954 resultados para International Road Congress (6th)


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The implementation of boundary conditions is one of the points where the SPH methodology still has some work to do. The aim of the present work is to provide an in-depth analysis of the most representative mirroring techniques used in SPH to enforce boundary conditions (BC) along solid profiles. We specifically refer to dummy particles, ghost particles, and Takeda et al. [1] boundary integrals. A Pouseuille flow has been used as a example to gradually evaluate the accuracy of the different implementations. Our goal is to test the behavior of the second-order differential operator with the proposed boundary extensions when the smoothing length h and other dicretization parameters as dx/h tend simultaneously to zero. First, using a smoothed continuous approximation of the unidirectional Pouseuille problem, the evolution of the velocity profile has been studied focusing on the values of the velocity and the viscous shear at the boundaries, where the exact solution should be approximated as h decreases. Second, to evaluate the impact of the discretization of the problem, an Eulerian SPH discrete version of the former problem has been implemented and similar results have been monitored. Finally, for the sake of completeness, a 2D Lagrangian SPH implementation of the problem has been also studied to compare the consequences of the particle movement


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The increase of orbital debris and the consequent proliferation of smaller objects through fragmentation are driving the need for mitigation strategies. The issue is how to deorbit the satellite with an efficient system that does not impair drastically the propellant budget of the satellite and, consequently, reduces its operating life. We have been investigating, in the framework of a European-Community-funded project, a passive system that makes use of an electrodynamics tether to deorbit a satellite through Lorentz forces. The deorbiting system will be carried by the satellite itself at launch and deployed from the satellite at the end of its life. From that moment onward the system operates passively without requiring any intervention from the satellite itself. The paper summarizes the results of the analysis carried out to show the deorbiting performance of the system starting from different orbital altitudes and inclinations for a reference satellite mass. Results can be easily scaled to other satellite masses. The results have been obtained by using a high-fidelity computer model that uses the latest environmental routines for magnetic field, ionospheric density, atmospheric density and a gravity field model. The tether dynamics is modelled by considering all the main aspects of a real system as the tether flexibility and its temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. Temperature variations are computed by including all the major external and internal input fluxes and the thermal flux emitted from the tether. The results shows that a relatively compact and light system can carry out the complete deorbit of a relatively large satellite in a time ranging from a month to less than a year starting from high LEO with the best performance occurring at low orbital inclinations.


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CO2 Emission from two old mine drillings (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy) as a possible example of storage and leakage of deep-seated CO2


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Baseline of soil CO2 flux in the Hontomin site (Burgos, Spain)


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Toponomastics is increasingly interested in the subjective role of place names in quotidian life. In the frame of Urban Geography, the interest in this matter is currently growing, as the recently change in modes of habitation has urged our discipline to find new ways of exploring the cities. In this context, the study of how name's significance is connected to a urban society constitutes a very interesting approach. We believe in the importance of place names as tools for decoding urban areas and societies at a local-scale. This consideration has been frequently taken into account in the analysis of exonyms, although in their case they are not exempt of political and practical implications that prevail over the tool function. The study of toponomastic processes helps us understanding how the city works, by analyzing the liaison between urban landscape, imaginaries and toponyms which is reflected in the scarcity of some names, in the biased creation of new toponyms and in the pressure exercised over every place name by tourists, residents and local government for changing, maintaining or eliminating them. Our study-case, Toledo, is one of the oldest cities in Spain, full of myths, stories and histories that can only be understood combined with processes of internal evolution of the city linked to the arrival of new residents and the more and more notorious change of its historical landscape. At a local scale, we are willing to decode the information which is contained in its toponyms about its landscape and its society.


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La movilidad geográfica es, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los aspectos sociales que más se ha potenciado en los últimos años tanto en el ámbito nacional como mundial. Debido a las grandes dificultades orográficas que se dan en la Unión Europea es preciso desarrollar complejos proyectos donde los túneles son un elemento clave. Paradójicamente, los recientes incendios acaecidos en túneles en todo el mundo han generado dudas acerca de la necesidad de incrementar el número y, sobre todo, la longitud de túneles pero han supuesto un aliciente para profundizar en el estudio de los criterios de seguridad adoptados hasta ese momento. En concreto, dentro del conjunto de instalaciones disponibles en los túneles de carretera el sistema de ventilación juega un papel fundamental por su relación con los criterios de seguridad. En este sentido, el mayor conocimiento de los fenómenos que intervienen en los procesos de producción y evolución de los humos permiten definir criterios de dimensionamiento y funcionamiento de la ventilación más sofisticados. Sin embargo para poder asegurar la calidad del conjunto es preciso, por una parte, partir de una correcta definición a nivel de Proyecto de la solución constructiva la defmición de criterios de actuación precisos a adoptar en caso de incendio y por último el establecimiento de procedimientos de supervisión globales. En el artículo propuesto se abordan desde una perspectiva global las distintas etapas de definición y control que deben realizarse para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de la instalación, se profundiza en los modelos numéricos empleados para el dimensionamiento y se recogen aspectos de la experiencia resultante de ensayos in-situ realizados. Como ejemplo se presentan resultados para distintos túneles de carreteras en España.


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Durante las últimas décadas, científicos e ingenieros han desarrollado un gran esfuerzo en la comprensión por los temas relacionados con el impacto entre cuerpos sólidos. La complejidad del desarrollo teórico y el desconocimiento acerca del comportamiento real de los materiales en problemas de carga rápida ha limitado tradicionalmente los problemas de impacto a geometrías muy concretas de los cuerpos incidentes, sin embargo, la evolución de la velocidad en los ordenadores y las mejoras en los métodos y elementos de instrumentación han aumentado el alcance y la fiabilidad de los datos experimentales y consecuentemente han sido un nuevo impulso en el estudio en este campo. El enfoque actual de las normativas basado en el análisis de riesgos permite la posibilidad de abordar la seguridad estructural a través de modelos explícitos, en los que las variables básicas del problema se definen de forma estadística y la seguridad se fija en función de probabilidades de fallo frente a los estados límite. Los métodos de fiabilidad estructural deben ser capaces de analizar toda la información estadística; es habitual el uso del método de Montecarlo, superficie de respuesta, estimaciones puntuales, nivel 11, etc. y en todos ellos es fundamental el conocimiento de un procedimiento determinista que permita evaluar el grado de cumplimiento de los estados límite. En ésta presentación se entra directamente en los modelos deterministas de cálculo, obviando el estudio estadístico más propio de un capítulo destinado a la fiabilidad estructural. Para ello, se han recogido unas ideas acerca de cómo se aborda el problema del impacto de una forma tradicional, se comienza con los choques elásticos e inelásticos de cuerpos rígidos. Los cuerpos rígidos dan paso a cuerpos elásticos donde la colisión genera una onda que recorre el cuerpo a una velocidad finita que se refleja en los contornos generando una vibración y en consecuencia una pérdida de energía en el choque. Posteriormente se abordará el impacto con materiales plásticos donde parte de la energía se transforma en la deformación permanente. Las explosiones pueden ser tratadas de forma análoga al impacto, ya que poseen la misma característica de cargas rápidas y son consideradas solicitaciones accidentales. La diferencia fundamental se centra en que los impactos requieren la existencia de dos cuerpos mientras que las explosiones sólo requieren un receptor y es el medio transmisor, generalmente el aire, quien transmite la solicitación mediante una onda de presión. En este artículo se comentan diferentes aspectos de la naturaleza de la solicitación y de su efecto sobre las estructuras.


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A 3-year Project started on November 1 2010, financed by the European Commision within the FP-7 Space Program, and aimed at developing an efficient de-orbit system that could be carried on board by future spacecraft launched into LEO, will be presented. The operational system will deploy a thin uninsulated tape-tether to collect electrons as a giant Langmuir probe, using no propellant/no power supply, and generating power on board. This project will involve free-fall tests, and laboratory hypervelocity-impact and tether-current tests, and design/Manufacturing of subsystems: interface elements, electric control and driving module, electron-ejecting plasma contactor, tether-deployment mechanism/end-mass, and tape samples. Preliminary results to be presented involve: i) devising criteria for sizing the three disparate tape dimensions, affecting mass, resistance, current-collection, magnetic self-field, and survivability against debris itself; ii) assessing the dynamical relevance of tether parameters in implementing control laws to limit oscillations in /off the orbital plane, where passive stability may be marginal; iii) deriving a law for bare-tape current from numerical simulations and chamber tests, taking into account ambient magnetic field, ion ram motion, and adiabatic electron trapping; iv) determining requirements on a year-dormant hollow cathode under long times/broad emission-range operation, and trading-off against use of electron thermal emission; v) determining requirements on magnetic components and power semiconductors for a control module that faces high voltage/power operation under mass/volume limitations; vi) assessing strategies to passively deploy a wide conductive tape that needs no retrieval, while avoiding jamming and ending at minimum libration; vii) evaluating the tape structure as regards conductive and dielectric materials, both lengthwise and in its cross-section, in particular to prevent arcing in triple-point junctions.


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Application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in agricultural soils increases the risk of N loss to the atmosphere in the form of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO)and the water bodies as nitrate (NO3-). The implementation of agricultural management practices can affect these losses. In Mediterranean irrigation systems, the greatest losses of NO3-through leaching occur within the irrigation and the intercropperiod. One way to abate these losses during the intercrop period is the use of cover crops that absorb part of the residual N from the root zone (Gabriel and Quemada, 2011). Moreover, during the following crop, these species could be applied as amendments to the soil, providing both C and N to the soil. This effect of cover and catch crops on decreasing the pool of N potentially lost has focused primarily on NO3-leaching. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on N2O emission during the in tercrop period in a maize system and its subsequent incorporation into the soil in the following maize crop.


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Nowadays one of the issues hindering the potential of federating cloud-based infrastructures to reach much larger scales is their standard management and monitoring. In particular, this is true in cases where these federated infrastructures provide emerging Future Internet and Smart Cities-oriented services, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), that benefit from cloud services. The contribution of this paper is the introduction of a unified monitoring architecture for federated cloud infrastructures accompanied by the adoption of a uniform representation of measurement data. The presented solution is capable of providing multi-domain compatibility, scalability, as well as the ability to analyze large amounts of monitoring data, collected from datacenters and offered through open and standardized APIs. The solution described herein has been deployed and is currently running on a community of 5 infrastructures within the framework of the European Project XIFI, to be extended to 12 more infrastructures.


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The vast extent of pelagic deposits, covering about 70 per cent of the ocean floor, thus about half of the earth, makes them of obvious importance to all Earth Science. All the pelagic (eupelagic) sediments, whether largely of plankton remains or fine inorganic particles, have certain distinctive characteristics to reflect their environment of accumulation. The great segregation of manganese in pelagic sediments presents many problems. It is hypothesized that in the formation of present day nodules a relatively slow accumulation in order to permit deposition of more of the manganese as large nodules, rather than as the disseminated micronodules that are in larger proportion in the Tertiary.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.