This study was partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and EU FEDER under project TEC2005-06863, by the Valencia Regional Government under projects GV006/179 and ACOMP07/087, and by the University of Alicante under projects VIGROB2004102, VIGROB-053, and VIGROB-114.
Los movimientos de ladera y los procesos de subsidencia son fenómenos que afectan a la superficie terrestre produciendo modificaciones importantes sobre ella. Los cambios que originan se manifiestan como deformaciones superficiales cuyo estudio resulta de gran importancia en el campo de la Ingeniería Geología y la Geotecnia. En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo una descripción de las técnicas de Ingeniería Cartográfica (técnicas topográficas, geodésicas, fotogramétricas y de teledetección) empleadas para cuantificar las deformaciones causadas por movimientos de ladera y subsidencia terrestre, estableciendo sus principales características y llevando a cabo un análisis comparativo de las mismas.
This paper analyzes the learning experiences and opinions obtained from a group of undergraduate students in their interaction with several on-line multimedia resources included in a free on-line course about Computer Networks. These new educational resources employed are based on the Web2.0 approach such as blogs, videos and virtual labs which have been added in a web-site for distance self-learning.