613 resultados para Intolerância à Lactose
Zusammenfassung: Ziel der Arbeit war ein Methodenvergleich zur Beurteilung der Milchqualität unterschiedlicher Herkünfte. Am Beispiel von Milchproben aus unterschiedlicher Fütterung sowie an Milchproben von enthornten bzw. horntragenden Kühen wurde geprüft, welche der angewendeten Methoden geeignet ist, die Vergleichsproben zu unterscheiden (Differenzierungsfähigkeit der Methoden) und inwieweit eine Qualitätsbeurteilung möglich ist (hinsichtlich Milchleistung, Fett-, Eiweiß-, Lactose- (=F,E,L), Harnstoff-gehalt und Zellzahl (=SCC), Säuerungseigenschaften (=SE), Fettsäuremuster (=FS-Muster), Protein- und Metabolit-Zusammensetzung (=Pr&M), Fluoreszenz-Anregungs-Spektroskopie-Eigenschaften (=FAS) und Steigbild-Merkmalen). Zusätzlich wurde vorab die Steigbildmethode (=SB-M) für das Produkt Rohmilch standardisiert und charakterisiert, um die Reproduzierbarkei der Ergebnisse sicherzustellen. Die Untersuchungen zur SB-M zeigten, dass es Faktoren gibt, die einen deutlichen Einfluß auf die Bildmerkmals-Ausprägung aufweisen. Dazu gehören laborseitig die Klimabedingungen in der Kammer, die Verdünnungsstufe der Probe, die Standzeiten der Vorverdünnung (Reaktionen mit der Luft, Alterung usw.), und tagesspezifisch auftretende Effekte, deren Ursache unbekannt ist. Probenseitig sind sehr starke tierindividuelle Effekte auf die Bildmerkmals-Ausprägung festzustellen, die unabhängig von Fütterung, Alter, Laktationsstadium und Genetik auftreten, aber auch Fütterungsbedingungen der Kühe lassen sich in der Bildmerkmals-Ausprägung wiederfinden. Die Art der Bildauswertung und die dabei berücksichtigten Bildmerkmale ist von großer Bedeutung für das Ergebnis. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchten 46 Probenpaare (aus den Fütterungsvergleichen (=FV) und zur Thematik der Hörner) konnten in 91% der Fälle korrekt gruppiert werden. Die Unterschiede konnten benannt werden. Drei FV wurden auf drei biologisch-dynamischen Höfen unter Praxis-Bedingungen durchgeführt (on-farm-Experimente). Es wurden jeweils zwei vergleichbare Gruppen à mindestens 11 Kühen gebildet, die im Cross-Over-Design gefüttert wurden, mit Probennahme am 14. und 21. Tag je Periode. Es wurden folgende FV untersucht: A: Wiesenheu vs. Kleegrasheu (=KG-Heu), B: Futterrüben (=FuR) vs. Weizen (Ergänzung zu Luzernegrasheu ad lib.), C: Grassilage vs. Grasheu. Bei Versuch A sind die Futtereffekte am deutlichsten, Gruppeneffekte sind gering. Die Milch der Wiesenheu-Variante hat weniger CLA’s und n3- FS und mehr mittellangkettige FS (MCT-FS), das Pr&M-Muster weist auf „Gewebereifung und Ausdifferenzierung“ vs. bei KG-Heu „Nährstoff-fülle, Wachstum und Substanz-Einlagerung und die SB zeigen fein ausdifferenzierte Bildmerkmale. Bei Versuch B sind die Futtereffekte ähnlich groß wie die Gruppeneffekte. Bei vergleichbarer Milchleistung weist die Milch der FuR-Variante höhere F- und E-Gehalte auf, sie säuert schneller und mehr, das FS-Muster weist auf eine „intensive“ Fütterung mit vermehrt MCT- FS, und die Pr&M-Untersuchungen charakterisieren sie mit „Eisentransport und Fetttröpfchenbildung“ vs. bei Weizen „mehr Abwehr-, Regulations- und Transportfunktion“ /. „mehr Lipidsynthese“. Die SB charakterisieren mit „große, kräftige Formen, verwaschen“ vs. „kleine, ausdifferenzierte Bildmerkmal“ für FuR vs. Weizen. Die FAS charakterisiert sie mit „Saftfutter-typisch“ vs. „Samentypisch“. Versuch C weist die geringsten Futtereffekt auf, und deutliche Gruppen- und Zeiteffekte. Milchleistung und F,E,L-Gehalte zeigen keinen Futtereffekt. Die Milch der Heu-Variante säuert schneller, und sie weist mehr SCT und MCT- FS auf. Pr&M-Untersuchungen wurden nicht durchgeführt. Die SB charakterisieren bei Heumilch mit „fein, zart, durchgestaltet, hell“, bei Silagemilch mit „kräftig, wäßrig-verwaschen, dunkler“. Die FAS kann keine konsistenten Unterschiede ermitteln. Der Horn-Einfluß auf die Milchprobe wurde an 34 Probenpaaren untersucht. Von 11 Höfen wurden je zwei möglichst vergleichbare Gruppen zusammengestellt, die sich nur im Faktor „Horn“ unterscheiden, und im wöchentlichen Abstand drei mal beprobt. F,E,L, SCC und SE der Proben sowie die FAS-Messungen weisen keine konsistenten signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Horn-Varianten auf. Pr&M weisen bei den untersuchten Proben (von zwei Höfen) auf Horneffekte hin: bei Eh eine Erhöhung von Immun-Abwehr-Funktionen, sowie einer Abnahme phosphorylierter C3- und C6-Metabolite und Beta-Lactoglobulin. Mit den SB ließen sich für die gewählten Merkmale (S-Größe und g.B.-Intensität) keine Horneffekte feststellen. FS, Pr&M-Muster sowie Harnstoffgehalt und SB (und z.T. Milchleistung) zeigten je FV ähnliche Effekt-Intensitäten für Futter-, Gruppen- und Zeiteffekte, und konnten die Cross-Over-Effekte gut wiedergeben. F- und E-Gehalte konnten neben tierindividuellen Effekten nur in FV B auch Futtereffekte aufzeigen. In FV C zeigten die SE der Proben den deutlichsten Futtereffekt, die anderen Methoden zeigten hier vorrangig Gruppen-Effekte, gefolgt von Futter- und Zeiteffekten. Die FAS zeigte den SB vergleichbare Ergebnisse, jedoch weniger sensibel reagierend. Die Interpretation von Qualitätsaspekten war bei konsistent differenzierbaren Proben (FV A, B, C) am fundiertesten mit Hilfe der FS möglich, da über die Synthese von FS und beeinflussende Faktoren schon vielfältige Erkenntnisse vorliegen. Das Pr&M-Muster war nach einer weiteren Methodenentwicklung bei der Deutung von Stoffwechselprozessen sehr hilfreich. Die FAS konnte z.T. eine zu der Fütterungsvariante passende Charakterisierung liefern. Für die SB-M fehlt es noch an Referenzmaterial, um Angaben zu Qualitätsaspekten zu machen, wenngleich Probenunterschiede aufgezeigt und Proben-Eigenschaften charakterisiert werden konnten.
El proyecto de investigación parte de la dinámica del modelo de distribución tercerizada para una compañía de consumo masivo en Colombia, especializada en lácteos, que para este estudio se ha denominado “Lactosa”. Mediante datos de panel con estudio de caso, se construyen dos modelos de demanda por categoría de producto y distribuidor y mediante simulación estocástica, se identifican las variables relevantes que inciden sus estructuras de costos. El problema se modela a partir del estado de resultados por cada uno de los cuatro distribuidores analizados en la región central del país. Se analiza la estructura de costos y el comportamiento de ventas dado un margen (%) de distribución logístico, en función de las variables independientes relevantes, y referidas al negocio, al mercado y al entorno macroeconómico, descritas en el objeto de estudio. Entre otros hallazgos, se destacan brechas notorias en los costos de distribución y costos en la fuerza de ventas, pese a la homogeneidad de segmentos. Identifica generadores de valor y costos de mayor dispersión individual y sugiere uniones estratégicas de algunos grupos de distribuidores. La modelación con datos de panel, identifica las variables relevantes de gestión que inciden sobre el volumen de ventas por categoría y distribuidor, que focaliza los esfuerzos de la dirección. Se recomienda disminuir brechas y promover desde el productor estrategias focalizadas a la estandarización de procesos internos de los distribuidores; promover y replicar los modelos de análisis, sin pretender remplazar conocimiento de expertos. La construcción de escenarios fortalece de manera conjunta y segura la posición competitiva de la compañía y sus distribuidores.
Objective: to present the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in the treatmentof a patient with asthma, this is the case of a young Caucasian girl —17 years old— with severe asthma diagnosis, with symptoms since she was eight years old, 10th grade student. Method: She was referred to the program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation after three hospitalizations during the last year due to asthmatic crises, dyspnoea in activities of daily living, and intolerance to physical exercise. In the initial evaluation, a patient with non-controlled asthma was found; she was receiving short-acting medication admitting that she was not complying with regular use and with a prescribed dose of the pharmacological treatment and that she ignored the importance of this commitment for optimal evolution. The patient expressed concern about the progressive deterioration at her respiratory and functional level during the last year and her fear and anxiety for not being able to breathe during activities befitting her age. Results: One month after receiving bronchodilators and long-acting steroids permanently and complying with recommendations about regular use and adequate inhalatory technique, the patient was included in a three-times a-week program of pulmonary rehabilitation during eight weeks for upper and lower extremity endurance and resistance training. Conclusion: This intervention showed significant changes in the patient at functional level and a greater social participation.
Podemos ver cómo el pirata Francis Drake realiza una expedición para dar la vuelta al mundo. En las costas de Suramérica capturará un gran botín a los españoles, que Drake entregará a la reina al volver a Inglaterra en 1580. También habla de la Edad de Oro en los Países Bajos; después de una larga lucha los holandeses consiguen la independencia y comercian con el Extremo Oriente. Por último habla de rey Sol, en cuyo reinado la intoleráncia religiosa y las continuas guerras debilitarán Francia.
A Estenose Pulmonar (EP) é uma doença cardíaca congénita (DCC) caracterizada por obstrução dinâmica ou fixa do trato de saída do ventrículo direito. A EP vem referida como sendo a terceira DCC mais diagnosticada no cão, havendo, no entanto estudos mais recentes classificam-na como a segunda mais comum ou até a primeira. A forma de EP mais comum é a valvular, provando-se ter uma base hereditária poligénica em beagles e pensando-se ter um caracter autossómico recessivo em golden retrievers. As raças mais afetadas pela EP são o bulldog inglês, bulldog francês, boxer, pitbull, schnautzer entre outras. A maioria dos indivíduos afetados por esta condição não apresenta sinais clínicos, sendo a maioria dos indivíduos com EP descobertos pela presença de um sopro e conseguinte investigação. Cerca de 35% dos cães com EP severa demonstram intolerância ao exercício, sincope ou ascite. O sopro detetado à auscultação é sistólico de ejeção crescendo-decrescendo com ponto de máxima intensidade na base esquerda radiando dorsalmente. A ecocardiografia é um método expedito na deteção e caracterização da gravidade da doença. O prognóstico depende da gravidade da lesão e se o individuo está ou não assintomático na altura da apresentação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a EP numa população canina exposta a ecocardiografia no Hospital Veterinário do Porto (HVP). Neste estudo fez-se uma análise retrospetiva das alterações cardiovasculares diagnosticadas a cães no serviço de ecocardiografia do HVP, entre Março de 2003 e Fevereiro de 2012. Foram sujeitos a ecocardiografia neste período 808 cães, 715 dos quais com alterações cardiovasculares, a prevalência de DCC’s foi de 13.8%. A EP foi a segunda DCC mais diagnosticada nesta população de animais (2.80%), surgindo em 20 dos 99 cães com DCCs (20.2%). A forma de EP mais diagnosticada foi a valvular. As raças Boxer, Terranova, Dogue argentino e Fila brasileiro apresentam um maior risco relativo de terem EP. Não se verificou a existência de uma relação estatística significativa entre o sexo e a EP, quer considerando a amostra completa, quer separando por raça. A instauração de programas e normas de rastreio de EP em reprodutores, em Portugal, permitirá diminuir a incidência da doença e ter uma verdadeira noção da prevalência desta doença na população canina.
Esta dissertação de Mestrado tem por objetivo investigar as representações dos profes-sores sobre a aprendizagem de alunos com deficiência no cotidiano escolar de uma escola inclusiva; as concepções, expectativas, avanços e impasses que permeiam a atuação dos edu-cadores que desenvolvem seu trabalho numa escola pública inclusiva. A base teórica desta pesquisa esteve respaldada na teoria das Representações Sociais e em autores como, Durkheim (1987), Moscovici (1978), Mantoan (2005), Maroja (1998), Emygdio (2011), Sas-saki (1997), Nóvoa (1992), entre outros que ao longo de vários anos vem se preocupando em discutir as representações sociais bem como a temática da inclusão no contexto escolar. A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por oito professoras que trabalham na escola campo de pesquisa, no município de João Pessoa. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir dos instrumentos de pesquisa como, a observação, o diário de campo, o relato de experiência, a exposição e análise de um filme e a entrevista semi estruturada. As respostas obtidas mostraram que para realizar a educação inclusiva faz-se necessário refletir sobre o conceito, o preconceito, as crenças e concepções acerca da inclusão escolar. Constatamos o desejo de maiores condições de trabalho, no que tange a capacitação, mais recursos pedagógicos e a efetiva participação da família, no processo escolar. Observa-mos ainda, que é impossível trabalhar numa escola inclusiva cultivando o preconceito, a indi-vidualidade, a intolerância e a insensibilidade. Ficou evidente a necessidade de maiores discussões, estudos, ações, espaços adequados para o atendimento especializado e envolvimento de todos os atores da educação para que se efetive de forma satisfatória o processo de inclusão escolar.
Eight Jersey cows were used in two balanced 4 x 4 Latin Squares to investigate the effects of replacement of dietary starch with non-forage fibre on productivity, diet digestibility and feeding behaviour. Total-mixed rations consisted of maize silage, grass silage and a soyabean meal-based concentrate mixture, each at 250g/kg DM, with the remaining 250g consisting of cracked wheat/soya hulls (SH) in the ratios of 250:0, 167:83; 83:167 and 0:250 g, respectively, for treatments SH0, SH83, SH167 and SH250. Starch concentrations were 302, 248, 193 and 140g/kg DM, and NDF concentrations were 316, 355, 394 and 434g/kg DM, for treatments SHO, SH83, SH167 and SH250, respectively. Total eating time increased (p < 0.05) as SH inclusion increased, but total rumination time was unaffected. Digestibility of DM, organic matter and starch declined (p < 0.01) as SH inclusion increased, whilst digestibility of NDF and ADF increased (p < 0.01). Dry-matter intake tended to decline with increasing SH, whilst bodyweight, milk yield and fat and lactose concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Milk protein concentration decreased (p < 0.01) as SH level increased. Feed conversion efficiency improved (p < 0.05) as SH inclusion rose, but it was not possible to determine whether this was due to the increased fibre levels alone, or the favourable effect on rumen fermentation of decreasing starch levels. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objectives were to compare the chemical composition, nutritive value, feed intake, milk production and composition, and presence in milk of transgenic DNA and the encoded protein Cry1Ab when corn silages containing 2 transgenes (2GM: herbicide tolerance: mepsps and insect resistance: cry1Ab) were fed as part of a standard total mixed ration (TMR) compared with a near isogenic corn silage ( C) to 8 multiparous lactating Holstein dairy cows in a single reversal design study. Cows were fed a TMR ration ad libitum and milked twice daily. Diets contained [ dry matter (DM) basis] 45% corn silage, 10% alfalfa hay, and 45% concentrate (1.66 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of DM, 15.8% crude protein, 35% neutral detergent fiber, and 4.1% fat). Each period was 28-d long. During the last 4 d of each period, feed intake and milk production data were recorded and milk samples taken for compositional analysis, including the presence of transgenic DNA and Cry1Ab protein. There was no significant difference in the chemical composition between C and 2GM silages, and both were within the expected range (37.6% DM, 1.51 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg, 8.6% crude protein, 40% neutral detergent fiber, 19.6% acid detergent fiber, pH 3.76, and 62% in vitro DM digestibility). Cows fed the 2GM silage produced milk with slightly higher protein (3.09 vs. 3.00%), lactose ( 4.83 vs. 4.72%) and solids-not-fat (8.60 vs. 8.40%) compared with C. However, the yield (kg/d) of milk (36.5), 3.5% fat-corrected milk (34.4), fat (1.151), protein (1.106), lactose (1.738), and solids-not-fat ( 3.094), somatic cell count (log(10): 2.11), change in body weight (+ 7.8 kg), and condition score (+ 0.09) were not affected by type of silage, indicating no overall production difference. All milk samples were negative for the presence of transgenic DNA from either trait or the Cry1Ab protein. Results indicate that the 2GM silage modified with 2 transgenes did not affect nutrient composition of the silages and had no effect on animal performance and milk composition. No transgenic DNA and Cry1Ab protein were detected in milk.
Natural killer (NK) cell recognition of influenza virus-infected cells involves hemagglutinin (HA) binding to sialic acid (SA) on activating NK receptors. SA also acts as a receptor for the binding of influenza virus to its target host cells. The SA binding properties of H3N2 influenza viruses have been observed to change during circulation in humans: recent isolates are unable to agglutinate chicken red blood cells and show reduced affinity for synthetic glycopolymers representing SA-alpha-2,3-lactose (3'SL-PAA) and SA-alpha-2,6-N-acetyl lactosamine (6'SLN-PAA) carbohydrates. Here, NK lysis of cells infected with human H3N2 influenza viruses isolated between 1969 and 2003 was analyzed. Cells infected with recent isolates (1999 to 2003) were found to be lysed less effectively than cells infected with older isolates (1969 to 1996). This change occurred concurrently with the acquisition of two new potential glycosylation site motifs in RA. Deletion of the potential glycosylation site motif at 133 to 135 in HA1 from a recent isolate partially restored the agglutination phenotype to a recombinant virus, indicating that the HA-SA interaction is inhibited by the glycosylation modification. Deletion of either of the recently acquired potential glycosylation sites from HA led to increased NK lysis of cells infected with recombinant viruses carrying modified HA. These results indicate that alterations in RA glycosylation may affect NK cell recognition of influenza virus-infected cells in addition to virus binding to host cells.
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of St. John's wort extract (SJW) as a treatment for premenstrual symptoms. Design: The study was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, with two parallel treatment groups. After a no-treatment baseline cycle, volunteers were randomized to either SJW or placebo for a further two menstrual cycles. Settings/location: A postal trial conducted from The University of Reading, Berkshire, England. Subjects: One hundred and sixty-nine (169) normally menstruating women who experienced recurrent premenstrual symptoms were recruited onto the study. One hundred and twenty-five (125) completed the protocol and were included in the analysis. Interventions: Six hundred milligrams (600) mg of SJW (standardized to contain 1800 mug of hypericin) or placebo (containing lactose and cellulose). Outcome measure: A menstrual diary was used to assess changes in premenstrual symptoms. The anxiety-related subgroup of symptoms of this instrument was used as the primary outcome measure. Results: After averaging the effects of treatment over both treatment cycles it was found that there was a trend for SJW to be superior to placebo. However, this finding was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The possibility that this nonsignificant finding resulted from insufficient statistical power in the study, rather than a lack of efficacy of SJW, is discussed. Following this discussion the recommendation is made that, in future, similar studies should be powered to detect a minimum clinically relevant difference between treatments.
he best operating conditions, using the critical flux concept during ultrafiltration of skimmed milk, were evaluated for tubular membranes. It was found that irreversible fouling was greatly reduced by operating at or below the critical flux, but was not totally eliminated. The critical flux of skimmed milk was found to be the weak form. The critical flux at cross flow velocity 3.4 in s(-1) for MWCO 200 kDa membrane was 56.9 kg m(-2) h(-1) while for MWCO 25 kDa membranes it was 45 kg m(2) h(-1) suggesting that membrane pore size influenced the flux. The critical flux increased with increasing wall shear stress and decreased with increasing protein concentration. Empirical equations, for predicting the critical flux (J(crit)) for skimmed milk with a protein concentration (c(b)) in the range 3-7% w/w and wall shear stress (tau(w)) in the range 7-60 Pa for MWCO 200 kDa and 25 kDa membranes were J(crit) = 5.1 (tau(w)/c(b)) and J(crit) = 4.0 (tau(w)/c(b)) respectively. In general, the rejections of protein and lactose at the critical flux were not affected by protein concentration, wall shear stress and membrane used, and they were similar to those found when operating at the limiting flux.
Crude cell-free extracts from Lactobacillus reuteri grown on cellobiose, maltose, lactose and raffinose were assayed for glycosidic activities. When raffinose was used as the carbon source, alpha-galactosidase was produced, showing the highest yield at the beginning of the stationary growth phase. A 64 kDa enzyme was purified by ultra- and gel filtration, and characterized for its hydrolytic and synthetic activity. Highest hydrolytic activity was found at pH 5.0 at 50 degreesC (K-M 0.55 mM, V-max 0.80 mumol min(-1) mg(-1) of protein). The crude cell-free extract was further used in glycosyl transfer reactions to synthesize oligosaccharides from melibiose and raffinose. At a substrate concentration of 23% (w/v) oligosaccharide mixtures were formed with main products being a trisaccharide at 26% (w/w) yield from melibiose after 8 h and a tetrasaccharide at 18% (w/w) yield from raffinose after 7 h. Methylation analysis revealed the trisaccharide to be 6' alpha-galactosyl melibiose and the tetrasaccharide to be stachyose. In both cases synthesis ceased when hydrolysis of the substrate reached 50%.
A novel strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171, isolated from a faecal sample from a healthy human volunteer and able to express beta-galactosidase activity, was used in synthesis reactions for the production of galactooligosaccharide from lactose. The beta-galactosidase activity of whole bifidobacterial cells showed an optimum activity at pH 6.8-7.0 and 40 degrees C. The transgalactosylation activity of the B. bifidum cells from 50% (w/w) lactose resulted in a galactooligosaccharide mixture (20% w/w) comprising (w/w): 25% disaccharides, 35% trisaccharides, 25% tetrasaccharides and 15% pentasaccharides. Using different initial lactose concentrations, the conversion rate to galactooligosaccharides was maximum (35%) when 55% (w/w) lactose was used. In fermentation experiments, B. bifidum showed an increased preference towards the produced galactooligosaccharide mixture, displaying higher growth rate and short-chain fatty acid production when compared with commercially available oligosaccharides.
Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that encourage proliferation of selected groups of the colonic microflora, thereby altering the composition toward a more beneficial community. In the present study, the prebiotic potential of a novel galactooligosaccharide (GOS) mixture, produced by the activity of galactosyltransferases from Bifidobacterium bifidum 41171 on lactose, was assessed in vitro and in a parallel continuous randomized pig trial. In situ fluorescent hybridization with 16S rRNA-targeted probes was used to investigate changes in total bacteria, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, bacteroides, and Clostridium histolyticum group in response to supplementing the novel GOS mixture. In a 3-stage continuous culture system, the bifidobacterial numbers for the first 2 vessels, which represented the proximal and traverse colon, increased (P < 0.05) after the addition of the oligosaccharide mixture. In addition, the oligosaccharide mixture strongly inhibited the attachment of enterohepatic Escherichia coli (P < 0.01) and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (P < 0.01) to HT29 cells. Addition of the novel mixture at 4% (wt:wt) to a commercial diet increased the density of bificlobacteria (P < 0.001) and the acetate concentration (P < 0.001), and decreased the pH (P < 0.001) compared with the control diet and the control diet supplemented with inulin, suggesting a great prebiotic potential for the novel oligosaccharide mixture. J. Nutr. 135: 1726-1731, 2005.
The aim of this study was to analyze individual cows' samples from the colostrum, postcolostrum, and early lactation periods to investigate how milk composition, physical properties, stability, and suitability for processing change throughout this period. Attention was paid to the first week postpartum in which the composition of bovine mammary secretion can change markedly. Properties including pH, titratable acidity, ethanol stability (ES), rennet clotting time, and casein micelle size were analyzed, together with some compositional factors such as fat, total protein, lactose, total and ionic calcium, magnesium, citrate, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Total Ca (36.2 mM) and free ionic Ca (2.58 mM), Mg (5.9 mM), P (32.2 mM), and Na (24.1 mM) appeared to be high on d 5 postpartum, having decreased substantially over the first 5 d; they gradually decreased thereafter. The average pH on d 5 was only 6.49, compared with 6.64 at 1 mo postpartum. Stability measurements showed that the average ES on d 5 was 70% and the rennet clotting time was 12.2 min, which were significantly lower than values at later stages. A number of milk properties including ES, pH, protein content, and Ca2+ concentration could be useful for identifying the point of transition from colostrum to the early lactation period. Knowing the composition and physical properties of colostrum and postcolostrum secretions will help establish when such milk is suitable for processing and determine the best use for that milk.