974 resultados para Insectos forestales
This dissertation is a broad study of factors affecting perceptions of CSR issues in multiple stakeholder realms, the main purpose being to determine the effects of the values of individuals on their perceptions regarding CSR. It examines perceptions of CSR both at the emic (observing individuals and stakeholders) and etic levels (conducting cross-cultural comparison) through a descriptive-empirical research strategy. The dissertation is based on quantitative interview data among Chinese, Finnish and US stakeholder groups of industry companies (with an emphasis on the forest industries) and consists of four published articles and two submitted manuscripts. Theoretically, this dissertation provides a valuable and unique philosophical and intellectual perspective on the contemporary study of CSR `The Harmony Approach to CSR'. Empirically, this dissertation does values assessment and CSR evaluation of a wide variety of business activities covering CSR reporting, business ethics, and three dimensions of CSR performance. From the multi-stakeholder perspective, this dissertation use survey methods to examine the perceptions and stakeholder salience in the context of CSR by describing, comparing the differences between demographic factors as well as hypothetical drivers behind perceptions. The results of study suggest that the CSR objective of a corporation's top management should be to manage the divergent and conflicting interests of multiple stakeholders, taking others than key stakeholders into account as well. The importance of values as a driver of ethical behaviour and decision-making has been generally recognized. This dissertation provides more empirical proof of this theory by highlighting the effects of values on CSR perceptions. It suggests that since the way to encourage responsible behaviour and develop CSR is to develop individual values and cultivate their virtues, it is time to invoke the critical role of moral (ethics) education. The specific studies of China and comparison between Finland and the US contribute to a common understanding of the emerging CSR issues, problems and opportunities for the future of sustainability. The similarities among these countries can enhance international cooperation, while the differences will open up opportunities and diversified solutions for CSR in local conditions.
Research on carbon uptake in boreal forests has mainly focused on mature trees, even though ground vegetation species are effective assimilators and can substantially contribute to the CO2 uptake of forests. Here, I examine the photosynthesis of the most common species of ground vegetation in a series of differently aged Scots pine stands, and at two clear-cut sites with substantial differences in fertility. In general, the biomass of evergreen species was highest at poor sites and below canopies, whereas grasses and herbs predominated at fertile sites and open areas. Unlike mosses, the measured vascular species showed clear annual cycles in their photosynthetic activity, which increased earlier and decreased later in evergreen vascular species than in deciduous species. However, intraspecific variation and self-shading create differences in the overall level of photosynthesis. Light, temperature history, soil moisture and recent possible frosts could explain the changes in photosynthesis of low shrubs and partially also some changes in deciduous species. Light and the occurrence of rain events explained most of the variation in the photosynthesis of mosses. The photosynthetic production of ground vegetation was first upscaled, using species-specific and mass-based photosynthetic activities and average biomass of the site, and then integrated over the growing season, using changes in environmental factors. Leaf mass-based photosynthesis was highest in deciduous species, resulting in notably higher photosynthetic production at fertile sites than at poor clear-cut sites. The photosynthetic production decreased with stand age, because flora changed towards evergreen species, and light levels diminished below the canopy. In addition, the leaf mass-based photosynthetic activity of some low shrubs declined with the age of the surrounding trees. Different measuring methods led to different momentary rate of photosynthesis. Therefore, the choice of measuring method needs special attention.
The use of buffer areas in forested catchments has been actively researched during the last 15 years; but until now, the research has mainly concentrated on the reduction of sediment and phosphorus loads, instead of nitrogen (N). The aim of this thesis was to examine the use of wetland buffer areas to reduce the nitrogen transport in forested catchments and to investigate the environmental impacts involved in their use. Besides the retention capacity, particular attention was paid to the main factors contributing to the N retention, the potential for increased N2O emissions after large N loading, the effects of peatland restoration for use as buffer areas on CH4 emissions, as well as the vegetation composition dynamics induced by the use of peatlands as buffer areas. To study the capacity of buffer areas to reduce N transport in forested catchments, we first used large artificial loadings of N, and then studied the capacity of buffer areas to reduce ammonium (NH4-N) export originating from ditch network maintenance areas in forested catchments. The potential for increased N2O emissions were studied using the closed chamber technique and a large artificial N loading at five buffer areas. Sampling for CH4 emissions and methane-cycling microbial populations were done on three restored buffer areas and on three buffers constructed on natural peatlands. Vegetation composition dynamics was studied at three buffer areas between 1996 and 2009. Wetland buffer areas were efficient in retaining inorganic N from inflow. The key factors contributing to the retention were the size and the length of the buffer, the hydrological loading and the rate of nutrient loading. Our results show that although the N2O emissions may increase temporarily to very high levels after a large N loading into the buffer area, the buffer areas in forested catchments should be viewed as insignificant sources of N2O. CH4 fluxes were substantially higher from buffers constructed on natural peatlands than from the restored buffer areas, probably because of the slow recovery of methanogens after restoration. The use of peatlands as buffer areas was followed by clear changes in plant species composition and the largest changes occurred in the upstream parts of the buffer areas and the wet lawn-level surfaces, where the contact between the vegetation and the through-flow waters was closer than for the downstream parts and dry hummock sites. The changes in the plant species composition may be an undesired phenomenon especially in the case of the mires representing endangered mire site types, and therefore the construction of new buffer areas should be primarily directed into drained peatland areas.
The present study evaluates the feasibility of undelimbed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) for integrated production of pulp and energy in a kraft pulp mill from the technical, economic and environmental points of view, focusing on the potential of bundle harvesting. The feasibility of tree sections for pulp production was tested by conducting an industrial wood-handling experiment, laboratory cooking and bleaching trials, using conventional small-diameter Scots pine pulpwood as a reference. These trials showed that undelimbed Scots pine sections can be processed in favourable conditions as a blend with conventional small-diameter pulpwood without reducing the pulp quality. However, fibre losses at various phases of the process may increase when using undelimbed material. In the economic evaluation, both pulp production and wood procurement costs were considered, using the relative wood paying capability of a kraft pulp mill as a determinant. The calculations were made for three Scots pine first-thinning stands with the breast-height diameter of the removal (6 12 cm) as the main distinctive factor. The supply chains included in the comparison were based on cut-to-length harvesting, whole-tree harvesting and bundle harvesting (whole-tree bundling). With the current ratio of pulp and energy prices, the wood paying capability declines with an increase in the proportion of the energy fraction of the raw material. The supply system based on the cut-to-length method was the most efficient option, resulting in the highest residual value at stump in most cases. A decline in the pulp price and an increase in the energy price improved the competitiveness of the whole-tree systems. With short truck transportation distances and low pulp prices, however, the harvesting of loose whole trees can result in higher residual value at stump in small-diameter stands. While savings in transportation costs did not compensate for the high cutting and compaction costs by the second prototype of the bundle harvester, an increase in transportation distances improved its competitiveness. Since harvesting undelimbed assortments increases nutrient export from the site, which can affect soil productivity, the whole-tree alternatives included in the present study cannot be recommended on infertile peatlands and mineral soils. The harvesting of loose whole trees or bundled whole trees implies a reduction in protective logging residues and an increase in site traffic or payloads. These factors increase the risk of soil damage, especially on peat soils with poor bearing capacity. Within the wood procurement parameters which were examined, the CO2 emissions of the supply systems varied from 13 27 kg m3. Compaction of whole trees into bundles reduced emissions from transportation by 30 39%, but these reductions were insufficient to compensate for the increased emissions from cutting and compaction.
Human-mediated movement of plants and plant products is now generally accepted to be the primary mode of introduction of plant pathogens. Species of the genus Phytophthora are commonly spread in this way and have caused severe epidemics in silviculture, horticulture as well as natural systems all over the world. The aims of the study were to gather information on the occurrence of Phytophthora spp. in Finnish nurseries, to produce information for risk assessments for these Phytophthora spp. by determining their host ranges and tolerance of cold temperatures, and to establish molecular means for their detection. Phytophthora cactorum was found to persist in natural waterbodies and results suggest that irrigation water might be a source of inoculum in nurseries. In addition to P. cactorum, isolates from ornamental nursery Rhododendron yielded three species new to Finland: P. ramorum, P. plurivora and P. pini. The only species with quarantine status, P. ramorum, was most adapted to growth in cold temperatures and able to persist in the nursery in spite of an annual sanitation protocol. Phytophthora plurivora and the closely related P. pini had more hosts among Nordic tree and plant species than P. ramorum and P. cactorum, and also had higher infectivity rates. All four species survived two weeks in -5 °C , and thus soil survival of these Phytophthoras in Finland is likely under current climatic conditions. The most common tree species in Finnish nurseries, Picea abies, was highly susceptible to P. plurivora and P. pini in pathogenicity trials. In a histological examination of P. plurivora in P. abies shoot tissues, fast necrotrophic growth was observed in nearly all tissues. The production of propagules in P. abies shoot tissue was only weakly indicated. In this study, a PCR DGGE technique was developed for simultaneous detection and identification of Phytophthora spp. It reliably detected Phytophthora in plant tissues and could discriminate most test species as well as indicate instances of multiple-species infections. It proved to be a useful detection and identification tool either applied alone or in concert with traditional isolation culture techniques. All of the introduced species of Phytophthora had properties that promote a high risk of establishment and spread in Finland. It is probable that more pathogens of this genus will be introduced and become established in Finland and other Nordic countries unless efficient phytosanitary control becomes standard practice in the international plant trade.
This dissertation examines the impacts of energy and climate policies on the energy and forest sectors, focusing on the case of Finland. The thesis consists of an introduction article and four separate studies. The dissertation was motivated by the climate concern and the increasing demand of renewable energy. In particular, the renewable energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets of the European Union were driving this work. In Finland, both forest and energy sectors are in key roles in achieving these targets. In fact, the separation between forest and energy sector is diminishing as the energy sector is utilizing increasing amounts of wood in energy production and as the forest sector is becoming more and more important energy producer. The objective of this dissertation is to find out and measure the impacts of climate and energy policies on the forest and energy sectors. In climate policy, the focus is on emissions trading, and in energy policy the dissertation focuses on the promotion of renewable forest-based energy use. The dissertation relies on empirical numerical models that are based on microeconomic theory. Numerical partial equilibrium mixed complementarity problem models were constructed to study the markets under scrutiny. The separate studies focus on co-firing of wood biomass and fossil fuels, liquid biofuel production in the pulp and paper industry, and the impacts of climate policy on the pulp and paper sector. The dissertation shows that the policies promoting wood-based energy may have have unexpected negative impacts. When feed-in tariff is imposed together with emissions trading, in some plants the production of renewable electricity might decrease as the emissions price increases. The dissertation also shows that in liquid biofuel production, investment subsidy may cause high direct policy costs and other negative impacts when compared to other policy instruments. The results of the dissertation also indicate that from the climate mitigation perspective, perfect competition is the favored wood market competition structure, at least if the emissions trading system is not global. In conclusion, this dissertation suggests that when promoting the use of wood biomass in energy production, the favored policy instruments are subsidies that promote directly the renewable energy production (i.e. production subsidy, renewables subsidy or feed-in premium). Also, the policy instrument should be designed to be dependent on the emissions price or on the substitute price. In addition, this dissertation shows that when planning policies to promote wood-based renewable energy, the goals of the policy scheme should be clear before decisions are made on the choice of the policy instruments.
La planificación y manejo integral de fincas es un mod elo con tendencias productivas, en Nicaragua la ausencia de metodologías sencillas, flexibles, con alta factibilidad económica y confiabilidad de los resultados, es un factor determinante de la aceptación e implementación de los planes de manejo a nivel de finca. El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de contribuir información de metodología para inventarios forestales y resultados florísticos en el almacenamiento de carbono, en tres fincas productivas del bosque húmedo tropical del municipio El Castillo, Río San Juan. El estudio se estableció en tres etapas metodológicas: planificación de trabajo, fase de campo y almacenamiento de datos (procesamiento). Para cumplir los objetivos se implementó un inventario forestal por muestreo sistemático con diferentes intensidades de muestreo en cada finca, se establecieron parcelas de 10m x 50m (0.05 ha), para comparar la diversidad entre fincas se utilizó igual tamaño de parcelas (0.3 ha), mediante el índice de Margalef (riqueza) e índice de Shannon-Weiner (equidad), se analizó la estructura horizontal mediante el cálculo de abundancia, área basal y volumen por hectárea, para la estimación de carbono se optó por el método no destructivo utilizando la ecuación general de biomasa (Brown, 1997) y el factor de carbono según IPCC, 2005. Las variables estudiadas son: nombre botánico de la especie arbórea, DAP (1.30m sobre el suelo ) mayor a 10 cm y altura fustal. Se identificaron 31 familias botánicos, 57 géneros y 68 especies, las familias más representativas, según el número de especie son, Moraceae, Rubiaceae, Fabaceae, Sapotaceae, Anonaceae, Burseraceae, Cumbretaceae, Lauraceae, Meliaceae, Vochysiaceae, Mimosaceae, alta presencia de especies indicadoras de bosques alterados o secundarios y bajo número de especies comerciales. No obstante el estudio de muestra alta riqueza en las tres fincas sin diferencias significativas (X²= 0,916; P>0,05) y baja equidad en La Pavona y La Perilla, por el contrario La Primavera presenta mejor representatividad de las especies. El bosque con mayor área basal y volumen (desarrollo estructural), fue La Pavona (26.51 m2ha-1 y 365.39 m3 ha-1), también almacenó mayor carbono por hectárea (195.66Mg C ha-1), básicamente los resultado de carbono son similares entre las tres fincas (La Perilla con 184.38 MgC ha-1 y La Primavera con 192.21 MgC ha-1), también se encontró alta relación entre el estado de desarrollo (clases naturales de edades), abundancia, volumen y el almacenamiento de carbono por la alta cantidad de biomasa.
Este estudio describe la crianza de patos domésticos (Cairina moschata), en la comunidad de Piedra Colorada, municipio de Matagalpa, de Enero a Diciembre 2011. Se seleccionaron 20 familias bajo criterios previos: anuencia, disponibilidad de patos y experiencia en el manejo de los mismos. Para recabar información se utilizaron guías de observación, entrevista. Para el procesamiento e interpretación de la información, se utilizó la estadística descriptiva, haciendo uso de gráficos de barra, tablas de frecuencia y datos porcentuales. Las variables evaluadas: cantidad de palmípedos, importancia de la crianza, manejo, parámetros productivos y reproductivos y enfermedades que los afectan. Entre los resultados están: La población de patos total es de 460; 250 adultos, 149 crías y 61 pato pichón. La importancia de la crianza de patos para la mayoría de las familias, según expresan, las utilizan para consumo de su carne. Las principales características de estas aves son: rusticidad, resistentes a enfermedades, reproducción rápida, rentables, poco andariegos, fácil manejo. De la carne y huevos, el 40% de las familias conocen su valor alimenticio y nutricional. El destino de la reproducción de patos y huevos es para consumo familiar, para venta y remplazo y en para regalar las crías. El manejo proporcionado a los patos es rudimentario y se resume en suministro de alimento y agua. El alimento suministrado, es maíz ó sorgo, además de desperdicios de cocina. No construyen instalaciones ni equipos (solamente bebederos) para las aves. Durante el pastoreo consumen insectos, hierbas, frutas, entre otros. El peso del huevo es de 72 g y ponen un promedio de 64 h/año. La incubación dura 34 días y la realizan durante todo el año. La relación hembra/macho es de 5-7 h/m. La madurez sexual de los patos se da entre los 7 a 9 meses de edad.
El experimento de campo se llevó a cabo en San Ignacio, municipio de la Concepción, departamento de Masaya con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de policultivos (repollo-arroz, repollo-zanahoria, repollo-frijol y repollo-cebolla) sobre la palomilla de la col (Plutella xylostella L.) en el cultivo de repollo (Brassica oleracea L.) híbrido Izalco, además se evaluó un tratamiento en monocultivo de repollo y otro con aplicación de insecticida biológico dipel (Bacillus thuringiensis) para ser usados como testigo absoluto y relativo respectivamente. Las plagas predominantes durante el ensayo fueron Plutella Xylostella, Spodoptera sp., Ascia monuste y Afidos. En la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo (0-32 días después del trasplante, DDT),las población de Plutella xylostella fue baja, pero en la etapa de preformación de cabeza (32-64 DDT) la población se incrementó, los tratamientos que presentaron menores poblaciones fueron repollo-arroz, repollo + dipel seguido de repollo-cebolla. En la etapa de formación de cabeza (64-88 DDT) la incidencia de la plaga fue siempre alta en el monocultivo de repollo y repollo-frijol a excepción de los demás tratamientos, siendo esta la etapa de mayor importancia del cultivo. El uso de cultivos en asocio no ejerció ningún efecto sobre Ascia monuste, Spodoptera sp. y Afidos. En la incidencia de insectos benéficos sólo se encontró & ralas y sus poblaciones se mantuvieron a niveles bajos.
Se realizó este estudio para evaluar el efecto que tiene Carbofuran sobre el complejo de especies de insectos que atacan al maíz antes de la emergencia y durante los primeros 30 DDE. La siembra se realizó el 9 de marzo de 1986 utilizando la variedad NB-6 en la época seca, y el 22 de junio de 1986 utilizando la variedad NB-3 para la época lluviosa. El trabajo se realizó en el Centro Nacional de Investigación de granos básicos San Cristóbal, Departamento de Managua. Se realizaron dos ensayos evaluando la aplicación de Carbofuran al momento de la siembra y un tratamiento sin aplicación de insecticida, con seis repeticiones. En el muestreo de suelo en la época seca se encontraron larvas de Phillophaga sp con un promedio de 0.2 larvas/pts2, Aeolus sp con promedio de 0.3 larvas/pie2. Aeolus sp con promedio de 0.2 larvas/pie2, y Epitregus sp con promedio de 0.08 larvas/pie2. A los 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 y 30 días después de la emergencia se encontraron plantas que presentaban síntomas de marchitamiento en el cogollo y perforaciones en la base del tallo, en estas plantas se encontraron larvas de S. frugiperda y D. linneclete y plantas con perforaciones, sin encontrarse presentes estas larvas, esto ocurrió en la época seca. En la época lluviosa se encontraron en las plantas los mismos síntomas que en época seca, conteniendo larvas de S frugiperda, Aeolus sp y Listronotus sp. Con la aplicación de Carbofuran al momento de la siembra no se observó reducción en el porcentaje de plantas muertas por las especies de insectos reportadas, mientras se observó una diferencia significativa entre ciclo sobre el porciento de plantas muertas, encontrándose que para la época seca hubo un total de 7.41% de plantas muertas y en la época lluviosa se encontró un total de 3.5%.