937 resultados para Human pre-exposure vaccination
Protein functional motions are ultimately connected to water dynamics. The goal of this study is to link the conformational dynamics of albumin to a dynamic transition taking place at ∼ 42°C in water. We report the results of dynamic light scattering measurements of albumin aqueous solution in the temperature interval 20-65°C. The processing of the experimental data produced the temperature dependence of the macromolecular hydrodynamic radius. We demonstrate that the growth of the macromolecular size in this temperature range can be divided into two stages that are connected to the dynamical properties of water. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Mouse models of cystic fibrosis (CF) fail to truly represent the respiratory pathology. We have consequently developed human airways cell culture models to address this. The impact of cigarette smoke within the CF population is well documented, with exposure being known to worsen lung function. As nicotine is often perceived to be a less harmful component of tobacco smoke, this research aimed to identify its effects upon viability and inflammatory responses of CF (IB3-1) and CF phenotype corrected (C38) bronchial epithelial cells. Methods: IB3-1 and C38 cell lines were exposed to increasing concentrations of nicotine (0.55-75μM) for 24 hours. Cell viability was assessed via Cell Titre Blue and the inflammatory response with IL-6 and IL-8 ELISA. Results: CF cells were more sensitive; nicotine significantly (P<0.05) reduced cell viability at all concentrations tested, but failed to have a marked effect on C38 viability. Whilst nicotine induced anti-inflammatory effects in CF cells with a significant reduction in IL-6 and IL-8 release, it had no effect on chemokine release by C38 cells. Conclusion: CF cells may be more vulnerable to inhaled toxicants than non-CF cells. As mice lack a number of human nicotinic receptor subunits and fail to mimic the characteristic pathology of CF, these data emphasise the importance of employing relevant human cell lines to study a human-specific disease.
Persistence of HIV-1 reservoirs within the Central Nervous System (CNS) remains a significant challenge to the efficacy of potent anti-HIV-1 drugs. The primary human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HBMVEC) constitutes the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) which interferes with anti-HIV drug delivery into the CNS. The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters expressed on HBMVEC can efflux HIV-1 protease inhibitors (HPI), enabling the persistence of HIV-1 in CNS. Constitutive low level expression of several ABC-transporters, such as MDR1 (a.k.a. P-gp) and MRPs are documented in HBMVEC. Although it is recognized that inflammatory cytokines and exposure to xenobiotic drug substrates (e.g HPI) can augment the expression of these transporters, it is not known whether concomitant exposure to virus and anti-retroviral drugs can increase drug-efflux functions in HBMVEC. Our in vitro studies showed that exposure of HBMVEC to HIV-1 significantly up-regulates both MDR1 gene expression and protein levels; however, no significant increases in either MRP-1 or MRP-2 were observed. Furthermore, calcein-AM dye-efflux assays using HBMVEC showed that, compared to virus exposure alone, the MDR1 mediated drug-efflux function was significantly induced following concomitant exposure to both HIV-1 and saquinavir (SQV). This increase in MDR1 mediated drug-efflux was further substantiated via increased intracellular retention of radiolabeled [3H-] SQV. The crucial role of MDR1 in 3H-SQV efflux from HBMVEC was further confirmed by using both a MDR1 specific blocker (PSC-833) and MDR1 specific siRNAs. Therefore, MDR1 specific drug-efflux function increases in HBMVEC following co-exposure to HIV-1 and SQV which can reduce the penetration of HPIs into the infected brain reservoirs of HIV-1. A targeted suppression of MDR1 in the BBB may thus provide a novel strategy to suppress residual viral replication in the CNS, by augmenting the therapeutic efficacy of HAART drugs.
Traditional Optics has provided ways to compensate some common visual limitations (up to second order visual impairments) through spectacles or contact lenses. Recent developments in wavefront science make it possible to obtain an accurate model of the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the human eye. Through what is known as the "Wavefront Aberration Function" of the human eye, exact knowledge of the optical aberration of the human eye is possible, allowing a mathematical model of the PSF to be obtained. This model could be used to pre-compensate (inverse-filter) the images displayed on computer screens in order to counter the distortion in the user's eye. This project takes advantage of the fact that the wavefront aberration function, commonly expressed as a Zernike polynomial, can be generated from the ophthalmic prescription used to fit spectacles to a person. This allows the pre-compensation, or onscreen deblurring, to be done for various visual impairments, up to second order (commonly known as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism). The technique proposed towards that goal and results obtained using a lens, for which the PSF is known, that is introduced into the visual path of subjects without visual impairment will be presented. In addition to substituting the effect of spectacles or contact lenses in correcting the loworder visual limitations of the viewer, the significance of this approach is that it has the potential to address higher-order abnormalities in the eye, currently not correctable by simple means.
Acknowledgements This work was funded by a PhD studentship to EM from the Natural Environment Research Council (2210 GG005 RGA1521) and an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AH/K006029/1) grant to RK, KB and Charlotta Hillerdal (Aberdeen). Material was excavated from Nunalleq by staff and students from the University of Aberdeen, volunteer excavators and residents of Quinhagak. Logistical and planning support for the excavation was provided by Qanirtuuq Incorporated, Quinhagak, and the residents of Quinhagak.
Background and aims Atherosclerosis is known to be an inflammatory disease and there is increasing evidence that chylomicron remnants (CMR), the lipoproteins which carry dietary fats in the blood, cause macrophage foam cell formation and inflammation. In early atherosclerosis the frequency of activated monocytes in the peripheral circulation is increased, and clearance of CMR from blood may be delayed, however, whether CMR contribute directly to monocyte activation and subsequent egress into the arterial wall has not been established. Here, the contribution of CMR to activation of monocyte pro-inflammatory pathways was assessed using an in vitro model. Methods and results Primary human monocytes and CMR-like particles (CRLP) were used to measure several endpoints of monocyte activation. Treatment with CRLP caused rapid and prolonged generation of reactive oxygen species by monocytes. The pro-inflammatory chemokines MCP-1 and IL-8 were secreted in nanogram quantities by the cells in the absence of CRLP. IL-8 secretion was transiently increased after CRLP treatment, and CRLP maintained secretion in the presence of pharmacological inhibitors of IL-8 production. In contrast, exposure to CRLP significantly reduced MCP-1 secretion. Chemotaxis towards MCP-1 was increased in monocytes pre-exposed to CRLP and was reversed by addition of exogenous MCP-1. Conclusion Our findings indicate that CRLP activate human monocytes and augment their migration in vitro by reducing cellular MCP-1 expression. Our data support the current hypothesis that CMR contribute to the inflammatory milieu of the arterial wall in early atherosclerosis, and suggest that this may reflect direct interaction with circulating blood monocytes.
To determine HPV and HPV vaccine awareness, knowledge and acceptance in male adolescents worldwide.
A mixed methods systematic review was conducted. In accordance with PRISMA guidelines, relevant literature was identified through an electronic database search using specified keywords from inception to September 2015. Non-interventional studies presented in English that assessed HPV knowledge and provided data on male adolescents were included. If available, data on HPV and HPV vaccine perceptions, attitudes and/or HPV vaccine acceptance were also extracted. All studies were critically appraised to provide an indication of methodological quality. Results were compiled using a convergent synthesis.
22 papers were included. The majority of studies were cross-sectional and conducted in the US and Europe. Across continents, regardless of a country’s HPV vaccination programme status, boys’ knowledge of HPV and/or HPV vaccination was generally low to moderate and significantly lower than female knowledge or awareness. There was a disagreement in the association of knowledge and vaccine acceptance, with higher knowledge not always being predictive of acceptance.
Comparison and synthesis of research concerning HPV knowledge and attitudes was made difficult due to the lack of universal definition of vaccine acceptance, and no universally accepted tool for its measurement or for the measurement of HPV knowledge. It is imperative that future research utilises consistent measures of HPV knowledge and attitudes to facilitate interpretation and comparison across studies internationally. Prospective longitudinal studies would be more informative providing data on factors that influenced the move from vaccine intention to uptake.
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are exogenous agents that have the ability to interfere with/or mimic estrogenic hormones and, therefore can simultaneously and differentially trigger specific signaling pathways responsible for the nature and magnitude of biological responses in diverse cell types. Human exposure to EDCs, particularly at low-doses, is ubiquitous, persistent and occurs in complex mixtures. These compounds can bioaccumulate in lipid compartments of tissues forming a mixed “body burden” of contaminants of different origins. Although the independent action of chemicals has been considered the main principle in EDCs mixture toxicity, several effects cannot be predicted when analyzing single compounds individually. Based in a revision of the literature, focused in studies that evaluated EDCs mixtures, we hypothesize the scenario of a pregnant woman environmentally exposed to three different EDCs as a potential real scenario of human exposure supported by data describing where exposure to these compounds occur.
Antineoplastic drugs are a heterogeneous group of chemicals used in the treatment of cancer, and have been proved by IARC to be mutagens, carcinogens and teratogens agents. In general, chemicals that interact directly with DNA by biding covalently or by intercalating, or indirectly by interfering with DNA synthesis, were among the first chemotherapeutics developed. Also, these drugs can induce reactive oxygen species that can lead to DNA damage and, consequently, mutations. These drugs are often used in combination to achieve synergistic effects on tumour cells resulting from their differing modes of action. However, most if not all of these chemical agents are generally nonselective and, along with tumour cells, normal cells may undergo cytotoxic/genotoxic damage. The in vivo exposure to antineoplastic drugs has been shown to induce different types of lesions in DNA, depending on the particular stage of cell cycle at the time of treatment. Besides the patients that use these drugs as a treatment, workers that handle and/or administer these drugs can be exposed to these substances; namely pharmacy, and nursing personnel in hospital context.
There is increasing evidence of a causal link between airborne particles and ill health and this study examined the exposure to both airborne particles and the gas phase contaminants of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in a bar. The work reported here utilized concurrent and continuous monitoring using real-time optical scattering personal samplers to record particulate (PM10) concentrations at two internal locations. Very high episodes were observed in seating areas compared with the bar area. A photo-acoustic multi-gas analyser was used to record the gas phases (CO and CO2) at eight different locations throughout the bar and showed little spatial variation. This gave a clear indication of the problems associated with achieving acceptable Indoor Air Quality in a public space and identified a fundamental problem with the simplistic design approach taken to ventilate the space. Both gaseous and particulate concentrations within the bar were below maximum recommended levels although the time-series analysis illustrated the highly episodic nature of this exposure.
Stem cell therapy for ischaemic stroke is an emerging field in light of an increasing number of patients surviving with permanent disability. Several allogenic and autologous cells types are now in clinical trials with preliminary evidence of safety. Some clinical studies have reported functional improvements in some patients. After initial safety evaluation in a Phase 1 study, the conditionally immortalised human neural stem cell line CTX0E03 is currently in a Phase 2 clinical trial (PISCES-II). Previous pre-clinical studies conducted by ReNeuron Ltd, showed evidence of functional recovery in the Bilateral Asymmetry test up to 6 weeks following transplantation into rodent brain, 4 weeks after middle cerebral artery occlusion. Resting-state fMRI is increasingly used to investigate brain function in health and disease, and may also act as a predictor of recovery due to known network changes in the post-stroke recovery period. Resting-state methods have also been applied to non-human primates and rodents which have been found to have analogous resting-state networks to humans. The sensorimotor resting-state network of rodents is impaired following experimental focal ischaemia of the middle cerebral artery territory. However, the effects of stem cell implantation on brain functional networks has not previously been investigated. Prior studies assessed sensorimotor function following sub-cortical implantation of CTX0E03 cells in the rodent post-stroke brain but with no MRI assessments of functional improvements. This thesis presents research on the effect of sub-cortical implantation of CTX0E03 cells on the resting- state sensorimotor network and sensorimotor deficits in the rat following experimental stroke, using protocols based on previous work with this cell line. The work in this thesis identified functional tests of appropriate sensitivity for long-term dysfunction suitable for this laboratory, and investigated non-invasive monitoring of physiological variables required to optimize BOLD signal stability within a high-field MRI scanner. Following experimental stroke, rats demonstrated expected sensorimotor dysfunction and changes in the resting-state sensorimotor network. CTX0E03 cells did not improve post-stroke functional outcome (compared to previous studies) and with no changes in resting-state sensorimotor network activity. However, in control animals, we observed changes in functional networks due to the stereotaxic procedure. This illustrates the sensitivity of resting-state fMRI to stereotaxic procedures. We hypothesise that the damage caused by cell or vehicle implantation may have prevented functional and network recovery which has not been previously identified due to the application of different functional tests. The findings in this thesis represent one of few pre-clinical studies in resting-state fMRI network changes post-stroke and the only to date applying this technique to evaluate functional outcomes following a clinically applicable human neural stem cell treatment for ischaemic stroke. It was found that injury caused by stereotaxic injection should be taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of treatment.
The activity of Fuego volcano during the 1999 - 2013 eruptive episode is studied through field, remote sensing and observatory records. Mapping of the deposits allows quantifying the erupted volumes and areas affected by the largest eruptions during this period. A wide range of volcanic processes results in a diversity of products and associated deposits, including minor airfall tephra, rockfall avalanches, lava flows, and pyroclastic flows. The activity can be characterized by long term, low level background activity, and sporadic larger explosive eruptions. Although the background activity erupts lava and ash at a low rate (~ 0.1 m3/s), the persistence of such activity over time results in a significant contribution (~ 30%) to the eruption budget during the studied period. Larger eruptions produced the majority of the volume of products during the studied period, mainly during three large events (May 21, 1999, June 29, 2003, and September 13, 2012), mostly in the form of pyroclastic flows. A total volume of ~ 1.4 x 108 m3 was estimated from the mapped deposits and the estimated background eruption rate. Posterior remobilization of pyroclastic flow material by stream erosion in the highly confined Barranca channels leads to lahar generation, either by normal rainfall, or by extreme rainfall events. A reassessment of the types of products and volumes erupted during the decade of 1970's allows comparing the activity happening since 1999 with the older activity, and suggests that many of the eruptive phenomena at Fuego may have similar mechanisms, despite the differences in scale between. The deposits of large pyroclastic flows erupted during the 1970's are remarkably similar in appearance to the deposit of pyroclastic flows from the 1999 - 2013 period, despite their much larger volume; this is also the case for prehistoric eruptions. Radiocarbon dating of pyroclastic flow deposits suggests that Fuego has produced large eruptions many times during the last ~ 2 ka, including larger eruptions during the last 500 years, which has important hazard implications. A survey was conducted among the local residents living near to the volcano, about their expectations of possible future crises. The results show that people are aware of the risk they could face in case of a large eruption, and therefore they are willing to evacuate in such case. However, their decision to evacuate may also be influenced by the conditions in which the evacuation could take place. If the evacuation represents a potential loss of their livelihood or property they will be more hesitant to leave their villages during a large eruption. The prospect of facing hardship conditions during the evacuation and in the shelters may further cause reluctance to evacuate. A short discussion on some of the issues regarding risk assessment and management through an early warning system is presented in the last chapter.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the bone density gain and its relationship with the periodontal clinical parameters in a case series of a regenerative therapy procedure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Using a split-mouth study design, 10 pairs of infrabony defects from 15 patients were treated with a pool of bovine bone morphogenetic proteins associated with collagen membrane (test sites) or collagen membrane only (control sites). The periodontal healing was clinically and radiographically monitored for six months. Standardized pre-surgical and 6-month postoperative radiographs were digitized for digital subtraction analysis, which showed relative bone density gain in both groups of 0.034 ± 0.423 and 0.105 ± 0.423 in the test and control group, respectively (p>0.05). RESULTS: As regards the area size of bone density change, the influence of the therapy was detected in 2.5 mm² in the test group and 2 mm² in the control group (p>0.05). Additionally, no correlation was observed between the favorable clinical results and the bone density gain measured by digital subtraction radiography (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that the clinical benefit of the regenerative therapy observed did not come with significant bone density gains. Long-term evaluation may lead to a different conclusions.