790 resultados para Key Competencies
The objective of this paper is to provide diagnosis and keys of the families and species, with illustrations of the main groups. A table of all related species recorded from South America is presented, including the substrate in which they were collected and their geographical distribution. The list comprises 221 species included in 15 families, of which 70% of the species are from Brazil. Scarabaeidae is the most diverse family with 121 species, followed by Staphylinidae with 68. Also we provide one database of Coleoptera species associated with carcasses in South America.
A new species of Entomobryidae of the genus Seira Lubbock, S. paraibensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The type locality of the species is the municipality of Areia, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The species was found inhabiting the Atlantic forest litter and top soil environment. S. paraibensis sp. nov. resembles S. pseudoannulata in many morphological features. This is the sixth species of the genus found and described in Paraiba so far. A key with the 11 species of Seira registered so far in Paraíba is provided. Also a list with all species of the genus from Brazil is presented.
Pseudopsis Newman, 1834 is a genus of Pseudopsinae with about 46 species distributed worldwide, five of which have been reported for South America. In this paper P. monica sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on specimens collected in Lima, Peru. A key to South American species of Pseudopsis and a catalog are also provided.
To describe the psychological profile of renal transplant adolescents compared to healthy peers and to adolescents with CKD, three groups of adolescents aged 12-18 yr were selected: TX, CX, and adolescents with CKD. Psychiatric symptoms and disorders were evaluated through direct interviews (K-SADS-PL) and self-report questionnaires (YSR and CBCL). Forty TX (14 LRD and 26 DD transplant recipients), 40 CX and 20 CKD were included. Twelve of 40 (30%) TX, three of 20 (15%) CKD, and three of 40 (7.5%) CX had a history of learning difficulties (p = 0.03). Compared to CX, TX had lower total YSR competencies score (p = 0.028) and lower total CBCL competencies score (p = 0.003). Twenty-six of 40 (65%) TX, 12 of 20 (60%) CKD and 15 of 40 (37.5%) CX (p = 0.038) met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for lifetime psychiatric disorder, with rates of depressive disorder of 35% among TX and CKD compared to 15.2% among CX (p = 0.043). Eight of 40 (20%) TX had a history of simple phobia. Nine of 40 (22.5%) TX met diagnostic criteria for ADHD as compared to one of 20 (5%) CKD and three of 40 (7.5%) CX. In the TX group, we found no significant differences in educational and psychiatric variables between LRD and DD. In conclusion, we found a high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity (depression, phobia, ADHD), educational impairment and social competence problems in the TX group. CKD scored in between TX and CX on most measures.
A key to 51 Australasian and Oceanian genera of Muscidae is given. The Catalogue of Australasian and Oceanian Diptera and its on line version last reviewed in May 2007 were used as taxonomic guides. Some more recently synonyms and taxonomic changes were updated. For each genus, a brief diagnosis, number of valid species in these regions and comments, when pertinent, are also included. Some morphological diagnostic characteres are illustrated in order to help the use of the key.
A new species of soft scale insect from Mexico, Toumeyella fontanai Kondo & Pellizzari sp. nov. is des-cribed and illustrated. A taxonomic key to the species of scale insects of the genus Toumeyella Cockerell known in Mexico is provided.
Ants live in organized societies with a marked division of labor among workers, but little is known about how this division of labor is generated. We used a tracking system to continuously monitor individually tagged workers in six colonies of the ant Camponotus fellah over 41 days. Network analyses of more than 9 million interactions revealed three distinct groups that differ in behavioral repertoires. Each group represents a functional behavioral unit with workers moving from one group to the next as they age. The rate of interactions was much higher within groups than between groups. The precise information on spatial and temporal distribution of all individuals allowed us to calculate the expected rates of within- and between-group interactions. These values suggest that the network of interaction within colonies is primarily mediated by age-induced changes in the spatial location of workers.
Pictorial identification key for species of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of potential forensic importance in southern Brazil. Species of the subfamily Sarcophaginae are important to forensic entomology due to their necrophagous habits. This contribution presents a pictorial key for the identification of 22 Sarcophaginae species in 10 genera that are commonly found in southern Brazil. Photographs of the main structures used in species identification, mainly from the male terminalia, are provided.
The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection while traveling abroad is increased in certain populations. Pre-travel consultation should include the education of travelers on the prevalence of HIV in the countries visited and on appropriate prevention measures. In patients infected with HIV (PHIV), combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) improves immunity, enabling them to travel with less risk for their health. Pre-travel consultation of PVIH has the following objectives: to determine immune status, to update immunization and to decide on anti-malaria drug prophylaxis, taking into account potential drug interactions with antiretroviral therapy. Vaccine response and duration of protection is shorter-lived in PVIH, especially if the CD4 count is below 200 cells/mm3 and the HIV viral load is detectable. Therefore cART is a cornerstone for disease prevention among patients infected with HIV who travel.
The Anthomyiidae (Diptera) are known from about 1,100 species mostly occurring in temperate to arctic areas in the northern hemisphere. Few species have been reported from the Australasian and Oceanian Regions. New Caledonia, located in Melanesia, in the southwest Pacific Ocean, is well known for its high diversity, endemism and large number of unknown species. Specimens of Anthomyia Meigen from New Caledonia were found at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) collection. The species was identified as A. medialis Colless, and represents the first record of Anthomyiidae from the island. A key to the Anthomyia species occurring in these regions is presented, as well as illustrations of the male terminalia of A. medialis.
We present a high-quality (>100× depth) Illumina genome sequence of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior, a model species for symbiosis and reproductive conflict studies. We compare this genome with three previously sequenced genomes of ants from different subfamilies and focus our analyses on aspects of the genome likely to be associated with known evolutionary changes. The first is the specialized fungal diet of A. echinatior, where we find gene loss in the ant's arginine synthesis pathway, loss of detoxification genes, and expansion of a group of peptidase proteins. One of these is a unique ant-derived contribution to the fecal fluid, which otherwise consists of "garden manuring" fungal enzymes that are unaffected by ant digestion. The second is multiple mating of queens and ejaculate competition, which may be associated with a greatly expanded nardilysin-like peptidase gene family. The third is sex determination, where we could identify only a single homolog of the feminizer gene. As other ants and the honeybee have duplications of this gene, we hypothesize that this may partly explain the frequent production of diploid male larvae in A. echinatior. The fourth is the evolution of eusociality, where we find a highly conserved ant-specific profile of neuropeptide genes that may be related to caste determination. These first analyses of the A. echinatior genome indicate that considerable genetic changes are likely to have accompanied the transition from hunter-gathering to agricultural food production 50 million years ago, and the transition from single to multiple queen mating 10 million years ago.
In this paper we argue that corporate social responsibility (CSR) to various stakeholders(customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, and community) has a positive effect on globalbrand equity (BE). In addition, policies aimed at satisfying community interests help reinforcecredibility to social responsible polices with other stakeholders. We test these theoreticalcontentions using panel data comprised of 57 global brands originating from 10 countries (USA,Japan, South Korea, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Finland, Switzerland and the Netherlands) forthe period 2002 to 2008. Our findings show that CSR to each of the stakeholder groups has apositive impact on global BE. In addition, global brands that follow local social responsibilitypolicies over communities obtain strong positive benefits in terms of the generation of BE, as itenhances the positive effects of CSR to other stakeholders, particularly to customers. Therefore,for managers of global brands it is particularly productive for generating brand value to combineglobal strategies with the satisfaction of the interests of local communities.
The study of the exotic blocks of the Hawasina Nappes (Sultanate of Oman) leads to give apposit data that allow us to propose a new paleogeographic evolution of the Oman margin in time and space. A revised classification of exotic blocks into different paleogeographical units is presented. Two newly introduced stratigraphic groups, the Ramaq Group (Ordovician to Triassic) and the Al Buda'ah Group (upper Permian to Jurassic) are interpreted as tilted blocks related to the Oman continental margin. The Kawr Group (middle Triassic to Cretaceous) is redefined and interpreted as an atoll-type seamount. The paleogeography and paleoenvironments of these units are integrated into a new scheme of the Neotethyan rifting history. Brecciae and olisto¬liths of the Hawasina series are interpreted to have originated from tectonic movements affecting the Oman margin and the Neotethyan ocean floor. The breccias of late Permian age were generated by the extension processes affecting the margin, and by the creation of the Neotethyan oceanic floor. The breccias of mid-late Triassic age coincide in time with the collision of the Cimmerian continents with Eurasia. In constrast, the breccias of late Jurassic and Cretaceous age are interpreted as resulting to the creation of a new oceanic crust (Semail) off the Oman margin
A taxonomic key for the genera of Elmidae (Coleoptera, Byrrhoidea) occurring in Goiás State, Brazil, including new records and distributional notes. Despite their great diversity and high abundance in Neotropical aquatic environments, the fauna of Elmidae remains practically unknown in some areas and even entire biomes in this region. In this work we bring, for the first time, faunistic data for the Elmidae of central Brazil. The aim of this work was to inventory the Elmidae fauna in central, southwestern and southeastern Goiás State, Brazil and to produce a taxonomic key, at genus level, for adults from the studied region. The taxonomic key presented herein offers means for the identification of all the 13 genera known to occur in Goiás, 11 of them being new records for the State. Moreover, the number of named species registered for Goiás increased from one to nine.
White grubs (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) in the "Planalto Region", Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil: Key for identification, species richness and distribution. The objective of this study was to survey the occurrence and geographic distribution of white grub species (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) in cultivated and non-cultivated fields of the "Planalto Region", Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil and develop a key at genus-level. Twenty-eight species from 15 genera and three subfamilies were recorded: Dynastinae, Melolonthinae and Rutelinae. The species or genera recorded for the first time in the state are: Cyclocephala metrica, C. tucumana, Isonychus albicinctus, Liogenys bidenticeps, L. fusca, L. obesa and L. sinuaticeps, Paranomala violacea, as well as unidentified species of Amononyx, Dicrania, Leucothyreus, Macrodactylus, Plectris and Rhizogeniates. Among the species recorded, 23 were associated with winter crops. Only Cyclocephala metrica, Dyscinetus rugifrons, two species of Leucothyreus and one species of the tribe Sericini were not present in cultivated crop fields. Cyclocephala flavipennis and Diloboderus abderus occurred in most of the municipalities sampled, often associated with Plectris sp., C. modesta and C. putrida. The highest richness of melolonthids was concentrated in the northeast of the Planalto region.