447 resultados para Hematopoesi, Medul·la òssia-Transplantació
S'estudia la histologia normal de la paret corporal d'Hirudo medicinalis i els canvis morfogenètics que es donen durant el procés de cicatrització de ferides per incisió, cauterització i nitrat de plata. El procés de curació de ferides a Hirudo medicinalis consta d'una fase de formació d'un tap cel·lular, el pseudoblastema, d'un procés de reepitelització i de la formació d'un teixit cicatricial, com en els altres hirudinis estudiats (Myers, 1935; LeGore i Sparks, 1971; Cornec, 1984). Hem observat també el fenomen de la contracció de la ferida que permet l'acostament dels marges de la ferida. Formació i evolució del pseudoblastema El pseudoblastema, a diferència d'altres espècies estudiades, està format per un sol tipus cel·lular: les cèl·lules vasocentrals, provinents del teixit vasofibrós, una especialització del teixit connectiu. Aquestes cèl·lules estan capacitades per realitzar les diferents funcions que en espècies rincobdèl·lides realitzen diferents tipus cel·lulars. En concret: taponament de la ferida a través de la formació del pseudoblastema, fagocitosi dels teixits necrosats i regeneració, almenys d'una part, de la matriu connectiva cicatricial. També són responsables de la contracció de la ferida. Les cèl·lules vasocentrals en el seu estadi de repòs es troben en el teixit vasofibrós formant agrupacions coherents, però sense mostrar unions intercel·lulars especialitzades visibles en ME. La coherència del grup queda assegurada per les interdigitacions entre les cèl·lules vasocentrals i probablement per unions tipus adherens o especialitzades. Les unions amb la matriu són de tipus adherens. Aquestes cèl·lules vasocentrals presenten feixos de filaments d'actina força conspicus. En produir-se una ferida les cèl·lules vasocentrals s'activen, desconnecten les unions intercel·lulars i amb la matriu i migren cap a la zona afectada, on s'acumulen. El pseudoblastema actua com un tap cel·lular que funciona de forma eficient per tancar la ferida en un plaç de temps relativament curt. El pseudoblastema forma un teixit coherent amb unions intercel·lulars tipus adherens, caracteritzades per material electrodens en la cara intracitoplasmàtica, feixos de filaments d'actina que hi convergeixen i espais intercel·lulars petits, de 17-20 mm, atravessats per petites fibril·les. Un cop finalitzat el procés de reepitelització, es produeix una contracció de la ferida. Es produeix per la retracció del pseudoblastema cap a l'interior de l'animal. El pseudoblastema disminueix la seva amplària i arrossega els teixits contigus provocant un tancament. La força motriu que provoca la retracció i l'arrossegament dels teixits vindria donada per la presència dels filaments d'actina a les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema, els quals durant aquesta fase es tornen mes conspicus. La presència d'unions intercel·lulars especialitzades característiques de la fase de contracció, està relacionada amb la transmissió de la força de tensió. Aquestes unions connecten els feixos de filaments d'actina de les cèl·lules amb la matriu o d'una cèl·lula a altre a través d'espais intercel·lulars força amples en els que s'observa material electrodens. Reepitelització L'epitelització s'inicia quan el pseudoblastema està consolidat i segueix el mateix patró que la reepitelització de ferides en epitelis monoestratificats de vertebrats (Stem i DePalma, 1983, és a dir, per migració de tota la capa per sobre del substrat, segons l'anomenat model de lliscament. Les glàndules unicel·lulars mucoses del tegument degeneren abans de produir-se la migració epitelial i posteriorment, un cop consolidat l'epiteli a sobre de la ferida, es diferencien a partir de les cèl·lules epitelials. Durant l'epitelització es produeixen canvis importants en el citosquelet i les unions basals de les cèl·lules epitelials. En canvi, el complex d'unió lateral es manté durant tot el procés. En iniciar-se la migració els tonofilaments es desconnecten dels hemidesmosomes cuticulars i dèrmics i es reagrupen al voltant del nucli, a la vegada que els hemidesmosomes dèrmics es desconnecten de la làmina basal. Un cop acabada la migració, les cèl·lules epitelials estableixen unions basals amb les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema. Aquestes unions no són hemidesmosomes sinó que presenten el mateix aspecte que les unions intercel·lulars del pseudoblastema. Els hemidesmosomes no es tornen a formar fins que les cèl·lules epitelials han restablert la membrana basal. La regeneració de la membrana basal no s'inicia fins que no s'ha començat a regenerar matriu connectiva a la zona cicatricial. Regeneració de la cicatriu Al mateix temps que es dona el fenomen de contracció, s'observa regeneració de la matriu connectiva entre les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema. Aquestes cèl·lules són responsables almenys del recobriment fibrós que presenten en aquest estadi, durant el qual mostren sàculs del reticle endoplasmàtic rugós molt dilatats, característics de cèl·lules que secreten constituents de la matriu. A més, s'observa infiltració de matriu connectiva i processos citoplasmàtics dels fibròcits en els marges del pseudoblastema. En la matriu del teixit connectiu normal s'observen fibres que estan constituïdes per un còrtex de fibril·les col·làgenes organitzades al voltant dels processos citoplasmàtics dels fibròcits. Les fibres del teixit connectiu peridigestiu, d'uns 1,2-1,9 mm de diàmetre, presenten el còrtex prim, amb les fibril·les organitzades paral·lelament a l'eix de la fibra. En canvi, les fibres de la dermis i teixit connectiu intramuscular, d'uns 2,5-7,1 mm de diàmetre, tenen el còrtex gruixut, amb fibril·les que s'organitzen paral·lelament en la zona proximal a la medul·la i de forma desorganitzada en la part més distal. Als 8 mesos la cicatriu encara és detectable. La matriu cicatricial presenta fibres connectives del tipus prim i força material fibril·lar desorganitzat disposat laxament. S'observa colonització per part de fibròcits, cromatòfors, petites fibres musculars i nervis.
S'ha analitzat el pas del paleolític mitjà al paleolític superior a Catalunya en base a l'estudi dels jaciments de la cova dels Ermitons (Sales de Llierca, Garrotxa) i de les coves del Reclau -Arbreda, Mollet i Reclau Viver-(Serinyà, Pla de l'Estany). En concret s'ha estudiat la cultura material i la fauna dels nivells mosterians tardans (paleolítc mitjà final) de les coves de l'Arbreda i dels Ermitons i dels aurinyacians (paleolític superior inicial) de les coves de l'Arbreda i de Mollet. Igualment s'han analitzat els territoris d'explotació de la cova dels Ermitons i de les coves del Reclau. D'aquesta anàlisi es desprén que els dos jaciments se situen en medis absolutament diferents. S'han analitzat els contextos geològics dels dos llocs, s'ha fet les descripció morfològica de cada un dels dos jaciments, així com l'estratigràfica i sedimentològica de cada cova. S'han datat els nivells mosterians i aurinyacians esmentats pel mètode del Carboni 14 AMS, així com també els aurinyacians de la cova del Reclau Viver. S'acompanyen aquestes dades amb les anàlisis paleoecològiques corresponents que s'han pogut efectuar: palinologia, antracologia, ictiologia, herpetologia, aus, quiròpters, insectívors i rosegadors. Es comparen les datacions obtingudes ambles d'altres jaciments i troballes catalans del mateix període: l'abric Romaní (Capellades, Anoia), la Roca dels Bous (Camarasa, la Noguera) i la mandíbula de Banyoles (Pla de l'Estany). Cim a conclusions s'estableixen les diferències a Catalunya entre el paleolític mitjà (cultura de l'home Neandertal) i el paleolític superior (cultura de l'home anatòmicament modern). En el segon apareix la tècnica de talla laminar, la indústria òssia ben elaborada, l'ornamentació, la decoració, es generalitza la importació del sílex com a matèria primera, es diversifica l'utillatge lític i hi ha una major utilització de les coves. S'interpreta aquest pas dins del context geogràfic franco-ibèric i es conclou que a Catalunya es caracteritza fonamentalment per dos fenòments: el reemplaçament abrupte i la contemporaneïtat. Aquesta abastaria entre 40.000 BP i el 33.000 BP segons cronologia radiocarbònica. Durant aquests temps la influència de la cultura del paleolític superior sobre la del paleolític mitjà seria escassa, encara que identificada per la presencia d'alguns útils de tipus paleolític superior en el tardomosterià de la cova dels Ermitons
One potential source of heterogeneity within autism spectrum conditions (ASC) is language development and ability. In 80 high-functioning male adults with ASC, we tested if variations in developmental and current structural language are associated with current neuroanatomy. Groups with and without language delay differed behaviorally in early social reciprocity, current language, but not current autistic features. Language delay was associated with larger total gray matter (GM) volume, smaller relative volume at bilateral insula, ventral basal ganglia, and right superior, middle, and polar temporal structures, and larger relative volume at pons and medulla oblongata in adulthood. Despite this heterogeneity, those with and without language delay showed significant commonality in morphometric features when contrasted with matched neurotypical individuals (n = 57). In ASC, better current language was associated with increased GM volume in bilateral temporal pole, superior temporal regions, dorsolateral fronto-parietal and cerebellar structures, and increased white matter volume in distributed frontal and insular regions. Furthermore, current language–neuroanatomy correlation patterns were similar across subgroups with or without language delay. High-functioning adult males with ASC show neuroanatomical variations associated with both developmental and current language characteristics. This underscores the importance of including both developmental and current language as specifiers for ASC, to help clarify heterogeneity.
Laurencia marilzae is recorded for the first time from the western Atlantic Ocean; it was found in Laje de Santos Marine State Park, Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The specimens were collected in the rocky subtidal zone from 7 to 15 m depth. The most distinctive characteristic of this species is the presence of corps en cerise in all cells of the thallus, including cortex, medulla, and trichoblasts. The phylogenetic position of the species was inferred by analysis of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences from 43 taxa, using two other rhodomelacean taxa and two members of the Ceramiaceae as outgroups. Within the Laurencia assemblage, L. marilzae from Brazil and from the Canary Islands ( type locality) formed a distinctive lineage sister to all other Laurencia species analyzed. Male plants are described for the first time. This study expands the geographical distribution of L. marilzae to the western Atlantic Ocean.
Two new species of Gracilariopsis from the Indian Ocean are proposed-Gracilariopsis (Gp.) mclachlanii Buriyo, Bellorin et M. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Tanzania and Gracilariopsis persica Bellorin, Sohrabipour et E. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Iran-based on morphology and DNA sequence data (rbcL gene and SSU rDNA). Both species fit the typical features of Gracilariopsis: axes cylindrical throughout, freely and loosely ramified up to four orders, with an abrupt transition in cell size from medulla to cortex, cystocarps lacking tubular nutritive cells and superficial spermatangia. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of rbcL and SSU rDNA placed both species into the Gracilariopsis clade as distinct species from all the accepted species for this genus, forming a deeply divergent lineage together with some species from the Pacific. The new species are very difficult to distinguish on morphological grounds from other species of Gracilariopsis, stressing the importance of homologous molecular marker comparisons for the species recognition in this character-poor genus.
Hypertension can result from neuronal network imbalance in areas of central nervous system that control blood pressure, such as the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). There are several neurotransmitters and neuromodulatory substances within the NTS, such as adenosine, which acts on purinoreceptors A(2a) (A(2a)R). The A(2a)R modulates neurotransmission in the NTS where its activation may induce decrease in blood pressure by different mechanisms. Nicotine is a molecule that crosses the hematoencephalic barrier and acts in several areas of central nervous system including the NTS, where it may interact with some neurotransmitter systems and contributes to the development of hypertension in subjects with genetic predisposition to this disease. In this study we first determined A(2a)R binding, protein, and mRNA expression in dorsomedial medulla oblongata of neonate normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Subsequently, we analyzed the modulatory effects of nicotine on A(2a)R in cell culture in order to evaluate its possible involvement in the development of hypertension. Data showed a decreased A(2a)R binding and increased protein and mRNA expression in tissue sample and culture of dorsal brainstem from SHR compared with those from WKY rats at basal conditions. Moreover, nicotine modulated A(2a)R binding, protein, and mRNA expression in cells from both strains. Interestingly, nicotine decreased A(2a)R binding and increased protein levels, as well as, induced a differential modulation in A(2a)R mRNA expression. Results give us a clue about the mechanisms involved in the modulatory effects of nicotine on A(2a)R as well as hypothesize its possible contribution to the development of hypertension. In conclusion, we demonstrated that A(2a)R of SHR cells which differ from WKY and nicotine differentially modulates A(2a)R in dorsal brainstem cells of SHR and WKY.
In this study, the effects of nicotine on global gene expression of cultured cells from the brainstem of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were evaluated using whole-genome oligoarrays. We found that nicotine may act differentially on the gene expression profiles of SHR and WKY. The influence of strain was present in 321 genes that were differentially expressed in SHR as compared with WKY brainstem cells independently of the nicotine treatment. A total of 146 genes had their expression altered in both strains after nicotine exposure. Interaction between nicotine treatment and the strain was observed to affect the expression of 229 genes that participate in cellular pathways related to neurotransmitter secretion, intracellular trafficking and cell communication, and are possibly involved in the phenotypic differentiation between SHR and WKY rats, including hypertension. Further characterization of their function in hypertension development is warranted. The Pharmacogenomics Journal (2010) 10, 134-160; doi:10.1038/tpj.2009.42; published online 15 September 2009
The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a good model to study several diseases such as the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, cardiopulmonary impairment, nephropathy, as well as hypertension, which is a multifactor disease that possibly involves alterations in gene expression in hypertensive relative to normotensive subjects. In this study, we used high-density oligoarrays to compare gene expression profiles in cultured neurons and glia from brainstem of newborn normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and SHR rats. We found 376 genes differentially expressed between SHR and WKY brainstem cells that preferentially map to 17 metabolic/signaling pathways. Some of the pathways and regulated genes identified herein are obviously related to cardiovascular regulation; in addition there are several genes differentially expressed in SHR not yet associated to hypertension, which may be attributed to other differences between SHR and WKY strains. This constitute a rich resource for the identification and characterization of novel genes associated to phenotypic differences observed in SHR relative to WKY, including hypertension. In conclusion, this study describes for the first time the gene profiling pattern of brainstem cells from SHR and WKY rats, which opens up new possibilities and strategies of investigation and possible therapeutics to hypertension, as well as for the understanding of the brain contribution to phenotypic differences between SHR and WKY rats.
Given that (1) the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is compartmentalized within the central nervous system in neurons and glia (2) the major source of brain angiotensinogen is the glial cells, (3) the importance of RAS in the central control of blood pressure, and (4) nicotine increases the probability of development of hypertension associated to genetic predisposition; the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of nicotine on the RAS in cultured glial cells from the brainstem and hypothalamus of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats. Ligand binding, real-time PCR and western blotting assays were used to compare the expression of angiotensinogen, angiotensin converting enzyme, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin II type1 receptors. We demonstrate, for the first time, that there are significant differences in the basal levels of RAS components between WKY and SHR rats in glia from 1-day-old rats. We also observed that nicotine is able to modulate the renin-angiotensin system in glial cells from the brainstem and hypothalamus and that the SHR responses were more pronounced than WKY ones. The present data suggest that nicotine effects on the RAS might collaborate to the development of neurogenic hypertension in SHR through modulation of glial cells.
Mandibular movements occur through the triggering of trigeminal motoneurons. Aberrant movements by orofacial muscles are characteristic of orofacial motor disorders, such as nocturnal bruxism (clenching or grinding of the dentition during sleep). Previous studies have suggested that autonomic changes occur during bruxism episodes. Although it is known that emotional responses increase jaw movement, the brain pathways linking forebrain limbic nuclei and the trigeminal motor nucleus remain unclear. Here we show that neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area, in the central nucleus of the amygdala, and in the parasubthalamic nucleus, project to the trigeminal motor nucleus or to reticular regions around the motor nucleus (Regio h) and in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. We observed orexin co-expression in neurons projecting from the lateral hypothalamic area to the trigeminal motor nucleus. In the central nucleus of the amygdala, neurons projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus are innervated by corticotrophin-releasing factor immunoreactive fibers. We also observed that the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus receives dense innervation from orexin and corticotrophin-releasing factor immunoreactive fibers. Therefore, forebrain nuclei related to autonomic control and stress responses might influence the activity of trigeminal motor neurons and consequently play a role in the physiopathology of nocturnal bruxism.
Neonatal anoxia is a worldwide clinical problem that has serious and lasting consequences. The diversity of models does not allow complete reproducibility, so a standardized model is needed. In this study, we developed a rat model of neonatal anoxia that utilizes a semi-hermetic system suitable for oxygen deprivation. The validity of this model was confirmed using pulse oximetry, arterial gasometry, observation of skin color and behavior and analysis of Fos immunoreactivity in brain regions that function in respiratory control. For these experiments, 87 male albino neonate rats (Rattus norvegicus, lineage Wistar) aged approximate 30 postnatal hours were divided into anoxia and control groups. The pups were kept in an euthanasia polycarbonate chamber at 36 +/- 1 degrees C, with continuous 100% nitrogen gas flow at 3 L/min and 101.7 kPa for 25 min. The peripheral arterial oxygen saturation of the anoxia group decreased 75% from its initial value. Decreased pH and partial pressure of oxygen and increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide were observed in this group, indicating metabolic acidosis, hypoxia and hypercapnia. respectively. Analysis of neuronal activation showed Fos immunoreactivity in the solitary tract nucleus, the lateral reticular nucleus and the area postrema, confirming that those conditions activated areas related to respiratory control in the nervous system. Therefore, the proposed model of neonatal anoxia allows standardization and precise control of the anoxic condition, which should be of great value in indentifying both the mechanisms underlying neonatal anoxia and novel therapeutic strategies to combat or prevent this widespread public health problem. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pilocarpine (cholinergic muscarinic agonist) injected peripherally may act centrally to produce pressor responses; in the present study, using c-fos immunoreactive expression, we investigated the forebrain and brainstem areas activated by pressor doses of intravenous (i.v.) pilocarpine. In addition, the importance of vasopressin secretion and/or sympathetic activation and the effects of lesions in the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region in awake rats were also investigated. In male Holtzman rats, pilocarpine (0.04 to 4 mu mol/kg b.w.) i.v. induced transitory hypotension followed by long lasting hypertension. Sympathetic blockade with prazosin (1 mg/kg b.w.) i.v. or AV3V lesions (1 day) almost abolished the pressor response to i. v. pilocarpine (2 mu mol/kg b.w.), whereas the vasopressin antagonist (10 mu g/kg b.w.) i.v. reduced the response to pilocarpine. Pilocarpine (2 and 4 mu mol/kg b.w.) i.v. increased the number of c-fos immunoreactive cells in the subfornical organ, paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus, organ vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, median preoptic nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract and caudal and rostral ventrolateral medulla. These data suggest that i.v. pilocarpine activates specific forebrain and brainstem mechanisms increasing sympathetic activity and vasopressin secretion to induce pressor response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The caudal pressor area (CPA) is a brainstem area located close to the spinal cord. The activation of the CPA increases sympathetic activity and mean arterial pressure (MAP) by mechanisms dependent on the commissural nucleus of the solitary tract (commNTS) and rostroventrolateral medulla, however, the signals that activate the CPA to produce these responses are still unknown. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the activity of glutamatergic and GABAergic mechanisms from the CPA and commNTS in rats exposed to hypoxia and the effects of the inhibition of CPA neurons on cardiorespiratory responses to peripheral chemoreceptor activation with i.v. sodium cyanide (NaCN). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-280 g, n=5-8/group) were used. In conscious rats, most of the commNTS neurons (66 +/- 11%) and part of the CPA neurons (36 +/- 7%) activated by hypoxia (8% O2) were glutamatergic (contained VGLUT2mRNA). Small part of the neurons activated during hypoxia was GABAergic (contained GAD-67mRNA) in the commNTS (9 +/- 4%) or the CPA (6 +/- 2%). In urethane anesthetized rats, the inhibition of CPA neurons with bilateral injections of muscimol (GABA-A agonist, 2 mM) reduced baseline MAP, splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) and phrenic nerve discharge (PND). Muscimol into the CPA also reduced by around 50% the pressor and sympathoexcitatory responses and the increase in PND to peripheral chemoreceptor activation with NaCN (50 mu g/kg i.v.), without changing sympathetic baroreflex responses. These data suggest that CPA mechanisms facilitate cardiorespiratory responses to peripheral chemoreflex activation. Immunohistochemistry results also suggest that at least part of the CPA mechanisms activated by hypoxia is glutamatergic. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present study, we evaluated the role of glutamatergic mechanisms in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) in changes of splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (sSND) and phrenic nerve discharge (PND) elicited by central and peripheral chemoreceptor activation. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), sSND and PND were recorded in urethane-anaesthetized, vagotomized, sino-aortic denervated and artificially ventilated male Wistar rats. Hypercapnia (10% CO(2)) increased MAP by 32 +/- 4 mmHg, sSND by 104 +/- 4% and PND amplitude by 101 +/- 5%. Responses to hypercapnia were reduced after bilateral injection of the NMDA receptor antagonist D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP-5; 100mm in 50 nl) in the RTN (MAP increased by 16 +/- 3 mmHg, sSNDby 82 +/- 3% and PND amplitudeby 63 +/- 7%). Bilateral injection of the non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione(DNQX; 100 mm in 50 nl) and the metabotropic receptor antagonist (+/-)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG; 100mm in 50 nl) in the RTN did not affect sympathoexcitatory responses induced by hypercapnia. Injection of DNQX reduced hypercapnia-induced phrenic activation, whereas MCPG did not. In animals with intact carotid chemoreceptors, bilateral injections of AP-5 and DNQX in the RTN reduced increases in MAP, sSND and PND amplitude produced by intravenous injection of NaCN (50 mu g kg(-1)). Injection of MCPG in the RTN did not change responses produced by NaCN. These data indicate that RTN ionotropic glutamatergic receptors are involved in the sympathetic and respiratory responses produced by central and peripheral chemoreceptor activation.
We investigated the mechanisms responsible for increased blood pressure and sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) caused by 2-3 days dehydration (DH) both in vivo and in situ preparations. In euhydrated (EH) rats, systemic application of the AT(1) receptor antagonist Losartan and subsequent pre-collicular transection (to remove the hypothalamus) significantly reduced thoracic (t) SNA. In contrast, in DH rats, Losartan, followed by pre-collicular and pontine transections, failed to reduce tSNA, whereas transection at the medulla-spinal cord junction massively reduced tSNA. In DH but not EH rats, selective inhibition of the commissural nucleus tractus solitarii (cNTS) significantly reduced tSNA. Comparable data were obtained in both in situ and in vivo (anaesthetized/conscious) rats and suggest that following chronic dehydration, the control of tSNA transfers from supra-brainstem structures (e. g. hypothalamus) to the medulla oblongata, particularly the cNTS. As microarray analysis revealed up-regulation of AP1 transcription factor JunD in the dehydrated cNTS, we tested the hypothesis that AP1 transcription factor activity is responsible for dehydration-induced functional plasticity. When AP1 activity was blocked in the cNTS using a viral vector expressing a dominant negative FosB, cNTS inactivation was ineffective. However, tSNA was decreased after pre-collicular transection, a response similar to that seen in EHrats. Thus, the dehydration-induced switch in control of tSNA from hypothalamus to cNTS seems to be mediated via activation of AP1 transcription factors in the cNTS. If AP1 activity is blocked in the cNTS during dehydration, sympathetic activity control reverts back to forebrain regions. This unique reciprocating neural structure-switching plasticity between brain centres emphasizes the multiple mechanisms available for the adaptive response to dehydration.