368 resultados para Holiday, Billie
The objective of this dissertation is to propose a Multi Criteria Decision Aid Model to be used by the costumers of the travel agencies and help them to choose the best package travel. The main objective is to contribute for the simplification of the travel package decision choice from the identification of the models of values and preference of the customers and applying them to the existing package. It is used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to structuralize a decision hierarchic model composed by six criteria (package cost, hotel category, security of the city, travel time, direct flight and position in ranking of the 10 most visited destination) and five real alternatives of packages for a holiday of three days created from travel agency data. The decision analysis was realized for the choice of a travel package by a group composed by two couples that regularly travels together, to which was asked to do a pairwise judgment of the criteria and the alternatives. The mains results show that, although been a group that travels together, there are different models of values in the weights of the criteria and a certain convergence in the scales of preferences of the alternatives in the criteria. It was not pointed a dominant alternative for all the members of the group separately, but an analysis of a total utility of the group shows a classification and an order of the travel packages and an alternative clearly in front of the others. The sensitivity analysis revels that there are changes in the ranking, but the two alternatives best classified in the normal analysis are the same ones in the sensitivity analysis, although with the positions changed. The analysis also led to a simplification of the process with the exclusion of alternatives dominated for the others ones. As main conclusion, it is evaluated that the model and method suggested allow a simplification of the decision process in the choice of travel packages
The Caribbean Meeting of Experts on Implementation of the SIDS Programme of Action, held at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 17-19 May 1995 was convened to review progress towards implementation of the SIDS Programme of Action (SIDS-POA), to discuss constraints on the effective implementation of the Programme and to agree on priority areas for action. It was organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (ECLAC/CDCC), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme’s Special Unit for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (UNDP/TCDC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the University of the West Indies Centre for Environment and Development (UWICED), and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). A copy of the programme and a list of documents are attached to this report as Annex I and II respectively.
O Aprendizado Baseado em Problemas (ABP) é apontado como ferramenta importante para ensinar os alunos a aprender por si mesmos. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar de que forma a ABP pode contribuir para a formação de professores. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso dedicado a avaliar o uso da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas em Curso de Férias direcionado à redescoberta da anatomia e fisiologia de animais com estilos de vida contrastantes. Participaram do estudo alunos e professores do Ensino Médio, alunos do Ensino Superior do Curso de Licenciatura em Biologia e monitores alunos do Curso de Medicina. Foram feitas análises qualitativas e quantitativas a partir dos dados obtidos por questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com alunos, professores e monitores. Os resultados das análises revelaram que ela contribui definitivamente para a formação do professor reflexivo assim como promove maior envolvimento e motivação dos alunos e professores com o curso assim como para a possibilidade de sua utilização imediata no ensino médio e superior na Amazônia, a despeito das restrições atuais de infraestrutura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Handball is a team sport invasion, much practiced in Brazilian schools. There are different teaching methods of team sport, and with them different evaluation methods, this study aims to analyze the shared evaluation process of building course with students of a handball design of a municipal school in Bauru in sports initiation and at the end submit an evaluation process. For this study students of a municipal school participants handball classes in the opposite time of curricular classes underwent an interview, besides having been recorded them playing a handball game with number of small participants at the beginning of the post holiday classes July and another three months later as a form of evaluation. After reviewing the videos and interviews, it was concluded that some students had a game performance improves when they were part of the attack, and also had a behavioral improvement, both from actions taken in the game, as respect to the next, thus interpreted by the students themselves. Although it is a difficult task to analyze and quantify the performance of students in Physical Ed classes can complete some improvements, moreover is valid Professor hear the views of students to understand the vision that students have of themselves during the game
Charles Adams (Faculty Advisor), Delbert Kuhlman, John Klingenberg, Ardyce Haring, Harvey Jorgensen, Roy Volzke, Billie Reed, Paul Yeutter Prof. Loeffel, Carolyn Hall, Byron Kort, Larry Paul, Elwin Mosier, Charles Corkle, Kay Robohm, Daniel Stilwell Duane Stokebrand, Gary Briggs, Walt Patterson, Wendell Mousel, Keith Smith, Darrel Zessin, Richard Bonne, Donald Kasbohm, Bruce Skinner Bob Discoe, Doyle Hulme, Jim Smith, Carl Lorenzen, Jay Cook, Gary Berke, Bob Volk, Roger Hild Donald Kuhl, Russell Person, Ray Cada, Ray DeBower, Bob Dannert, Phil Starck, Kay Knudsen, Jerry Brownfield, Allan McClure, Wally Bierman Morris Ochsner, Warren Mitchell, Ed McReynolds, Gerald Dart, Arza Snyder, Mervy Schliefert, Arley Waldo, Tom Hoffman, John Wink, Virgil Gellermann, Duane Neuman
Myxobolus cerebralis, the cause of whirling disease in salmonids, has dispersed to waters in 25 states within the USA, often by an unknown vector. Its incidence in Yellowstone cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri within the highly protected environment of Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, is a prime example. Given the local abundances of piscivorous birds, we sought to clarify their potential role in the dissemination of M. cerebralis. Six individuals from each of three bird species (American white pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus, and great blue heron Ardea herodias) were fed known-infected or uninfected rainbow trout O. mykiss. Fecal material produced during 10-d periods before and after feeding was collected to determine whether M. cerebralis could be detected and, if so, whether it remained viable after passage through the gastrointestinal tract of these birds. For all (100%) of the nine birds fed known-infected fish, fecal samples collected during days 1–4 after feeding tested positive for M. cerebralis by polymerase chain reaction. In addition, tubificid worms Tubifex tubifex that were fed fecal material from known-infected great blue herons produced triactinomyxons in laboratory cultures, confirming the persistent viability of the parasite. No triactinomyxons were produced from T. tubifex fed fecal material from known-infected American white pelicans or double-crested cormorants, indicating a potential loss of parasite viability in these species. Great blue herons have the ability to concentrate and release viable myxospores into shallow-water habitats that are highly suitable for T. tubifex, thereby supporting a positive feedback loop in which the proliferation of M. cerebralis is enhanced. The presence of avian piscivores as an important component of aquatic ecosystems should continue to be supported. However, given the distances traveled by great blue herons between rookeries and foraging areas in just days, any practices that unnaturally attract them may heighten the probability of M. cerebralis dispersal and proliferation within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Contents: Character Counts! for everyone Growing hardy bulbs Tree planting snafus Timely care of hardy chrysantheums Mole, mole, go away Termite control options: baits vs. barriers? Celebrate America Recycles Day Household hazardous waste collection: November 7 It's time for your annual “pest-proof” check-up Removing skunk odor Temporary/emergency grain storage options Control leafy spurge Fall clean-up of warm-season grasses The first frost, the last hurrah Pasture weed control What is this thing called winter desiccation? Dormant planting grasses and legumes Finding facts about vegetables and fruits Healthy Eating: No-Crust Pumpkin Pie Focus on Food Preparing for the winter food olympics! Family & Community Education News FCE: Jean's Journal Household Hints Furniture workshop AARP offers 55 Alive—Mature Driver Course Caring for athletic uniforms Halloween safety 4-H Bulletin Board Character Counts! Super Day Camps 4-H CAN Fight Hunger Food Campaign 4-H Shooting Sports meeting Holiday gifts needed 4-H Volunteer Forum Make a Difference Day Engineering and Technology 4-H Club Put us to work, please! Lancaster County Born and Raised beef SERIES fun America Recycles Day Livestock judging teams excel at state Lemke and Nisley place University of Nebraska Speakers Bureau announced Public notice Community Resource Directory available E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues
Handball is a team sport invasion, much practiced in Brazilian schools. There are different teaching methods of team sport, and with them different evaluation methods, this study aims to analyze the shared evaluation process of building course with students of a handball design of a municipal school in Bauru in sports initiation and at the end submit an evaluation process. For this study students of a municipal school participants handball classes in the opposite time of curricular classes underwent an interview, besides having been recorded them playing a handball game with number of small participants at the beginning of the post holiday classes July and another three months later as a form of evaluation. After reviewing the videos and interviews, it was concluded that some students had a game performance improves when they were part of the attack, and also had a behavioral improvement, both from actions taken in the game, as respect to the next, thus interpreted by the students themselves. Although it is a difficult task to analyze and quantify the performance of students in Physical Ed classes can complete some improvements, moreover is valid Professor hear the views of students to understand the vision that students have of themselves during the game
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
The present doctoral dissertation deals with two significant case studies of Italian holiday camps which appear as interesting architectural experiences that reflect both the pedagogic and educational programmes of the fascist regime, and the discussion on the constructive and expressive principles that characterize the Italian architecture during the Thirties. The research explains the colony "XXVIII October for the sons of the Italian workers living abroad", today known as "Le Navi" ("The Ships"), built in Cattolica in 1934 and projected by the Roman architect Clemente Busiri Vici, and the feminine colony "for the sons of the Italian workers living abroad" built in 1934 in Tirrenia and projected by the architects Mario Paniconi and Giulio Pediconi. These holiday camps are the sole buildings commissioned directly by the Department in the Italian Foreign Office with the aim of offering a seaside stay to the sons of the Italians living in the colonies who, probably, could visit Italy only one time in their life. Firstly, the work illustrates the most relevant themes concerning these holiday camps, such as the representative intents that the buildings evoked to the children attending the places. Sun-bathing and group gymnastics were some of the rituals in the communal life, where order and discipline gave a precise internal organization to the spaces. Over the correspondence to practical functions, the figures and the forms of the different spaces of the buildings involve the children in an educational dimension. Subsequently, the function of the Department in the Italian Foreign Office and the planning and constructive ideas of the two colonies will be introduced. These colonies were conceived by a precise social project with educational, welfare and therapeutic aims. The elements, the spaces and the volumes create a fixed and theatrical scene of the life, full of ideological, political and celebratory overtones. Finally, the research shows that the relation between the architectural shape of the buildings and the rituals performed by fascist tutors produces an ideal space, extraneous to the external world that could influence the behavior of the children. The plan is to transmit to the children an image of Italy that will remain engraved in their minds once they have returned to their countries. In these projects there is the intent to transmit the image of "italianity" abroad. The way to do this was to plan for them a scenery which contains all the architectural elements of Italian cities. The holiday camps are proposed a sort of microcosm that appears as an "evocation" of the places and the spaces of Italian cities. The buildings appear as veritable "cities of childhood".
L’approccio innovativo di questa tesi alla pianificazione ciclabile consiste nell’integrare le linee guida per la redazione di un biciplan con aspetti, metodologie e strumenti nuovi, per rendere più efficace la programmazione di interventi. I limiti del biciplan risiedono nella fase di pianificazione e di monitoraggio, quindi, nel 1° capitolo, vengono esaminate le differenze esistenti tra la normativa americana (AASHTO) e quella italiana (D.P.R. 557/99). Nel 2° capitolo vengono analizzati gli indicatori usati nella fase di monitoraggio e la loro evoluzione fino alla definizione degli attuali indici per la determinazione del LOS delle infrastrutture ciclabili: BLOS e BCI. L’analisi è integrata con le nuove applicazioni di questi indici e con lo studio del LOS de HCM 2010. BCI e BISI sono stati applicati alla rete di Bologna per risolvere problemi di pianificazione e per capire se esistessero problemi di trasferibilità. Gli indici analizzati prendono in considerazione solo il lato offerta del sistema di trasporto ciclabile; manca un giudizio sui flussi, per verificare l’efficacia delle policy. Perciò il 3° capitolo è dedicato alla metodologia sul monitoraggio dei flussi, mediante l’utilizzo di comuni traffic counter per le rilevazioni dei flussi veicolari. Dal monitoraggio è possibile ricavare informazioni sul numero di passaggi, periodi di punta, esistenza di percorsi preferiti, influenza delle condizioni climatiche, utili ai progettisti; si possono creare serie storiche di dati per controllare l’evoluzione della mobilità ciclabile e determinare l’esistenza di criticità dell’infrastruttura. L’efficacia della pianificazione ciclabile è legata al grado di soddisfazione dell’utente e all’appetibilità delle infrastrutture, perciò il progettista deve conoscere degli elementi che influenzano le scelte del ciclista. Nel 4° capitolo sono analizzate le tecniche e gli studi sulle scelte dell’itinerario dei ciclisti, e lo studio pilota fatto a Bologna per definire le variabili che influenzano le scelte dei ciclisti e il loro peso.
Salmonella and Campylobacter are common causes of human gastroenteritis. Their epidemiology is complex and a multi-tiered approach to control is needed, taking into account the different reservoirs, pathways and risk factors. In this thesis, trends in human gastroenteritis and food-borne outbreak notifications in Italy were explored. Moreover, the improved sensitivity of two recently-implemented regional surveillance systems in Lombardy and Piedmont was evidenced, providing a basis for improving notification at the national level. Trends in human Salmonella serovars were explored: serovars Enteritidis and Infantis decreased, Typhimurium remained stable and 4,[5],12:i:-, Derby and Napoli increased, suggesting that sources of infection have changed over time. Attribution analysis identified pigs as the main source of human salmonellosis in Italy, accounting for 43–60% of infections, followed by Gallus gallus (18–34%). Attributions to pigs and Gallus gallus showed increasing and decreasing trends, respectively. Potential bias and sampling issues related to the use of non-local/non-recent multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data in Campylobacter jejuni/coli source attribution using the Asymmetric Island (AI) model were investigated. As MLST data become increasingly dissimilar with increasing geographical/temporal distance, attributions to sources not sampled close to human cases can be underestimated. A combined case-control and source attribution analysis was developed to investigate risk factors for human Campylobacter jejuni/coli infection of chicken, ruminant, environmental, pet and exotic origin in The Netherlands. Most infections (~87%) were attributed to chicken and cattle. Individuals infected from different reservoirs had different associated risk factors: chicken consumption increased the risk for chicken-attributed infections; animal contact, barbecuing, tripe consumption, and never/seldom chicken consumption increased that for ruminant-attributed infections; game consumption and attending swimming pools increased that for environment-attributed infections; and dog ownership increased that for environment- and pet-attributed infections. Person-to-person contacts around holiday periods were risk factors for infections with exotic strains, putatively introduced by returning travellers.
Il continuo sdoppiamento e la riverberazione sono le matrici di sviluppo di questa tesi, in cui le ricerche di Grotowski legate al Parateatro e al Teatro delle Fonti sono indagate e interpretate a partire da un pensiero polivalente che prende avvio nella sociologia della cultura e si radica in un terreno antropologico. La ricerca si configura come un’interpretazione possibile delle scelte operate da Grotowski e, complessivamente, dal Teatro Laboratorio, nel contesto delle trasformazioni socio-culturali successive agli anni Sessanta verificando come nel periodo dal '70 all'82 le scelte stesse rispecchino i valori culturali dell’epoca.La ricerca ricorre alla categoria della “festa” - intesa come realtà quotidiana elevata alla forma rituale, attraverso gli elementi culturali e identitari del gruppo di appartenenza - e, a partire da essa, sovrappone criticamente la logica dell’“identità in performance” con la nozione di “Incontro” elaborata da Grotowski. Questa logica è, successivamente, problematizzata attraverso il “diamante culturale”, un dispositivo di analisi della sociologia della culturache, a sua volta, è discusso eridimensionato a partire dalpresuppostodi “Decostruzione” e dall’idea di “Decondizionamento”legata al lavoro del Performer, inteso come individuo.Tre immagini e un’incognita rivelano i campi d’azioneed i principi che permeano l’intera ricerca raddoppiandosi e congiungendo l’immagine del Performer come individuo riflessivo. L’immagine riflessa si configura nel contrasto fra apparenza e presenza: nella domanda posta da Grotowski “che si può fare con la propria solitudine?” si evidenzia uno dei problemi a cui deve far fronte l’individuo in una determinata struttura culturale e, al contempo, viene suggerita una possibilità di amplificazione della percezione di “se stesso” da parte dell’Attore-Performer come Individuo.
Introduction Even if performed by qualified physical therapists, spinal manipulation and mobilization can cause adverse events. This holds true particularly for the cervical spine. In light of the substantial risks, the benefits of cervical spine manipulation may be outweighed by the possibility of further injury. Case presentation We present the case of a 56-year-old Caucasian man with Forestier's disease who went to see a physiotherapist to relieve his aching neck while on a holiday trip. Following the procedure, he was transferred to a local hospital with a partial tetraplegic syndrome due to a cervical 6/7 luxation fracture. Reportedly, the physiotherapist took neither a detailed history, nor adequate diagnostic measures. Conclusions This case highlights the potentially dangerous complications associated with cervical spine mobilization/manipulation. If guidelines concerning cervical spine mobilization and manipulation practices had been followed, this adverse event could have been avoided.