374 resultados para Koillinen, Mikael


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Consumer neuroscience (neuromarketing) is an emerging field of marketing research which uses brain imaging techniques to study neural conditions and processes that underlie consumption. The purpose of this study was to map this fairly new and growing field in Finland by studying the opinions of both Finnish consumers and marketing professionals towards it and comparing the opinions to the current consumer neuroscience literature, and based on that evaluate the usability of brain imaging techniques as a marketing research method. Mixed methods research design was chosen for this study. Quantitative data was collected from 232 consumers and 28 marketing professionals by means of online surveys. Both respondent groups had either neutral opinions or lacked knowledge about the four themes chosen for this study: benefits, limitations and challenges, ethical issues and future prospects of consumer neuroscience. Qualitative interview data was collected from 2 individuals from Finnish neuromarketing companies to deepen insights gained from quantitative research. The four interview themes were the same as in the surveys and the interviewees’ answers were mostly in line with the current literature, although more optimistic about the future of the field. The interviews also exposed a gap between academic consumer neuroscience research and practical level applications. The results of this study suggest that there are still many unresolved challenges and relevant populations either have neutral opinions or lack information about consumer neuroscience. The practical level applications are, however, already being successfully used and this new field of marketing research is growing both globally and in Finland.


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En continuité avec les ouvrages récents (Veyne 1981, MacMullen 1988 et Kelly 2004) qui tentent de relativiser les effets néfastes de la corruption lors du Bas-Empire, ce travail étudie le suffragium, le processus de nomination des fonctionnaires de bureaux, afin d'évaluer comment les acteurs sociaux du IVe siècle considéraient ce phénomène. Ce système, organisé d'une telle façon que les hauts fonctionnaires devaient fournir des lettres de recommandation aux candidats postulant à des postes au sein de la fonction publique, serait devenu complètement corrompu durant le IVe siècle et les lettres de recommandation auraient commencé à être systématiquement vendues. Pourtant, les lois de Constantin, Constance et Julien ne fournissent aucune preuve tangible que le suffragium était dans tous le cas vénal à cette époque. Bien au contraire, les empereurs ajoutaient la plupart de temps des épithètes au terme suffragium pour spécifier qu'il parle du suffragium vénal. Généralement, les empereurs sont présentés comme farouchement opposés au suffragium et à toutes les tractations qui y sont attachées. Loin d'être aussi hostiles envers les « pratiques corrompues », les empereurs de la dynastie constantinienne firent preuve d'un certain pragmatisme en voyant qu'ils ne pouvaient contrôler toutes les nominations de ceux qui voulaient entrer dans la fonction publique et que ce n'était pas nécessairement à leur avantage de le faire. Les empereurs se concentrèrent plutôt sur les restrictions entourant les promotions afin de faire en sorte que les personnes qui avaient de réels pouvoirs soient celles qui avaient démontré leurs qualités tout au long de leurs années de service. Bien qu'ils n'aient pas concrètement légiféré sur les critères d'embauche des candidats, cela ne veut pas dire que n'importe qui pouvait obtenir un poste. À travers l'étude des lettres de Libanios et de Symmaque, ce travail démontre que les hauts fonctionnaires ne fournissaient pas de lettres à quiconque le demandait, puisque leur réputation pouvait être entachée par le fait d'avoir recommandé un mauvais candidat à un de leurs amis. Les hauts fonctionnaires qui recevaient les recommandations pouvaient également soumettre les candidats à des examens afin d'être certains de la qualité de l'individu. Ce système officieux de contrôle des candidats vint pallier, en partie, les déficits de la législation impériale. Conjointement, la loi et les usages permirent à l'administration de fonctionner en lui fournissant des candidats qui répondaient aux critères de l'époque.


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Coursework 2, Security Sock-puppet Show


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Se sintetizan las intervenciones realizadas en una jornada internacional contra el préstamo de pago, celebrada en Milán el 27 de agosto de 2009 y organizada por los bibliotecarios italianos anti-canon, al mismo tiempo que se desarrollaba el congreso anual de la IFLA en dicha ciudad. Se recogen los principales asuntos que se abordaron en la jornada, el canon del préstamo en las bibliotecas, el entorno digital, las medidas de denuncia de los inmigrantes ilegales emprendidas por el gobierno italiano que afectan a los bibliotecarios, y el planteamiento de acciones futuras contra el canon. Los intervinientes en la jornada fueron: Mauro Guerrini, presidente de la Asociación Italiana de Bibliotecarios (AIB); Luca Ferrieri, director de la Biblioteca civica di Cologno Monzese; Rosa Maiello, coordinadora del grupo de estudio de asuntos relacionados con la propiedad intelectual de la AIB; Blanca Calvo, representante española de la Plataforma contra el préstamo de pago en bibliotecas; y Mikael Böök, biblioactivista.


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How fast can a mammal evolve from the size of a mouse to the size of an elephant? Achieving such a large transformation calls for major biological reorganization. Thus, the speed at which this occurs has important implications for extensive faunal changes, including adaptive radiations and recovery from mass extinctions. To quantify the pace of large-scale evolution we developed a metric, clade maximum rate, which represents the maximum evolutionary rate of a trait within a clade. We applied this metric to body mass evolution in mammals over the last 70 million years, during which multiple large evolutionary transitions occurred in oceans and on continents and islands. Our computations suggest that it took a minimum of 1.6, 5.1, and 10 million generations for terrestrial mammal mass to increase 100-, and 1,000-, and 5,000- fold, respectively. Values for whales were down to half the length (i.e., 1.1, 3, and 5 million generations), perhaps due to the reduced mechanical constraints of living in an aquatic environment. When differences in generation time are considered, we find an exponential increase in maximum mammal body mass during the 35 million years following the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event. Our results also indicate a basic asymmetry in macroevolution: very large decreases (such as extreme insular dwarfism) can happen at more than 10 times the rate of increases. Our findings allow more rigorous comparisons of microevolutionary and macroevolutionary patterns and processes. Keywords: haldanes, biological time, scaling, pedomorphosis


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Body size affects nearly all aspects of organismal biology, so it is important to understand the constraints and dynamics of body size evolution. Despite empirical work on the macroevolution and macroecology of minimum and maximum size, there is little general quantitative theory on rates and limits of body size evolution. We present a general theory that integrates individual productivity, the lifestyle component of the slow–fast life-history continuum, and the allometric scaling of generation time to predict a clade's evolutionary rate and asymptotic maximum body size, and the shape of macroevolutionary trajectories during diversifying phases of size evolution. We evaluate this theory using data on the evolution of clade maximum body sizes in mammals during the Cenozoic. As predicted, clade evolutionary rates and asymptotic maximum sizes are larger in more productive clades (e.g. baleen whales), which represent the fast end of the slow–fast lifestyle continuum, and smaller in less productive clades (e.g. primates). The allometric scaling exponent for generation time fundamentally alters the shape of evolutionary trajectories, so allometric effects should be accounted for in models of phenotypic evolution and interpretations of macroevolutionary body size patterns. This work highlights the intimate interplay between the macroecological and macroevolutionary dynamics underlying the generation and maintenance of morphological diversity.


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Background We previously reported an association between 5HTTLPR genotype and outcome following cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) in child anxiety (Cohort 1). Children homozygous for the low-expression short-allele showed more positive outcomes. Other similar studies have produced mixed results, with most reporting no association between genotype and CBT outcome. Aims To replicate the association between 5HTTLPR and CBT outcome in child anxiety from the Genes for Treatment study (GxT Cohort 2, n = 829). Method Logistic and linear mixed effects models were used to examine the relationship between 5HTTLPR and CBT outcomes. Mega-analyses using both cohorts were performed. Results There was no significant effect of 5HTTLPR on CBT outcomes in Cohort 2. Mega-analyses identified a significant association between 5HTTLPR and remission from all anxiety disorders at follow-up (odds ratio 0.45, P = 0.014), but not primary anxiety disorder outcomes. Conclusions The association between 5HTTLPR genotype and CBT outcome did not replicate. Short-allele homozygotes showed more positive treatment outcomes, but with small, non-significant effects. Future studies would benefit from utilising whole genome approaches and large, homogenous samples.


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Objective The Genes for Treatment study is an international, multisite collaboration exploring the role of genetic, demographic, and clinical predictors in response to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in pediatric anxiety disorders. The current article, the first from the study, examined demographic and clinical predictors of response to CBT. We hypothesized that the child’s gender, type of anxiety disorder, initial severity and comorbidity, and parents’ psychopathology would significantly predict outcome. Method A sample of 1,519 children 5 to 18 years of age with a primary anxiety diagnosis received CBT across 11 sites. Outcome was defined as response (change in diagnostic severity) and remission (absence of the primary diagnosis) at each time point (posttreatment, 3-, 6-, and/or 12-month follow-up) and analyzed using linear and logistic mixed models. Separate analyses were conducted using data from posttreatment and follow-up assessments to explore the relative importance of predictors at these time points. Results Individuals with social anxiety disorder (SoAD) had significantly poorer outcomes (poorer response and lower rates of remission) than those with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Although individuals with specific phobia (SP) also had poorer outcomes than those with GAD at posttreatment, these differences were not maintained at follow-up. Both comorbid mood and externalizing disorders significantly predicted poorer outcomes at posttreatment and follow-up, whereas self-reported parental psychopathology had little effect on posttreatment outcomes but significantly predicted response (although not remission) at follow-up. Conclusion SoAD, nonanxiety comorbidity, and parental psychopathology were associated with poorer outcomes after CBT. The results highlight the need for enhanced treatments for children at risk for poorer outcomes.


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Photorhabdus are highly effective insect pathogenic bacteria that exist in a mutualistic relationship with Heterorhabditid nematodes. Unlike other members of the genus, Photorhabdus asymbiotica can also infect humans. Most Photorhabdus cannot replicate above 34°C, limiting their host-range to poikilothermic invertebrates. In contrast, P. asymbiotica must necessarily be able to replicate at 37°C or above. Many well-studied mammalian pathogens use the elevated temperature of their host as a signal to regulate the necessary changes in gene expression required for infection. Here we use RNA-seq, proteomics and phenotype microarrays to examine temperature dependent differences in transcription, translation and phenotype of P. asymbiotica at 28°C versus 37°C, relevant to the insect or human hosts respectively. Our findings reveal relatively few temperature dependant differences in gene expression. There is however a striking difference in metabolism at 37°C, with a significant reduction in the range of carbon and nitrogen sources that otherwise support respiration at 28°C. We propose that the key adaptation that enables P. asymbiotica to infect humans is to aggressively acquire amino acids, peptides and other nutrients from the human host, employing a so called “nutritional virulence” strategy. This would simultaneously cripple the host immune response while providing nutrients sufficient for reproduction. This might explain the severity of ulcerated lesions observed in clinical cases of Photorhabdosis. Furthermore, while P. asymbiotica can invade mammalian cells they must also resist immediate killing by humoral immunity components in serum. We observed an increase in the production of the insect Phenol-oxidase inhibitor Rhabduscin normally deployed to inhibit the melanisation immune cascade. Crucially we demonstrated this molecule also facilitates protection against killing by the alternative human complement pathway.


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Denna examensrapport på magisternivå genomfördes under våren 2004, hos AB Borlänge Energi.Borlänge Energis servicetekniker behövde ett hjälpmedel för att effektivisera deras arbetsuppgifter. Tidigare sparades driftjournaler för varje servicekund lokalt hos kunden. Serviceteknikern behövde också åka tillbaka till huvudkontoret för att slutföra ett uppdrag. Borlänge Energi hade inte heller någon möjlighet att föra statistik över servicekunderna då alla driftjournaler sparades hos servicekunden.Vi utvecklade en prototyp av ett inrapporteringsverktyg för en handdator. I detta verktyg får serviceteknikern tillgång till all relevant information gällande serviceuppdraget. Efter slutfört uppdrag skickas driftjournalen in till en databas hos Borlänge Energi, samtidigt skickas ett email till servicekunden att serviceuppdraget är utfört.Utöver målet utredde vi nyttan med applicering av mobil enhet i organisationen. Borlänge Energi vill med detta veta om arbetet blev effektivare, samt om arbetsrutinerna förändrades. Resultatet vi kom fram till var att arbetet effektiviseras med användning av prototypen. Viktiga faktorer för att få serviceteknikern att använda prototypen var användarvänlighet samt förändring av arbetsrutiner.


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Ovako Steel AB i Hofors tillverkar varmvalsade rör. Ett av de sista stegen i tillverkningsprocessen är en konventionell valsning i ett antal valspar kallad reducervalsning. De valsade rören uppvisar ibland en ojämn väggtjocklek längs rörlängden på grund av att det uppstår drag- och tryckspänningar i rören mellan valsparen. Syftet med examensarbetet är att öka kunskapen om dessa spänningars inverkan på det färdiga röret samt ge förslag på hur processen kan förbättras. I examensarbetet har undersökts vilka parametrar som påverkar spänningarna i valsningsprocessen. Detta har utförts genom att skapa en teoretisk modell för valsning utan drag- och tryckspänningar som sedan jämförs med uppmätta data från sju provade rör med olika mått och materialtyper. Försök har även utförts genom att variera valsmotorernas hastigheter för att inducera drag- och tryckspänningar i rören. Resultatet visar att spänningarna påverkas av rörens reduktion, valsarnas hastighetsökning, materialtyp och antal valsar i valsserien. Valsarnas styrning medför att spänningsfri valsning endast kan erhållas genom att förändra rörets reduktion i valsarna. Resultaten visar även att valsarnas motorhastighet kan användas för att motverka de spänningar som uppstår under valsningsprocessen.


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Programmet schemaläggaren har funnits sedan 1994, och används på arbetsplatser för att på ett strukturerat sätt lägga scheman för de anställda. Programmet har sedan starten varit sådant att man själv ska skapa alla scheman och även koppla dessa till de anställda, men det finns en önskan att programmet ska vara mer användarvänligt och lättanvänt. Ett steg i utvecklingen är att skapa en automatisk schemaläggningsguide som gör det mesta av jobbet åt användaren.Etex AB, som detta examensarbete är gjort åt, avser att med detta examensarbete skapa en prototyp på en sådan schemaläggningsguide som ska implementeras i det befintliga programmet. Denna guide ska alltså skapa scheman utifrån given data och sedan koppla dessa scheman till de anställda som valts. Allt detta ska ske automatiskt. Efter detta har man sedan möjlighet att antingen spara de scheman och kopplingar som gjorts, eller avvisa dem.Grundläggande tanken med denna modul är att den ska passa in i det befintliga programmet utan att vara bundet till det, så man ska kunna överföra den till en annan applikation om nödvändigt. Trots vissa komplikationer efter vägen har arbetet ändå slutförts och med fortsatt arbete kan modulen bli en bra del av programmet Schemaläggaren.