995 resultados para ISO 16602


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L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di fornire una metodologia operativa, esposta sotto forma di modello organizzativo strutturato per casi, che le aziende possono utilizzare per definire le azioni immediate di risposta da intraprendere al verificarsi di un evento informatico di sicurezza, che potrebbe trasformarsi, come vedremo, in incidente informatico di sicurezza. La strutturazione di questo modello si basa principalmente su due standard prodotti dall'ISO/IEC ed appartenenti alla famiglia 27000, che delinea il sistema di gestione della sicurezza delle informazioni in azienda e che ha come scopo principale la protezione di riservatezza, integrità e disponibilità dei dati in azienda. Il contenuto di tali standard non può però prescindere dagli ordinamenti giuridici di ogni paese in cui vengono applicati, motivo per cui all'interno del lavoro sono stati integrati i riferimenti alle normative di rilevante interesse, soprattutto quelle collegate alla privacy e ai casi presi in esame all'interno del modello sviluppato. In prima battuta vengono quindi introdotti gli standard di riferimento, illustrati all'interno del Capitolo 1, proseguendo poi con la descrizione di concetti fondamentali per la strutturazione del modello organizzativo, come sicurezza informatica, incident response e informatica forense, che vengono esposti nel Capitolo 2. Nel Capitolo 3 vengono invece descritti gli aspetti normativi in merito alla privacy dei dati aziendali, dettagliando anche le motivazioni che portano alla creazione del modello organizzativo obiettivo di questo lavoro. Nel Capitolo 4 viene illustrato il modello organizzativo proposto, che presenta una struttra per casi e contiene una analisi dei casi più rilevanti dal punto di vista del business aziendale. Infine, nel Capitolo 5 vengono descritte le caratteristiche e le funzionalità di un software sviluppato sotto forma di Windows Service, nato in seguito a delle considerazioni basate sulle analisi di rischio svolte nel Capitolo 4.


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tesi sperimentale volta presso l'azienda Profilglass s.p.a. specializzata nella produzione di laminati alluminio e trattamento rottame


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Isochrysis galbana is a widely-used strain in aquaculture in spite of its low productivity. To maximize the productivity of processes based on this microalgae strain, a model was developed considering the influence of irradiance, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration on the photosynthesis and respiration rate. Results demonstrate that this strain tolerates temperatures up to 35ºC but it is highly sensitive to irradiances higher than 500 µE·m-2·s-1 and dissolved oxygen concentrations higher than 11 mg·l-1. With the researcher group of the “Universidad de Almeria”, the developed model was validated using data from an industrial-scale outdoor tubular photobioreactor demonstrating that inadequate temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations reduce productivity to half that which is maximal, according to light availability under real outdoor conditions. The developed model is a useful tool for managing working processes, especially in the development of new processes based on this strain and to take decisions regarding optimal control strategies. Also the outdoor production of Isochrysis galbana T-iso in industrial size tubular photobioreactors (3.0 m3) has been studied. Experiments were performed modifying the dilution rate and evaluating the biomass productivity and quality, in addition to the overall performance of the system. Results confirmed that T-iso can be produced outdoor at commercial scale in continuous mode, productivities up to 20 g·m-2·day-1 of biomass rich in proteins (45%) and lipids (25%) being obtained. The utilization of this type of photobioreactors allows controlling the contamination and pH of the cultures, but daily variation of solar radiation imposes the existence of inadequate dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature at which the cells are exposed to inside the reactor. Excessive dissolved oxygen reduced the biomass productivity to 68% of maximal, whereas inadequate temperature reduces to 63% of maximal. Thus, optimally controlling these parameters the biomass productivity can be duplicated. These results confirm the potential to produce this valuable strain at commercial scale in optimally designed/operated tubular photobioreactors as a biotechnological industry.


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The first part of this three-part review on the relevance of laboratory testing of composites and adhesives deals with approval requirements for composite materials. We compare the in vivo and in vitro literature data and discuss the relevance of in vitro analyses. The standardized ISO protocols are presented, with a focus on the evaluation of physical parameters. These tests all have a standardized protocol that describes the entire test set-up. The tests analyse flexural strength, depth of cure, susceptibility to ambient light, color stability, water sorption and solubility, and radiopacity. Some tests have a clinical correlation. A high flexural strength, for instance, decreases the risk of fractures of the marginal ridge in posterior restorations and incisal edge build-ups of restored anterior teeth. Other tests do not have a clinical correlation or the threshold values are too low, which results in an approval of materials that show inferior clinical properties (e.g., radiopacity). It is advantageous to know the test set-ups and the ideal threshold values to correctly interpret the material data. Overall, however, laboratory assessment alone cannot ensure the clinical success of a product.


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To evaluate if depth of cure D(ISO) determined by the ISO 4049 method is accurately reflected with bulk fill materials when compared to depth of cure D(new) determined by Vickers microhardness profiles.


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The growth of ISO 14001 certificates worldwide has led to much research on the role of voluntary standards in improving the environmental impacts of industry. Most of this research, however, has focused on industrialized countries, with very little research examining the effects of ISO 14001 and other voluntary initiatives in the developing world. This is especially unfortunate because it is in these very countries that proponents of ISO 14001 claim the largest benefits of the standard will occur, by helping polluting industries improve performance and by assisting environmental regulators in enforcing laws more effectively. Indian industries have begun adopting ISO 14001 at an accelerating pace, but there is little available information on what this means for the environmental performance of Indian firms. The research described here closes this gap by exploring the reasons for the increasing popularity of ISO 14001 in India, the ways in which firms use the standard and the benefits they obtain from it. Findings suggest that while the processoriented approach of ISO 14001 does offer important benefits, changing market demands towards cheaper certification and away from rigorous EMS implementation have devalued the standard for those interested in using it as an indicator of a firm’s environmental performance.


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Partially functional forms of iso-1-cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were obtained by replacements of the evolutionarily conserved proline 71 with valine, isoleucine and threonine (Ernst et.al.,1985). Pro-71 lies at the juncture of two short helical regions and is believed to be important for proper local polypeptide chain folding within the iso-1-cytochrome c structure.^ To study folding in the absence of intermolecular disulfide dimer formation the free sulfhydryl group of Cys-102 was modified in both wild type and mutant proteins with an alkylating reagent, methyl methanethiosulfonate. Spectral analysis of the wild type and mutant proteins shows that the native-like functional (or partially functional) folded structure of cytochrome c is retained in the chemically modified derivatives. The replacement of Pro-71 with valine, isoleucine or threonine reduces the intensity of the 696 nm absorbance band which is an indicator of the Met-80 ligation to the heme. Thermal stability and guanidine hydrochloride unfolding studies of the mutant proteins shows a destabilization of the protein as a result of mutation. The degree of destabilization depends on the chemical nature of the substituent amino acid in the mutant protiens.^ Kinetics of folding/unfolding reactions of the proteins were monitored by fluorescence changes using stopped flow mixing to obtain guanidine hydrochloride concentration jumps ending below, within, and above the transition zone. The replacement of Pro-71 alters the rate on one of the fastest phases, $\tau\sb3$, while the two other phases, $\tau\sb1$ & $\tau\sb2$, remain the same.^ Slow refolding kinetic studies indicate that replacement of Pro-71 does not completely eliminate the absorbance or fluorescence detected slow phases leading to the conclusion that Pro-71 is not involved in the generation of the slow phases in the folding kinetics of iso-1-cytochrome c.^ The alkaline conformational change involving the disappearance of the 696 nm absorbance band occurs with increasing pH in the alkaline pH region (Davis et al., 1974). The apparent pK of this conformational change in mutant proteins is shifted as much as two pH units compared to wild type. The equilibrium and kinetic data of alkaline transition for the wild type follows a simple mechanism proposed by Davis et al., (1974) for horse heart cytochrome c. A more complex mechanism is proposed for the behavior of the mutant proteins. ^


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We present the synthesis of the two novel nucleosides iso-tc-T and bcen-T, belonging to the bicyclo-/tricyclo-DNA molecular platform. In both modifications the torsion around C6’–C7’ within the carbocyclic ring is planarized by either the presence of a C6’–C7’ double bond or a cyclopropane ring. Structural analysis of these two nucleosides by X-ray analysis reveals a clear preference of torsion angle γ for the gauche orientation with the furanose ring in a near perfect 2’-endo conformation. Both modifications were incorporated into oligodeoxynucleotides and their thermal melting behavior with DNA and RNA as complements was assessed. We found that the iso-tc-T modification was significantly more destabilizing in duplex formation compared to the bcen-T modification. In addition, duplexes with complementary RNA were less stable as compared to duplexes with DNA as complement. A structure/affinity analysis, including the already known bc-T and tc-T modifications, does not lead to a clear correlation of the orientation of torsion angle γ with DNA or RNA affinity. There is, however, some correlation between furanose conformation (N- or S-type) and affinity in the sense that a preference for a 3’-endo like conformation is associated with a preference for RNA as complement. As a general rule it appears that Tm data of single modifications with nucleosides of the bicyclo-/tricyclo-DNA platform within deoxyoligonucleotides are not predictive for the stability of fully modified oligonucleotides.


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We report 2 cases of Iso Kikuchi syndrome: A new born female patient with a 21 days history and a 62 year-old male. We present two cases of this unusual congenital abnormality of the nails at the extremes of life.


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Es común percibir que, en la empresas pequeñas o que recién comienzan, el mecanismo de control asociado es el de observación directa por parte del propietario. En cambio para las empresas de mayor tamaño, existen mecanismos más sofisticados de control que permiten realizar un registro más profundo de las actividades, su desarrollo y por sobre todo su adecuación con los objetivos de la firma. Más allá de ser una pequeña o gran empresa, cada una debería implementar un Sistema de Control de Gestión para facilitar el mejoramiento continuo de cada elemento de la organización. Lecar S.A. es una empresa familiar dedicada a la compra - venta de automotores nuevos y usados en la provincia de Mendoza, que ha sufrido a lo largo de sus años varias modificaciones en su estructura, pero nunca logró establecer un orden formal en sus actividades. Se podría decir, que un problema desde el punto de vista social, es una dificultad o impedimento que se interpone para el desarrollo normal de una situación, y por lo tanto requiere de una solución. Los objetivos de este trabajo se pueden disgregar en uno general que es el de formular y documentar un manual de políticas y procedimientos para las áreas operativas más importantes de Lecar S.A. y otros, un tanto más específicos, como analizar la empresa Lecar S.A. en su estado actual, analizar los beneficios y costos de los manuales de políticas y procedimientos en una empresa familiar, establecer conocimientos generales sobre calidad en la gestión y realizar un acercamiento a los instrumentos de certificación de normas de calidad en la gestión de las empresas.


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El propósito es compartir una experiencia de gestión de la Biblioteca Mayor de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, a través de la implementación de las normas ISO 9001: 2008, adoptando una nueva filosofía comprometida con los principios de la calidad y en la optimización del aprendizaje organizacional, orientado a dar respuestas a las necesidades de los usuarios por medio de servicios basados en innovaciones tecnológicas y bibliotecológicas. Este trabajo se basa en un estudio de caso describiendo los componentes del sistema, enriquecido con aportes de entrevistas personalizadas pertenecientes a distintos sectores involucrados con el proceso de certificación de la Biblioteca. Se analizan los obstáculos encontrados y los logros obtenidos basados en la mejora continua de los servicios. La obtención de una certificación no constituye un fin, sino es el comienzo de un proceso constructivo enmarcado en una cultura de la calidad, con una dinámica nueva de gestión que permite evaluar lo que se hace y como se hace.


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El propósito es compartir una experiencia de gestión de la Biblioteca Mayor de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, a través de la implementación de las normas ISO 9001: 2008, adoptando una nueva filosofía comprometida con los principios de la calidad y en la optimización del aprendizaje organizacional, orientado a dar respuestas a las necesidades de los usuarios por medio de servicios basados en innovaciones tecnológicas y bibliotecológicas. Este trabajo se basa en un estudio de caso describiendo los componentes del sistema, enriquecido con aportes de entrevistas personalizadas pertenecientes a distintos sectores involucrados con el proceso de certificación de la Biblioteca. Se analizan los obstáculos encontrados y los logros obtenidos basados en la mejora continua de los servicios. La obtención de una certificación no constituye un fin, sino es el comienzo de un proceso constructivo enmarcado en una cultura de la calidad, con una dinámica nueva de gestión que permite evaluar lo que se hace y como se hace.


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El propósito es compartir una experiencia de gestión de la Biblioteca Mayor de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, a través de la implementación de las normas ISO 9001: 2008, adoptando una nueva filosofía comprometida con los principios de la calidad y en la optimización del aprendizaje organizacional, orientado a dar respuestas a las necesidades de los usuarios por medio de servicios basados en innovaciones tecnológicas y bibliotecológicas. Este trabajo se basa en un estudio de caso describiendo los componentes del sistema, enriquecido con aportes de entrevistas personalizadas pertenecientes a distintos sectores involucrados con el proceso de certificación de la Biblioteca. Se analizan los obstáculos encontrados y los logros obtenidos basados en la mejora continua de los servicios. La obtención de una certificación no constituye un fin, sino es el comienzo de un proceso constructivo enmarcado en una cultura de la calidad, con una dinámica nueva de gestión que permite evaluar lo que se hace y como se hace.