965 resultados para LYMPHOCYTE DEPLETION
Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, a common early feature in renal transplantation, results from both free radical species generation and local inflammatory responses that attract different types of cells. The interaction with infiltrating leukocytes could promote damage and death of resident renal cells contributing to worsening of renal function. It has been shown that depletion of host T cells protects against kidney damage after I/R injury, although the mechanism is not fully understood. FTY720, a synthetic analog of a natural product extracted from Isaria sincclairii has shown modulatory properties in experimental models of autoimmune disease, transplantation, and I/R injury. FTY720 alters lymphocyte responses to chemokine homing signals, thereby decreasing the number of lymphocytes in inflammatory sites. We evaluated renal function in mice at 3, 5, and 7 days after I/R injury in the presence or absence of FTY720 treatment. FTY720 treatment promoted earlier recovery of renal function associated with a lower number of renal-infiltrating lymphocytes. These findings confirm previous results showing a protective effect of FTY720 in I/R injury models.
This study investigated the effects of bilateral injections of a serotonin (5-HT) receptor agonist into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) on the intake of NaCl and water induced by 24-h water deprivation or by sodium depletion followed by 24 h of sodium deprivation (injection of the diuretic furosemide plus 24 h of sodium-deficient diet). Rats had stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN. Bilateral LPBN injections of the serotonergic 5-HT1/2 receptor antagonist methysergide (4 mu g/200 nl at each site) increased hypertonic NaCl intake when tested 24 h after sodium depletion and after 24 h of water deprivation. Water intake also increased after bilateral injections of methysergide into the LPBN. In contrast, the intake of a palatable solution (0.06 M sucrose) under body fluid-replete conditions was not changed after bilateral LPBN methysergide injections. The results show that serotonergic mechanisms in the LPBN modulate water and sodium intake induced by volume depletion and sodium loss. The finding that sucrose intake was not affected by LPBN serotonergic blockade suggests that the effects of the methysergide treatment on the intakes of water and NaCl are not due to a mechanism producing a nonspecific enhancement of all ingestive behaviors.
Intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) counts were histologically assessed in the jejunum, ileum and appendix of 39 neonates (0-28 days), 32 infants (1-9 months) and 13 children (1-9 years). Small intestinal mucosa samples were obtained from 73 autopsies, and from 8 surgical and 3 aspirative biopsies. IEL counts of specimens from the jejunum, ileum and appendix gave similar results in the same patient. The number of IEL counts was significantly lower in neonates for all three segments. The difference between infants and children was more marked in the jejunum than in the ileum, although this was not significant. In the appendix, there was no difference between the different age groups. Our results indicate that postnatal expansion of IEL occurs homogeneously along the gut after the neonatal period.
The in vitro effect of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis exoantigen on the human lymphocytes cell cycle and chromosomes was studied. Human peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures from ten healthy, white, non-smoking, non-related adult males (mean age 31·3 ± 8·2 years) were studied. Blood cultures were treated with three exoantigen concentrations (0·25, 2·50 and 10·00 μg ml -1). At least 1000 metaphases were analysed at each concentration, for evaluation of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations (cA) and 30 000 for mitotic index (MI). Among the treated cultures, statistically significant differences in the frequencies of MI and cA were not observed. Nevertheless, when compared with control cultures, they all showed a significantly lower frequency of MI and higher frequency of cA. It is suggested that the detected alterations were caused by the exoantigen, its fractions or its metabolites. © 1996 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.
Effects of dietary α-lipoic acid (LA) and ascorbic acid (AA) on the growth, tissue vitamin C and tocopherol (vitamin E) levels, and malondialdehyde levels were examined in the tropical fish pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. Pacu juveniles were fed one of four casein-gelatin-based diets for 8 weeks: with 0.05% AA and 0.1% LA (+AA+LA), with AA and without LA (+AA-LA), without AA and with LA (-AA+LA), and without AA and LA (-AA-LA). When the fish received quantities of feed equal to 1.9-2.5% of its body weight, growth was not influenced, regardless of the presence of AA or LA throughout most of the experimental period. Growth was, however, slightly but significantly lower at week 8 in the AA-deficient/LA-supplemented group. An AA-deficient diet caused a highly significant reduction in both total AA and dehydroascorbic acid content in the liver and gill tissues. This reduction of tissue AA concentrations was reversed in a significant manner by LA (antioxidant-sparing effect). The 8-week-long vitamin C deprivation was sufficient to initiate the reduction in tissue ascorbic acid; however, total ascorbate in the liver of fish in the (-)AA/(+)LA group was 127.7±54.3 nmol g-1 tissue, whereas it was 28.6±26.3 nmol g-1 in the (-)AA/(-)LA group, a 4.4-fold difference. This mitigating effect of the addition of the endogenous antioxidant LA to the diet indicates that LA exerts a vitamin C-sparing effect in teleost fish that by far exceeds the phenomena demonstrated in non-scurvy-prone mammals. There was no difference among the different diet groups for vitamin E and malondialdehyde levels in the liver. These results suggest that LA is a potent substance for the prevention of AA deficiency in cultured fishes. The optimal dietary level of LA needs to be determined in the light of the slight reduction in body weight gain after 8 weeks of feeding in the absence of AA. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006.
Given that cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, many efforts have been directed toward discovering new treatments and approaches to cure or control this group of diseases. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for cancer; however, a conventional schedule based on maximum tolerated dose (MTD) shows several side effects and frequently allows the development of drug resistance. On the other side, low dose chemotherapy involves antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory processes that help host to fight against tumor cells, with lower grade of side effects. In this review, we present evidence that metronomic chemotherapy, based on the frequent administration of low or intermediate doses of chemotherapeutics, can be better than or as efficient as MTD. Finally, we present some data indicating that noncytotoxic concentrations of antineoplastic agents are able to both up-regulate the immune system and increase the susceptibility of tumor cells to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Taken together, data from the literature provides us with sufficient evidence that low concentrations of selected chemotherapeutic agents, rather than conventional high doses, should be evaluated in combination with immunotherapy. Copyright © 2012 UICC.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O estado nutricional de indivíduos portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal é frequentemente afetado, sendo agravado em função da carcinogênese promover ativação do processo inflamatório e consequente ativação do sistema imunológico, com produção de citocinas e proteínas de fase aguda, como proteína C- reativa, que resulta no hipermetabolismo, acelerando a perda de peso e progredindo para o quadro de caquexia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o estado nutricional e os marcadores clínico-bioquímicos em indivíduos portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal, atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB), em Belém-PA. Foi realizado estudo transversal, descritivo, observacional com pacientes adultos e idosos, portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal atendidos na Unidade de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia e na clínica cirúrgica do HUJBB, no período de dezembro de 2013 a julho de 2014. Realizou-se avaliação nutricional por meio de parâmetros antropométricos, que incluíram índice de massa corporal (IMC), percentual de perda de peso (%PP), circunferência do braço (CB), circunferência muscular do braço (CMB), área muscular do braço corrigida (AMBc), prega cutânea triciptal (PCT) e músculo adutor do polegar (MAP), parâmetros bioquímicos, por meio da classificação da hemoglobina, contagem total de linfócitos (CTL), albumina, transferrina, índice de prognóstico inflamatório-nutricional (IPIN) e parâmetros subjetivos, utilizando-se a avaliação subjetiva global produzida pelo paciente (ASG-PPP), além da identificação e classificação da caquexia. Foram avaliados 44 pacientes, sendo 63,30% do sexo masculino com idade média de 61,2 anos (±13,3). 95,50% eram naturais do Pará, 45,50% residentes no interior, 50,00% apresentavam escolaridade em ensino fundamental incompleto e 52,30% não possuíam renda familiar. Do total de pacientes avaliados, 63,60% possuíam neoplasia de estômago; destes, 50,00% estavam em estádio clínico IV e 73,30% em tratamento cirúrgico, com tempo médio de internação de 45,85 dias (±32,97). Na avaliação nutricional, verificou-se 20,50% de eutrofia para adultos e 42,30% para idosos, por meio do IMC, porém, em avaliação isolada dos compartimentos muscular e adiposo, verificou-se 59,10% de depleção grave por meio da AMBc, 54,50% por meio da PCT e 75,00% com presença de depleção em algum grau em CB e 68,18% em CMB. A perda de peso grave foi verificada em 61,36% dos pacientes avaliados e no MAP, obteve-se maior prevalência de depleção moderada (30,20%). Nos parâmetros bioquímicos, observou-se redução grave em hemoglobina em 61,40% dos pacientes, depleção leve em CTL em 56,80%, de albumina em 47,70% e depleção moderada de transferrina em 45,50%. Na avaliação do IPIN, verificou-se médio risco de complicação para 56,80% dos pacientes avaliados. Na ASG-PPP, 63,60% dos pacientes foram classificados em desnutrição grave e a presença de caquexia sintomática foi de 54,50%. No que se refere à análise de correlação, constatou-se que houve correlação positiva e significativa de IMC com CMB, CB, PCT, AMBc, MAP e Hemoglobina; CMB com CB e AMBc; CB com PCT, AMBc, MAP, e hemoglobina; PCT com AMBc; AMBc com MAP. Na análise de componente principal, verificou-se como métodos mais sensíveis para a detecção de desnutrição a avaliação de CB, AMBc, CMB, IMC, PCT, MAP, IPIN e avaliação da caquexia. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo evidenciam o comprometimento nutricional em pacientes portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal, por diferentes parâmetros, demonstrando assim que a desnutrição ocorre de forma global, com perdas tanto de tecido adiposo quanto de tecido muscular, assim como alterações a nível bioquímico.
Entre os heterópteros, o declínio da concentração de esperma pode ser um fator limitante para o sucesso reprodutivo desses insetos. Acasalamentos múltiplos conferem um reabastecimento de esperma e podem permitir um aumento do valor adaptativo das fêmeas. Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de que a poliandria aumenta a viabilidade dos ovos. A longevidade de fêmeas de Podisus nigrispinus, bem como seus parâmetros reprodutivos em resposta a diferentes números de acasalamentos (0, 1, 2, 3 ou em coabitação com o mesmo macho) foi avaliada. Esse percevejo vem sendo usado em programas de controle biológico de pragas em reflorestamentos de Eucalipto no Brasil. Apesar da diminuição no tempo de sobrevivência das fêmeas, acasalamentos múltiplos mantiveram a viabilidade dos ovos e o período reprodutivo das fêmeas, permitindo um maior número de descendentes produzidos. Tais resultados indicam que um número mínimo de três acasalamentos antes da primeira postura permite uma maximização do sucesso reprodutivo dessa espécie.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The potential sequelae of intestinal infection with Yersinia enterocolitica include reactive arthritis, erythema nodosum, Reiter's syndrome and other autoimmune diseases. The role of the immune response in the pathogenesis of these diseases has not been fully defined, but autoimmune manifestations may be a consequence of the increase in autoantibodies as a result of polyclonal B-cell activation induced by Yersinia. We investigated the effects of Y enterocolitica 0:3 derivatives on B lymphocyte activation in vivo. Groups of five specific pathogen free (SPF) Swiss mice were inoculated with bacterial cell extract, Yersinia outermembrane proteins (Yops) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) obtained from Y enterocolitica 0:3 and their immunoglobulin-secreting spleen cells were detected by isotype-specific protein A plaque assay. The presence of specific anti-Yersinia antibodies and autoantibodies was determined in mouse sera by ELISA. In all experiments a marked increase in the number of secretory cells of different isotypes was observed as early as the third day after inoculation. IgG and IgM anti-Yersinia antibodies were detected in the sera of all inoculated mice, and autoantibodies against myosin in the sera of those inoculated with bacterial cell extract. The sera from animals stimulated with LPS reacted with myelin, actin and laminin, while the sera from mice inoculated with Yops reacted with myelin, thyroglobulin and cardiolipin. These results suggest that SPF Swiss mice inoculated with any one of the Y enterocolitica derivatives tested exhibited polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes as a result of stimulation by various bacterial components and not only LPS stimulation.