605 resultados para ISA
O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados à atividade física no lazer. Estudo transversal, de base populacional, utilizando-se os dados do Inquérito de Saúde no Município de São Paulo 2008 (ISA-Capital 2008), com 2.691 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e com 12 anos ou mais. As informações foram coletadas por entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados com base em amostragem probabilística por conglomerados em dois estágios. Para estimar atividade física no lazer foi utilizado o IPAQ, versão longa. Foram usados estatísticas descritivas, testes de associação pelo qui-quadrado, razões de prevalência e intervalos de 95% de confiança. Para análise ajustada foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson. Dos entrevistados, 16,4% referiram praticar atividade física suficiente no lazer. Os achados deste trabalho apontam a importância de incentivar a atividade física no lazer, associada ao sexo masculino, maior renda, idades mais jovens entre 12 e 29 anos, não uso do cigarro e referir não sentir-se cansado(a) frequentemente.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da umidade, temperatura de extrusão e rotação da rosca na produção de produtos extrusados expandidos com a utilização do polvilho doce e da polpa de laranja desidratada como matéria-prima. O processo seguiu delineamento central composto rotacional com três fatores, totalizando 15 tratamentos (oito pontos fatoriais, seis pontos axiais e um ponto central com seis repetições). Os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados quanto ao índice de expansão (IE), ao volume específico (VE), ao índice de solubilidade em água (ISA) e à cor (L*, a* e b*). Os resultados mostraram efeito das condições operacionais do processo sobre as características físicas dos produtos, e produtos claros com maior expansão e menor solubilidade em água foram obtidos nas condições mais elevadas de temperatura (80-90°C), condições intermediárias de umidade (16%) e rotação da rosca (218rpm).
Alterações adquiridas na coloração da pelagem de cães são raras. Schnauzers miniaturas podem apresentar desenvolvimento idiopático de coloração dourada do pelame, primariamente do tronco, chamada de aurotriquia. O presente trabalho relata a ocorrência de aurotriquia em um cão da raça schnauzer, de três anos de idade, sendo esse o primeiro relato de caso de aurotriquia em schnauzer no Brasil. Por se tratar de alteração de rara ocorrência, torna-se necessária maior atenção a características raciais e um melhor exame físico e anamnese, mesmo se tratando de alteração considerada meramente de fenótipo, pois existem as alterações de coloração bem piores, ligadas a doenças de prognóstico.
Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar o crescimento e desempenho de duas linhagens de aves pescoço pelado. Foram utilizadas 400 aves, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, os tratamentos consistiram de um esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (linhagens x sexo), com cinco repetições de 20 aves cada. Foram utilizadas aves Pescoço Pelado das linhagens Sasso e ISA Label. As aves receberam rações formuladas à base de milho e de farelo de soja para atender às exigências nutricionais. Foi determinado o ganho de peso (GP), o consumo de ração (CR) e a conversão alimentar (CA) aos 28, 56 e 84 dias de idade e o rendimento de carcaça e de partes aos 84 dias de idade. Não foi observada interação entre sexo e linhagem (P>0,05) para nenhuma das variáveis de desempenho analisadas. Para CR e GP houve diferenças significativas (P<0,05) entre as linhagens e entre os sexos nos três períodos. As aves da linhagem Sasso apresentaram desempenho superior à ISA Label. em relação aos parâmetros descritos da equação de Gompertz, as aves da linhagem Sasso apresentaram maior peso à maturidade (Pm) e tempo em que a taxa de crescimento é máxima (t*) e menor taxa de maturidade (b), indicando que as aves da linhagem ISA Label foram mais precoces para atingir a idade de máximo crescimento. As fêmeas demonstraram melhor aptidão para rendimento de peito e os machos para o rendimento de coxa e de sobra-coxa.
Blood pressure and vascular reactivity to phenylephrine (hypertensor) and sodium nitroprusside (hypotensor) was determined on male broilers taken from 5 commercial strains (Arbor Acres, Cobb, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA and Ross), with 21-28 days of age. Blood pressure was measured in the femoral artery by introducing a cannula attached to a pressure transdutor and recorded on a polygraph. Hyper or hypopressor substances were injected via jugular vein at 5, 10, 20 and 40-mcg kg(-1) body weight. No differences in the systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and no significant blood pressure responses to phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside were observed among strains. Throughout strain and treatment blood pressures (systolic, diastolic and mean) were high in both experiments. This suggests that these modern male broilers have high arterial pressure possibly due to an indirect selection effect.
Biofilm formation is considered an advantage for Staphylococcus aureus mastitis isolates, facilitating bacterial persistence in the udder. It requires attachment to mammary epithelium, proliferation and accumulation of cells in multilayers and enclosing in a polymeric matrix known as exopolysaccharide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis for formation of biofilms. A total of 94 Staphylococcus aureus strains obtained from milk samples of cows suffering from subclinical mastitis in dairy herds on two properties in the state of São Paulo were evaluated. These strains were characterized by in vitro biofilm formation, and by the presence of icaA and icaD genes which are responsible for intercellular adhesion. The results revealed that 98.9% of the isolates produced biofilm in vitro by adherence in sterile 96-well "U" bottom polystyrene tissue culture plates; 95.7% of the isolates possessed the icaA and icaD genes. These bacterial isolates biofilm producers may impair eradication of chronic mastitis, rendering antibiotherapy less effective. The detection of biofilm forming ability in mastitis isolates may provide useful information for more adequate therapeutic regimen and for preventive actions in the control of those bacterial isolates in bovine herds.
Two trials were carried out to test the susceptibility for metabolic disturbances of different strains of male broilers. In Trial 1, 1,890 male chickens were allotted in a randomized block design with seven treatments (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) and six blocks of 45 chickens. Trial 2 involved 2,184 male chickens of six strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb 500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA Naked Neck, and Ross) allotted in seven complete blocks of 52 birds. The same management system was adopted for all birds, reared up to 42 d in an open house during late winter (Trial 1) or late autumn (Trial 2). The most marked differences observed among the strains tested was the lower BW and higher feed conversion of Naked Neck broilers. Total percentage mortalities were high among the most productive broilers, being more than 50% due to sudden death (SDS) and ascites syndrome (AS). No Naked Neck birds died as a consequence of these disturbances and the total mortalities were significantly lower (P ≤ 0.05) than the other strains. The ratio of right ventricle weight to total ventricle weight of the dead birds was over 0.25, except for Naked Neck birds, which presented a nonhypertrophic ratio. The two trials confirmed the relationship between high productivity and high incidence of SDS and AS and indicated that Naked Neck male broilers are resistant to these metabolic disturbances.
Seven male broiler strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) were compared for their growth rate, feed efficiency, and mortality due to sudden death and ascites. In addition, weekly plasma levels of thyroid hormones [3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4), T3: T4 ratio, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)] were determined. The highly productive, commercial strains were very similar in their endocrine profiles but differed markedly from the Naked Neck chickens. Naked Neck chickens were characterized by higher plasma T3 and lower T4 levels at similar ages as well as when compared on the same body weight basis. The present findings support the hypothesis that the slightly hypothyroid state of high productive broilers renders them more sensitive to metabolic disorders. Naked Neck chickens also had higher plasma GH levels than those of their age-matched commercial broilers. The coefficient of variation for GH was highest for Naked Neck chickens, which is indicative for an amplified GH burst amplitude. It may be stated that changes in plasma thyroid hormone concentration in indirect response to selection for low feed conversion and fast growth may be causatively linked to susceptibility for metabolic disturbances such as sudden death syndrome and ascites.
The work described was part of the programme, Innovative biological indicators to improve the efficiency of water and nitrogen use and the fruit quality in tree crops Project, a partnership between ISA and INRA. Field studies were conducted in Portugal on different irrigated plots of nectarine trees; a fully irrigated (unstressed plot) and a plot that was not irrigated for some days (stressed plot). The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of plant water stress on canopy temperature, to determine the nonwater-stressed baseline and to observe diurnal and seasonal variations of Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI). Canopy temperature, psychrometric and wind speed data were taken each half-hour, between 9:30 and 15:30 h. Results showed that canopy temperature was higher during the daytime, for both unstressed and stressed plots. A linear regression of canopy-air temperature differential and the vapor pressure deficit (non-water-stress baseline) showed a r2= 0.65. During the stress period, the average canopy temperature of the stressed plot was up to 5.4°C higher than the unstressed plot. Diurnal and seasonal average of CWSI values showed differences between unstressed and stressed plots, during the stress period.
This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in the resistence behavior of the compressive strength of high performance self-compacting concrete (HPSCC). The selected aditives are the calcareous filler and basalt filler, for they are industrial residues helping that way the sustainable development. The paste of this concrete type is constituted of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. In this research the relationships water/cement are fixed in 0,40 kg/kg, silica fume/cement of 0,10 kg/kg and the relationships filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement are determined through of Marsh́s cone and mini-slump tests. The granular skeleton is gotten from a composition between quartzous sand and brita of basalt that presents the lesser index of emptinesses. The results show that the HPSCC with the addition of calcareous filler has greater compressive strength than what the HPSCC with addition of basalt filler in the ages of 7, 28 and 63 days. It is explained by the fact that the calcareous filler presents greater index of pozzolanic activity than the basalt filler. Besides that the relation water/fine for the HPSCC with calcareous filler is 0,27 l/kg whereas the HPSCC with basalt filler is of 0,29 l/kg.
The need for the representation of both semantics and common sense and its organization in a lexical database or knowledge base has motivated the development of large projects, such as Wordnets, CYC and Mikrokosmos. Besides the generic bases, another approach is the construction of ontologies for specific domains. Among the advantages of such approach there is the possibility of a greater and more detailed coverage of a specific domain and its terminology. Domain ontologies are important resources in several tasks related to the language processing, especially in those related to information retrieval and extraction in textual bases. Information retrieval or even question and answer systems can benefit from the domain knowledge represented in an ontology. Besides embracing the terminology of the field, the ontology makes the relationships among the terms explicit. Copyright 2007 ACM.
This paper carries out a descriptive study on Portuguese adjectives. Our aim is to describe the semantics of the legal domain adjectives in order to construct an ontology which may improve Information Retrieval Systems. For this, we present an approach based on valency and semantic relations. The ontology proposed here is a first step aiming to build a legal ontology based on top-level concepts. © AEPIA.
Neurosurgeries are frequent in the routine of veterinary hospitals and, therefore, knowledge of the different anesthetic protocols to be used for each patient is necessary to prevent the morbity and mortality in the after and trans-surgical period. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the anesthetic protocols used in patients undergoing neurosurgeries; the results of those protocols; the rate of complications, and if those complications are related to the duration of the anesthesia time. We studied the anesthetical data of 52 dogs and two cats submitted to neurosurgery between January of 2003 and December of 2006, in the Veterinary Hospital of UEL. Findings showed that the main protocols used were propofol for induction and halothane or isofluorane for maintenance of the anesthesia. These protocols induced adequate anesthesia for the surgical procedure and did not occur complications during the anesthetic period in 37/54 (68,5%) of the cases. 7/19 (36.8%) of the complications observed occurred in patients submitted to anesthesia with halothane and 8/32 (25.2%) in patients with isofluorane. The complication most observed in this study was bradicardy, which occurred in 15/54 (27.8%) of the patients. Two deaths occurred in patients submitted to slot cervical. Good knowledge of the neurological disease and of surgical and anesthetic techniques are essential to prevent alterations in the central nervous system caused by the drugs, disease or association of these factors.
Brazil is one of the world's richest countries in forest biodiversity. This has a great importance for humanity for sheltering essential scientific potential for the improvement in the quality of living beings. It also contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the environment. Among Brazil's forest species, jenipapo (Genipa americana L.) is commonly found in riparian vegetation. The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic variability of biochemical traits of seeds, as a support for in situ and ex situ conservation of natural populations of G. americana L. Two populations of the species were studied: one from Ilha Solteira, SP region (ISA) and other from Mogi Guaçu, SP (MOG). In the ISA population, seeds were collected from 30 trees, and in the MOG population, from 22 trees. These seeds were analyzed for chemical composition: content of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and starch. The two populations of G. americana studied had a great genetic variation for these traits. The population ISA had an additive and phenotypic correlation, which was negative and high for starch with lipid; and positive and medium, for lipid with prolamine, as well as for globulin with prolamine. The population MOG presented additive and phenotypic correlations: positive and medium for gluteline with globulin. In these populations, narrow sense heritability estimates of progenies were moderate (0.69 for carbohydrates in the population ISA) to high (0.81 to 0.99 for the other traits in the two populations), indicating that much progress can be expected with selection strategies.
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