985 resultados para ISOLATED RAT ADIPOCYTES
The intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of two probiotics isolated from breast milk, Lactobacillus reuteri and L. fermentum, were evaluated and compared in the trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) model of rat colitis. Colitis was induced in rats by intracolonic administration of 10 mg TNBS dissolved in 50% ethanol (0.25 ml). Either L. reuteri or L. fermentum was daily administered orally (5 x 10(8) colony-forming units suspended in 0.5 ml skimmed milk) to each group of rats (n 10) for 3 weeks, starting 2 weeks before colitis induction. Colonic damage was evaluated histologically and biochemically, and the colonic luminal contents were used for bacterial studies and for SCFA production. Both probiotics showed intestinal anti-inflammatory effects in this model of experimental colitis, as evidenced histologically and by a significant reduction of colonic myeloperoxidase activity (P<0.05). L. fermentum significantly counteracted the colonic glutathione depletion induced by the inflammatory process. In addition, both probiotics lowered colonic TNFalpha levels (P<0.01) and inducible NO synthase expression when compared with non-treated rats; however, the decrease in colonic cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression was only achieved with L.fermentum administration. Finally, the two probiotics induced the growth of Lactobacilli species in comparison with control colitic rats, but the production of SCFA in colonic contents was only increased when L. fermentum was given. In conclusion, L. fermentum can exert beneficial immunomodulatory properties in inflammatory bowel disease, being more effective than L. reuteri, a probiotic with reputed efficacy in promoting beneficial effects on human health.
SUMMARY Regional drug delivery is an approach designed to improve the selectivity of anticancer chemotherapy. The advantage of regional treatments lies in increasing the drug concentration in the affected organ, while the rest of the organism is spared, thus improving efficacy and limiting treatment toxicity. The goal of this thesis was to assess the distribution throughout the body and the disposition (pharmacokinetics) of two anticancer agents, doxorubicin and gemcitabine, administered by two different regional administration modalities: isolated lung perfusion (ILP) for pulmonary metastases from soft tissue sarcomas and abdominal stop-flow hypoxic perfusion for advanced pancreatic cancers, respectively. For this purpose, two high-performance liquid chromatography methods were developed and validated. The first enabled the determination of doxorubicin in four different biological matrices: serum, reconstituted effluent, tissues with low levels of doxorubicin and tissues with high levels of doxorubicin. The second allows the analysis of gemcitabine and its principal metabolite dFdU in plasma. The administration of doxorubicin by ILP was studied in three preclinical studies (one on pigs and two on rats). It was first shown that, regardless of the administration mode, doxorubicin was not homogeneously distributed throughout the lung and that some regions remained out of reach. Secondly, it was demonstrated that doxorubicin did not adequately reach the tumours despite very high levels found in the lung. Finally, an attempt to enhance the doxorubicin tumoural uptake by pharmacologic modulation using two P-glycoprotein inhibitors, cyclosporin and valspodar, was unsuccessful. The last part of this work involves the administration of gemcitabine by abdominal stop-flow as a part of a phase I clinical trial in patients with advanced pancreatic disease or resistant malignant ascites. The study has demonstrated that the regional exposure to gemcitabine was increased while the exposure of the entire organism was similar to standard intravenous administrations. From a toxicological perspective, the procedure was rather well tolerated. However, even if no clinical response is expected from a phase I study, no hints of clinical responses were unfortunately observed. In conclusion, even if loco-regional therapies may afford the pharmacological advantage of increasing anticancer drug levels at the tumour site, further studies of these investigational treatment modalities are warranted to ascertain whether they can provide a significant improvement of the cancer therapy for patients, in terms of treatment tolerability, improved responses and survival rates. RÉSUMÉ L'administration locorégionale d'agents anticancéreux est une approche destinée à augmenter la sélectivité du traitement. L'avantage des traitements régionaux repose sur le fait que la concentration du médicament cytostatique est augmentée dans l'organe où est localisée la tumeur, alors que le reste de l'organisme est épargné, améliorant ainsi en théorie l'efficacité du traitement et en limitant sa toxicité. Le but de ce travail de thèse avait pour objectif de préciser, la pharmacocinétique au sein de l'organisme de deux agents anticancéreux, la doxorubicine et la gemcitabine, administrés par deux types de perfusions loco-régionales: la perfusion isolée du poumon (ILP) pour les métastases pulmonaires de sarcomes des tissus mous, et la perfusion hypoxique (stop-flow) abdominale pour les cancers avancés du pancréas. Dans cette optique, deux méthodes de chromatographie liquide à haute performance ont été développées et validées. La première permet le dosage de la doxorubicine dans quatre milieux biologiques: le sérum, l'effluent reconstitué, ainsi que des tissus contenant des concentrations faibles et élevées en doxorubicine. La seconde méthode permet le dosage dans le plasma de la gemcitabine et de son principal métabolite, le dFdU. L'administration de doxorubicine par ILP a été étudiée dans trois études précliniques (une chez le porc et deux chez le rat). Il a été montré, dans un premier temps, que la doxorubicine n'était pas distribuée de façon homogène au sein du poumon, quel que soit son mode d'administration. Dans un deuxième temps, il a été démontré que le médicament n'atteignait pas les tumeurs de façon adéquate, malgré des concentrations très élevées au sein du tissu pulmonaire. Finalement, une tentative d'augmenter la pénétration tumorale de la doxorubicine par une modulation pharmacologique de la P-glycoprotéine en utilisant la cyclosporine et le valspodar n'a pas abouti. La dernière partie de ce travail concernait l'administration de gemcitabine par stop-flow abdominal dans le cadre d'une étude clinique de phase I menée auprès de patients atteints de cancers avancés du pancréas ou d'ascites malignes réfractaires. Cette étude a démontré que l'exposition régionale à la gemcitabine était augmentée, alors que l'exposition de l'organisme était similaire à une administration de dose standard par voie intraveineuse. D'un point de vue toxicologique la procédure fut relativement bien tolérée. Cependant, même s'il n'est pas attendu de réponses cliniques dans une étude de phase I, aucun signe de réponse au traitement n'a pu être malheureusement observé. En conclusion, même si les thérapies loco-régionales présentent -en théorie- l'avantage pharmacologique d'augmenter les taux du médicaments anticancéreux sur le site de la tumeur, d'autres études précliniques et cliniques sont nécessaires pour démontrer que ces nouvelles modalités de traitement, de nature investigationelle à présent, apportent une réelle amélioration pour la prise en charge des patients cancéreux, en terme de tolérance au traitement et de l'augmentation des taux de réponses et de survie.
Prolonged culturing of many microorganisms leads to the loss of virulence and a reduction of their infective capacity. However, little is known about the changes in the pathogenic strains of Acanthamoeba after long culture periods. Our study evaluated the effect of prolonged culturing on the invasiveness of different isolates of Acanthamoeba in an in vivo rat model. ATCC strains of Acanthamoeba, isolates from the environment and clinical cases were evaluated. The in vivo model was effective in establishing the infection and differentiating the pathogenicity of the isolates and re-isolates. The amoebae cultured in the laboratory for long periods were less virulent than those that were recently isolated, confirming the importance of passing Acanthamoeba strains in animal models.
β-adrenergic receptor activation promotes brown adipose tissue (BAT) β-oxidation and thermogenesis by burning fatty acids during uncoupling respiration. Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) can inhibit feeding and stimulate lipolysis by activating peroxisome proliferator-activating receptor-α (PPARα) in white adipose tissue (WAT). Here we explore whether PPARα activation potentiates the effect of β3-adrenergic stimulation on energy balance mediated by the respective agonists OEA and CL316243. The effect of this pharmacological association on feeding, thermogenesis, β-oxidation, and lipid and cholesterol metabolism in epididymal (e)WAT was monitored. CL316243 (1 mg/kg) and OEA (5 mg/kg) co-administration over 6 days enhanced the reduction of both food intake and body weight gain, increased the energy expenditure and reduced the respiratory quotient (VCO2/VO2). This negative energy balance agreed with decreased fat mass and increased BAT weight and temperature, as well as with lowered plasma levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, nonessential fatty acids (NEFAs), and the adipokines leptin and TNF-α. Regarding eWAT, CL316243 and OEA treatment elevated levels of the thermogenic factors PPARα and UCP1, reduced p38-MAPK phosphorylation, and promoted brown-like features in the white adipocytes: the mitochondrial (Cox4i1, Cox4i2) and BAT (Fgf21, Prdm16) genes were overexpressed in eWAT. The enhancement of the fatty-acid β-oxidation factors Cpt1b and Acox1 in eWAT was accompanied by an upregulation of de novo lipogenesis and reduced expression of the unsaturated-fatty-acid-synthesis enzyme gene, Scd1. We propose that the combination of β-adrenergic and PPARα receptor agonists promotes therapeutic adipocyte remodelling in eWAT, and therefore has a potential clinical utility in the treatment of obesity.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Pro-atherogenic and pro-oxidant, oxidised LDL trigger adverse effects on pancreatic beta cells, possibly contributing to diabetes progression. Because oxidised LDL diminish the expression of genes regulated by the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER), we investigated the involvement of this transcription factor and of oxidative stress in beta cell failure elicited by oxidised LDL. METHODS: Isolated human and rat islets, and insulin-secreting cells were cultured with human native or oxidised LDL or with hydrogen peroxide. The expression of genes was determined by quantitative real-time PCR and western blotting. Insulin secretion was monitored by EIA kit. Cell apoptosis was determined by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: Exposure of beta cell lines and islets to oxidised LDL, but not to native LDL raised the abundance of ICER. Induction of this repressor by the modified LDL compromised the expression of important beta cell genes, including insulin and anti-apoptotic islet brain 1, as well as of genes coding for key components of the secretory machinery. This led to hampering of insulin production and secretion, and of cell survival. Silencing of this transcription factor by RNA interference restored the expression of its target genes and alleviated beta cell dysfunction and death triggered by oxidised LDL. Induction of ICER was stimulated by oxidative stress, whereas antioxidant treatment with N-acetylcysteine or HDL prevented the rise of ICER elicited by oxidised LDL and restored beta cell functions. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Induction of ICER links oxidative stress to beta cell failure caused by oxidised LDL and can be effectively abrogated by antioxidant treatment.
AIM: The antihypertensive effect of renal denervation in hypertensive patients is partially explained by increased tubular natriuresis. To study the possible contribution of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) to this natriuretic effect in rats, we measured kallikrein activity (KA) and bradykinin concentrations (BK) in plasma and tissues. METHODS: To measure KA, we adapted and validated an enzymatic assay that cleaves para-nitroaniline (pNA) from the tripeptide H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA. The coefficients of variation (CV) within- and between-assays were less than 8% for plasma and tissue KA (plasma n=6 and 13; tissue n=4). Linear results for serially diluted samples confirmed the assay specificity. Tissue BK determinations were based on an established assay for plasma BK: tissue was homogenized and kinins extracted in ethanol, and BK was isolated by high-performance (HPLC) liquid chromatography and quantitated by radioimmunassay. Within- and between-assay CV for plasma BK were 18% (n=8 and n=35, respectively) and for BK in various tissues less than 16% (n=5-8). RESULTS: In male Wistar rats (n=3), plasma BK was 8.2±6.6 fmol/mL (mean±SD), and tissue BK (fmol/g) in 14 tested organs varied between brain (14±3) and submaxillary gland (521±315). Six days after left-sided unilateral renal denervation, left renal tissue BK (89±9) was not different from right renal BK (75±23). Similarly, KA was comparable in the two kidneys (left 18.0±1.5, right 15.8±1.4μkat/g). CONCLUSION: Any possible effect of unilateral renal denervation on the kidney's KKS would have to be bilateral.
GLUT2 expression is strongly decreased in glucose-unresponsive pancreatic beta cells of diabetic rodents. This decreased expression is due to circulating factors distinct from insulin or glucose. Here we evaluated the effect of palmitic acid and the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone on GLUT2 expression by in vitro cultured rat pancreatic islets. Palmitic acid induced a 40% decrease in GLUT2 mRNA levels with, however, no consistent effect on protein expression. Dexamethasone, in contrast, had no effect on GLUT2 mRNA, but decreased GLUT2 protein by about 65%. The effect of dexamethasone was more pronounced at high glucose concentrations and was inhibited by the glucocorticoid antagonist RU-486. Biosynthetic labeling experiments revealed that GLUT2 translation rate was only minimally affected by dexamethasone, but that its half-life was decreased by 50%, indicating that glucocorticoids activated a posttranslational degradation mechanism. This degradation mechanism was not affecting all membrane proteins, since the alpha subunit of the Na+/K+-ATPase was unaffected. Glucose-induced insulin secretion was strongly decreased by treatment with palmitic acid and/or dexamethasone. The insulin content was decreased ( approximately 55 percent) in the presence of palmitic acid, but increased ( approximately 180%) in the presence of dexamethasone. We conclude that a combination of elevated fatty acids and glucocorticoids can induce two common features observed in diabetic beta cells, decreased GLUT2 expression, and loss of glucose-induced insulin secretion.
There are only a few studies on the ontogeny and differentiation process of the hypothalamic supraoptic-paraventriculo-neurohypophysial neurosecretory system. In vitro neuron survival improves if cells are of embryonic origin; however, surviving hypothalamic neurons in culture were found to express small and minimal amounts of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT), respectively. The aim of this study was to develop a primary neuronal culture design applicable to the study of magnocellular hypothalamic system functionality. For this purpose, a primary neuronal culture was set up after mechanical dissociation of sterile hypothalamic blocks from 17-day-old Sprague-Dawley rat embryos (E17) of both sexes. Isolated hypothalamic cells were cultured with supplemented (B27)-NeuroBasal medium containing an agent inhibiting non-neuron cell proliferation. The neurosecretory process was characterized by detecting AVP and OT secreted into the medium on different days of culture. Data indicate that spontaneous AVP and OT release occurred in a culture day-dependent fashion, being maximal on day 13 for AVP, and on day 10 for OT. Interestingly, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Angiotensin II (A II) were able to positively modulate neuropeptide output. Furthermore, on day 17 of culture, non-specific (high-KCl) and specific (Angiotensin II) stimuli were able to significantly (P < 0.05) enhance the secretion of both neuropeptides over respective baselines. This study suggests that our experimental design is useful for the study of AVP- and OT-ergic neuron functionality and that BDNF and A II are positive modulators of embryonic hypothalamic cell development.
Different interactions have been described between glucocorticoids and the product of the ob gene leptin. Leptin can inhibit the activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis by stressful stimuli, whereas adrenal glucocorticoids stimulate leptin production by the adipocyte. The present study was designed to investigate the potential direct effects of leptin to modulate glucocorticoid production by the adrenal. Human adrenal glands from kidney transplant donors were dissociated, and isolated primary cells were studied in vitro. These cells were preincubated with recombinant leptin (10(-10)-10(-7) M) for 6 or 24 h, and basal or ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion was subsequently measured. Basal cortisol secretion was unaffected by leptin, but a significant and dose-dependent inhibition of ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion was observed [down by 29 +/- 0.1% of controls with the highest leptin dose, P < 0.01 vs. CT (unrelated positive control)]. This effect of leptin was also observed in rat primary adrenocortical cells, where leptin inhibited stimulated corticosterone secretion in a dose-dependent manner (down by 46 +/- 0.1% of controls with the highest leptin dose, P < 0.001 vs. CT). These effects of leptin in adrenal cells are likely mediated by the long isoform of the leptin receptor (OB-R), because its transcript was found to be expressed in the adrenal tissue and leptin had no inhibitory effect in adrenal glands obtained from db/db mice. Therefore, leptin inhibits directly stimulated cortisol secretion from human and rat adrenal glands, and this may represent an important mechanism to modulate glucocorticoid levels in various metabolic states.
Expression cloning of a rat hepatic reduced glutathione transporter with canalicular characteristics
Using the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we have previously identified an approximately 4-kb fraction of mRNA from rat liver that expresses sulfobromophthalein-glutathione (BSP-GSH)-insensitive reduced glutathione (GSH) transport (Fernandez-Checa, J., J. R. Yi, C. Garcia-Ruiz, Z. Knezic, S. Tahara, and N. Kaplowitz. 1993. J. Biol. Chem. 268:2324-2328). Starting with a cDNA library constructed from this fraction, we have now isolated a single clone that expresses GSH transporter activity. The cDNA for the rat canalicular GSH transporter (RcGshT) is 4.05 kb with an open reading frame of 2,505 nucleotides encoding for a polypeptide of 835 amino acids (95,785 daltons). No identifiable homologies were found in searching various databases. An approximately 96-kD protein is generated in in vitro translation of cRNA for RcGshT. Northern blot analysis reveals a single 4-kb transcript in liver, kidney, intestine, lung, and brain. The abundance of mRNA for RcGshT in rat liver increased 3, 6, and 12 h after a single dose of phenobarbital. Insensitivity to BSP-GSH and induction by phenobarbital, unique characteristics of canalicular GSH secretion, suggest that RcGshT encodes for the canalicular GSH transporter.
BACKGROUND: Isolated lung perfusion (ILP) with free and a novel liposomal-encapsulated doxorubicin (Liporubicin, CT Sciences SA, Lausanne, Switzerland) was compared with respect to drug uptake and distribution in rat lungs bearing a sarcomatous tumor. METHODS: A single sarcomatous tumor was generated in the left lung of 39 Fischer rats, followed 10 days later by left-sided ILP (n = 36) with free and equimolar-dosed liposomal doxorubicin at doses of 100 microg (n = 9) and 400 microg (n = 9) for each doxorubicin formulation. In each perfused lung, the drug concentration and distribution were assessed in the tumor and in three areas of normal lung parenchyma by high-performance liquid chromatography (n = 6) and fluorescence microscopy (n = 3). Histologic assessment and immunostaining with von Willebrand factor was performed in 3 animals with untreated tumors. RESULTS: The sarcomatous tumors in controls were well vascularized with fine branching capillaries present throughout the tumors. Isolated lung perfusion resulted in a heterogeneous drug distribution within the perfused lung and a consistently lower drug uptake in tumors than in lung parenchyma for both doxorubicin formulations and both drug doses applied. Isolated lung perfusion with free doxorubicin resulted in a significantly higher drug uptake than Liporubicin in both the tumor and lung tissue for both drug doses applied (p < 0.01). However, the tumor/normal tissue drug ratio was lower for free than for liposomal doxorubicin at a drug dose of 100 microg (0.27 +/- 0.1 vs 0.53 +/- 0.5; p = 0.225) and similar for both doxorubicin formulations at a drug dose of 400 microg (0.67 +/- 0.2 vs 0.54 +/- 0.2; p = 0.335). Both doxorubicin formulations resulted in fluorescence signaling emerging from all tissue compartments of normal lung parenchyma but only in weak and sporadic signaling from the tumors confined to the tumor periphery and vessels situated within the tumor for both drug doses assessed. CONCLUSIONS: Isolated lung perfusion with free and liposomal doxorubicin resulted in a heterogeneous drug distribution within the perfused lung and in a lower drug uptake in tumors than in lung tissue for both doxorubicin formulations and drug doses applied.
Expression of isolated beta integrin cytoplasmic domains in cultured endothelial cells was reported to induce cell detachment and death. To test whether cell death was the cause or the consequence of cell detachment, we expressed isolated integrin beta1 cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains (CH1) in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), and monitored detachment, viability, caspase activation and signaling. CH1 expression induced dose-dependent cell detachment. At 24 h over 90% of CH1-expressing HUVEC were detached but largely viable (>85%). No evidence of pro-caspase-8,-3, and PARP cleavage or suppression of phosphorylation of ERK, PKB and Ikappa-B was observed. The caspase inhibitor z-VAD did not prevent cell detachment. At 48 h, however, CH1-expressing cells were over 50% dead. As a comparison trypsin-mediated detachment resulted in a time-dependent cell death, paralleled by caspase-3 activation and suppression of ERK, PKB and Ikappa-B phosphoyrylation at 24 h or later after detachment. HUVEC stimulation with agents that strengthen integrin-mediated adhesion (i.e. PMA, the Src inhibitor PP2 and COMP-Ang1) did not prevent CH1-induced detachment. Expression of CH1 in rat carotid artery endothelial cells in vivo caused endothelial cell detachment and increased nuclear DNA fragmentation among detached cells. A construct lacking the integrin cytoplasmic domain (CH2) had no effect on adhesion and cell viability in vitro and in vivo. These results demonstrate that isolated beta1 cytoplasmic domain expression induces caspase-independent detachment of viable endothelial cells and that death is secondary to detachment (i.e. anoikis). They also reveal an essential role for integrins in the adhesion and survival of quiescent endothelial cells in vivo.
PURPOSE: Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) expand because of aortic wall destruction. Enrichment in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (VSMCs) stabilizes expanding AAAs in rats. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) can differentiate into VSMCs. We have tested the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) stabilizes AAAs in a rat model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Rat Fischer 344 BM-MSCs were isolated by plastic adhesion and seeded endovascularly in experimental AAAs using xenograft obtained from guinea pig. Culture medium without cells was used as control group. The main criteria was the variation of the aortic diameter at one week and four weeks. We evaluated the impact of cells seeding on inflammatory response by immunohistochemistry combined with RT-PCR on MMP9 and TIMP1 at one week. We evaluated the healing process by immunohistochemistry at 4 weeks. RESULTS: The endovascular seeding of BM-MSCs decreased AAA diameter expansion more powerfully than VSMCs or culture medium infusion (6.5% ± 9.7, 25.5% ± 17.2 and 53.4% ± 14.4; p = .007, respectively). This result was sustained at 4 weeks. BM-MSCs decreased expression of MMP-9 and infiltration by macrophages (4.7 ± 2.3 vs. 14.6 ± 6.4 mm(2) respectively; p = .015), increased Tissue Inhibitor Metallo Proteinase-1 (TIMP-1), compared to culture medium infusion. BM-MSCs induced formation of a neo-aortic tissue rich in SM-alpha active positive cells (22.2 ± 2.7 vs. 115.6 ± 30.4 cells/surface units, p = .007) surrounded by a dense collagen and elastin network covered by luminal endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown in this rat model of AAA that BM-MSCs exert a specialized function in arterial regeneration that transcends that of mature mesenchymal cells. Our observation identifies a population of cells easy to isolate and to expand for therapeutic interventions based on catheter-driven cell therapy.
Streptococcus tigurinus is responsible for systemic infections in humans including infective endocarditis. We investigated whether the invasive trait of S. tigurinus in humans correlated with an increased ability to induce IE in rats. Rats with catheter-induced aortic vegetations were inoculated with 10⁴ CFU/ml of either of four S. tigurinus strains AZ_3a(T), AZ_4a, AZ_8 and AZ_14, isolated from patients with infective endocarditis or with the well known IE pathogen Streptococcus gordonii (Challis). Aortic infection was assessed after 24 h. S. tigurinus AZ_3a(T), AZ_4a and AZ_14 produced endocarditis in ≥80% of rats whereas S. gordonii produced endocarditis in only 33% of animals (P<0.05). S. tigurinus AZ_8 caused vegetation infection in 56% of the animals. The capacity of S. tigurinus to induce aortic infection was not related to their ability to bind extracellular matrix proteins (fibrinogen, fibronectin or collagen) or to trigger platelet aggregation. However, all S. tigurinus isolates showed an enhanced resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages and two of them had an increased ability to enter endothelial cells, key attributes of invasive streptococcal species.
BACKGROUND/AIM: We have reported that neonatal treatment with monosodium L-glutamate (MSG), which causes damage to the arcuate nucleus, leads to severe hyperleptinemia and reduced adrenal leptin receptor (ob-Rb) expression in adulthood. As a result, rats given MSG neonatally display corticoadrenal leptin-resistance, a defect that is overridden by normalization of corticoadrenal hyperfunction. The aim of the present study was to determine whether negative energy conditions could correct corticoadrenal cell dysfunction in rats given MSG neonatally. METHODS: Normal (CTR) and MSG-treated female rats were subjected to food removal for 1-5 days, or prolonged (24-61 days) food restriction (FR). Plasma levels of several biomarkers and in vitro corticoadrenal function were evaluated following starvation or FR. RESULTS: Fasting for 1-5 days reduced plasma leptin levels in CTR and MSG rats, compared to levels in the respective groups fed ad libitum(p < 0.05), but adrenal leptin-resistance was unchanged. With prolonged FR, isolated adrenal cells from MSG rats became sensitive to leptin, which lowered ACTH-induced glucocorticoid release. This restoration of leptin response was associated with normalization of adrenal ob-Rb gene expression. CONCLUSION: Dietary restriction in some leptin-resistant obese phenotypes may normalize adrenocortical function.