868 resultados para Human experimentation in medicine
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Includes bibliography
Nicaragua is making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, but is set to miss a number of targets in 2015. This paper’s general equilibrium analysis shows that it is unfeasible for the government to step up spending in order to meet these targets by the 2015 deadline. Any boost to public spending and financing would have to be front-loaded, which would entail pernicious macroeconomic trade-offs. A more realistic scenario would be to postpone meeting the goals until 2020. In that case, the allocation of public spending would spur economic growth without causing macroeconomic hardships, although the country would nevertheless remain highly vulnerable to external shocks.
Mercury is a xenobiotic metal that is a highly deleterious environmental pollutant. The biotransformation of mercury chloride (HgCl2) into methylmercury chloride (CH3HgCl) in aquatic environments is well-known and humans are exposed by consumption of contaminated fish, shellfish and algae. The objective of the present study was to determine the changes induced in vitro by two mercury compounds (HgCl2 and CH3HgCl) in cultured human lymphocytes. Short-term human leukocyte cultures from 10 healthy donors (5 females and 5 males) were set-up by adding drops of whole blood in complete medium. Cultures were separately and simultaneously treated with low doses (0.1 to 1000 µg/l) of HgCl2 and CH3HgCl and incubated at 37ºC for 48 h. Genotoxicity was assessed by chromosome aberrations and polyploid cells. Mitotic index was used as a measure of cytotoxicity. A significant increase (P < 0.05) in the relative frequency of chromosome aberrations was observed for all concentrations of CH3HgCl when compared to control, whether alone or in an evident sinergistic combination with HgCl2. The frequency of polyploid cells was also significantly increased (P < 0.05) when compared to control after exposure to all concentrations of CH3HgCl alone or in combination with HgCl2. CH3HgCl significantly decreased (P < 0.05) the mitotic index at 100 and 1000 µg/l alone, and at 1, 10, 100, and 1000 µg/l when combined with HgCl2, showing a synergistic cytotoxic effect. Our data showed that low concentrations of CH3HgCl might be cytotoxic/genotoxic. Such effects may indicate early cellular changes with possible biological consequences and should be considered in the preliminary evaluation of the risks of populations exposed in vivo to low doses of mercury.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Yellow fever is a re-emerging infectious disease that currently is at risk of urbanization due to the advance of the Aedes aegypti vector. The disease affects about 200,000 individuals annually, mainly in tropical Africa and South America. It causes severe disease involving especially the liver, with lesions characterized by midzonal steatosis, apoptosis and lytic necrosis of the hepatocytes. Quantitative histological and immunohistochemical analysis of 53 human hepatic samples demonstrated apoptosis, steatosis and lytic necrosis of hepatocytes with midzonal pattern. No substantial alterations and reticular network were observed. The inflammatory infiltrate consisted of mononuclear cells and intensity was minimal or moderate, disproportionate to the intense death of the hepatocytes. Hepatic damage in yellow fever resulted mainly from a massive death of hepatocytes due to apoptosis and to a lesser extent due to lytic necrosis. It is recommended that therapeutic regimens for serious cases should include measures to protect against apoptosis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: Cart horses are a re-emerging population employed to carry recyclable material in cities. Methods: Sixty-two horses were sampled in an endemic area of human leptospirosis. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were performed. Results: A seropositivity of 75.8% with serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae in 80.8% of the horses was observed. Blood and urine were qPCR negative. MAT showed positive correlations with rainfall (p = 0.02) and flooding (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Although horses may be constantly exposed to Leptospira spp. in the environment mostly because of rainfall and flooding, no leptospiremia or leptospiruria were observed in this study.
This article estimates the impact of mortality from external causes on the human development index (HDI) along the Brazilian borderland from 2000 to 2005. Data obtained from Brazilian government agencies were combined using the methodology defined by the United Nations Development Program, revealing the HDI according to actual conditions. Subsequently, deaths from external causes were excluded in order to estimate their impact on the index, recalculating life expectancy using the technique of competing causes. HDI showed a gradual increase from North to South, with the most developed regions concentrated in the South, consistent with studies using other sets of economic indicators. By excluding mortality from external causes, the highest gains appeared in regions where the HDI (under actual conditions) were lower, and the magnitude of gains declined towards the South.
Abstract Background Pituitary tumor transforming gene (pttg) is a novel oncogene that is expressed at higher level in most of the tumors analyzed to date compared to normal tissues. Nevertheless, its expression in prolactinomas and its relation with the pituitary dopamine receptor 2 (D2R) are not well defined. We sought to determine the pituitary level of pttg in three different experimental models of prolactinomas with altered dopaminergic control of the pituitary: the dopaminergic D2R knockout female mouse, the estrogen-treated rat, and the senescent female rat. These three models shared the characteristics of increased pituitary weight, hyperprolactinemia, lactotrope hyperplasia and reduced or absent dopaminergic action at the pituitary level. We also studied samples from human macroprolactinomas, which were characterized as responsive or resistant to dopamine agonist therapy. Results When compared to female wild-type mice, pituitaries from female D2R knockout mice had decreased PTTG concentration, while no difference in pttg mRNA level was found. In senescent rats no difference in pituitary PTTG protein expression was found when compared to young rats. But, in young female rats treated with a synthetic estrogen (Diethylstylbestrol, 20 mg) PTTG protein expression was enhanced (P = 0.029). Therefore, in the three experimental models of prolactinomas, pituitary size was increased and there was hyperprolactinemia, but PTTG levels followed different patterns. Patients with macroprolactinomas were divided in those in which dopaminergic therapy normalized or failed to normalize prolactin levels (responsive and resistant, respectively). When pituitary pttg mRNA level was analyzed in these macroprolactinomas, no differences were found. We next analyzed estrogen action at the pituitary by measuring pituitary estrogen receptor α levels. The D2R knockout female mice have low estrogen levels and in accordance, pituitary estrogen receptors were increased (P = 0.047). On the other hand, in senescent rats estrogen levels were slightly though not significantly higher, and estrogen receptors were similar between groups. The estrogen-treated rats had high pharmacological levels of the synthetic estrogen, and estrogen receptors were markedly lower than in controls (P < 0.0001). Finally, in patients with dopamine resistant or responsive prolactinomas no significant differences in estrogen receptor α levels were found. Therefore, pituitary PTTG was increased only if estrogen action was increased, which correlated with a decrease in pituitary estrogen receptor level. Conclusion We conclude that PTTG does not correlate with prolactin levels or tumor size in animal models of prolactinoma, and its pituitary content is not related to a decrease in dopaminergic control of the lactotrope, but may be influenced by estrogen action at the pituitary level. Therefore it is increased only in prolactinomas generated by estrogen treatment, and not in prolactinomas arising from deficient dopamine control, or in dopamine resistant compared with dopamine responsive human prolactinomas. These results are important in the search for reliable prognostic indicators for patients with pituitary adenomas which will make tumor-specific therapy possible, and help to elucidate the poorly understood phenomenon of pituitary tumorigenesis.
The present thesis treats the issue of gender equality in Macedonia during the period of transition from the socialist system to the one of parliamentary democracy. The main aim is to mainstream the gender perspective in the analysis of the transitional policies through the examination of the basic citizenship rights to which citizens are entitled and by the means of the evaluation of their capabilities to exercise these rights. Gender equality, as one of the main strongholds of the concept of human development is measured through the application of nine gender relevant capabilities in a Case study conducted within selected municipalities in the country. Through the analysis of the Macedonian constitutional and legal framework and the assessment of gender based inequalities, the research questions the need for the enactment of a process of engendering of citizenship, which would integrate gender based differences, contemplate the private sphere of citizens lives and pledge participation in the political life of the country. The thesis, finally, analyses the gender equality strategy of the Macedonian government with the purpose to evaluate whether it is context based, i.e. it tackles the main fields where inequalities emerge and in this context whether it envisages a process of engendering of citizenship.
La geometria euclidea risulta spesso inadeguata a descrivere le forme della natura. I Frattali, oggetti interrotti e irregolari, come indica il nome stesso, sono più adatti a rappresentare la forma frastagliata delle linee costiere o altri elementi naturali. Lo strumento necessario per studiare rigorosamente i frattali sono i teoremi riguardanti la misura di Hausdorff, con i quali possono definirsi gli s-sets, dove s è la dimensione di Hausdorff. Se s non è intero, l'insieme in gioco può riconoscersi come frattale e non presenta tangenti e densità in quasi nessun punto. I frattali più classici, come gli insiemi di Cantor, Koch e Sierpinski, presentano anche la proprietà di auto-similarità e la dimensione di similitudine viene a coincidere con quella di Hausdorff. Una tecnica basata sulla dimensione frattale, detta box-counting, interviene in applicazioni bio-mediche e risulta utile per studiare le placche senili di varie specie di mammiferi tra cui l'uomo o anche per distinguere un melanoma maligno da una diversa lesione della cute.
Il cancro della prostata (PCa) è il tumore maligno non-cutaneo più diffuso tra gli uomini ed è il secondo tumore che miete più vittime nei paesi occidentali. La necessità di nuove tecniche non invasive per la diagnosi precoce del PCa è aumentata negli anni. 1H-MRS (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy) e 1H-MRSI (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging) sono tecniche avanzate di spettroscopia in risonanza magnetica che permettono di individuare presenza di metaboliti come citrato, colina, creatina e in alcuni casi poliammine in uno o più voxel nel tessuto prostatico. L’abbondanza o l’assenza di uno di questi metaboliti rende possibile discriminare un tessuto sano da uno patologico. Le tecniche di spettroscopia RM sono correntemente utilizzate nella pratica clinica per cervello e fegato, con l’utilizzo di software dedicati per l’analisi degli spettri. La quantificazione di metaboliti nella prostata invece può risultare difficile a causa del basso rapporto segnale/rumore (SNR) degli spettri e del forte accoppiamento-j del citrato. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è di proporre un software prototipo per la quantificazione automatica di citrato, colina e creatina nella prostata. Lo sviluppo del programma e dei suoi algoritmi è stato portato avanti all’interno dell’IRST (Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio e la cura dei Tumori) con l’aiuto dell’unità di fisica sanitaria. Il cuore del programma è un algoritmo iterativo per il fit degli spettri che fa uso di simulazioni MRS sviluppate con il pacchetto di librerie GAMMA in C++. L’accuratezza delle quantificazioni è stata testata con dei fantocci realizzati all’interno dei laboratori dell’istituto. Tutte le misure spettroscopiche sono state eseguite con il nuovo scanner Philips Ingenia 3T, una delle machine di risonanza magnetica più avanzate per applicazioni cliniche. Infine, dopo aver eseguito i test in vitro sui fantocci, sono stati acquisiti gli spettri delle prostate di alcuni volontari sani, per testare se il programma fosse in grado di lavorare in condizioni di basso SNR.