331 resultados para Involuntary Resettlement
A criação de espaços territoriais especialmente protegidos é uma estratégia utilizada pelo homem desde a antiguidade, objetivando a reserva de áreas com características naturais necessárias à manutenção ou à reprodução cultural de populações humanas específicas, regulando e limitando o acesso e a apropriação de certos recursos e/ou reservando-os para usos ou futuros. Os processos de criação dessas “áreas especialmente protegidas” foram contudo intensificados, no final do século XX, com a percepção da finitude dos recursos naturais, e acelerados pelo florescimento e a consolidação do capitalismo, agora “globalizado”. Quando tais processos, são orientados por interesses diversos de grupos sociais hegemônicos, são comuns não só a desestruturação do modo de vida dos usuários dos recursos naturais tradicionalmente relacionados aos “territórios especiais”, como também a expulsão de grupos não-hegemônicos neles já instalados, sempre que suas práticas culturais sejam consideradas como incompatíveis com os fins e os objetivos da área que se pretende proteger. Entre os tipos de área especialmente protegida estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, encontram-se as Unidades de Conservação da Natureza (UC). Criadas por Lei com o objetivo de conservar a biodiversidade brasileira, as UC vem sendo palco de diversos conflitos ambientais envolvendo populações tradicionais em todos os biomas brasileiros, mas pode ser mais facilmente evidenciada na Amazônia, aonde a megabiodiversidade a proteger se sobrepõe a territórios ocupados por diversas etnias indígenas e outros povos tradicionais. Os conflitos são intensificados quando a categoria de manejo da UC criada restringe o acesso e altera os modos de apropriação e/ou dos usos tradicionais dos recursos naturais da área por parte dos residentes, inclusive impedindo a continuidade da permanência das populações no interior da UC, no caso o grupo das UC de Proteção Integral. À luz dos debates que vem sendo travados no campo da ecologia política, tais processos conflituosos estariam associados à desterritorialização dos grupos afetados pela criação da UC, nos quais o Estado brasileiro seria o responsável direto. Independentemente das diversas abordagens acadêmicas para o conceito de “território”, entende-se atualmente que a territorialização e a desterritorialização (com consequente reterritorialização) são processos interrelacionados e circularmente conectados, não podendo ser compreendidos separadamente. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é contribuir para a compreensão desses processos de des-re-terrritorialização, avaliando como alguns mecanismos previstos na Lei do Sistema Nacional das Unidades de Conservação para o reassentamento das populações anteriormente residentes vem sendo aplicados, no sentido de promover processos de reterritorialização. As reflexões apresentadas se dão a partir do caso dos ribeirinhos e colonos residentes na Estação Ecológica da Terra do Meio, Pará, Brasil. A partir da avaliação, são propostas alternativas para minimizar a situação de injustiça ambiental na qual se encontram esses atores sociais específicos.
From an examination of the instruments of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and related policy measures regarding border surveillance and migration management, two interrelated issues stand out as particularly sensitive: Access to asylum and responsibility for refugee protection. The prevailing view, supported by UNHCR and others, is that responsibility for the care of asylum seekers and the determination of their claims falls on the state within whose jurisdiction the claim is made. However, the possibility to shift that responsibility to another state through inter-state cooperation or unilateral mechanisms undertaken territorially as well as abroad has been a matter of great interest to EU Member States and institutions. Initiatives adopted so far challenge the prevailing view and have the potential to undermine compliance with international refugee and human rights law. This note reviews EU action in the field by reference to the relevant legal standards and best practices developed by UNHCR, focusing on the specific problems of climate refugees and access to international protection, evaluating the inconsistencies between the internal and external dimension of asylum policy. Some recommendations for the European Parliament are formulated at the end, including on action in relation to readmission agreements, Frontex engagement rules in maritime operations, Regional Protection Programmes, and resettlement.
This paper was prepared as a Policy Brief for discussion at the final conference of the project on Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship: Exchanging Knowledge and Identifying Guidelines for Europe, 11-12 December 2014. Co-funded by the European Commission’s DG for Justice, Citizenship and Fundamental Rights, the ILEC project has aimed to establish a framework for debate on international norms on involuntary loss of nationality. For more information visit: www.ilecproject.eu.
This paper was prepared as a Policy Brief for discussion at the final conference of the project on Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship: Exchanging Knowledge and Identifying Guidelines for Europe, 11-12 December 2014. Co-funded by the European Commission’s DG for Justice, Citizenship and Fundamental Rights, the ILEC project has aimed to establish a framework for debate on international norms on involuntary loss of nationality. For more information visit: www.ilecproject.eu.
This paper was prepared as a Policy Brief for discussion at the final conference of the project on Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship: Exchanging Knowledge and Identifying Guidelines for Europe, 11-12 December 2014. Co-funded by the European Commission’s DG for Justice, Citizenship and Fundamental Rights, the ILEC project has aimed to establish a framework for debate on international norms on involuntary loss of nationality. For more information visit: www.ilecproject.eu.
During the last political cycle (2009-2014), the European Union (EU) went through the worst crisis of its history. In the months and years to come, the new EU leadership and Member States will have to take major decisions if Europeans want to sustainably overcome the crisis, prepare themselves for the manifold internal and external tests ahead, and provide the grounds for Europe to exploit more of its potential and meet the needs and expectations of citizens. The outcome of this venture is unclear considering the 'state of the Union' and the current mood in Brussels and national capitals. But one thing seems rather certain: to generate active support from citizens and elites, future developments at European and national level need to be driven by confidence and renewed ambition and not, as in the past years, by fear first – fear of a euro implosion; or of an involuntary exit from the common currency with unforeseeable consequences. In order to take strategic decisions about the Union's future, there is a need to identify and address the key challenge(s) and provide a coherent and holistic response on the grounds of an ambitious but at the same time pragmatic 'package deal', taking into account the diverging interests of Member States and their citizens. But what is the state of affairs, what is the key strategic challenge and how can the new EU leadership cope with it in the next political cycle (2014-2019)?
Statistics can be useful when assessing the practical relevance of varying rules and practices on the involuntary loss of nationality across EU member states. Yet while much progress has been made within the EU in recent years with regard to the collection of comparable and reliable information on the acquisition of nationality, statistics on the loss of nationality are hard to find and, where available, difficult to interpret. In this comparative report, the authors explore the landscape of existing statistical data on loss of nationality in the European Union. They identify challenges to the existing methods of data collection and data interpretation and introduce an online statistical database, bringing together all existing statistical data on loss of nationality in the EU. These data are summarised in tables and graphs and discussed with reference to the relevant national and European sources. The authors conclude with recommendations to policy-makers on how to improve data collection in this area.
EU-Turkey relations in the scope of the ongoing refugee crisis were at the heart of the European Council meeting of 7 March 2016. Among the set of initiatives proposed, the following two have attracted the most attention: First, for every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands, another Syrian from Turkey would be resettled in an EU member state. This has come to be known as the ‘one for one’ resettlement approach. Second, all new irregular migrants and asylum-seekers crossing from Turkey to the Greek islands would be returned to Turkey without offering any guarantee of protection.
The March 2016 EU Summit was yet another attempt to make progress on managing the EU’s migration/refugee crisis. In this post-summit analysis, Janis A. Emmanouilidis argues that the EU-Turkey deal, which foresees a return of migrants from Greece to Turkey and a direct resettlement of Syrians from Turkey to the EU on the grounds of a ‘1-for-1’ scheme, is a key and necessary element in a very complex puzzle trying to stop ‘irregular routes’ of migration. The ultimate success of this agreement is by no means certain, but it has the chance to reduce the number of people arriving at the shores of Europe. However, this would neither settle the crisis nor will it provide an adequate response to those in need of international protection. The ‘humanitarian imperative’ requires that the EU-Turkey deal is complemented by a much more ambitious direct resettlement scheme and other long-term measures as part of a comprehensive plan aiming to balance ‘solidarity and security’ in an effort to sustainably overcome the crisis.
"February 1937."
Meteorological emotions.--Civic and social comparisons, mostly odious.--Shows and side-shows of state.--The dun year's brilliant flower.--The sights and sounds of the streets.--Some misgivings as to the American invasion.--In the gallery of the Commons.--The means of sojourn.--Certain traits of the London springtime.--Some voluntary and involuntary sight-seeing.--Glimpses of the lowly and the lowlier.--Twice-seen sights and half-fancied facts.--An afternoon at Hampton Court.--A Sunday morning in the country.--Fishing for whitebait.--Henley day.--American origins--mostly northern.--American origins--mostly southern.--Aspects and intimations.--Parting guests.
On a ms. list of plays of the year 1638. -- Sir Anthony Browne, standard bearer to king Henry VIII, and his descendants. -- On the source and nomenclature of the river Thames. -- On Sir Philip Sidney and his father, Sir Henry Sidney, in relation to Ludlow castle. -- Episodes in the career of Humphrey duke of Gloucester, and his first duchess, and their connection with the abbey of St. Albans. -- On the involuntary visit of Philip of Austria and Juana of Spain to Weymouth in 1506, and its consequences. -- Recuiver, the Regulbium of the Romans. -- Appendix.
Articles reprinted from various journal publications.
"First published [in mimeographed form] by the Resettlement division of the Farm security administration, United States. Department of agriculture ... New edition somewhat altered and extended."