510 resultados para Immunoassay


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Background: Vitamin D deficiency is common. Recently Roche Diagnostics removed their Elecsys Vitamin D3 (25OH) electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) from use, citing deteriorating traceability to the reference method (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; LCMSMS). We investigated the performance of the Roche assay (2 assay formulations) against an LCMSMS method and the widely used DiaSorin radioimmunoassay (RIA) method.

Methods: Two sets of samples from separate populations were assayed for vitamin D. The first set was assayed using three different methods: RIA (DiaSorin) in 2004, polyclonal ECLIA (Roche) in early 2009 and LCMSMS in early 2010. The second set was assayed using polyclonal and monoclonal ECLIA (Roche) and LCMSMS in mid-2010.

Results: The correlation of the polyclonal ECLIA with the RIA was poor (ECLIA = 0.45 x RIA + 19, r2 = 0.59, n = 773). LCMSMS results correlated with RIA (RIA = 0.86 x LCMSMS + 4, r2 = 0.69, n = 49) better than with polyclonal ECLIA (polyclonal ECLIA = 0.55 x LCMSMS + 6, r2 = 0.62, n = 55) despite a storage interval of 6 years.

In recently collected samples monoclonal and polyclonal immunoassays gave similar results (monoclonal ECLIA = 0.93 polyclonal ECLIA -3, r2 = 0.60, n = 153). The correlation between monoclonal Roche ECLIA and LCMSMS in these samples was very poor (monoclonal ECLIA = 0.31 x LCMSMS + 23, r2 = 0.27).

Conclusions: At the time of its removal from the market, the Roche Elecsys Vitamin D3 (25OH) assay showed unacceptable performance, underestimating vitamin D levels. It seems that this bias preceded the introduction of the monoclonal assay. The worldwide distribution of the assay and the duration of this bias likely led to a significant number of patients starting supplementation unnecessarily.


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Objective  Vitamin D deficiency is recognized as a global public health problem, but the population-based prevalence of deficiency and its determinants in Australian adults is not known. This study evaluated the vitamin D status of Australian adults aged ≥25 years and risk factors associated with vitamin D deficiency in this population.

Design and Patients  We studied a national sample of 11 247 Australian adults enrolled in the 1999/2000 Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study drawn from 42 randomly selected districts throughout Australia.

Measurements  Serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] were measured by immunoassay. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as a concentration <50 nmol/l. Information on demographic and lifestyle factors was derived from interview-administered questionnaires.

Results  The mean serum 25(OH)D concentration was 63 nmol/l (95% CI: 59–67 nmol/l). Only 4% of the population had a level <25 nmol/l, but the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (<50 nmol/l) was 31% (22% men; 39% women); 73% had levels <75 nmol/l. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency increased significantly with age, was greater in women, in those of non-Europid origin, in the obese and those who were physically inactive and with a higher level of education. Deficiency was also more common during winter and in people residing in southern Australia (latitude >35°S); 42% of women and 27% of men were deficient during summer–autumn, which increased to 58% and 35%, respectively, during winter–spring.

Conclusion  Vitamin D deficiency is common in Australia affecting nearly one-third of adults aged ≥25 years. This indicates that strategies are needed at the population level to improve vitamin D status of Australians.


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We investigated the association between undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC) and lower-limb muscle strength in women over the age of 70years. The study also aims to confirm the association between bone turnover markers and heel ultrasound measures. A post-hoc analysis using data collected as part of a randomized placebo-controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation. An immunoassay was used to quantify total OC (tOC), with hydroxyapatite pre-treatment for ucOC. We determined associations of absolute and relative (ucOC/tOC; ucOC%) measures of ucOC with lower-limb muscle strength, heel ultrasound measures of speed of sound (SOS) and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), bone turnover markers (BTMs; P1NP and CTx) and the acute phase protein alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (α-ACT). ucOC%, but not absolute ucOC concentration, was positively associated with hip flexor, hip abductor and quadriceps muscle strength (all p<0.05). ucOC% was negatively associated with α-ACT (β-coefficient=-0.24, p=0.02). tOC was positively associated with both P1NP and CTx (p<0.001). For each per unit increase in tOC (μg/L) there was a corresponding lower BUA, SOS and SI (β-coefficient = -0.28; -0.23 and -0.23, respectively; all p<0.04). In conclusion, ucOC% is positively associated with muscle strength and negatively associated with α-ACT. These data support a role for ucOC in musculoskeletal interactions in humans. Whilst tOC is associated with bone health, ucOC% and ucOC may also be linked to falls and fracture risk by influencing muscle function.


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In recent times the use of protein-specific probes in the field of proteomics has undergone evolutionary changes leading to the discovery of new probing techniques. Protein-specific probes serve two main purposes: epitope mapping and detection assays. One such technique is the use of phage display in the random selection of peptide mimotopes (mimtags) that can tag epitopes of proteins, replacing the use of monoclonal antibodies in detection systems. In this study, phage display technology was used to screen a random peptide library with a biologically active purified human interleukin-4 receptor (IL-4R) and interleukin-13 (IL-13) to identify mimtag candidates that interacted with these proteins. Once identified, the mimtags were commercially synthesised, biotinylated and used for in vitro immunoassays. We have used phage display to identify M13 phage clones that demonstrated specific binding to IL-4R and IL-13 cytokine. A consensus in binding sequences was observed and phage clones characterised had identical peptide sequence motifs. Only one was synthesised for use in further immunoassays, demonstrating significant binding to either IL-4R or IL-13. We have successfully shown the use of phage display to identify and characterise mimtags that specifically bind to their target epitope. Thus, this new method of probing proteins can be used in the future as a novel tool for immunoassay and detection technique, which is cheaper and more rapidly produced and therefore a better alternative to the use of monoclonal antibodies.


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A glico-hemoglobina (HbA1c) é um parâmetro importante no controle glicêmico de pacientes diabéticos. Vários estudos clínicos mostraram claramente que a melhora no controle glicêmico está fortemente associada com a diminuição no desenvolvimento e/ou progressão das complicações microvasculares do diabetes. A medida exata e precisa da HbA1c é uma questão importante para os laboratórios clínicos. Vários fatores afetam os resultados e podem levar a resultados errôneos. Este trabalho analisou o efeito de fatores analíticos, estados patológicos e drogas nos resultados de HbA1c. Em um primeiro estudo, demonstramos que a fração lábil de HbA1c contribui significativamente para o resultado final. Quando está fração é separada inadequadamente, há a necessidade de um pré - tratamento na amostra, para evitarmos valores falsamente elevados. O armazenamento das amostras é um fator pré – analítico importante. Amostras mantidas sob refrigeração são estáveis por 10 dias e o armazenamento a longo prazo deve ser feito a – 80oC. No entanto, amostras congeladas a –20oC apresentam uma diminuição significativa nos valores de HbA1c, já nas primeiras 24h de armazenamento. Em um segundo estudo, relatamos que as hemoglobinas anômalas estão associadas com valores muito baixos de HbA1c. Adicionalmente, também demonstramos que a anemia é uma importante fonte de interferência negativa nos resultados. Sugerimos que, para a correta interpretação dos valores de HbA1c, o estado hematológico do paciente seja sempre considerado. Em um terceiro estudo, analisamos o uso crônico de aspirina, vitamina C e vitamina E nos níveis de HbA1c. Houve inexistência de efeito significativo nos resultados de HbA1c, medidos por 3 métodos rotineiramente utilizados pelos laboratórios clínicos, em indivíduos não - diabéticos. O clínico deve conhecer os fatores que afetam a determinação de HbA1c na população atendida e os resultados discordantes com a história clínica do paciente devem ser sempre investigado.


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A prolactina(PRL) humana circula em múltiplas formas de diferentes tamanhos moleculares, das quais três são detectadas na cromatografia por filtração em gel(CFG): Little ou monomérica(mPRL), Big( bPRL) e Big-Big ou macroprolactina( bbPRL ou macroPRL). Em pessoas normais, a principal forma é a mPRL(85 a 90% do total) com uma pequena proporção de macroPRL. Em algumas pessoas, porém, ocorre uma maior quantidade de macroPRL, um fenômeno denominado Macroprolactinemia, que se sabe estar presente entre 10-25% dos soros hiperprolactinêmicos. É importante a sua identificação para evitar investigação e tratamento desnecessário. O método padrão para sua detecção é a cromatografia por filtração em gel( CFG); porém, a precipitação com polietilenoglicol( PEG) é um método de triagem simples, confiável e de baixo custo. Os testes com PEG originais foram feitos com o ensaio imunofluorimétrico( IFMA) Delfia para PRL. Objetivo: Validar um teste sensível e específico para a triagem de macroPRL baseado no ensaio de PRL quimioluminescente Immulite DPC. Resultados e métodos: Analisamos amostras séricas de 142 pessoas de ambos sexos. Baseado nessas amostras de rotina, dosamos a PRL seguida da precipitação com PEG e cálculo da recuperação de PRL( %R de PRL). Destes soros, 88 foram submetidos a cromatografia com filtração em Gel. Foi definido um ponto-de-corte para a presença de macroPRL, baseado numa curva ROC, ao comparar-se os resultados do teste de precipitação com PEG e os da CFG. O ponto-de-corte foi definido em 60%, com o achado de um teste com sensibilidade de 88,9% e especificidade de 98,6%. Correlacionou-se a dosagem de mPRL com a presença de macroPRL na cromatografia. Conclusão: Validamos um teste de triagem para macroPRL baseado no ensaio quimioluminescente DPC Immulite com sensibilidade de 88,9% e especificidade de 98,6 % para a porcentagem de recuperação PRL de 60%. O achado de uma valor de mPRL menor ou igual a 20 depois da precipitação com PEG vai suportar este diagnóstico. A prevalência( 20,4%) de macroPRL encontrada em nosso estudo, utilizando a metodologia proposta, é semelhante à encontrada na literatura.


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A doença celíaca (DC) é um distúrbio de má absorção intestinal, causada pela ingestão de glúten e tem como único tratamento uma dieta livre de glúten (DLG). Este estudo teve como objectivo determinar a prevalência, a incidência e os melhores marcadores sorológicos de DC na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM), através da análise dos pedidos no serviço de Patologia Clínica do Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, com marcadores de DC durante o período de Janeiro de 2002 a Dezembro de 2010. A determinação dos marcadores sorológicos (anticorpos antitransglutaminase tecidular IgA (AATA) e IgG (AATG), anticorpos anti-gliadina IgA (AAGA) e IgG (AAGG)) foi realizada no analisador automático ImmunoCAP 250, que utiliza a técnica Fluoro-Enzyme ImmunoAssay (FEIA). Dos 1004 pedidos que requereram marcadores sorológicos para a DC, 214 obtiveram um ou mais marcadores positivos, que pertencem a 130 indivíduos distintos. Quarenta e quatro (44) indivíduos realizaram biópsia intestinal e 38 foram positivas com aspectos morfológicos compatíveis com o diagnóstico de doença celíaca. A doença atingiu mais as crianças que os adultos e foi mais frequente no sexo feminino do que no masculino. A prevalência de DC na RAM de acordo com os resultados das biópsias foi de 15,3 casos por 100.000 habitantes e a incidência foi de 1,9/100.000 habitantes, com uma tendência crescente nos últimos anos. O anticorpo anti-transglutaminase tecidular IgA foi o marcador mais sensível (95,5%), correspondendo ao melhor marcador na detecção inicial de DC. Todas as amostras de crianças com idade inferior a 2 anos devem ser adicionalmente testados para anticorpos anti-gliadina, devido à sua maior sensibilidade (92,3%) em relação aos anticorpos anti-transglutaminase tecidular IgA (84,6%). Este trabalho procurou contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do perfil de doença celíaca da população da RAM.


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In captive common marmoset groups, the reproductive inhibition observed in subordinate female seems to be a result of olfactory, visual and behavioral cues from the dominant female. However, few studies have examined the relationship among adult males living in the same social group. These studies have shown that reproductive failure among peer males seems to be based on hormonal and behavioral mechanisms. New insights on sexual strategies in primates have been shown using fecal steroids, but so far no information is available for common marmoset males. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of light-dark cycle, age and reproductive condition on the profile of fecal androgens in males living in the same family group. Feces were collected from six fathers and six sons for androgen determination during the light phase of the 24-h cycle for eight days randomly distributed over a 4-week period. Androgen levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay technique. Adult sons showed higher androgen levels (166.97 ± 22.95 ng/g) than fathers (80.69 ± 44.38 ng/g) and juveniles (49.06 ± 23.15 ng/g; P < 0.05). No diurnal variation (P > 0.05) in fecal androgen profile was observed in adults or juveniles. No indication of androgen-mediated social competition between fathers and adult sons was demonstrable. These results provide basic information on fecal androgen profile useful to investigate the socioendocrinology of free-ranging common marmoset males and verify that, in contrast to daughters, the reproductive suppression of sons is not based on physiological inhibition of their gonads


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The presence of cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs intended for supply to the population can create public health problems for many species could produce potentially toxic compounds and these are not eliminated in the conventional procedures used in water treatment plants. So even in amounts less than the maximum allowable limit imposed by MS, cyanotoxins can be present in drinking water distributed to the population, creating a chronic exposure. There is little information about the long-term effects of oral exposure to cyanotoxins. This work aimed to show the exposure orally (v.o) of animals to a crude extract of cyanobacteria containing cyanotoxins to evaluate the reproductive performance of pregnant rats and their offspring and fertility of male rats. The presence of microcystins (MCs) in samples collected during the flowering processes in freshwater reservoirs in the Rio Grande do Norte, was analyzed by enzyme immunoassay and its variants have been identified and quantified by chromatographic methods. It was observed that by administration v.o. cyanobacterial extract containing MCs (40, 100 or 250 ng of MCs / kg / day) did not cause systemic toxicity in adult rats or effect on reproductive performance of male and female rats treated. It was also not observed any changes in skeletal study in the offspring of pregnant rats treated with the extract above. Because the solutions used contained MCs in a concentration equal to or greater than the tolerable daily intake for MCs, the results suggest, therefore, that the development of this work contributed to better assess public health risk as the oral exposure to cyanotoxins, increasing thus the credibility of the maximum allowable limit (LMP) of MCs in drinking water distributed to the population of several countries that use the LMP established by WHO in its legislation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was validated in detecting glucocorticoids in Pampas deer feces, in order to investigate the influence of several factors on the adrenocortical function. Fecal samples, behavioral data and information concerning male grouping and antlers status were collected at a monthly basis during a 1 year period from free-ranging stags living at Emas National Park, Brazil (18 degrees S/52 degrees W). The results revealed that concentrations of fecal glucocorticoids in winter were significantly higher than those corresponding to spring and summer. In addition, dry season data presented higher levels than during the wet season. Significant difference was found between fecal levels of breeding stags in summer and nonbreeding stags, whereas no difference was observed between breeding stags in winter and nonbreeding stags. on the other hand, males from areas with frequent human disturbance exhibited higher glucocorticoid concentrations and flight distances than individuals from areas of lower human activity. Males with antlers in velvet had elevated levels compared with animals in hard antler or antler casting. Also, we found that glucocorticoid levels were higher in groups with three or more males than in groups with only one male. The flight distances showed positive correlation with fecal glucocorticoid. These data indicate that fecal glucocorticoid provides a useful approach in the evaluation of physiological effects of environment, inter-individuals relationship and human-induced stressors on free-ranging Pampas deer stags. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o teste imunoenzimático competitivo (CEIA) para uso no diagnóstico sorológico da brucelose em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis), comparando seus resultados com aqueles obtidos na reação de fixação de complemento (CFT) e no teste rosa Bengala (RBT). Foram examinados 477 soros por meio do CEIA e do RBT e 465, desses mesmos soros, por meio da CFT. Na CFT e no CEIA, soros com títulos maiores ou iguais a 1/4 foram considerados positivos. Para a determinação da sensibibilidade e da especificidade relativas do CEIA, foram considerados como doentes os animais com resultados positivos no RBT e na CFT e sãos os animais com resultados negativos nesses dois testes. Soros com resultados discordantes nesses duas provas foram eliminados da análise. Os resultados apontaram uma concordância de 97,42% entre o CEIA e a CFT e uma concordância de 95,39% entre o CEIA e o RBT. A sensibilidade relativa do CEIA foi de 100% e a especificidade relativa do teste foi de 98,55%. Esses dados mostram que o desempenho do CEIA diferiu pouco do desempenho dos outros dois testes, sugerindo que o mesmo pode constituir um recurso útil para o diagnóstico sorológico da brucelose em búfalos.


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The purpose of this study was to validate noninvasive endocrine monitoring techniques for Pampas deer and to evaluate seasonal changes in testicular steroidogenic activity and their correlation to reproductive behavior, antler cycle and group size. Thus, fecal samples, behavioral data and observations of antler status were collected at monthly intervals during 1 year from free-ranging Pampas deer stags (three radio-collared individuals and 15 random individuals) living in Emas National Park, Brazil (18 degrees S latitude). Fecal steroids were extracted using 80% methanol and steroid concentrations were quantified by a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Fecal testosterone concentrations peaked in December-January (summer), March (early autumn) and in August-September (winter-spring), with minimal values from April-July. Reproductive behavior had two peaks, the first in December-January, characterized by predominately anogenital sniffing, flehmen, urine sniffing, chasing and mounting behavior, and the second peak in July-September (behavior primarily related to gland marking). There were significant correlations between fecal testosterone and reproductive behavior (r = 0.490), and between fecal testosterone and antler phases (r = 0.239). Antler casting and regrowth occurred under low testosterone concentrations, whereas velvet shedding was associated with high concentrations of testosterone. We inferred that Pampas deer stags exhibited a seasonal cycle that modulated sexual behavior and the antler cycle, and we concluded that fecal steroid analysis was a practical and reliable non-invasive method for the evaluation of the endocrine status of free-ranging Pampas deer. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, pregnancy and the estrous cycle were monitored in captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) by measuring fecal progestagens with a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA), along with behavioral data. Fecal samples were collected twice a week during pregnancy and daily during the estrous cycle and post-partum period. It was possible to distinguish between inter-luteal and luteal phases of the estrous cycle. Behavioral estrus corresponded with low concentrations of fecal progestagens. Samples from two consecutive cycles were available from five hinds, and the mean estrous cycle (n = 10) was 26.9 +/- 1.7 d (mean +/- S.E.M.). However, when two extreme cycles (34 and 37 d) were deleted, the mean estrous cycle was 24.7 +/- 1.2 d. Three animals became pregnant (gestation ranged from 208 to 215 d). After fertile breeding, progestagen concentration in these hinds remained among luteal phase concentrations throughout pregnancy, with the exception of a few peaks. Within 4 d post-partum, two hinds reached interluteal phase values, while one hind maintained luteal concentrations for at least 1 week. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.