993 resultados para Helicobacter pylori Teses
TÃtulo: Prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en placa dentobacteriana de niños de casa hogar. Introducción. El Helicobacter pylori es una bacteria común que está latente en millones de personas alrededor del mundo, tanto pacientes adultos como niños. Se ha comprobado la existencia del ADN de dicha bacteria en placa dentobacteriana de pacientes pediátricos aparentemente sanos, en los que se asume a la cavidad oral como el ambiente que sirve para su reservorio. La transmisión por alimentos contaminados, agua, o en general las prácticas inadecuadas de saneamiento, asà como clase social baja, entre otros factores, parecen estar relacionados con una mayor prevalencia de infección por Helicobacter pylori. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en la placa dental de niños de casa hogar de las redes de asistencia de Back2Back. Materiales y Métodos. La investigación se realizó con pacientes de 3 a 16 años de las redes de asistencia de Back2Back y en el área de BiologÃa Molecular de la unidad de OdontologÃa Integral del Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias de la Salud de la UANL en pacientes aparentemente sanos, buscando la presencia de Helicobacter pylori en placa dentobacteriana. Las muestras fueron tomadas de las caras vestibulares de molares superiores y colocadas en un medio de cultivo para su conservación. Posteriormente se realizó la extracción del ADN que fue analizado por la técnica de PCR en tiempo real. Las muestras fueron analizadas y los datos fueron capturados en una base de datos en el programa IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Se utilizó la prueba estadÃstica X2 Considerada con un 95% de confiabilidad. X2=4.33, p=0.379 Resultados. Se obtuvo en el estudio que de un total de 50 muestras el 38% fueron positivas a Helicobacter pylori; en cuanto a genero el 51% correspondieron a pacientes masculinos y las edades con mayor prevalencia fueron de 6 a 8 años con un 22%. No hay relación entre el contacto de la madre y la presencia de Helicobacter pylori en placa dentobacteriana de los niños de casa hogar. Conclusión. Se determinó que la prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en los cultivos de placa dentobacteriana mediante PCR en tiempo real de niños de casa hogar de la red de asistencia Back2back no es significativa. Se destaca la importancia de la placa dentobacteriana en el diagnóstico de Helicobacter pylori en la cavidad oral de los niños y notificar a las autoridades correspondientes su presencia para poder realizar campañas de concientización.
Introducción: Según la OMS, más del 50% de la población adulta está infectada con el Helicobacter Pylori, con prevalencias de hasta el 90%. La mayorÃa de contagios se produce antes de los 10 años de edad. Desde el descubrimiento del H. Pylori (1983), se lo ha relacionado con la úlcera péptica, gastritis, reflujo gastroesofágico e incluso, cáncer gástrico. MetodologÃa: Se realizó un estudio transversal analÃtico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 250 niños escolares de la etnia Shuar del cantón Sucúa. La prueba utilizada para la detección del Helicobacter pylori es la identificación de antÃgenos en las heces por inmunocromatografÃa. Para establecer la significancia de asociación de variables se utilizó el OR con su intervalo de confianza al 95%. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 8.8 años (DS 2.0), con predominio de las mujeres (54.4%). El 56.4% consume agua potable, el 71.65% vive en hacinamiento, el 42% tiene servicios de letrinización y el 49.2% cuenta con servicios de alcantarillado. Se encontró asociación significativa con el nivel de instrucción OR 1.68, IC95% (1 – 2.84), p=0.049; letrinización OR 1.99, IC95% (1.17 – 3.36), p=0.01; deposiciones al aire libre OR 4.32, IC95% (2.13 – 8.77), p=0.000. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori es alta en la población escolar de la etnia Shuar; está asociada a un nivel bajo de instrucción de los progenitores y una inadecuada infraestructura de servicios básicos.
Tests de ureasa no comercializados se utilizan para el diagnóstico del H.P. Tienen la ventaja de su bajo costo.Se ha revisado la necesidad de realizar estudios clÃnicos que los validen apropiadamente, en los lugares donde se utilizan. Validar una preparación de test de ureasa hecha en nuestra unidad [test de laboratorio] comparándola con el CLOtest y el resultado histológico. Estudio prospectivo y randomizado de validación de test de ureasa en pacientes con sistomatologÃa digestiva e indicación de endoscopÃa. Muestra de biopsia gástrica antral se destinaron al azar para el test de laboratorio y el CLOtest. Además dos muestras para el estudio histológico. Se excluyeron a pacientes que dÃas antes habÃan tomado medicación susceptible de alterar el diagnostico de H.P. La lectura de resultados se realizó de manera independiente. Fueron incluidos 105 pacientes [edad media 45.43 años más menos 17 DS]. El 70.4 por ciento fueron positivos al examen por histologÃa mientras que el 64.3 por ciento y 65.8 por ciento lo fueron al test de laboratorio y CLOtest, respectivamente [p mayor 0.05], El valor global del test de laboratorio fue 93.33 por ciento [95 por ciento IC: 86.27 - 97.04]; con 7 falsos negativos y sin falsos positivos. La sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo fueron 90.54 por ciento, 100 por ciento, y 81.57 por ciento respectivamente. Los resultados del CLOtest fueron similares valor global de 95.23 por ciento [95 por ciento IC: 88.70 - 98.23]; 5 falsos negativos y ningun falso positivo. La sesibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo fueron 93.24 por ciento, 100 por ciento y 86.11 por ciento respectivamente. Niguno de los parámetros mostró diferencias significativas [p mayor0.05]. El tiempo de reacción de los test fueron similares. La validación de este test de laboratorio proporcionó resultados similares al CLOtest
Background: Initial resistance to antibiotics is the main reason for the failure of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication in children. Objectives: As we commonly face high antibiotic resistance rates in children, we aimed to determine the susceptibility of H. pylori to common antibiotics. Patients and Methods: In this cross-sectional in vitro study, 169 children younger than 14 years with clinical diagnosis of peptic ulcer underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsy specimens from stomach and duodenum were cultured. In isolated colonies, tests of catalase, urease, and oxidase as well as gram staining were performed. After confirming the colonies as H. pylori, the antibiogram was obtained using disk diffusion method. Results: Culture for H. pylori was positive in 12.3% of the specimens, urease test in 21.3%, serological test in 18.9% and stool antigen test was positive in 21.9%. We could show high specificity but moderate sensitivity of both histological and H. pylori stool antigen tests to detect H. pylori. The overall susceptibility to metronidazole was 42.9%, amoxicillin 95.2%, clarithromycin 85.7%, furazolidone 61.9%, azithromycin 81.0%, and tetracycline 76.2% with the highest resistance to metronidazole and the lowest to clarithromycin. Conclusions: In our region, there is high resistance of H. pylori to some antibiotics including metronidazole and furazolidone among affected children. To reduce the prevalence of this antibiotic resistance, more controlled use of antibiotics should be considered in children.
Background and Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of classical and azithromycin-containing triple therapy eradication regimen against H. pylori in children, and to determine the level of patients’ tolerance. Patients and Methods: This single clinical trial was performed in 2014 on 2 to 15 years old children. All children, in whom H. Pylori infection was confirmed through multiple biopsies of the stomach and required treatment, were enrolled in the study. H. Pylori-positive patients were treated alternately with two different drug regimens; Group OCA received clarithromycin 7.5 mg/kg/day every 12 hours for 10 days, amoxicillin 50 mg/kg/day every 12 hours for 10 days, and omeprazole 1 mg/kg/day every 12 hours for two weeks, and Group OAA received azithromycin 10 mg/kg/day once a day (before meal) for 6 days along with amoxicillin and omeprazole. Four to six weeks after completion of treatment, patients’ stool was tested for H. Pylori through the monoclonal method using the Helicobacter antigen quick kit. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding gender and age of patients. Based on ITT analysis, the therapeutic response in the OAA and OCA groups were 56.2% and 62.5%, respectively (P = 0.40). Drug adverse effects were 15.6% in the OCA and 3.1% in the OAA group (P = 0.19). Conclusions: The therapeutic response was seen in more than half of the patients treated with triple therapy of H. Pylori eradication regimen including azithromycin or clarithromycin, and there was no significant difference between the two treatment groups. Keywords: Treatment,
Saccharomyces Boulardii in Helicobacter Pylori Eradication in Children: A Randomized Trial From Iran
Background: Helicobacter Pylori infects around 50% of the human population and is asymptomatic in 70% of the cases. H.pylori eradication in childhood will not only result in peptic symptoms relief, but will also prevent late-term complications such as cancer. Today, probiotics are being increasingly studied in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections as an alternative or complement to antibiotics. Objectives: In this study we aimed to assess the effect of S. boulardii supplementation on H.pylori eradication among children in our region. Patients and Methods: In this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial 28 asymptomatic primary school children with a positive H.pylori stool antigen (HpSA) exam were randomly allocated into the study group, receiving Saccharomyces Boulardii and the control group receiving placebo capsules matched by shape and size, for one month. The children were followed up weekly and were reinvestigated four to eight weeks after accomplished treatment by HpSA testing. The significance level was set at P < 0.05. Results: 24 children completed the study. The mean HpSA reduced from 0.40 ± 0.32 to 0.21 ± 0.27 in the study group, indicating a significant difference (P = 0.005). However, such difference was not observed in the control group (P = 0.89). Moreover, the HpSA titer showed a 0.019 ± 0.19 decrease in the study group whereas the same value was 0.0048 ± 0.12 for the controls, again stating a significant difference (P = 0.01). Conclusions: Saccharomyces boulardii has a positive effect on reducing the colonization of H.pylori in the human gastrointestinal system but is not capable of its eradication when used as single therapy.
El presente estudio se enfocó en la determinación de la frecuencia de Helicobacter pylori y parasitosis intestinal en los niños y niñas de 2 a 4 años que asisten a los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil del Municipio de la ciudad de Cuenca. Las muestras de heces fueron receptadas en los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil con la colaboración de los padres de familia y los educadores. Los exámenes coprológicos se llevaron a cabo en el Laboratorio ClÃnico del Centro de Diagnóstico de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca cumpliendo normas de control de calidad y bioseguridad. La identificación de los parásitos intestinales se realizó a través del examen coproparasitario en fresco y la técnica inmunocromatográfica se empleó para la determinación cualitativa de Helicobacter pylori. Los resultados del estudio evidenciaron una prevalencia de 26,1% de infección por Helicobacter pylori y de 19,3% para parasitosis intestinal en los Centros. En las parasitosis infantiles, el quiste de Entamoeba histolytica se identificó como el agente etiológico en el 58,8% de los casos
Se realiza un estudio clÃnico descriptivo en 210 personas asintomáticas voluntarias, con el fin de establecer la prevalencia por grupos etáreos de la infección por H. Pylori en personas asintomáticas entre los 10 y 80 años a través de la determinación de IgG, por el método de ELISA en suero sanguÃneo. Se clasifican a los individuos de acuerdo a si presentan o no factores de riesgo, principalmente hacinamiento, en el aseo de manos, higiene bucal y convivencia con animales domésticos. Se concluye que la prevalencia de resultados positivos es del 63.3 por ciento en el examen serológico y es mayor sobre los 40 años sin que exista diferencia de sexo, siendo los principales factores de riesgo la convivencia con el gato y el cepillado dental no adecuado. En los pacientes con prueba serológica positiva a los que se realizó la endoscopÃa [40], se encontró un resultado histopatológico con reporte de gastritis aguda en el 42.5 por ciento y de gastritis crónica en el 30 por ciento; la positividad de H. pylori histopatológicamente fue del 52.5 por ciento. Las pruebas de sensiblidad de la ureasa y de la IGG fueron del 90.47 por ciento y del 95.2 por ciento, respectivamente y la especificidad de 84.2 en ambas pruebas
Dittrichia viscosa subsp. viscosa (Compositae) is found on edges, wood clearings and in waste places of the Iberian Peninsula. Aerial parts of D. viscosa were collected at flowering phase in September-October 2001 around Lisbon, Portugal and the essential oils isolated by hydro-distillation for 4 h using a Clevenger-type apparatus. The oils were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Preliminary examination of the essential oils allowed the identification of 32 components. Only four components reached percentages over 5%: fokienol (11.8%), T-muurorol (7.9%), (E)-nerolidol (5.5%) and delta-cadinene (5.0%). The essential oils were tested against Helicobacterpylori and Listeria monocytogenes. Essential oils did not have antimicrobial activity against L. monocytogenes. The essential oil at 0.88 to 22.22 mu g.ml(-1) did not inhibit the growth of H. pylori, affected the growth slightly at 44.40 mu g.ml(-1), and completely inhibited the growth at 88.80 to 133.20 mu g.ml(-1) Results show that use of D. viscosa essential oil in the treatment of gastric disorders caused by H. pylori can be effective.
Helicobacter pylori is one of the most widespread and successful human pathogens, colonizing half of the population stomach mucosa and causing gastric malignancies in 1% of carriers. Due to the increasing number of antimicrobial-resistant strains, in 2017 the WHO included H. pylori among pathogens that pose a major threat for humankind. In this study, we propose as a molecular target for novel antimicrobial strategies HP1043, an orphan response regulator essential for the viability of H. pylori as it orchestrates all the most important cellular processes. Amino acids most relevant for HP1043 dimerization and target DNA recognition were identified and used to guide an in-silico protein-DNA docking and generate a high-resolution structural model of the interacting HP1043 dimer and its target DNA. The model was experimentally validated and exploited to carry out a virtual screening of small molecule libraries, identifying 8 compounds potentially able to interfere with HP1043 function and likely block H. pylori infection. A second line of research aimed at the characterization of the regulatory function of HP1043 and the tight mechanisms of regulation of hp1043 gene expression. In particular, we proved a direct interaction between HP1043 and the housekeeping sigma80 factor of the RNA polymerase. A conditional mutant H. pylori strain overexpressing a synthetic copy of the hp1043 gene altered in nucleotide sequence yet encoding the wild-type protein was generated, achieving increased intracellular levels of HP1043. However, overexpression of HP1043 did not result in an upregulation of target genes transcription nor modulation of hp1043 transcript levels, pinpointing the existence of multiple overlayed mechanisms of regulation that affect both protein levels and functionality as well as maintain steady the amount of hp1043 transcript. Finally, we proposed that a mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation could depend on an antisense transcript to the hp1043 gene which was validated in two different strains.
OBJETIVO:Validar um escore epidemiológico para identificar dispépticos positivos para Helicobacter pylori. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 434 indivÃduos entre 18 e 45 anos de idade, portadores de dispepsia não investigada, usuários de unidades básicas de saúde de Pelotas (RS), entre 2006 e 2007. Dispepsia foi diagnosticada conforme Roma-II. O padrão-ouro para presença de H. pylori foi o teste respiratório com 13C-uréia. Analisou-se a associação entre H. pylori e variáveis independentes por regressão logÃstica. O escore foi construÃdo a partir de odds ratios ajustadas. Foram calculadas a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos. RESULTADOS: Dentre os dispépticos, a prevalência de H. pylori foi 74% (IC 95%: 69;77,7) e esteve associada diretamente à idade e número de irmãos na infância e inversamente à escolaridade, sendo essas variáveis utilizadas na construção do escore. Os valores do escore variaram de 3-9. Escores entre 7, 8 e 9 apresentaram sensibilidade, respectivamente, de 36,6%, 22,3% e 11,1%; e valores preditivos positivos 87,8%, 90,9% e 92,1%. Sem a aplicação do escore, três de cada quatro dispépticos receberiam tratamento para H. pylori, com a aplicação, menor número de dispépticos seriam encaminhados para tratamento (um em cada três, seis e 11, respectivamente, com os pontos de corte entre 7 e 9), porém à s custas de alta taxa de casos falso-negativos. CONCLUSÕES:O escore não foi válido para identificação seletiva de dispépticos candidatos a tratamento erradicador para H. pylori. Diferentemente do recomendado para paÃses desenvolvidos, a alta prevalência de H. pylori torna a estratégia testar-e-tratar inapropriada para uso nos paÃses em desenvolvimento.
A elevada incidência e prevalência do Helicobacter pylori na população mundial representa uma preocupação emergente. É alarmante saber que esta bactéria, para além de promover estes padrões epidemiológicos, é igualmente um microorganismo altamente patogénico para os seres humanos. Este facto justifica a pertinência de estudos que visam a identificação de técnicas, no âmbito da anatomia patológica, capazes de detectarem o H. pylori de forma perceptÃvel e fiável. Foi objectivo deste trabalho identificar qual das técnicas de detecção do H. pylori em biópsias gástricas em estudo promove o melhor qualidade de coloração/imunomarcação, permitindo a melhor identificação do microorganismo.
The present study intended to analyze the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori, IgG, and its relation to dyspepsia in a population from the western Amazon region. During the "Projeto Bandeira CientÃfica", a University of São Paulo Medical School program, in Monte Negro's rural areas, state of Rondônia, 266 blood samples were collected from volunteers. The material was tested for IgG antibodies anti-Helicobacter pylori by ELISA method and the participants were also interviewed on dyspepsia, hygiene and social aspects. Participants aged between five and 81 years old (34 years on average), 149 (56%) were female and 117 (44%) male. We found 210 (78.9%) positive, 50 (18.8%) negative and six (2.3%) undetermined samples. Dyspeptic complaints were found in 226 cases (85.2%). There was no statistical association between dyspepsia and positive serology for H. pylori. We concluded that the seroprevalence in all age categories is similar to results found in other studies conducted in developing countries, including those from Brazil. On the other hand, the seroprevalence found in Monte Negro was higher than that reported in developed countries. As expected, there was a progressive increase in the positivity for H. pylori in older age groups.
Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection with common antibiotics is typically recommended for several digestive conditions, including peptic ulcers. However, reports of resistant H. pylori isolates are increasing, and unfortunately, these do not respond to currently available therapeutic regimens. We report the case of a 31-year-old woman with two peptic ulcers in the duodenal antrum. An H. pylori strain was isolated, and tested for antibiotic resistance using agar dilution and disk diffusion. The isolated strain was found to be resistant to all seven antibiotics that were tested. Therefore, constant monitoring for antibiotic resistance should be performed prior to initiating antibiotic therapy.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of a simple, short-term and low-cost eradication treatment for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) using omeprazole, tetracycline, and furazolidone in a Brazilian peptic ulcer population, divided into 2 subgroups: untreated and previously treated for the infection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with peptic ulcer disease diagnosed by endoscopic examination and infected by H. pylori diagnosed by the rapid urease test (RUT) and histological examination, untreated and previously unsuccessfully treated by macrolides and nitroimidazole, were medicated with omeprazole 20 mg daily dose and tetracycline 500 mg and furazolidone 200 mg given 3 times a day for 7 days. Another endoscopy or a breath test was performed 12 weeks after the end of treatment. Patients were considered cured of the infection if a RUT and histologic examination proved negative or a breath test was negative for the bacterium. RESULTS: Sixty-four patients were included in the study. The women were the predominant sex (58%); the mean age was 46 years. Thirty-three percent of the patients were tobacco users, and duodenal ulcer was identified in 80% of patients. For the 59 patients that underwent follow-up examinations, eradication was verified in 44 (75%). The eradication rate for the intention-to-treat group was 69%. The incidence of severe adverse effects was 15%. CONCLUSION: The treatment provides good efficacy for H. pylori eradication in patients who were previously treated without success, but it causes severe adverse effects that prevented adequate use of the medications in 15% of the patients.