661 resultados para Hurricane Wilma
A bacia do Rio Dourados localiza-se na sub-bacia do Rio Ivinhema que, por sua vez, se insere na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paraná. A região é de grande potencial para o desenvolvimento agrícola e, com o crescimento da agricultura irrigada, o conhecimento das características hidrológicas dessa bacia é de grande importância para que o aproveitamento de suas águas possa ser otimizado com menor impacto ambiental. Neste trabalho, procedeu-se à análise do comportamento hidrológico na Bacia do Rio Dourados, tomando-se, para tanto, dados observados na estação Porto Wilma, situada próxima à foz da bacia. Foram obtidas a precipitação média anual, a vazão média anual, a vazão máxima anual, a vazão mínima anual de sete dias de duração, a vazão associada à permanência de 95% e o coeficiente de deságüe. Os resultados encontrados permitiram constatar variações pouco significativas para as vazões média e máxima e a tendência de diminuição com o tempo da vazão mínima com sete dias de duração e do coeficiente de deságüe. Associados às altas significâncias dessas variáveis hidrológicas, os resultados mostram a nítida interferência nas condições de escoamento do Rio Dourados durante os meses com menor incidência de precipitação.
OBJETIVO: analisar a relação do sistema imunológico com a pré-eclâmpsia, comparando-se populações e subpopulações de linfócitos em gestantes saudáveis e com pré-eclâmpsia. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 40 gestantes, sendo 20 saudáveis e 20 com doença hipertensiva específica da gestação. Amostras de sangue periférico foram obtidas de todas as gestantes e realizou-se quantificação de populações e subpopulações de linfócitos (CD4+, CD8+, relação CD4+/CD8+, CD3+ e CD19+). A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: os resultados encontrados foram: contagem de linfócitos menores nas pré-eclâmpticas (grupo de estudo 2295,10±1328,16, grupo controle 3892,80±1430,85, p<0,05), assim como de CD4+ (grupo de estudo 1188,80±625,61, grupo controle 1742,25±628,40, p<0,05), CD8+ (grupo de estudo 774,00±371,31, grupo controle 1175,70±517,72, p<0,05), CD3+ (grupo de estudo 1958,65±983,78, grupo controle 2916,95±1117,88, p<0,05). Os demais testes não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: conclui-se que há diminuição no número de linfócitos, CD4+, CD8+ e CD3+ na pré-eclâmpsia.
10 x 17 cm
OBJETIVO: a ruptura prematura de membranas (RPM) tem sido motivo para muitas indagações, dentre as quais os mecanismos imunes envolvidos. Diante da escassez de estudos relacionados ao tema, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os valores séricos de imunoglobulina A (IgA), imnoglobulina G (IgG), imunoglobulina M (IgM), C3 e C4 em gestantes com RPM. MÉTODOS: neste estudo transversal, foram incluídas 36 mulheres grávidas, com idade gestacional entre 23 e 37 semanas. Deste total, 15 mulheres tiveram diagnóstico laboratorial e clínico de RPM. Foram excluídas as pacientes com início do trabalho de parto, sinais clínicos de infecção ou disfunções clínicas com repercussão sistêmica. Concentrações séricas de IgA, IgM e IgG, C3 e C4 foram avaliadas nas pacientes com (grupo de estudo) e sem RPM (grupo controle). A correlação entre as dosagens, o número de partos e o tempo de ruptura foi determinada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (valor de r). RESULTADOS: os níveis séricos de IgA (média±DP) foram significativamente mais altos nas pacientes do grupo controle do que nas pacientes do grupo de estudo (271,0±107,0 versus 202,9±66,1, respectivamente; p=0,024). Não houve diferença estatística quando os níveis de IgM, IgG, C3 e C4 foram comparados entre os grupos. Não foi notada associação significativa entre o número de partos e as dosagens de IgA, IgM, IgG, C3 e C4 (r entre -0,009 e 0,027; p>0,05). O tempo de ruptura médio das pacientes do grupo de estudo foi de 19,1 horas (uma a 72 horas), sem nenhuma associação com as dosagens séricas avaliadas. CONCLUSÕES: mulheres grávidas com RPM apresentam níveis de IgA significativamente mais baixos do que as pacientes grávidas normais. A variável "número de partos" não atua como um fator de confusão na análise comparativa das dosagens obtidas em pacientes com ou sem RPM, assim como também não houve associação entre o tempo de ruptura e as dosagens séricas de imunoglobulinas e complementos.
PURPOSE: To assess the chemotactic activity and phagocytic response of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes among women in the first five days postpartum.METHODS: A prospective, cross-sectional clinical-laboratory study was conducted. Data of 31 postpartum women during the first five days after vaginal delivery were compared with those of 24 healthy non-pregnant non-postpartum women matched for age. The inclusion criteria were postpartum, clinically and obstetrically healthy women; vaginal delivery, singleton pregnancy carried to term; non-hypertensive, hyperglycemic, allergic, malnourished or with autoimmune or neoplastic diseases; not having received vaccines or blood products in the last three months. The Control Group was chosen according to the same inclusion criteria but involving non-pregnant non-postpartum women. The chemotactic activity of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes was assessed by determining the distance from directed migration to bacterial lipopolysaccharide, in three Boyden chamber assays. The phagocytic response was identified by assessing the Zymosan particles' ingestion in three assays carried out in Leighton tubes. The Student's t-test was used in the statistical analysis, adopting a 5% level of significance.RESULTS: The chemotactic activity of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes from postpartum women in the presence of homologous (73.2±6.9) and autologous (78.6±13.9) sera showed a significant increase compared to the values observed in the Control Group (64.1±4.1 and 66.6±5.4). Both chemotactic response and phagocytosis ingestion phase of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes were significantly increased (p<0.05) in postpartum women compared to healthy non-pregnant and non-postpartum women.CONCLUSION: There was an increase in the chemotactic activity and phagocytic response of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes during the first five days after vaginal delivery in women.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the progression of lesions in different stages of osteoarthritis (OA) experimental by radiography (RX), computed tomography (CT), macroscopic and histopathology, linking these different diagnostic methods, helped to provide information that helps the best time for the therapeutic approach. Four experimental periods were delineated at 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks after induction of OA, known as PI, PII, PIII and PIV, respectively, each with six animals. We evaluated the five compartments of the femorotibial joint: medial femoral condyle (MFC), lateral femoral condyle (LFC), medial tibial plateau (MTP), lateral tibial plateau (LTP) and femoral trochlea (FT). Therefore we established an index by compartment (IC) and by adding such an index was estimated joint femorotibial (IFT). It was observed that the CFM was the compartment with the highest IC also differed significantly (p<0.05) from other compartments. Compartments showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the PI and PII, however contrary fact occurred between the PII and PIII (p<0.05), PIII and PIV (p<0.01) and between PI and PIV (p<0.001). Similarly the IFT, showed a significant difference in the animals of PIV compared to PI (p<0.001), PII (p<0.001) and PIII (p<0.01), and there was no statistical difference (p> 0.05) between the PI and PII. In the variation of the average interval between periods, there was a higher value between the PIII PIV and for the other intervals of time periods (PI, PII, and PIII-PII). However, these intervals showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Through the RX, CT, macroscopic and histopathological findings, we found similar patterns among individuals within the same period demonstrating a gradual progression of the disease. These results show that between 3 and 6 weeks progression of the lesion is slower and probably also can be reversed in comparison to other ranges where proved further progression between 9 and 12 weeks after induction of trauma OA. These results may provide a better therapeutic approach aimed at reversing the lesions in early stages of OA. We conclude that the interconnection of the four diagnostic methods individually classified into scores, which were unified in both indices in the evaluation by the femorotibial joint compartment and may represent a diagnostic condition closer to the true condition of the injury and its progression.
Ihmisen papilloomaviruksia eli HPV-viruksia tunnetaan yli 100. Niistä noin 40 esiintyy genitaalialueella ja voi aiheuttaa infektion. Väestöstä 70 - 80 prosenttia saa elämänsä aikana sukupuolielinten HPV-infektion. Useimmat HPV-infektiot parantuvat itsestään, mutta ne infektiot, jotka eivät parane, voivat hoitamattomana johtaa kohdunkaulan-syövän kehittymiseen 10 - 12 vuoden kuluessa. HPV-infektion aiheuttamien solumuutosten seulonta ja hoito sekä kohdunkaulansyövän hoito ja seuranta aiheuttavat yhteiskunnalle merkittäviä kustannuksia. Rokote HPV-infektiota vastaan on ollut markkinoilla vuodesta 2006 ja vuonna 2013 se otettiin mukaan Suomen kansalliseen rokotusohjelmaan. Rokotus on tarkoitettu 11 - 12 -vuotiaille tytöille ja kahden ensimmäisen rokotusohjelmavuoden aikana rokotus-ohjelmaa täydentävästi 13 - 15 -vuotiaille tytöille. HPV-rokotteen tuloa kansalliseen rokotusohjelmaan saatteli eräänlainen mediakohu. Erityisesti sosiaalisessa mediassa levisi väitteitä, että rokotus ei olisi turvallinen ja että sillä olisi vakavia haittavaikutuksia. Väitteet aiheuttivat epätietoisuutta ja huolta vanhempien keskuudessa. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL arvioi jo aikaisessa vaiheessa, että HPV-rokotuskattavuuksissa tulisi olemaan kaupunkien välisiä eroja. THL halusi selvittää mistä rokotuskattavuuserot kaupunkien välillä johtuvat ja ovatko äitien asenteet erilaisia HPV-rokotuksen taustalla kaupungista riippuen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää mitä äidit tiesivät HPV-infektiosta, mistä tietolähteistä äidit olivat saaneet tietonsa ja mitä tietolähteitä he pitivät luotettavina. Tutkimus toteutettiin valittujen koulujen Wilma-järjestelmän kautta internetkyselynä 6. - 9.-luokkalaisten tyttöjen äideille Espoossa ja Oulussa. Vastauksia saatiin 685. Vastausten perusteella selkeitä asenne- tai tietoeroja kaupunkien välillä oli hyvin vähän. Kuitenkin kun vastaajat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään sen perusteella, miten he suhtautuivat HPV-rokotteeseen, selkeitä asenne-eroja tuli esille. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskityttiin vertailemaan kahta asenneryhmää; HPV-rokotteeseen erityisen myönteisesti suhtautuvia ja HPV-rokotteeseen kriittisesti suhtautuvia. Tulosten perusteella korkeampi koulutus, parempi ammattiasema ja korkea tulotaso lisäsivät vastaajan myönteisyyttä HPV-rokotusta kohtaan. HPV-rokotukseen myönteisesti suhtautuvat luottivat erittäin paljon Suomen ja Euroopan terveys-viranomaisiin ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisiin. HPV-rokotukseen kriittisesti suhtautuvat olivat vähemmän koulutettuja, alemmassa ammattiasemassa ja heidän tulotasonsa oli matalampi. Tässä ryhmässä luottamus viranomaisiin ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisiin oli selkeästi heikompi kuin HPV-rokotukseen myönteisesti suhtautuvassa ryhmässä. Uskonnollisuus näytti tämän tutkimuksen perusteella lisäävän vastaajan kriittistä asennetta HPV-rokotusta kohtaan. Kaikissa vastaajaryhmissä pelko haitta-vaikutuksista oli yleisin HPV-rokotukseen liitetty negatiivinen asia.
O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar o teor de nitrato e nitrito de sódio em amostras de lingüiças frescal de frango e pernil, em quatro lotes distintos de sete produtores. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com tratamentos dispostos no esquema fatorial 7x4. Aos dados obtidos aplicou-se análise de variância, para obter o quadrado médio do resíduo. Para verificar a homogeneidade dos experimentos utilizou-se o teste de Hartley. Prosseguiu-se à análise conjunta para comparar os dois tipos de lingüiça. Aplicou-se o esquema fatorial 7x4x2 e obteve se o F significativo. Aplicou-se o teste de Tukey ao nível de 1% de significância. Os resultados indicam que as amostras de lingüiça frescal de frango apresentaram valores entre 7,6 e 312,5 ppm para a fração de nitrato de sódio e valores entre 1,2 e 221 ppm para a fração de nitrito; para as amostras de lingüiça frescal de pernil, os teores obtidos estiveram entre 8,6 e 363,6 ppm para a fração de nitrato e entre 0,6 a 162,2 ppm para a de nitrito. Entre os lotes de lingüiça de frango, a variação esteve entre 7,6 e 312,5 ppm para a fração de nitrato e entre 1,2 e 221ppm para a de nitrito; as amostras de lingüiça frescal de pernil apresentaram valores de 100 a 104,3 ppm para nitrato e de 0,6 a 162,2 ppm para nitrito. 7,1% das amostras estavam em desacordo com a legislação.
The importance of the study of acetic bacteria, on species of the Gluconobacter genus is based on its industrial application, as these possess the capacity of bioconversion of sorbitol to sorbose, enabling the process of vitamin C production. The study involved samples collected in industries of soft drinks, flowers, fruits and honey, followed by purification, phenotypic identification, molecular identification with the use of primer defined from Nucleotide Sequence Database consultation. Strains preserved were identified as members of the Acetobacteraceae family, Gluconobacter genus. 110 strains had been isolated of substrate: Pyrostegia venusta (ker-gawler), honey, Vitis vinifera (grape), Pyrus communis (pear), Malus sp. (apple) and in two samples of soft drinks. Of this total 57 strains had been recovered in manitol medium (manitol, yeast extract, peptone), 12 in YMG medium (glucose, manitol, yeast extract, ethanol, acetic acid), 41 in enrichment medium (De Ley and Swings) and later in the GYC medium (glucose, yeast extract and calcium carbonate). 68 strains were identified as Gram negative bacilli rods. Of these, 31 were characterized biochemically as belonging to the Acetobacteriaceae family as they were catalase positive, oxidase negative and producers of acid from glucose. The characterization of these strains was complemented with the biochemistry tests: gelatin liquefaction, nitrate reduction, indole and H2S production, oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid and molecular tests for genus identification. Only eight strains were characterized as pertaining to the Gluconobacter genus. The strains are maintained in collection cultures at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Biology Department at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Assis, stored in malt extract at -196 ºC.
Este trabalho objetivou identificar padrões de identidade e qualidade de vinagres e quantificar a presença de compostos fenólicos totais em vinagres produzidos a partir de frutas e vegetais. Analisaram-se, em triplicata, vinagres de cana-de-açúcar, cana-de-açúcar com milho, kiwi, laranja, laranja com mel, maçã, arroz, manga, maracujá, milho, tangerina, tangerina com milho, vinagre de vinho tinto e vinagre de vinho branco. Foram realizadas análises de extrato seco, densidade, acidez volátil, pH, cinzas, grau alcoólico, açúcares redutores e polifenóis totais. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA e as médias destes ao teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Houve correlação estatística entre extrato seco e densidade. Todas as amostras apresentaram valores de 0% de álcool. A presença do mel na formulação do vinagre de laranja com mel (43,27 mg EAG 100.mL-1) contribuiu para o aumento do conteúdo de polifenóis totais em relação ao de laranja (28,83 mg EAG.100 mL-1) em 50%. O fermentado de laranja com mel apresentou teor de polifenóis totais (43,27 mg EAG.100 mL-1) maior que o vinagre de vinho tinto (31,86 mg EAG.100 mL-1), assim como os de laranja e tangerina (34,36 mg EAG.100 mL-1). Conclui-se que houve diferenças entre as amostras para os parâmetros analisados e que os fermentados acéticos de laranja com mel, laranja e tangerina apresentam maior conteúdo de polifenóis totais que o de vinho tinto.
Considering the limited availability of technology for the production of rice vinegar and also due to the potential consumer product market, this study aimed to use alcoholic fermented rice (rice wine (Oryza sativa L.)) for vinegar production. An alcoholic solution with 6.28% (w/v) ethanol was oxidized by a submerged fermentation process to produce vinegar. The process of acetic acid fermentation occurred at 30 ± 0.3°C in a FRINGS® Acetator (Germany) for the production of vinegar and was followed through 10 cycles. The vinegar had a total acidity of 6.85% (w/v), 0.17% alcohol (w/v), 1.26% (w/v) minerals and 1.78% (w/v) dry extract. The composition of organic acids present in rice vinegar was: cis-aconitic acid (6 mg/L), maleic acid (3 mg/L), trans-aconitic acid (3 mg/L), shikimic + succinic acid (4 mg/L), lactic acid (300 mg/L), formic acid (180 mg/L), oxalic acid (3 mg/L), fumaric acid (3 mg/L) and itaconic acid (1 mg/L).
Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate a non-agitated process of bioethanol production from soybean molasses and the kinetic parameters of fermentation using a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC® 2345). Kinetic experiment was conducted in medium with 30% (w v-1) of soluble solids without supplementation or pH adjustment. The maximum ethanol concentration was in 44 hours, the ethanol productivity was 0.946 g L-1 h-1, the yield over total initial sugars (Y1) was 47.87%, over consumed sugars (Y2) was 88.08% and specific cells production rate was 0.006 h-1. The mathematical polynomial was adjusted to the experimental data and provided very similar parameters of yield and productivity. Based in this study, for one ton of soybean molasses can be produced 103 kg of anhydrous bioethanol.
There is much evidence to support an age-related decline in source memory ability. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for this decline are not well understood. The current study was carried out to determine the electrophysiological correlates of source memory discrimination in younger and older adults. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and continuous electrocardiographic (ECG) data were collected from younger (M= 21 years) and older (M= 71 years) adults during a source memory task. Older adults were more likely to make source memory errors for recently repeated, non-target words than were younger adults. Moreover, their ERP records for correct trials showed an increased amplitude in the late positive (LP) component (400-800 msec) for the most recently presented, non-target stimuli relative to the LP noted for target items. Younger adults showed an opposite pattern, with a large LP component for target items, and a much smaller LP component for the recently repeated non-target items. Computation of parasympathetic activity in the vagus nerve was performed on the ECG data (Porges, 1985). The resulting measure, vagal tone, was used as an index of physiological responsivity. The vagal tone index of physiological responsivity was negatively related to the LP amplitude for the most recently repeated, non-target words in both groups, after accounting for age effects. The ERP data support the hypothesis that the tendency to make source memory errors on the part of older adults is related to the ability to selectively control attentional processes during task performance. Furthermore, the relationship between vagal tone and ERP reactivity suggests that there is a physiological basis to the heightened reactivity measured in the LP response to recently repeated non-target items such that, under decreased physiological resources, there is an impairment in the ability to selectively inhibit bottom-up, stimulus based properties in favour of task-related goals in older adults. The inconsistency of these results with other explanatory models of source memory deficits is discussed. It is concluded that the data are consistent with a physiological reactivity model requiring inhibition of reactivity to irrelevant, but perceptually-fluent, stimuli.
Tesis ( Doctor en Filosofía con Especialidad en Trabajo Social y Políticas Comparadas de Bienestar Social ) U.A.N.L.