937 resultados para IT-Enabled Business Transformation


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Given the downturn in student enrolments in Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) units, and the poor performance of a first-year IS and IT common-core unit in a business school, a new unit was developed. Action and design science research methods were employed. The new unit has a unique focus on two key skills and on modern IT and information literacy. The first skill involves describing information systems, and the second, determining how to create business value with IT in specific business contexts. Modern IT tools like a Web-based productivity suite and professional networking services are introduced, together with advanced search techniques and services and an information quality evaluation framework. The evaluation of the utility and efficacy of the unit is based on the institutional standard student feedback survey and unsolicited feedback. The unit has achieved a significant improvement in evaluation results and feedback from students, as well as converting students who were previously averse to IS and IT to study further in these areas.


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The Australian Government's White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century, released in October 2012, is based on the premise that the transformation of the Asian region into the world's economic powerhouse is not only unstoppable, it is gathering pace. Asia's extraordinary ascent has already changed the Australian economy, society and strategic environment. Within a few years, Asia will be the world's largest producer of goods and services, as well as the largest consumer market and the home of the majority of the world's middle class. The White Paper notes that thriving in the Asian century requires the Australian nation to have a clear plan to seize the economic opportunities and manage the strategic challenges that will arise, by taking a farsighted approach focused on fairness. To do so, Australians must be Asia-literate and Asia-capable, with a thorough understanding of Asian cultures and languages. These capabilities are needed to build stronger connections and partnerships across the region. Australia's commercial success in the region requires that highly innovative, competitive Australian firms and institutions develop collaborative relationships with others m the region. Australian firms need new business models and new mind-sets to operate and connect with Asian markets. Against this backdrop, this chapter discusses several important issues relating to Australian firms developing and managing their business relationships in China, in the context of urban planning, architecture, civil engineering and construction. The chapter examines the Chinese business environment, in terms of guanxi, business opportunities, risks and strategies, in a case study of the successful partnerships established to manage the 'Water Cube' for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.


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An automated laparoscopic instrument capable of non-invasivemeasurement of tip/tissue interaction forces for direct application in robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery systems is introduced in this chapter. It has the capability to measure normal grasping forces as well as lateral interaction forces without any sensor mounted on the tip jaws. Further to non-invasive actuation of the tip, the proposed instrument is also able to change the grasping direction during surgical operation. Modular design of the instrument allows conversion between surgical modalities (e.g., grasping, cutting, and dissecting). The main focus of thispaper is on evaluation of the grasping force capability of the proposed instrument. The mathematical formulation of fenestrated insert is presented and its non-linear behaviour is studied. In order to measure the stiffness of soft tissues, a device was developed that is also described in this chapter. Tissue characterisation experiments were conducted and results are presented and analysed here. The experimental results verify the capability of the proposed instrument in accurately measuring grasping forces and in characterising artificial tissue samples of varying stiffness.


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Researchers and decision makers in healthcare are taking great interest in clinical practices where there is a high potential to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce costs by incorporating a myriad of technology solutions. However, to date very few, if any of these IS/IT (information systems/information technology) solutions have realised the expected improvements to quality care with the expected cost reductions. This makes the need to evaluate the impact of IT on overall performance of clinical practices i.e. business value of IT a key strategic imperative in healthcare. To address this key need, we propose a comprehensive framework that conceptualises business value of IT in healthcare in different layers. To illustrate the proposed framework, a case study is used, which serves to examine the proposed conceptual model. The exemplar case study is an Australian-made nursing documentation system; an enterprise system that caters for multiple clinical users in acute healthcare contexts and hence provides appropriate richness to validate the proposed model.


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Discrimination, in its best form, is a hard concept to fathom as an employee or ordinary citizen. In the workplace, there are times when discrimination is necessary due to extenuating circumstances that revolve around the form or act of discrimination. It could be conveyed to save a life or avoid future conflict. However, it must be clearly stated as a written law that the act is lawful. When unlawful discrimination occurs, it stages an entirely different tone, as it is mainly conducted out of malice, hatred, greed, control, or ignorance. Over the last few decades, discrimination has existed in the workplace, although Federal laws mandate that it does not occur. It does not exist in just one geographical area or is country specific, but covers a wide spectrum, linking countries together from their points of view to creating rifts amongst those who are affected and those who are not, not only from a business perspective, but social humanistic relationships as well. This thesis will use quantitative and qualitative data to support discrimination of sexual harassment, race or color, and gender issues, as well as personal experiences, and how it has and will continue to impact businesses if the acts do not cease, permanently. Leadership, from the Presidents and Heads of Countries, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), managers, lowest-ranking supervisor, and employees should make it their personal goal to ensure these issues do not continue or arise in their perspective areas of responsibilities. When employees understand that they are valued, will be taken seriously when reporting acts of discrimination, and that some form of action will be taken, performance and productivity will escalate, and morale will increase in the workplace, resulting in higher productivity and subsequently higher profit margins for the company.


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Lorentz transformations are key to relativistic particles. In this work, we construct the Lorentz transformations in the coordinates of the light front, and we will derive from them the well-known time dilation and space contraction in these coordinates, with surprising novel factors. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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The growing demands for industrial products are imposing an increasingly intense level of competitiveness on the industrial operations. In the meantime, the convergence of information technology (IT) and automation technology (AT) is showing itself to be a tool of great potential for the modernization and improvement of industrial plants. However, for this technology fully to achieve its potential, several obstacles need to be overcome, including the demonstration of the reasoning behind estimations of benefits, investments and risks used to plan the implementation of corporative technology solutions. This article focuses on the evolutionary development of planning and adopting processes of IT & AT convergence. It proposes the incorporation of IT & AT convergence practices into Lean Thinking/Six Sigma, via the method used for planning the convergence of technological activities, known as the Smarter Operation Transformation (SOT) methodology. This article illustrates the SOT methodology through its application in a Brazilian company in the sector of consumer goods. In this application, it is shown that with IT & AT convergence is possible with low investment, in order to reduce the risk of not achieving the goals of key indicators.


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A cloned nontumorigenic prostatic epithelial cell line, NbE-1.4, isolated from Noble (nbl/crx) rat ventral prostate, was used to examine the potential role of activated myc and neu oncogenes in prostate carcinogenesis. Transfection of SV40 promoter/enhancer driven constructs containing either v-myc, truncated c-myc, or neu-T (activated neu) oncogenes was accomplished using calcium phosphate-mediated DNA transfer. Cells were cotransfected, as necessary, with pSV2neo, allowing for selection of positive clones using the antibiotic geneticin (G418). G418 resistant colonies were pooled in some cases or limiting dilution exclusion cloned in others as described. Transfection of NbE-1.4 cells with activated myc oncogenes resulted only in the partial transformation. These cells display an altered morphology and decreased dependence on serum factors in vitro; however, saturation density, soft agar colony formation and growth assay in male athymic nude mice were all negative. Transfection and overexpression of NbE-1.4 cells with an activated neu oncogene alone resulted in tumorigenic conversion. Cell transformation was evident following an examination of the altered cellular morphology, an increased soft agar colony formation, and an acquisition of a tumorigenic potential when injected s.c. into male athymic nude mice. neu-transformed NbE-1.4 cells displayed elevated activity of the neu receptor tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, qualitative changes in tyrosine phosphorylated proteins were found in neu transformed cell clones. These changes were associated with elevated expression of mRNAs for laminin $\beta$1, $\beta$2, and procollagen type IV. The expression of fibronectin and E-cadherin, which are often lost during tumorigenesis, did not correlate with the tumorigenic phenotype. Therefore, it appears that neu oncogene overexpression has been found to be associated with the transformation of rat prostatic epithelial cells, presumably through alterations in gene expression that regulate extracellular matrix. The possible interrelationship and functional significance between neu oncogene expression and the elevated extracellular matrix gene expression is discussed. ^


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Clustering small manufacturers are believed to attain various types of collective efficiency. A woodworking and furniture SME district in Uganda has created a learning environment for artisans to start up their own workshops. In the district workers can access various managerial information including business skills and input materials easily than outside. Hence it attracted new entrants to follow and district growth continued. On contrary large firms are locating separately and dispersedly from SME district and have a negative image to SME. This dichotomy has been created partly through spatial division of two sectors and partly through policy favouritism toward large firms.


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When a firm decides to implement ERP softwares, the resulting consequences can pervade all levels, includ- ing organization, process, control and available information. Therefore, the first decision to be made is which ERP solution must be adopted from a wide range of offers and vendors. To this end, this paper describes a methodology based on multi-criteria factors that directly affects the process to help managers make this de- cision. This methodology has been applied to a medium-size company in the Spanish metal transformation sector which is interested in updating its IT capabilities in order to obtain greater control of and better infor- mation about business, thus achieving a competitive advantage. The paper proposes a decision matrix which takes into account all critical factors in ERP selection.