934 resultados para LIQUID PHASE SEPARATION
The drilling fluid used to assist in the drilling operation of oil wells, accumulates solids inherent in the formation as it is circulated in the well, interfering in the fluid performance during operation. It is discarded after use. The disposal of these fluids causes one of the most difficult environmental problems in the world. This study aims to promote liquid phase separation of drilling fluids, which have circulated in oil wells, and enable this recovered liquid to formulate a new fluid. For this, non-ionic surfactants were used in order to select the best outcome in phase separation. Five real water-based drilling fluids were utilized, which were collected directly from the fields of drilling oil wells, classified as polymeric fluids. The methodology used consisted in combining the fluid with surfactant and then subjecting it to a process of centrifugation or decantation. The decantating tests were scheduled through experimental planning 23 and 32, using as variables the percentage (%) of surfactant utilized and the stirring time in minutes. The surfactants used were ethoxylated nonylphenol and lauryl alcohol ethoxylated with different degrees of ethoxylation. Phase separation was monitored first by tests of stability, and subsequently by the height of the interface in beakers of 100 mL. The results showed that from the surfactants studied, the lauryl alcohol ethoxylated with 3 ethoxylation units has been the most effective in the phase separation process of the drilling fluids tested. The statistical tool used was of great industrial value regarding the programming phase separation in drilling fluids. In conclusion, the liquid phase separated using surfactant can be reused for a new formulation of drilling fluid with similar properties of a new fluid, assuring its efficiency. And in the resulting analysis it is also suggested that the adsorption is the mechanism that leads the phase separation, with surfactant adsorbing in the active solids
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The fine particles serving as cloud condensation nuclei in pristine Amazonian rainforest air consist mostly of secondary organic aerosol. Their origin is enigmatic, however, because new particle formation in the atmosphere is not observed. Here, we show that the growth of organic aerosol particles can be initiated by potassium-salt-rich particles emitted by biota in the rainforest. These particles act as seeds for the condensation of low- or semi-volatile organic compounds from the atmospheric gas phase or multiphase oxidation of isoprene and terpenes. Our findings suggest that the primary emission of biogenic salt particles directly influences the number concentration of cloud condensation nuclei and affects the microphysics of cloud formation and precipitation over the rainforest.
In der Vergangenheit haben Untersuchung an biologischen und Modell-Systemen gezeigt, dass amorphes Calciumcarbonat als instabiles Zwischenprodukt bei der Bildung kristalliner Strukturen aus CaCO3 auftritt. Über dessen Rolle im Fällungsprozess von CaCO3 ist nicht viel bekannt und es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es als CaCO3-Speicher für die nachfolgenden kristallinen Produkte dient. Der genaue Reaktionsablauf, der zur Bildung von amorphem Calciumcarbonat (ACC) führt, ist nicht bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer Fällungstechnik, die die Beobachtung der Bildungskinetik von ACC durch Lichtstreuung ermöglicht. In Fällungsexperimenten wird gezeigt, dass die Fällung unter nicht-turbulenten Bedingungen zur Bildung von amorphem Calciumcarbonat führt. Hinsichtlich der Basen- und Alkylcarbonatmenge, die äquivalent oder im Überschuss zur Calciumionenkonzentration eingesetzt wird, entstehen zwei verschiedene Fällungsprodukte. In Bezug auf ihre chemische Zusammensetzung, thermische und mechanische Eigenschaften werden diese charakterisiert. In beiden Fällen wird ein amorphes CaCO3 mit einem Wassergehalt von 0,5 mol/L pro Mol CaCO3 erhalten. Die in situ Generierung von Carbonat führt zur Bildung von sphärischem amorphem Calciumcarbonat, das eine gewisse Tendenz zur Koazervation zeigt. Die bei gleichem Reaktionsumsatz beobachtete Temperaturabhängigkeit des Partikelradius konnten wir unter Annahme einer Mischungslücke mit unterer kritischer Mischungstemperatur interpretieren. Für die Bildung von amorphem Calciumcarbonat schlagen wir daher einen Mechanismus via binodaler flüssig-flüssig Entmischung vor. Nach einer kurzen Keimbildungsperiode können flüssige Tröpfchen aus wasserhaltigem CaCO3 wachsen und dann infolge von stetigem Wasserverlust glasartig erstarren und so amorphes Calciumcarbonat bilden. Bekräftigt wird dieses Modell durch die Wachstumskinetik, die mittels Lichtstreuung und SAXS verfolgt worden ist. In den Fällungsversuchen sind je nach Reaktionsbedingungen, zwei verschiedene Zeitgesetze des Teilchenwachstums erkennbar: Bei schneller Freisetzung von Carbonat liegt ein parabolischer Verlauf des Radienwachstums vor; hingegen führt eine langsame Freisetzung von Carbonat zu einem linearen Wachstum der Radien. Diese Abhängigkeiten lassen sich im Rahmen der bekannten Kinetik einer flüssig-flüssig Entmischung deuten. Ferner wird der Einfluss von doppelthydrophilen Blockcopolymeren (PEO-PMAA) auf die Teilchengröße und die Kinetik der Bildung von amorphem Calciumcarbonat untersucht. Zum Einsatz kommen zwei verschiedene Blockcopolymere, die sich in der Länge des PEO-Blocks unterscheiden. Im Fällungsexperiment führt das in sehr kleinen Konzentrationen vorliegende Blockcopolymere zur Stabilisierung von kleineren Partikeln. Das Blockcopolymer mit der längeren PEO-Einheit weist eine größere Effizienz auf. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich durch Annahme von Adsorption des Polymers an der Oberfläche interpretieren. Der Einfluss der doppelthydrophilen Blockcopolymere auf die Bildung von ACC deutet darauf, dass amorphes Calciumcarbonat eine komplexere Rolle als lediglich die eines Calciumcarbonatspeichers für das spätere Wachstum kristalliner Produkte einnimmt. Für die Wirkung von Polymerzusätzen muss somit nicht nur die Wechselwirkung mit den gegen Ende gebildeten Kristalle betrachtet werden, sondern auch der Einfluss, den das Polymer auf die Bildung des amorphen Calciumcarbonats hat. Die hier neu entwickelte Methode bietet die Möglichkeit, auch für komplexere Polymere, wie z.B. extrahierte Proteine, den Einfluss auf die Bildung der amorphen Vorstufe zu untersuchen.
A rapid liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) multi-residue method for the simultaneous quantitation and identification of sixteen synthetic growth promoters and bisphenol A in bovine milk has been developed and validated. Sample preparation was straightforward, efficient and economically advantageous. Milk was extracted with acetonitrile followed by phase separation with NaCl. After centrifugation, the extract was purified by dispersive solid-phase extraction with C18 sorbent material. The compounds were analysed by reversed-phase LC-MS/MS using both positive and negative ionization and operated in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, acquiring two diagnostic product ions from each of the chosen precursor ions for unambiguous confirmation. Total chromatographic run time was less than 10 min for each sample. The method was validated at a level of 1 mu g L-1. A wide variety of deuterated internal standards were used to improve method performance. The accuracy and precision of the method were satisfactory for all analytes. The confirmative quantitative liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method was validated according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The decision limit (CC alpha) and the detection capability (CC beta) were found to be below the chosen validation level of 1 mu g L-1 for all compounds. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nowadays, it is clear that the target of creating a sustainable future for the next generations requires to re-think the industrial application of chemistry. It is also evident that more sustainable chemical processes may be economically convenient, in comparison with the conventional ones, because fewer by-products means lower costs for raw materials, for separation and for disposal treatments; but also it implies an increase of productivity and, as a consequence, smaller reactors can be used. In addition, an indirect gain could derive from the better public image of the company, marketing sustainable products or processes. In this context, oxidation reactions play a major role, being the tool for the production of huge quantities of chemical intermediates and specialties. Potentially, the impact of these productions on the environment could have been much worse than it is, if a continuous efforts hadn’t been spent to improve the technologies employed. Substantial technological innovations have driven the development of new catalytic systems, the improvement of reactions and process technologies, contributing to move the chemical industry in the direction of a more sustainable and ecological approach. The roadmap for the application of these concepts includes new synthetic strategies, alternative reactants, catalysts heterogenisation and innovative reactor configurations and process design. Actually, in order to implement all these ideas into real projects, the development of more efficient reactions is one primary target. Yield, selectivity and space-time yield are the right metrics for evaluating the reaction efficiency. In the case of catalytic selective oxidation, the control of selectivity has always been the principal issue, because the formation of total oxidation products (carbon oxides) is thermodynamically more favoured than the formation of the desired, partially oxidized compound. As a matter of fact, only in few oxidation reactions a total, or close to total, conversion is achieved, and usually the selectivity is limited by the formation of by-products or co-products, that often implies unfavourable process economics; moreover, sometimes the cost of the oxidant further penalizes the process. During my PhD work, I have investigated four reactions that are emblematic of the new approaches used in the chemical industry. In the Part A of my thesis, a new process aimed at a more sustainable production of menadione (vitamin K3) is described. The “greener” approach includes the use of hydrogen peroxide in place of chromate (from a stoichiometric oxidation to a catalytic oxidation), also avoiding the production of dangerous waste. Moreover, I have studied the possibility of using an heterogeneous catalytic system, able to efficiently activate hydrogen peroxide. Indeed, the overall process would be carried out in two different steps: the first is the methylation of 1-naphthol with methanol to yield 2-methyl-1-naphthol, the second one is the oxidation of the latter compound to menadione. The catalyst for this latter step, the reaction object of my investigation, consists of Nb2O5-SiO2 prepared with the sol-gel technique. The catalytic tests were first carried out under conditions that simulate the in-situ generation of hydrogen peroxide, that means using a low concentration of the oxidant. Then, experiments were carried out using higher hydrogen peroxide concentration. The study of the reaction mechanism was fundamental to get indications about the best operative conditions, and improve the selectivity to menadione. In the Part B, I explored the direct oxidation of benzene to phenol with hydrogen peroxide. The industrial process for phenol is the oxidation of cumene with oxygen, that also co-produces acetone. This can be considered a case of how economics could drive the sustainability issue; in fact, the new process allowing to obtain directly phenol, besides avoiding the co-production of acetone (a burden for phenol, because the market requirements for the two products are quite different), might be economically convenient with respect to the conventional process, if a high selectivity to phenol were obtained. Titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) is the catalyst chosen for this reaction. Comparing the reactivity results obtained with some TS-1 samples having different chemical-physical properties, and analyzing in detail the effect of the more important reaction parameters, we could formulate some hypothesis concerning the reaction network and mechanism. Part C of my thesis deals with the hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol. This reaction is already industrially applied but, for economical reason, an improvement of the selectivity to the para di-hydroxilated compound and a decrease of the selectivity to the ortho isomer would be desirable. Also in this case, the catalyst used was the TS-1. The aim of my research was to find out a method to control the selectivity ratio between the two isomers, and finally to make the industrial process more flexible, in order to adapt the process performance in function of fluctuations of the market requirements. The reaction was carried out in both a batch stirred reactor and in a re-circulating fixed-bed reactor. In the first system, the effect of various reaction parameters on catalytic behaviour was investigated: type of solvent or co-solvent, and particle size. With the second reactor type, I investigated the possibility to use a continuous system, and the catalyst shaped in extrudates (instead of powder), in order to avoid the catalyst filtration step. Finally, part D deals with the study of a new process for the valorisation of glycerol, by means of transformation into valuable chemicals. This molecule is nowadays produced in big amount, being a co-product in biodiesel synthesis; therefore, it is considered a raw material from renewable resources (a bio-platform molecule). Initially, we tested the oxidation of glycerol in the liquid-phase, with hydrogen peroxide and TS-1. However, results achieved were not satisfactory. Then we investigated the gas-phase transformation of glycerol into acrylic acid, with the intermediate formation of acrolein; the latter can be obtained by dehydration of glycerol, and then can be oxidized into acrylic acid. Actually, the oxidation step from acrolein to acrylic acid is already optimized at an industrial level; therefore, we decided to investigate in depth the first step of the process. I studied the reactivity of heterogeneous acid catalysts based on sulphated zirconia. Tests were carried out both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, in order to investigate the effect of oxygen on the catalyst deactivation rate (one main problem usually met in glycerol dehydration). Finally, I studied the reactivity of bifunctional systems, made of Keggin-type polyoxometalates, either alone or supported over sulphated zirconia, in this way combining the acid functionality (necessary for the dehydrative step) with the redox one (necessary for the oxidative step). In conclusion, during my PhD work I investigated reactions that apply the “green chemistry” rules and strategies; in particular, I studied new greener approaches for the synthesis of chemicals (Part A and Part B), the optimisation of reaction parameters to make the oxidation process more flexible (Part C), and the use of a bioplatform molecule for the synthesis of a chemical intermediate (Part D).
Agricultural crops can be damaged by funguses, insects, worms and other organisms that cause diseases and decrease the yield of production. The effect of these damaging agents can be reduced using pesticides. Among them, triazole compounds are effective substances against fungus; for example, Oidium. Nevertheless, it has been detected that the residues of these fungicides in foods as well as in derivate products can affect the health of the consumers. Therefore, the European Union has established several regulations fixing the maximum residue of pesticide levels in a wide range of foods trying to assure the consumer safety. Hence, it is very important to develop adequate methods to determine these pesticide compounds. In most cases, gas or liquid chromatographic (GC, LC) separations are used in the analysis of the samples. But firstly, it is necessary to use proper sample treatments in order to preconcentrate and isolate the target analytes. To reach this aim, microextraction techniques are very effective tools; because allow to do both preconcentration and extraction of the analytes in one simple step that considerably reduces the source of errors. With these objectives, two remarkable techniques have been widely used during the last years: solid phase microextraction (SPME) and liquid phase microextraction (LPME) with its different options. Both techniques that avoid the use or reduce the amount of toxic solvents are convenient coupled to chromatographic equipments providing good quantitative results in a wide number of matrices and compounds. In this work simple and reliable methods have been developed using SPME and ultrasound assisted emulsification microextraction (USAEME) coupled to GC or LC for triazole fungicides determination. The proposed methods allow confidently determine triazole concentrations of μg L‐1 order in different fruit samples. Chemometric tools have been used to accomplish successful determinations. Firstly, in the selection and optimization of the variables involved in the microextraction processes; and secondly, to overcome the problems related to the overlapping peaks. Different fractional factorial designs have been used for the screening of the experimental variables; and central composite designs have been carried out to get the best experimental conditions. Trying to solve the overlapping peak problems multivariate calibration methods have been used. Parallel Factor Analysis 2 (PARAFAC2), Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) and Parallel Factor Analysis with Linear Dependencies (PARALIND) have been proposed, the adequate algorithms have been used according to data characteristics, and the results have been compared. Because its occurrence in Basque Country and its relevance in the production of cider and txakoli regional wines the grape and apple samples were selected. These crops are often treated with triazole compounds trying to solve the problems caused by the funguses. The peel and pulp from grape and apple, their juices and some commercial products such as musts, juice and cider have been analysed showing the adequacy of the developed methods for the triazole determination in this kind of fruit samples.
Samples of YBa2Cu3O7-y+20 mol% Y2BaCuO5, with thicknesses ranging between 50-250 μm, have been melt processed and rapidly quenched from temperatures between 985 and 1100°C by immersing them in liquid nitrogen. The phase composition and microstructures of these samples have been characterised using a combination of X-ray diffractometry, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The quenched melt of samples quenched from temperatures greater than 985°C appears relatively homogeneous but consists of Ba2Cu3Ox (BC1.5) and BaCu2O2 (BC2) regions. At about 985°C, BaCuO2 (BC1) crystallises from the melt and most of the BC1.5 decomposes into BC1 and CuO or into BC1 and BC2. The crystallisation of BC1 induces segregation of elements in the melt and this is very significant for the melt texturing of YBCO.
The formation of nanoscale liquid droplets by friction of a solid is observed in real-time. This is achieved using a newly developed in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) triboprobe capable of applying multiple reciprocating wear cycles to a nanoscale surface. Dynamical imaging of the nanoscale cyclic rubbing of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) processed Al alloy by diamond shows that the generation of nanoscale wear particles is followed by a phase separation to form liquid Ga nanodroplets and liquid bridges. The transformation of a two-body system to a four-body solid-liquid system within the reciprocating wear track significantly alters the local dynamical friction and wear processes. Moving liquid bridges are observed in situ to play a key role at the sliding nanocontact, interacting strongly with the highly mobile nanoparticle debris. In situ imaging demonstrates that both static and moving liquid droplets exhibit asymmetric menisci due to nanoscale surface roughness. Nanodroplet kinetics are furthermore dependent on local frictional temperature, with solid-like surface nanofilaments forming on cooling. TEM nanotribology opens up new avenues for the real-time quantification of cyclic friction, wear and dynamic solid-liquid nanomechanics, which will have widespread applications in many areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
An energy landscape view of phase separation and nonideality in binary mixtures is developed by exploring their potential energy landscape (PEL) as functions of temperature and composition. We employ molecular dynamics simulations to study a model that promotes structure breaking in the solute-solvent parent binary liquid, at low temperatures. The PEL of the system captures the potential energy distribution of the inherent structures (IS) of the system and is obtained by removing the kinetic energy (including that of intermolecular vibrations). The broader distribution of the inherent structure energy for structure breaking liquid than that of the structure making liquid demonstrates the larger role of entropy in stabilizing the parent liquid of the structure breaking type of binary mixtures. At high temperature, although the parent structure of the structure breaking binary mixture is homogenous, the corresponding inherent structure is found to be always phase separated, with a density pattern that exhibits marked correlation with the energy of its inherent structure. Over a broad range of intermediate inherent structure energy, bicontinuous phase separation prevails with interpenetrating stripes as signatures of spinodal decomposition. At low inherent structure energy, the structure is largely phase separated with one interface where as at high inherent structure energy we find nucleation type growth. Interestingly, at low temperature, the average inherent structure energy (< EIS >) exhibits a drop with temperature which signals the onset of crystallization in one of the phases while the other remains in the liquid state. The nonideal composition dependence of viscosity is anticorrelated with average inherent structure energy.
The oil/water two-phase flow inside T-junctions was numerically simulated with a 3-D two-fluid model, and the turbulence was described using the mixture k - epsilon model. Some experiments of oil/water flow inside a single T-junction were conducted in the laboratory. The results show that the separating performance of T-junction largely depends oil the inlet volumetric fraction and flow patterns. A reasonable agreement is reached between the numerical simulation and the experiments for both the oil fraction distribution and the separation efficiency.
On the basis of a brief review of the continuum theory for macroscopic descriptions and the kinetic theory for microscopic descriptions in solid/liquid two-phase flows, some suggestions are presented, i.e. the solid phase may be described by the Boltzmann equation and the liquid phase still be described by conservation laws in the continuum theory. Among them the action force on the particles by the liquid fluid is a coupling factor which connects the phases. For dilute steady solid/liquid two-phase flows, the particle velocity distribution function can be derived by analogy with the procedures in the kinetic theory of gas molecules for the equilibrium state instead of being assumed, as previous investigators did. This done, more detailed information, such as the velocity probability density distribution, mean velocity distribution and fluctuating intensity etc. can be obtained directly from the particle velocity distribution function or from its integration. Experiments have been performed for dilute solid/liquid two-phase flow in a 4 x 6 cm2 sized circulating square pipe system by means of laser Doppler anemometry so that the theories can be examined. The comparisons show that the theories agree very well with all the measured data.
A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatographic separation system based on the combination of a CN column and an ODS column is developed for the separation of components in a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Rhizoma chuanxiong. Two columns are coupled by a two-position, eight-port valve equipped with two storage loops and controlled by a computer. The effluent is detected by both the diode array detector and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometer. More than 52 components in the methanol extract of R. chuanxiong were resolved and 11 of them were preliminary identified according to their UV and mass spectra. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Molecular weight dependence of phase separation behavior of the Poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO)/Poly(ethylene oxide-block-dimethylsiloxane) (P(EO-b-DMS)) blends was investigated by both experimental and theoretical methods. The cloud point curves of PEO/P(EO-b-DMS) blends were obtained by turbidity method. Based on Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT), the adjustable parameter, epsilon*(12)/k (quantifying the interaction energy between different components), was evaluated by fitting the experimental data in phase diagrams. To calculate the spinodals, binodals, and the volume changes of mixing for these blends, three modified combining rules of the scaling parameters for the block copolymer were introduced.