952 resultados para L.B. Curtis and Company Lumber Camp (Midland County, Mich.)


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Credit to S.D. Woodruff from Pratt and Company for $62.00, Nov. 6, 1876.


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Receipt from Jas. B. Stafford and Brother, St. Catharines for food items, March 3, 1887.


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Inspiré par la réflexion épistémologique de l'anthropologue Michel Verdon, ce mémoire propose un cadre conceptuel pour l'étude de l'organisation sociale des castes en Inde. L'ethnographie de Jonathan Parry, Caste and Kinship in Kangra, est analysée et réinterprétée dans un langage dit « opérationnel ». Les différentes approches des castes oscillent entre deux pôles théoriques opposés : l'idéalisme, représenté notamment par la démarche structuraliste de Louis Dumont, et le substantialisme, jadis adopté par les dirigeants coloniaux et incarné plus récemment dans les travaux de Dipankar Gupta. Toutes deux holistes, ces options conduisent pourtant à une impasse dans l'étude comparative de l'organisation sociale, car elles rendent les groupes « ontologiquement variables » et, par conséquent, incomparables. En repensant les prémisses sur lesquelles repose la conception générale de l'organisation sociale, un cadre opérationnel confère à la notion de groupe une réalité binaire, discontinue, évitant ainsi la variabilité ontologique des groupes et favorisant le comparatisme. Il rend également possible l'étude des rapports entre groupes et réseaux. La relecture de l'ethnographie Caste and Kinship in Kangra montre la pertinence d'une telle approche dans l'étude des castes. Le caractère segmentaire de ces dernières est remis en cause et l'autonomie des foyers, qui forment des réseaux d'alliances en matière d'activités rituelles, est mise de l'avant. Cette nouvelle description incite enfin à de nouvelles comparaisons.


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Este libro reúne los pensamientos, las ideas, las propuestas y las experiencias en torno al tema de la violencia familiar de 20 autores sistémicos de habla hispana, entre ellos, algunos de los más reconocidos y destacados por sus contribuciones al paradigma en la posmodernidad. El contenido del texto, con los aportes de cada uno, ha sido cuidadosamente dispuesto por las editoras académicas, en una estructura que busca proporcionar a la complejidad del tema, un armonioso conjunto de los diferentes aspectos del fenómeno de la violencia.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of inhibin/activin alpha, beta(A) and beta(B) subunits and follistatin in immature oocytes and in matured oocytes before and after IVF. Denuded oocytes were submitted to a whole-mount immunofluorescence procedure. Specimens were imaged and fluorescent intensities quantified by scanning laser confocal microscopy. Immunoreactivity for inhibin alpha subunit (both alpha(C) and pro-alpha. regions), abundant in the ooplasm of immature oocytes, decreased after maturation (a 68% and 88% decrease, respectively; P < 0.001), but increased after IVF by 2- and 5.7-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). Intense staining for PA was detected in immature oocytes (predominantly in the outer ooplasm and zona pellucida) but after maturation and fertilization it was localized mainly in the zona pellucida, perivitelline space and oolemma. Immunoreactivity for RA in the ooplasm decreased by 58% after maturation (P < 0.001) but increased again by 75% after fertilization (P < 0.01). Immunoreactivity for beta(B) was localized mainly in the zona pellucida and did not change after maturation. However, immurloreactivity for beta(B) was not detected in the zona pellucida after fertilization, but remained unchanged in unfertilized oocytes. Immunoreactivity for follistatin was detected in the ooplasm and zona pellucida of immature oocytes but decreased progressively in the ooplasm after maturation (a 63% decrease; P < 0.001) and did not change after IVF. Examination of partially denuded cumulus-oocyte complexes confirmed abundant expression of alpha(C), pro-alpha, beta(A) and follistatin immunoreactivity in cumulus cells, whereas beta(B) subunit staining was weak or absent in cumulus cells, but intense in the zona pellucida. In conclusion, the present study shows that qualitative and quantitative changes in the distribution of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin accompany oocyte maturation and fertilization. The possibility, indicated by these observations, that activin A and activin B may play distinct roles in bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization warrants further study.


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IR, UV-vis, and EPR spectroelectrochemistry at variable temperatures and in different solvents were applied to investigate in situ the formation of electroactive molecular chains with a nonbridged Os-Os backbone, in particular, the polymer [Os-0(bpy)(CO)(2)](n), (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine), from a mononuclear Os(II) carbonyl precursor, [Os-II(bpy)(CO)(2)Cl-2]. The one-electron-reduced form, [Os-II(bpy(.-))(CO)(2)Cl-2](-), has been characterized spectroscopically at low temperatures. This radical anion is the key intermediate in the electrochemical propagation process responsible for the metal-metal bond formation. Unambiguous spectroscopic evidence has been gained also for the formation of [{Os-0(bpy(.-))(CO)(2)}(-)](n), the electron-rich electrocatalyst of CO2 reduction. The polymer species are fairly well soluble in butyronitrile, which is important for their potential utilization in nanoscience, for example, as conducting molecular wires. We have also shown that complete solubility is accomplished for the monocarbonyl-acetonitrile derivative of the polymer, [Os-0(bpy)(CO)(MeCN)(2)Cl](n).