651 resultados para Kayamkulam Lagoon


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This article presents the results of three surveys, which were undertaken in order to estimate the levels of organic and bacterial pollutions of the Ebrié lagoon banks in the urban area of Abidjan.


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Different rearing facilities (concrete tanks, pens and ponds) were tested for suitability as spawning environments. The concrete tanks and the pens in the lagoon gave the best results as to the number of spawns obtained. Of the three types of spawning devices tested, containers with a 150 mm opening at one of the two ends were preferably used by the fish. The brooders in the spawning facilities spontaneously entered the spawning containers to deposit their eggs without external human intervention. Actual fecundity estimates ranged from 9805 to 40597.


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Changes in the seasonal development of the gonads of female Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, in Ebrié lagoon (Côte d'Ivoire) are described over an annual reproductive cycle. Seven macroscopic stages of gonad maturity were identified. There is a major spawning period from July to November. The mature fish spawn only once during the breeding season. There was a slightly higher correlation between fecundity and fish length than between fecundity and fish weight or gonad weight. Fecundity estimates ranged from 5438 to 36257 eggs and from 4878 to 87724 eggs, respectively for the fish in captivity and those in the natural environment.


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An experiment using demand feeder was carried out on the catfish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus reared in cage-enclosure in the lagoon Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire). The study lasted 5 months, from October to March, and showed that the demand feeder improves the growth rate of the fish and the feed conversion. It was able, as well as the conventional hand feeding, to show monthly variations of performances.


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The annual cycle of Vibrio cholerae in the environment surrounding the Layo aquaculture facility (Ebrié lagoon) was studied from March 1991 to April 1992. Vibrio cholerae counts were coupled with the determination of physical and chemical characteristics of water and the estimation of biological richness of this environment.


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Two kinds of fishing gears insure the exploitation in Aby lagoon: the individual gears are represented essentially by gill nets and collective gears by seines. The number of gill nets varies between 1500 in 1981 and 5600 in 1986. The beach seines, which number varies between 40 and 60, are regularly used. The purse seines (15-30) have been superseded by "syndicat" seines (15) in 1990.


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A Lagoa de Marapendi é uma lagoa eutrófica do complexo lagunar de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. Como conseqüência ao constante e acelerado processo de eutrofização vigente, houve uma mudança na estrutura de sua comunidade fitoplanctônica, o que pode ter um importante significado para diversos componentes do ecossistema, além de inviabilizar diversos usos. Este estudo visou reconhecer os padrões espaciais e temporais do fitoplâncton, identificando os fatores controladores e direcionadores da comunidade, através da comparação entre as abordagens dos grupos taxonômicos e dos grupos funcionais. Foram coletadas amostras mensais em 4 pontos ao longo da lagoa no decorrer do ano de 2008. A análise florística revelou a presença de 45 táxons pertencentes às classes Cyanophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae e Dinophyceae. Estes foram alocados em 10 grupos funcionais (GF) sensu Reynolds (H1, K, M, S1, X1, X2, J, C, MP e Y) e em 6 grupos funcionais baseados na morfologia (MBFG). Os dados de biomassa para todas as abordagens testadas foram comparados, juntamente com as variáveis abióticas, através de análises multivariadas de redundância (RDA). A abordagem de GF mostrou ser mais rica em detalhes, evidenciando diferentes estratégias adaptativas de grupos ecológicos de cianobactérias. Contudo, para ambientes eutróficos, rasos e com poucas espécies, tal qual a Lagoa de Marapendi, a utilização da abordagem de MBFG mostra ser mais adequada devido à sua simplicidade de utilização, aliada à boa capacidade de explicação da dinâmica fitoplanctônica.


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Este trabalho visa contribuir com os estudos de História Ambiental e de Geografia ao abordar a interação entre os aspectos culturais e a natureza da Lagoa de Araruama e da Serra de Sapiatiba, localizado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa propõe uma análise das paisagens simbólicas do município de São Pedro da Aldeia (RJ) por intermédio do 3 nível da História Ambiental. Além de caracterizar estas áreas como paisagens simbólicas inseridas na Região dos Lagos numa Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA de Sapiatiba), destaca-se a importância do capital imaterial e da história ambiental na conservação da diversidade de um pequeno fragmento de Mata Atlântica e também da natureza das águas em um importante trecho da maior lagoa hipersalina do mundo. Portanto, nosso objetivo neste estudo é desvendar a História Ambiental da Lagoa de Araruama e da Serra de Sapiatiba no município de São Pedro da Aldeia (RJ), a partir da análise da transformação da paisagem.


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The total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci were counted over 1 year at 33 stations in the Ebrié Lagoon near Abidjan (Ivory Coast). Most of the waters show high numbers of bacteria, (D category of the American standards). For the sea-beaches, high numbers of fecal germs are found where the human population is abundant.


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In the Ebrié lagoon fishes are mostly caught by means of 6 kinds of fishing gear: small and large mesh gillnets (respectively 1.5-2 and 6.5-8 inches stretched mesh), cast-nets and multi-hooked lines for individual fishermen, and beach seines and ring-nets for collective fishing. Statistical data gathered during 1977 allowed an estimation of total catches: about 6700 tons. The bulk of the catch, 4800 tons, came from beach nets and ring nets, the contribution of which is nearly the same. Individual fishing gear, small mesh gillnets repesenting the main part, account for 25 to 30% of total catch; about 1900 tons for year 1977. Six species, or species groups, comprise more than 85% of the catch. In the Abidjan area, where marine influence is the more noticeable, ring nets are more numerous and their catches increased since 1975. On the other hand, fish captures in unsalted and brackish waters seem to show a stagnancy and a decrease in fish lengths; this phenomenon is probably in connection with beach-seine excessive fishing effort and/or their small meshes (one inch stretched).


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Computer programs were developed to calculate the parameters commonly used in fisheries statistics: catch per unit effort, catch by species, size distribution, etc. These parameters were computed for collective fishing, purse seine and beach seine; important aspects of the artisanal fisheries in the Ebrié Lagoon.


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Ecology and dynamics of juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum were studied from weekly sampling in the Abidjan lagoon system. After a brief description of biogeography and principal features of climate, hydrology of Ebrié lagoon and Adiopodoumé bay were considered. Shrimp distribution were connected with the main environmental factors. Precise work was done in Adiopodoumé bay, especially concerning the succession of age classes, their growth on the nursery grounds, seasonal variation in abundance, size and distribution, in relation to environmental factors. These results, and former knowledges, allowed us to propose a general pattern for pink shrimp life history in Côte d'Ivoire.


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Descriptions of spawning and larval development of Ethmalosa, up to the vitelline vesicle resorption stage, are made from plankton samplings in the Ebrié coastal lagoon and from artificially fertilized eggs. Spawning takes place from November to June in waters with salinities of 18 to 26 parts per thousand, and temperatures of 22.8 to 30.2 degrees, for 13-14 cm long fishes.


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The hydrology of the Ebrie coastal lagoon in Abidjan area is summarized. The authors describe the oxygenation in that area during the two extreme seasons of the hydrological cycle: the low-water season (March-April) and the high-water season (Sept-Oct). The influences of the continental and oceanic waters, photosynthesis, exchanges with the atmosphere and pollution are considered. The oxigen consumption of primary organic pollution represents from 9 to 12% of the content of the waters that circulates in the area. It is geographically very heterogeneous. The central basin, swept by strong marine and fresh water currents, shows a rather high level of water oxygenation. In the peripheric bays, water circulation and mixing are less important and pollution accelerates the natural eutrophic processes. During the low-water season, a vertical stratification is responsible for a bottom anoxic layer and the deposit of reduced organic silts. On the contrary, supersaturations, up to 200%, are recorded on the surface layer. During the high-water season the break of the vertical stratification sets the loose reduced silts into suspension and partly reoxygenates the bottom waters. A classification of the different areas, based on the oxygen vertical profiles is proposed.


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Spawning of bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata Bowdich) takes place in polyhalin waters (Sppt. > 5ppt.). Migrations of young fish were studied by the mean of length data observed in different points of the lagoon from the artisanal fishery. Bonga remain 4 months in the hatchery (6 cm), before they expand in the whole lagoon until the age of 9/10 months. After this expansion phase, the fishes come back to the spawning fields (spawning length: 14/15 cm). Postspawning fishes leave the lagoon. Between birth and spawning, bonga are not affected by salinity changes, but reproduction occurs only in waters where salinity is higher than 5ppt.