999 resultados para Ketac-Fil
A contemporary perspective on the tradeoff between transmit antenna diversity andspatial multiplexing is provided. It is argued that, in the context of most modern wirelesssystems and for the operating points of interest, transmission techniques that utilizeall available spatial degrees of freedom for multiplexing outperform techniques that explicitlysacrifice spatial multiplexing for diversity. In the context of such systems, therefore,there essentially is no decision to be made between transmit antenna diversity and spatialmultiplexing in MIMO communication. Reaching this conclusion, however, requires thatthe channel and some key system features be adequately modeled and that suitable performancemetrics be adopted; failure to do so may bring about starkly different conclusions. Asa specific example, this contrast is illustrated using the 3GPP Long-Term Evolution systemdesign.
It is well known that multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques can bring numerous benefits, such as higher spectral efficiency, to point-to-point wireless links. More recently, there has been interest in extending MIMO concepts tomultiuser wireless systems. Our focus in this paper is on network MIMO, a family of techniques whereby each end user in a wireless access network is served through several access points within its range of influence. By tightly coordinating the transmission and reception of signals at multiple access points, network MIMO can transcend the limits on spectral efficiency imposed by cochannel interference. Taking prior information-theoretic analyses of networkMIMO to the next level, we quantify the spectral efficiency gains obtainable under realistic propagation and operational conditions in a typical indoor deployment. Our study relies on detailed simulations and, for specificity, is conducted largely within the physical-layer framework of the IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX system. Furthermore,to facilitate the coordination between access points, we assume that a high-capacity local area network, such as Gigabit Ethernet,connects all the access points. Our results confirm that network MIMO stands to provide a multiple-fold increase in spectralefficiency under these conditions.
This paper applies random matrix theory to obtain analytical characterizations of the capacity of correlated multiantenna channels. The analysis is not restricted to the popular separable correlation model, but rather it embraces a more general representation that subsumesmost of the channel models that have been treated in the literature. For arbitrary signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the characterization is conducted in the regime of large numbers of antennas. For the low- and high-SNR regions, in turn, we uncover compact capacity expansions that are valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas and that shed insight on how antenna correlation impacts the tradeoffs between power, bandwidth and rate.
Expressions relating spectral efficiency, power, and Doppler spectrum, are derived for Rayleigh-faded wireless channels with Gaussian signal transmission. No side information on the state of the channel is assumed at the receiver. Rather, periodic reference signals are postulated in accordance with the functioning of most wireless systems. The analysis relies on a well-established lower bound, generally tight and asymptotically exact at low SNR. In contrast with most previous studies, which relied on block-fading channel models, a continuous-fading model is adopted. This embeds the Doppler spectrum directly in the derived expressions, imbuing them with practical significance. Closed-form relationships are obtained for the popular Clarke-Jakes spectrum and informative expansions, valid for arbitrary spectra, are found for the low- and high-power regimes. While the paper focuses on scalar channels, the extension to multiantenna settings is also discussed.
Supported by IEEE 802.15.4 standardization activities, embedded networks have been gaining popularity in recent years. The focus of this paper is to quantify the behavior of key networking metrics of IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled nodes under typical operating conditions, with the inclusion of packet retransmissions. We corrected and extended previous analyses by scrutinizing the assumptions on which the prevalent Markovian modeling is generally based. By means of a comparative study, we singled out which of the assumptions impact each of the performance metrics (throughput, delay, power consumption, collision probability, and packet-discard probability). In particular, we showed that - unlike what is usually assumed - the probability that a node senses the channel busy is not constant for all the stages of the backoff procedure and that these differences have a noticeable impact on backoff delay, packet-discard probability, and power consumption. Similarly, we showed that - again contrary to common assumption - the probability of obtaining transmission access to the channel depends on the number of nodes that is simultaneously sensing it. We evidenced that ignoring this dependence has a significant impact on the calculated values of throughput and collision probability. Circumventing these and other assumptions, we rigorously characterize, through a semianalytical approach, the key metrics in a beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 system with retransmissions.
The simultaneous use of multiple transmit and receive antennas can unleash very large capacity increases in rich multipath environments. Although such capacities can be approached by layered multi-antenna architectures with per-antenna rate control, the need for short-term feedback arises as a potential impediment, in particular as the number of antennas—and thus the number of rates to be controlled—increases. What we show, however, is that the need for short-term feedback in fact vanishes as the number of antennas and/or the diversity order increases. Specifically, the rate supported by each transmit antenna becomes deterministic and a sole function of the signal-to-noise, the ratio of transmit and receive antennas, and the decoding order, all of which are either fixed or slowly varying. More generally, we illustrate -through this specific derivation— the relevance of some established random CDMA results to the single-user multi-antenna problem.
We focus on full-rate, fast-decodable space–time block codes (STBCs) for 2 x 2 and 4 x 2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. We first derive conditions and design criteria for reduced-complexity maximum-likelihood (ML) decodable 2 x 2 STBCs, and we apply them to two families of codes that were recently discovered. Next, we derive a novel reduced-complexity 4 x 2 STBC, and show that it outperforms all previously known codes with certain constellations.
Editorial introductòria del número de la revista, en la qual s'exposa el tema del nou estàndard de mòbil, anomenatLong-TermEvolution (LTE),també referenciat com Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access(E-UTRA), que s'està definint com el substitut del sistema UMTSde tercera generació. LTE-Advanced, al seu torn, es refereix a la versió més avançada de LTE.
The 2×2 MIMO profiles included in Mobile WiMAX specifications are Alamouti’s space-time code (STC) fortransmit diversity and spatial multiplexing (SM). The former hasfull diversity and the latter has full rate, but neither of them hasboth of these desired features. An alternative 2×2 STC, which is both full rate and full diversity, is the Golden code. It is the best known 2×2 STC, but it has a high decoding complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decoder complexity, this issue wasincluded in the STC design criteria, and different STCs wereproposed. In this paper, we first present a full-rate full-diversity2×2 STC design leading to substantially lower complexity ofthe optimum detector compared to the Golden code with only a slight performance loss. We provide the general optimized form of this STC and show that this scheme achieves the diversitymultiplexing frontier for square QAM signal constellations. Then, we present a variant of the proposed STC, which provides a further decrease in the detection complexity with a rate reduction of 25% and show that this provides an interesting trade-off between the Alamouti scheme and SM.
Wireless “MIMO” systems, employing multiple transmit and receive antennas, promise a significant increase of channel capacity, while orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is attracting a good deal of attention due to its robustness to multipath fading. Thus, the combination of both techniques is an attractive proposition for radio transmission. The goal of this paper is the description and analysis of a new and novel pilot-aided estimator of multipath block-fading channels. Typical models leading to estimation algorithms assume the number of multipath components and delays to be constant (and often known), while their amplitudes are allowed to vary with time. Our estimator is focused instead on the more realistic assumption that the number of channel taps is also unknown and varies with time following a known probabilistic model. The estimation problem arising from these assumptions is solved using Random-Set Theory (RST), whereby one regards the multipath-channel response as a single set-valued random entity.Within this framework, Bayesian recursive equations determine the evolution with time of the channel estimator. Due to the lack of a closed form for the solution of Bayesian equations, a (Rao–Blackwellized) particle filter (RBPF) implementation ofthe channel estimator is advocated. Since the resulting estimator exhibits a complexity which grows exponentially with the number of multipath components, a simplified version is also introduced. Simulation results describing the performance of our channel estimator demonstrate its effectiveness.
We design powerful low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with iterative decoding for the block-fading channel. We first study the case of maximum-likelihood decoding, and show that the design criterion is rather straightforward. Since optimal constructions for maximum-likelihood decoding do not performwell under iterative decoding, we introduce a new family of full-diversity LDPC codes that exhibit near-outage-limit performance under iterative decoding for all block-lengths. This family competes favorably with multiplexed parallel turbo codes for nonergodic channels.
Exact closed-form expressions are obtained for the outage probability of maximal ratio combining in η-μ fadingchannels with antenna correlation and co-channel interference. The scenario considered in this work assumes the joint presence of background white Gaussian noise and independent Rayleigh-faded interferers with arbitrary powers. Outage probability results are obtained through an appropriate generalization of the moment-generating function of theη-μ fading distribution, for which new closed-form expressions are provided.
We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian signal on a block Rayleigh-faded channel without side information at the receiver. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, this mutual information represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained using Gaussiancodebooks. Examples are provided that illustrate the loss in spectral efficiency caused by fast fading and how that loss is amplified when multiple transmit antennas are used. These examples are further enriched by comparisons with the channel capacity under perfect channel-state information at the receiver, and with the spectral efficiency attained by pilot-based transmission.
Per-antenna rate and power control for MIMO layered architectures in the low- and high-power regimes
In a MIMO layered architecture, several codewordsare transmitted from a multiplicity of antennas. Although thespectral efficiency is maximized if the rates of these codewordsare separately controlled, the feedback rate within the linkadaptation loop is reduced if they are constrained to be identical.This poses a direct tradeoff between performance andfeedback overhead. This paper provides analytical expressionsthat quantify the difference in spectral efficiency between bothapproaches for arbitrary numbers of antennas. Specifically, thecharacterization takes place in the realm of the low- and highpowerregimes via expansions that are shown to have a widerange of validity.In addition, the possibility of adjusting the transmit powerof each codeword individually is considered as an alternative tothe separate control of their rates. Power allocation, however,turns out to be inferior to rate control within the context of thisproblem.
We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian signal on a block Rayleigh-faded channel without side information at the receiver. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, this mutual information represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained using Gaussiancodebooks. Examples are provided that illustrate the loss in spectral efficiency caused by fast fading and how that loss is amplified when multiple transmit antennas are used. These examples are further enriched by comparisons with the channel capacity under perfect channel-state information at the receiver, and with the spectral efficiency attained by pilot-based transmission.