627 resultados para LAGOON


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Computer programs were developed to calculate the parameters commonly used in fisheries statistics: catch per unit effort, catch by species, size distribution, etc. These parameters were computed for collective fishing, purse seine and beach seine; important aspects of the artisanal fisheries in the Ebrié Lagoon.


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Ecology and dynamics of juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum were studied from weekly sampling in the Abidjan lagoon system. After a brief description of biogeography and principal features of climate, hydrology of Ebrié lagoon and Adiopodoumé bay were considered. Shrimp distribution were connected with the main environmental factors. Precise work was done in Adiopodoumé bay, especially concerning the succession of age classes, their growth on the nursery grounds, seasonal variation in abundance, size and distribution, in relation to environmental factors. These results, and former knowledges, allowed us to propose a general pattern for pink shrimp life history in Côte d'Ivoire.


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Descriptions of spawning and larval development of Ethmalosa, up to the vitelline vesicle resorption stage, are made from plankton samplings in the Ebrié coastal lagoon and from artificially fertilized eggs. Spawning takes place from November to June in waters with salinities of 18 to 26 parts per thousand, and temperatures of 22.8 to 30.2 degrees, for 13-14 cm long fishes.


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The hydrology of the Ebrie coastal lagoon in Abidjan area is summarized. The authors describe the oxygenation in that area during the two extreme seasons of the hydrological cycle: the low-water season (March-April) and the high-water season (Sept-Oct). The influences of the continental and oceanic waters, photosynthesis, exchanges with the atmosphere and pollution are considered. The oxigen consumption of primary organic pollution represents from 9 to 12% of the content of the waters that circulates in the area. It is geographically very heterogeneous. The central basin, swept by strong marine and fresh water currents, shows a rather high level of water oxygenation. In the peripheric bays, water circulation and mixing are less important and pollution accelerates the natural eutrophic processes. During the low-water season, a vertical stratification is responsible for a bottom anoxic layer and the deposit of reduced organic silts. On the contrary, supersaturations, up to 200%, are recorded on the surface layer. During the high-water season the break of the vertical stratification sets the loose reduced silts into suspension and partly reoxygenates the bottom waters. A classification of the different areas, based on the oxygen vertical profiles is proposed.


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Spawning of bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata Bowdich) takes place in polyhalin waters (Sppt. > 5ppt.). Migrations of young fish were studied by the mean of length data observed in different points of the lagoon from the artisanal fishery. Bonga remain 4 months in the hatchery (6 cm), before they expand in the whole lagoon until the age of 9/10 months. After this expansion phase, the fishes come back to the spawning fields (spawning length: 14/15 cm). Postspawning fishes leave the lagoon. Between birth and spawning, bonga are not affected by salinity changes, but reproduction occurs only in waters where salinity is higher than 5ppt.


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Petersen disc tag marking experiments confirm the influence of animal size and marking time on the recapture rate. Westward migrations occur, probably following the Ivorian undercurrent. Catchability coefficients have been evaluated for the Grand-Bassam fishing ground and tentatively extrapolated to the other fishing areas. The extrapolated non weighted coefficient for the entire fishing areas is q=0.00069/fishing day for an area of 390 miles. The instantaneous coefficient of residual mortality X taken as a first and possibly slightly overestimated value of M the natural mortality, has been estimated at 0.155/month, strongly corroborating Berry's results (1967). This value is however much smaller than that given by earlier authors. It is suggested that q could have a higher value during the very first weeks of exploitation at sea, when the juveniles are concentrated near the lagoon outlets.


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Biomass and metabolic rates (total nitrogen and phosphorus excretion and respiration) were measured at 4 stations, representative of the lagoon environment, during high-water (Oct-Nov), dry (Dec-Jan) and rainy (July) seasons. In low-salinity waters (4o/oo) Acartia clausi is almost the only species, whereas a marine and diversified fauna is brought in from the ocean during the dry season. O/NT and O/PT atomic ratios between respiration (O) and total nitrogen (NT) and phosphorus (PT) excretions are high (15.1 and 111, respectively) and show a marked hydrocarbon feeding of zooplankton. Production was assessed from excretion via the net growth efficiency coefficient, K2 , calculated from N/P ratios for particles (a1), zooplankton excretion (a2) and constitution (a3). Daily productivity indices (i.e. daily production/biomass ratio) are high and equivalent to 1.2-3.8 day turn-over times. These high values may be ascribed to high temperatures (26.5-30 C) and phytoplankton richness (surface chlorophyll 'a' concentrations are always greater than 4 mg/m-3). Finally, the paper deals with trophic relationships between phyto- and zooplankton (ingestion /primary production ratio and transfer coefficient) and the question of relationships between zooplankton and predators.


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Ethmalosa growth curves (calculated by the least squares method) were determined from weekly samplings in Ebrié Lagoon. In order to obtain more accurate results than with a modal decomposition, the author used directly the modal values of the samples. One-year-old ethmalosa is about 15 cm long (fork length). For older fish, growth data seem to be disturbed by migrations: fish measuring >25 cm do not appear in the lagoon. Ethmalosa would spend the first year of its life in the lagoon, where it hatches and reproduces, and would migrate to the sea during its second year.


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Estudos ecológicos em meio urbano servem de subsídios à estratégias de conservação, propostas de manejo e/ou adequações dos planejamentos urbanos. No presente estudo analisei a ecologia do jacaré de papo amarelo em meio urbano no muncípio do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo foi realizado em um complexo de lagoas inseridos em meio a cidade do RJ. O complexo lagunar de Jacarepaguá está situado entre os principais bairros que mais cresceram nos últimos dez anos, tais como: Barra da Tijuca, Recreio dos Bandeirantes e a região de Jacarepaguá. Estudei o crescimento corpóreo do jacaré de papo amarelo e o seu desenvolvimento até a idade da primeira reprodução. O processo de crescimento individual é fundamental para todos os organismos, e seus respectivos estudos têm sido um assunto de preocupação ao manejo e conservação de espécies. Os dados para análise da taxa de crescimento individual compreenderam de recapturas de diferentes animais após intervalos conhecidos (data da recaptura - data da captura). Realizei um total de 20 recapturas de jacarés dentre 352 capturas. A maioria dos estudos de crescimento de jacarés foram realizadas em regiões mais frias, de latitudes mais baixas, logo os efeitos climáticos podem ser um fator importante no desenvolvimento desses animais. Após determinar a idade dos jacarés procurei analisar a distribuição de classes etárias utilizando a idade dos animais, e a razão sexual para entender a dinâmica da população através de sua estrutura etária e sexo. Foi feito uma distribuição por classes etárias e razão sexual dos indivíduos da população e a distribuição dos estágios de idade subsidiaram uma tabela de vida para C. latirostris em meio urbano. Foram capturados 68 (19,3%) jacarés juvenis, 180 (51,1%) sub adultos, e 104 (29,6%) adultos. A razão sexual para os jacarés capturados no Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá foi de 3,3:1 (macho:fêmea), onde capturei 213 (78,7%) machos para 65 (21,3%) fêmeas e 90 jacarés juvenis onde não é possível identificar o sexo devido a idade. A taxa líquida de crescimento da população apresentou um valor negativo, o que corrobora a hipótese alternativa que a população estaria diminuindo. Conclui que a população de jacarés no complexo lagunar de Jacarepaguá não está crescendo. Devido a interação com o meio urbano ser cada vez mais intensificada realizei uma pesquisa sócio ambiental para entender qual é a relação da população humana em relação ao convívio com os jacarés em seu dia a dia na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo com o objetivo de identificar as percepções ambientais e concepções das pessoas em relação ao convívio com jacarés nos bairros do Recreio dos Bandeirantes e Barra da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro. Os dados coletados representaram conceituações negativo-positivas que os entrevistados apresentaram sobre a relação com os jacarés em áreas urbanas no município do Rio de Janeiro. Por meio deste estudo, conclui-se que há uma carência de elaboração de propostas de desenvolvimento, de estratégias de educação ambiental e melhor divulgação sobre noções ecológicas para a preservação de jacarés e seus ambientes, tanto para a população como para os responsáveis técnicos dos programas sócioambientais do município.


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Details are presented of a bacteriological study in Ebrié Lagoon (Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire) conducted during Oct-Dec 1974. Sampling sites are shown, and estimated and confirmed values for coliforms are given. The significance of the values obtained is briefly discussed, but further important factors, such as meteorological conditions and state of the sea, need clarification before definite conclusions can be made.


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A first treatment of the statistical data of 1978 and 1979 on the collective fishing showed a decrease of total catches in the Ebrié Lagoon. The same diminution was found in the amount of smoked-fish collected in two different places of the lagoon. This fall is due to a smaller effort in the lagoon of the purse-seines in the Abidjan area and a decrease of the catches per unit of effort.


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Esta pesquisa investigou a formação de depósitos arenosos localizados na planície costeira da Baixada de Sepetiba, em Itaguaí, estado do Rio de Janeiro. A deposição sedimentar e a evolução desta área, na Baixada de Sepetiba tem sido estudada nas três últimas décadas, principalmente, porque é um ambiente de depósitos arenosos antigo de idade Holocênica a Pleistocênica que corresponde a uma linha de praia, originada com eventos transgressivos e/ou regressivos que tiveram seu ápice durante o Quaternário. A metodologia de Radar de Penetração no Solo (GPR) é usada, principalmente nos casos de trabalho em que se estuda um ambiente costeiro arenoso. Este campo da Geofísica tem sido usado para examinar características, tais como: a espessura de depósitos arenosos, a profundidade de um aqüífero, a detecção de uma rocha ou um aqüífero, e determina a direção de progradação. Esta pesquisa usa técnicas de radar de penetração no solo (GPR) para analisar as estruturas, em subsuperfície desde que o ambiente estudado seja definido como linha de costa, as margens de uma lagoa mixohalina, chamada Baía de Sepetiba. Neste trabalho realizamos um total de 11 perfis, que foram processados pelo software ReflexWin. Durante o processamento do dado aplicamos alguns filtros, tais como: subtract-mean (dewow), bandpassfrequency e ganhos. E as melhores imagens dos perfis foram realizadas usando-se uma antena de 200 MHz (canal 1) e outra antena de 80 MHz. Neste caso, obtivemos imagens de alta resolução a uma profundidade de até 25 metros.


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The on-offshore distributions of tuna larvae in near-reef waters of the Coral Sea, near Lizard Island (14°30ʹS, 145°27ʹE), Australia, were investigated during four cruises from November 1984 to February 1985 to test the hypothesis that larvae of these oceanic fishes are found in highest abundance near coral reefs. Oblique bongo net tows were made in five on-offshore blocks in the Coral Sea, ranging from 0–18.5 km offshore of the outer reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, as well as inside the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. The smallest individuals (<3.2 mm SL) of the genus Thunnus could not be identified to species, and are referred to as Thunnus spp. We found species-specific distributional patterns. Thunnus spp. and T. alalunga (albacore) larvae were most abundant (up to 68 larvae/100 m2) in near-reef (0–5.5 km offshore) waters, whereas Katsuwonus pelamis (skipjack tuna) larvae increased in abundance in the offshore direction (up to 228 larvae/100 m2, 11.1–18.5 km offshore). Larvae of T. albacares (yellowfin tuna) and Euthynnus affinis (kawakawa) were relatively rare throughout the study region, and the patterns of their distributions were inconclusive. Few larvae of any tuna species were found in the lagoon. Size-frequency distributions revealed a greater proportion of small larvae inshore compared to offshore for K. pelamis and T. albacares. The absence of significant differences in size-frequency distributions for other species and during the other cruises was most likely due to the low numbers of larvae. Larval distributions probably resulted from a combination of patterns of spawning and vertical distribution, combined with wind-driven onshore advection and downwelling on the seaward side of the outer reefs.


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We examined the potential for water chemistry to affect the width of daily increments in reef fish otoliths using both mensurative and manipulative methods. We found significant differences in the widths of increments in otoliths of the neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis) collected in different habitats at One Tree Island on the Great Barrier Reef. We then used manipulative experiments to determine if natural water masses (ocean water vs. lagoon plume) could produce different incremental widths in otoliths in the absence of potentially confounding factors. Fish exposed to ocean water had significantly wider otolith increments for two of the three experiments. Elemental analyses indicated that Ba/Ca ratios were significantly correlated with increment widths for two of the three experiments and Sr/Ca ratios did not correlate with increment width for any experimental period. Variation in crystal-lattice orientation did not explain differences in increment width between treatments. Differences in water chemistry can affect increment widths in otoliths of reef fishes, potentially confounding patterns previously attributed to growth rate or condition alone.


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A discussion is presented on the role played by customary marine tenure (CMT) institutions in the regulation of fisheries in the Pacific Ocean Islands. Particular reference is made to the system in operation in Marovo Lagoon, in the Solomon Islands, whereby a number of defined clans control resource use within defined areas of land and sea. It is believed that such systems have considerable capacity for handling and adapting to new circumstances, thereby becoming potentially important tools in the contemporary management of fisheries and of the coastal zone in general.