"MotionMaker (TM)" is a stationary programmable test and training system for the lower limbs developed at the 'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne' with the 'Fondation Suisse pour les Cybertheses'.. The system is composed of two robotic orthoses comprising motors and sensors, and a control unit managing the trans-cutaneous electrical muscle stimulation with real-time regulation. The control of the Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) induced muscle force necessary to mimic natural exercise is ensured by the control unit which receives a continuous input from the position and force sensors mounted on the robot. First results with control subjects showed the feasibility of creating movements by such closed-loop controlled FES induced muscle contractions. To make exercising with the MotionMaker (TM) safe for clinical trials with Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) volunteers, several original safety features have been introduced. The MotionMaker (TM) is able to identify and manage the occurrence of spasms. Fatigue can also be detected and overfatigue during exercise prevented.
In this work, a new one-class classification ensemble strategy called approximate polytope ensemble is presented. The main contribution of the paper is threefold. First, the geometrical concept of convex hull is used to define the boundary of the target class defining the problem. Expansions and contractions of this geometrical structure are introduced in order to avoid over-fitting. Second, the decision whether a point belongs to the convex hull model in high dimensional spaces is approximated by means of random projections and an ensemble decision process. Finally, a tiling strategy is proposed in order to model non-convex structures. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy is significantly better than state of the art one-class classification methods on over 200 datasets.
Motivation: The comparative analysis of gene gain and loss rates is critical for understanding the role of natural selection and adaptation in shaping gene family sizes. Studying complete genome data from closely related species allows accurate estimation of gene family turnover rates. Current methods and software tools, however, are not well designed for dealing with certain kinds of functional elements, such as microRNAs or transcription factor binding sites. Results: Here, we describe BadiRate, a new software tool to estimate family turnover rates, as well as the number of elements in internal phylogenetic nodes, by likelihood-based methods and parsimony. It implements two stochastic population models, which provide the appropriate statistical framework for testing hypothesis, such as lineage-specific gene family expansions or contractions. We have assessed the accuracy of BadiRate by computer simulations, and have also illustrated its functionality by analyzing a representative empirical dataset.
Phylogenetic trees representing the evolutionary relationships of homologous genes are the entry point for many evolutionary analyses. For instance, the use of a phylogenetic tree can aid in the inference of orthology and paralogy relationships, and in the detection of relevant evolutionary events such as gene family expansions and contractions, horizontal gene transfer, recombination or incomplete lineage sorting. Similarly, given the plurality of evolutionary histories among genes encoded in a given genome, there is a need for the combined analysis of genome-wide collections of phylogenetic trees (phylomes). Here, we introduce a new release of PhylomeDB (http://phylomedb.org), a public repository of phylomes. Currently, PhylomeDB hosts 120 public phylomes, comprising >1.5 million maximum likelihood trees and multiple sequence alignments. In the current release, phylogenetic trees are annotated with taxonomic, protein-domain arrangement, functional and evolutionary information. PhylomeDB is also a major source for phylogeny-based predictions of orthology and paralogy, covering >10 million proteins across 1059 sequenced species. Here we describe newly implemented PhylomeDB features, and discuss a benchmark of the orthology predictions provided by the database, the impact of proteome updates and the use of the phylome approach in the analysis of newly sequenced genomes and transcriptomes.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the bioactivity of ethanolic leaf extracts from four species of the genus Piper against the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) under laboratory conditions. The evaluated species were: P. amalago var. medium, P. glabratum, P. mikanianum, and P. mollicomum. In the initial screening assay (extract concentration of 2,000 mg L-1), all tested extracts caused significant larval mortality, particularly the extract of P. amalago var. medium; however, no extracts reduced the weight of the surviving larvae. The extract from P. amalago var. medium at the concentration of 1,011 mg L-1 caused a significant lengthening of the larval and pupal stages. The ethanolic leaf extract of P. amalago var. medium is promising for the control of T. absoluta larvae in tomato, since it exhibits acute toxicity toward these caterpillars at the concentration of 2,000 mg L-1 and affects the insect's development by reducing its survival and lengthening the larval and pupal stages.
UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n Jämsänkosken PK6:n ongelmana ovat olleet ajoittaiset pohjakatkot suurilla rullilla. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli parantaa superjumborullien rullauksen hallintaa Jagenbergin rakentamalla VariTop keskiörullaimella. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitettiin rullanmuodostumista ja erilaisia rullausteorioita. Samalla käytiin läpi paperin rullautuvuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, rullausperäisten vikojen muodostumisen syitä sekä pehmeän rullaussylinterin etuja verrattuna kovaan sylinteriin. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin koeajoja tuotannon pituusleikkurilla. Näistä kokeista saatujen tulosten perusteella leikkurin ajoreseptit päivitettiin vastaamaanoptimaalisinta rullarakennetta. Pehmeän rullaussylinterin etuja verrattuna kovaan rullaussylinteriin selvitettiin koeajoissa Voithin koeleikkurilla Saksan Krefeldissä. Tuloksista selvisi, että samalla ajoreseptillä rullattaessa pehmeä sylinteri antoi valmiille rullalle suuremman kovuuden. Myös paperissa olevien profiilivirheiden vaikutukset lievenivät käytettäessä pehmeää rullaussylinteriä. Istukoiden luistamisesta johtuvaa hylsyjen sisäpinnan jauhautumista on ilmennyt suurilla jumborullilla. Tämä johtuu todennäköisimmin kasvaneesta rasituksesta hylsyn sisäpinnalla, mikä on seurausta rullien kasvusta. Ratkaisuina tälle ongelmalle on mahdollinen istukan pidentäminen sekä välyksen pienentäminen istukan ja hylsyn välissä. Myös hylsyjen toimintaa testattiin rullauksessa jahuomattiin niiden täyttävän toimittajien antamat laatuarvot. Lepo- ja liikekitkalla tiedetään olevan suuri merkitys rullausperäisten vikojenmuodostumiseen. Eri lajeista lähetettiin paperinäytteitä UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n Lappeenrannan tutkimuskeskukseen kitkojen määrittämiseksi. Tulosten perusteella havaittiin luettelolajilla lepo- ja liikekitkassa merkittävä ero. Standardi SC lajilla ero oli selvästi pienempi kuin luettelolajilla. Tämä saattaa olla yksi syy luettelolajeilla ilmeneviin pohjaongelmiin.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe disorder characterized by progressive muscle wasting,respiratory and cardiac impairments, and premature death. No treatment exists so far, and the identification of active substances to fight DMD is urgently needed. We found that tamoxifen, a drug used to treat estrogen-dependent breast cancer, caused remarkable improvements of muscle force and of diaphragm and cardiac structure in the mdx(5Cv) mouse model of DMD. Oral tamoxifen treatment from 3 weeks of age for 15 months at a dose of 10 mg/kg/day stabilized myofiber membranes, normalized whole body force, and increased force production and resistance to repeated contractions of the triceps muscle above normal values. Tamoxifen improved the structure of leg muscles and diminished cardiac fibrosis by~ 50%. Tamoxifen also reduced fibrosis in the diaphragm, while increasing its thickness,myofiber count, and myofiber diameter, thereby augmenting by 72% the amount of contractile tissue available for respiratory function. Tamoxifen conferred a markedly slower phenotype to the muscles.Tamoxifen and its metabolites were present in nanomolar concentrations in plasma and muscles,suggesting signaling through high-affinity targets. Interestingly, the estrogen receptors ERa and ERb were several times more abundant in dystrophic than in normal muscles, and tamoxifen normalized the relative abundance of ERb isoforms. Our findings suggest that tamoxifen might be a useful therapy for DMD.
Further genetic gains in wheat yield are required to match expected increases in demand. This may require the identification of physiological attributes able to produce such improvement, as well as the genetic bases controlling those traits in order to facilitate their manipulation. In the present paper, a theoretical framework of source and sink limitation to wheat yield is presented and the fine-tuning of crop development as an alternative for increasing yield potential is discussed. Following a top-down approach, most crop physiologists have agreed that the main attribute explaining past genetic gains in yield was harvest index (HI). By virtue of previous success, no further gains may be expected in HI and an alternative must be found. Using a bottom-up approach, the present paper firstly provides evidence on the generalized sink-limited condition of grain growth, determining that for further increases in yield potential, sink strength during grain filling has to be increased. The focus should be on further increasing grain number per m2, through fine-tuning pre-anthesis developmental patterns. The phase of rapid spike growth period (RSGP) is critical for grain number determination and increasing spike growth during pre-anthesis would result in an increased number of grains. This might be achieved by lengthening the duration of the phase (though without altering flowering time), as there is genotypic variation in the proportion of pre-anthesis time elapsed either before or after the onset of the stem elongation phase. Photoperiod sensitivity during RSGP could be then used as a genetic tool to further increase grain number, since slower development results in smoother floret development and more floret primordia achieve the fertile floret stage, able to produce a grain. Far less progress has been achieved on the genetic control of this attribute. None of the well-known major Ppd alleles seems to be consistently responsible for RSGP sensitivity. Alternatives for identifying the genetic factors responsible for this sensitivity (e.g. quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification in mapping populations) are being considered.
La déchirure des ischio-jambiers est la blessure non-traumatique la plus fréquemment rencontrée dans les sports demandant une course à haute vitesse. Les ischio-jambiers sont particulièrement vulnérables lors de la fin de phase d'oscillation du sprint étant donné qu'ils se contractent excentriquement alors qu'ils sont en position d'allongement. Le renforcement excentrique a été montré comme étant une méthode efficace pour diminuer le risque de blessure. Cependant, les exercices classiquement utilisés comme le Nordic hamstring ne soumettent pas les ischio-jambiers à un niveau d'allongement spécifique au sprint. Dès lors, l'objectif de cette thèse était d'évaluer le fonctionnement des ischio-jambiers à différents niveaux d'allongement musculo- tendineux puis de transposer dans la pratique les résultats obtenus afin de concevoir des exercices plus spécifiques aux besoins des athlètes. Avant cela, une première partie avait pour but de proposer de nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation de terrain des ischio-jambiers. Les différents travaux réalisés pour cette thèse ont permis : 1) de proposer deux nouveaux outils de terrain pour l'évaluation de la flexibilité et de la force des ischio-jambiers ; 2) de montrer que le niveau d'allongement influence directement la force produite par les ischio-jambiers et de suggérer que ce niveau d'allongement semble être un stimulus au moins aussi déterminant que le mode de contraction musculaire pour générer des adaptations de l'architecture musculaire propices à la diminution du risque de blessure ; 3) de proposer des modalités spécifiques de renforcement des ischio-jambiers destinées aux sprinteurs dans une perspective de prévention des blessures et de montrer l'efficacité de ces recommandations sur l'amélioration d'un certain nombre de facteurs de risque de blessure. Finalement, ce travail a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives allant de la proposition d'exercices de renforcement de terrain au développement d'un système motorisé spécifique au sprint permettant le renforcement et l'évaluation de la force des ischio-jambiers en passant par différents projets de recherche. -- High-speed running sports accounts for the majority of hamstring strains. The terminal swing phase of the running cycle is believed to be the most hazardous as the hamstrings are undergoing an active lengthening contraction in a long muscle length position. Prevention-based strength training relies mainly on eccentric exercises. However, most hamstrings exercises like the Nordic hamstring are performed at an inadequately low hip-flexion angle. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to assess the hamstring function at different muscle lengths and depending on the obtained results to design strength exercises more specific to the athlete's need. Before that, a first part of this thesis aimed to develop new assessment methods of the hamstring on site. The different studies included in the present thesis allowed: 1) to propose two new methods to test the hamstring flexibility and strength on the field; 2) to show that the hamstring muscle length directly influences its level of strength, and to suggest that the training range of motion could be a dominant stimulus (as important than contraction type) for modifying the muscle architecture, which leads to a decrease in hamstring injury risk; 3) to define sprint specific parameters for prevention-based strength training, and to show the efficiency of these recommendations on the improvement of several injury risk factors for the hamstring. Finally, this thesis proposed new perspectives: 1) new strength exercises on site; 2) the development of a motorised device specific for the sprint which could be used to strength and to assess the hamstring; 3) several future research projects.
We assessed neuromuscular fatigue and recovery of the plantar flexors after playing football with or without severe heat stress. Neuromuscular characteristics of the plantar flexors were assessed in 17 male players at baseline and ∼30 min, 24, and 48 h after two 90-min football matches in temperate (∼20 °C and 55% rH) and hot (∼43 °C and 20% rH) environments. Measurements included maximal voluntary strength, muscle activation, twitch contractile properties, and rate of torque development and soleus EMG (i.e., root mean square activity) rise from 0 to 30, -50, -100, and -200 ms during maximal isometric contractions for plantar flexors. Voluntary activation and peak twitch torque were equally reduced (-1.5% and -16.5%, respectively; P < 0.05) post-matches relative to baseline in both conditions, the latter persisting for at least 48 h, whereas strength losses (∼5%) were not significant. Absolute explosive force production declined (P < 0.05) 30 ms after contraction onset independently of condition, with no change at any other epochs. Globally, normalized rate of force development and soleus EMG activity rise values remained unchanged. In football, match-induced alterations in maximal and rapid torque production capacities of the plantar flexors are moderate and do not differ after competing in temperate and hot environments.
The role of competition for light among plants has long been recognized at local scales, but its potential importance for plant species' distribution at larger spatial scales has largely been ignored. Tree cover acts as a modulator of local abiotic conditions, notably by reducing light availability below the canopy and thus the performance of species that are not adapted to low-light conditions. However, this local effect may propagate to coarser spatial grains. Using 6,935 vegetation plots located across the European Alps, we fit Generalized Linear Models (GLM) for the distribution of 960 herbs and shrubs species to assess the effect of tree cover at both plot and landscape grain sizes (~ 10-m and 1-km, respectively). We ran four models with different combinations of variables (climate, soil and tree cover) for each species at both spatial grains. We used partial regressions to evaluate the independent effects of plot- and landscape-scale tree cover on plant communities. Finally, the effects on species' elevational range limits were assessed by simulating a removal experiment comparing the species' distribution under high and low tree cover. Accounting for tree cover improved model performance, with shade-tolerant species increasing their probability of presence at high tree cover whereas shade-intolerant species showed the opposite pattern. The tree cover effect occurred consistently at both plot and landscape spatial grains, albeit strongest at the former. Importantly, tree cover at the two grain sizes had partially independent effects on plot-scale plant communities, suggesting that the effects may be transmitted to coarser grains through meta-community dynamics. At high tree cover, shade-intolerant species exhibited elevational range contractions, especially at their upper limit, whereas shade-tolerant species showed elevational range expansions at both limits. Our findings suggest that the range shifts for herb and shrub species may be modulated by tree cover dynamics.
Les ß2-agonistes sont des bronchodilatateurs qui sont prescrits pour traiter l'asthme et l'asthme induite par l'exercice (AIE). Il est relevant de comprendre s'il y a une utilisation adéquate de ces médicaments pour traiter l'AIE chez les athlètes de haut niveau, ou s'ils sont utilisés pour leur potentiel effet ergogénique sur la performance physique. Ce travail examine les actions centrales et périphériques sur la fonction contractile du muscle squelettique humain in vivo induits par l'ingestion d'une dose thérapeutique de ß2- agonistes. Le premier but était d'évaluer si les ß2-agonistes exerçaient une potentialisation de la contractilité du muscle humain et/ou un effet "anti¬fatigue" comme observé dans le modèle animal. Les résultats n'ont fournit aucune évidence d'une potentialisation sur le muscle squelettique humain in vivo non-fatigué et fatigué induit par l'administration orale de ß2-agonistes. Tout effet excitateur exercé par ce traitement sur le système nerveux central a été aussi exclu. Le deuxième but était de déterminer si les ß2-agonistes affaiblissaient la contractilité du muscle squelettique humain à contraction lente, et d'évaluer si ce changement pouvait interférer avec le contrôle moteur au muscle. Les résultats ont montré que les ß2-agonistes affaiblissent la contractilité des fibres lentes, comme conséquence de l'effet lusitrope positif se produisant dans ces fibres. La capacité de développer une force maximale n'est pas réduite par le traitement, même si une augmentation de la commande centrale au muscle est requise pour produire la même force lors de contractions sous-maximales. Le but final était d'examiner si une adaptation du contrôle moteur était re¬quis pour compenser l'affaiblissement des fibres lentes exercée par les ß2- agonistes pendant un exercice volontaire, et de déterminer si cette adaptation centrale pouvait accroître la fatigue musculaire. Malgré le fait que les résultats confirment l'effet affaiblissant induit par les ß2-agonistes, ce changement contractile n'influence pas le contrôle moteur au muscle pendant les contractions sous-maximales de l'exercice fatiguant, et n'accroît pas le degré de fatigue. Ce travail éclaircit les actions spécifiques des ß2-agonistes sur la fonction contractile du muscle squelettique humain in vivo et leurs influence sur le contrôle moteur. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de l'action ergogénique sur la performance physique produit par les ß2-agonistes sont aussi élucidés. -- ß2-Agonists are bronchodilators that are widely prescribed for the treatment of asthma and exercise-induced asthma (EIA). The extensive use of ß2-agonists by competitive athletes has raised the question as to whether there is a valid need for this class of drugs because of EIA or a misuse because of their potential ergogenic effect on exercise performance. This work investigated the central and peripheral actions that were elicited by the ingestion of a therapeutic dose of ß2-agonists on the contractility of human skeletal muscle in vivo. The first objective was to investigate whether ß2-agonists would potentiate muscle contractility and/or exert the "anti-fatigue" effect observed in animal models. The findings did not provide any evidence for the ß2-agonist-induced potentiation of in vivo human non-fatigued and fatigued skeletal muscle. Moreover, the findings exclude any excitatory action of this treatment on the central nervous system. The second objective was to explore whether the weakening action on the contractile function would occur after ß2-agonist intake in human slow-twitch skeletal muscle and to ascertain whether this contractile change may interfere with muscle motor control. The results showed that ß2-agonists weaken the contractility of slow-twitch muscle fibres as a result of the lusitropic effect occurring in these fibres. The maximal force-generating capacity of the skeletal muscle is not reduced by ß2-agonists, even though an augmented neural drive to muscle is required to develop the same force during submaximal contractions. The final objective was to examine whether a motor control adjustment is needed to compensate for the ß2-agonist-induced weakening effect on slow- twitch fibres during a voluntary exercise and to also assess whether this central adaptation could exaggerate muscle fatigue. Despite the findings confirming the occurrence of the weakening action that is exerted by ß2- agonists, this contractile change did not interfere with muscle motor control during the submaximal contractions of the fatiguing exercise and did not augment the degree of the muscle fatigue. This work contributes to a better understanding of the specific actions of ß2-agonists on the contractile function of in vivo human skeletal muscles and their influence on motor control. In addition, the findings elucidate mechanisms that could underlie the ergogenic effect that is exerted by ß2- agonists on physical performance.
This study analyzes the capillarity and fibre-type distribution of six locomotory muscles of gulls. The morphological basis and the oxygen supply characteristics of the skeletal muscle of a species with a marked pattern of gliding flight are established, thus contributing to a better understanding of the physiology of a kind of flight with low energetic requirements. The four wing muscles studied (scapulotriceps, pectoralis, scapulohumeralis, and extensor metacarpi) exhibited higher percentages of fast oxidative glycolytic fibres (>70%) and lower percentages of slow oxidative fibres (<16%) than the muscles involved in nonflight locomotion (gastrocnemius and iliotibialis). Capillary densities ranged from 816 to 1,233 capillaries mm(-2), having the highest value in the pectoralis. In this muscle, the fast oxidative glycolytic fibres had moderate staining for succinate dehydrogenase and relatively large fibre sizes, as deduced from the low fibre densities (589-665 fibres mm(-2)). All these findings are seen as an adaptive response for gliding, when the wing is held outstretched by isometric contractions. The leg muscles studied included a considerable population of slow oxidative fibres (>14% in many regions), which suggests that they are adapted to postural activities. Regional variations in the relative distributions of fibre types in muscle gastrocnemius may reflect different functional demands placed on this muscle during terrestrial and aquatic locomotion. The predominance of oxidative fibres and capillary densities under 1,000 capillaries mm(-2) in leg muscles is probably a consequence of an adaptation for slow swimming and maintenance of the posture on land rather than for other locomotory capabilities, such as endurance or sprint activities.
In pig and humans, whose kidneys have a multi-calyceal collecting system, the initiation of ureteral peristalsis takes place in the renal calyces. In the pig and human ureter, recent evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) is an inhibitory mediator that may be involved in the regulation of peristalsis. This study was designed to assess whether the NO synthase/NO/cyclic GMP pathway modulates the motility of pig isolated calyceal smooth muscle. Immunohistochemistry revealed a moderate overall innervation of the smooth muscle layer, and no neuronal or inducible NO synthase (NOS) immunoreactivities. Endothelial NOS immunoreactivities were observed in the urothelium and vascular endothelium, and numerous cyclic GMP-immunoreactive (-IR) calyceal smooth muscle cells were found. As measured by monitoring the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline, Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity was moderate. Assessment of functional effects was performed in tissue baths and showed that NO and SIN-1 decreased spontaneous and induced contractions of isolated preparations in a concentration-dependent manner. In strips exposed to NO, there was a 10-fold increase of the cyclic GMP levels compared with control preparations (P < 0.01). It is concluded that a non-neuronal NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway is present in pig calyces, where it may influence motility. The demonstration of cyclic GMP-IR smooth muscle cells suggests that NO acts directly on these cells. This NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway may be a target for drugs inhibiting peristalsis of mammalian upper urinary tract. Neurourol. Urodynam. 18:673-685, 1999.
Conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (i.e., short pulse duration, low frequencies) induces a higher energetic response as compared to voluntary contractions (VOL). In contrast, wide-pulse, high-frequency (WPHF) NMES might elicit-at least in some subjects (i.e., responders)-a different motor unit recruitment compared to CONV that resembles the physiological muscle activation pattern of VOL. We therefore hypothesized that for these responder subjects, the metabolic demand of WPHF would be lower than CONV and comparable to VOL. 18 healthy subjects performed isometric plantar flexions at 10% of their maximal voluntary contraction force for CONV (25 Hz, 0.05 ms), WPHF (100 Hz, 1 ms) and VOL protocols. For each protocol, force time integral (FTI) was quantified and subjects were classified as responders and non-responders to WPHF based on k-means clustering analysis. Furthermore, a fatigue index based on FTI loss at the end of each protocol compared with the beginning of the protocol was calculated. Phosphocreatine depletion (ΔPCr) was assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Responders developed four times higher FTI's during WPHF (99 ± 37 ×103 N.s) than non-responders (26 ± 12 ×103 N.s). For both responders and non-responders, CONV was metabolically more demanding than VOL when ΔPCr was expressed relative to the FTI. Only for the responder group, the ∆PCr/FTI ratio of WPHF (0.74 ± 0.19 M/N.s) was significantly lower compared to CONV (1.48 ± 0.46 M/N.s) but similar to VOL (0.65 ± 0.21 M/N.s). Moreover, the fatigue index was not different between WPHF (-16%) and CONV (-25%) for the responders. WPHF could therefore be considered as the less demanding NMES modality-at least in this subgroup of subjects-by possibly exhibiting a muscle activation pattern similar to VOL contractions.