853 resultados para Heath Zoning


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There is increasing interest in the early years as a focus for reducing health inequalities as well as one that is important for the children themselves. This paper describes the introduction in England of Sure Start Local Programmes, which included home visiting within a community development approach, and an intensive home visiting programme, the Nurse-Family partnership, for disadvantaged teenage mothers. It reflects on changes and challenges in service provision to mothers and their pre-school children in England, explaining that a long tradition of home visiting was, paradoxically, reduced as attention focused on the newer initiatives. This is now being addressed, with attention to a range of evidence based programmes and a specific focus on heath visitor provision.


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ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: "Reverse pharmacology", also called "bedside-to-bench" or "field to pharmacy" approach, is a research process starting with documentation of clinical outcome as observed by patients with different therapeutic regimens. The treatment most significantly associated with cure is selected for future studies: first, clinical safety and efficacy; then in vivo and vitro studies. Some clinical data, i.e. details on patient status and progress, can be collected during ethnobotanical surveys; they will help clinical researchers and, once effectiveness and safety are established, will also help users of traditional medicine make safer and more effective choices. To gather clinical data successfully, ethnopharmacologists need to be backed by an appropriate team of specialists in medicine and epidemiology. Ethnopharmacologists can also gather important data on traditional medicine safety. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The first step is to create a consensus on the meaning of "clinical data", their interest and importance. An understanding of why "a cure is not a proof of effectiveness" is a starting point to avoid faulty interpretation of the clinical observations. RESULTS: Experience showed that, with the "bedside-to-bench" approach, a treatment derived from traditional recipe can be scientifically validated (in terms of safety and effectiveness) with a cost of less than a million euros, thus providing an end-product that is affordable, available and sustainable. CONCLUSIONS: With rigorous clinical study results, medicinal plant users gain the possibility to refine heath strategies. The field surveyor may gain a better relationship with the population, once she/he is seen as bringing information useful for the quality of care in the community.


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Contact aureoles provide an excellent geologic environment to study the mechanisms of metamorphic reactions in a natural system. The Torres del Paine (TP) intrusion is one of the most spectacular natural laboratories because of its excellent outcrop conditions. It formed in a period from 12.59 to 12.43 Ma and consists of three large granite and four smaller mafic batches. The oldest granite is on top, the youngest at the bottom of the granitic complex, and the granites overly the mafic laccolith. The TP intruded at a depth of 2-3 km into regional metamorphic anchizone to greenschist facies pelites, sandstones, and conglomerates of the Cerro Toro and Punta Barrosa formations. It formed a thin contact aureole of 150-400 m width. This thesis focuses on the reaction kinetics of the mineral cordierite in the contact aureole using quantitative textural analysis methods. First cordierite was formed from chlorite break¬down (zone I, ca. 480 °C, 750 bar). The second cordierite forming reaction was the muscovite break-down, which is accompanied by a modal decrease in biotite and the appearance of k- feldspar (zone II, 540-550 °C, 750 bar). Crystal sizes of the roundish, poikiloblastic cordierites were determined from microscope thin section images by manually marking each crystal. Images were then automatically processed with Matlab. The correction for the intersection probability of each crystal radius yields the crystal size distribution in the rock. Samples from zone I below the laccolith have the largest crystals (0.09 mm). Cordierites from zone II are smaller, with a maximum crystal radius of 0.057 mm. Rocks from zone II have a larger number of small cordierite crystals than rocks from zone I. A combination of these quantitative analysis with numerical modeling of nucleation and growth, is used to infer nucleation and growth parameters which are responsible for the observed mineral textures. For this, the temperature-time paths of the samples need to be known. The thermal history is complex because the main body of the intrusion was formed by several intrusive batches. The emplacement mechanism and duration of each batch can influence the thermal structure in the aureole. A possible subdivision of batches in smaller increments, so called pulses, will focus heat at the side of the intrusion. Focusing all pulses on one side increases the contact aureole size on that side, but decreases it on the other side. It forms a strongly asymmetric contact aureole. Detailed modeling shows that the relative thicknesses of the TP contact aureole above and below the intrusion (150 and 400 m) are best explained by a rapid emplacement of at least the oldest granite batch. Nevertheless, temperatures are significantly too low in all models, compared to observed mineral assemblages in the hornfelses. Hence, an other important thermal mechanisms needs to take place in the host rock. Clastic minerals in the immature sediments outside the contact aureole are hydrated due to small amounts of expelled fluids during contact metamorphism. This leads to a temperature increase of up to 50 °C. The origin of fluids can be traced by stable isotopes. Whole rock stable isotope data (6D and δ180) and chlorine concentrations in biotite document that the TP intrusion induced only very small amounts of fluid flow. Oxygen whole rock data show δ180 values between 9.0 and 10.0 %o within the first 5 m of the contact. Values increase to 13.0 - 15.0 %o further away from the intrusion. Whole rock 6D values display a more complex zoning. First, host rock values (-90 to -70 %o) smoothly decrease towards the contact by ca. 20 %o, up to a distance of ca. 150 m. This is followed by an increase of ca. 20 %o within the innermost 150 m of the aureole (-97.0 to -78 %o at the contact). The initial decrease in 6D values is interpreted to be due to Rayleigh fractionation accompanying the dehydration reactions forming cordierite, while the final increase reflects infiltration of water-rich fluids from the intrusion. An over-estimate on the quantity and the corresponding thermal effect yields a temperature increase of less than 30 °C. This suggests that fluid flow might have contributed only for a small amount to the thermal evolution of the system. A combination of the numerical growth model with the thermal model, including the hydration reaction enthalpies but neglecting fluid flow and incremental growth, can be used to numerically reproduce the observed cordierite textures in the contact aureole. This yields kinetic parameters which indicate fast cordierite crystallization before the thermal peak in the inner aureole, and continued reaction after the thermal peak in the outermost aureole. Only small temperature dependencies of the kinetic parameters seem to be needed to explain the obtained crystal size data. - Les auréoles de contact offrent un cadre géologique privilégié pour l'étude des mécanismes de réactions métamorphiques associés à la mise en place de magmas dans la croûte terrestre. Par ses conditions d'affleurements excellentes, l'intrusion de Torres del Paine représente un site exceptionnel pour améliorer nos connaissances de ces processus. La formation de cette intrusion composée de trois injections granitiques principales et de quatre injections mafiques de volume inférieur couvre une période allant de 12.50 à 12.43 Ma. Le plus vieux granite forme la partie sommitale de l'intrusion alors que l'injection la plus jeune s'observe à la base du complexe granitique; les granites recouvrent la partie mafique du laccolite. L'intrusion du Torres del Paine s'est mise en place a 2-3 km de profondeur dans un encaissant métamorphique. Cet encaissant est caractérisé par un métamorphisme régional de faciès anchizonal à schiste vert et est composé de pélites, de grès, et des conglomérats des formations du Cerro Toro et Punta Barrosa. La mise en place des différentes injections granitiques a généré une auréole de contact de 150-400 m d'épaisseur autour de l'intrusion. Cette thèse se concentre sur la cinétique de réaction associée à la formation de la cordiérite dans les auréoles de contact en utilisant des méthodes quantitatives d'analyses de texture. On observe plusieurs générations de cordiérite dans l'auréole de contact. La première cordiérite est formée par la décomposition de la chlorite (zone I, environ 480 °C, 750 bar), alors qu'une seconde génération de cordiérite est associée à la décomposition de la muscovite, laquelle est accompagnée par une diminution modale de la teneur en biotite et l'apparition de feldspath potassique (zone II, 540-550 °C, 750 bar). Les tailles des cristaux de cordiérites arrondies et blastic ont été déterminées en utilisant des images digitalisées des lames minces et en marquant individuellement chaque cristal. Les images sont ensuite traitées automatiquement à l'aide du programme Matlab. La correction de la probabilité d'intersection en fonction du rayon des cristaux permet de déterminer la distribution de la taille des cristaux dans la roche. Les échantillons de la zone I, en dessous du lacolite, sont caractérisés par de relativement grands cristaux (0.09 mm). Les cristaux de cordiérite de la zone II sont plus petits, avec un rayon maximal de 0.057 mm. Les roches de la zone II présentent un plus grand nombre de petits cristaux de cordiérite que les roches de la zone I. Une combinaison de ces analyses quantitatives avec un modèle numérique de nucléation et croissance a été utilisée pour déduire les paramètres de nucléation et croissance contrôlant les différentes textures minérales observées. Pour développer le modèle de nucléation et de croissance, il est nécessaire de connaître le chemin température - temps des échantillons. L'histoire thermique est complexe parce que l'intrusion est produite par plusieurs injections successives. En effet, le mécanisme d'emplace¬ment et la durée de chaque injection peuvent influencer la structure thermique dans l'auréole. Une subdivision des injections en plus petits incréments, appelés puises, permet de concentrer la chaleur dans les bords de l'intrusion. Une mise en place préférentielle de ces puises sur un côté de l'intrusion modifie l'apport thermique et influence la taille de l'auréole de contact produite, auréole qui devient asymétrique. Dans le cas de la première injection de granite, une modélisation détaillée montre que l'épaisseur relative de l'auréole de contact de Torres del Paine au-dessus et en dessous de l'intrusion (150 et 400 m) est mieux expliquée par un emplacement rapide du granite. Néanmoins, les températures calculées dans l'auréole de con¬tact sont trop basses pour que les modèles thermiques soient cohérants par rapport à la taille de cette auréole. Ainsi, un autre mecanisme exothermique est nécessaire pour permettre à la roche encais¬sante de produire les assemblages observés. L'observation des roches encaissantes entourant les granites montre que les minéraux clastiques dans les sédiments immatures au-dehors de l'auréole sont hydratés suite à la petite quantité de fluide expulsée durant le métamorphisme de contact et/ou la mise en place des granites. Les réactions d'hydratation peuvent permettre une augmentation de la température jusqu'à 50 °C. Afin de déterminer l'origine des fluides, une étude isotopique de roches de l'auréole de contact a été entreprise. Les isotopes stables d'oxygène et d'hydrogène sur la roche totale ainsi que la concentration en chlore dans la biotite indiquent que la mise en place des granites du Torres del Paine n'induit qu'une circulation de fluide limitée. Les données d'oxygène sur roche totale montrent des valeurs δ180 entre 9.0 et 10.0%o au sein des cinq premiers mètres du contact. Les valeurs augmentent jusqu'à 13.0 - 15.0 plus on s'éloigne de l'intrusion. Les valeurs 5D sur roche totale montrent une zonation plus complexe. Les valeurs de la roche encaissante (-90 à -70%o) diminuent progressivement d'environ 20%o depuis l'extérieur de l'auréole jusqu'à une distance d'environ 150 m du granite. Cette diminution est suivie par une augmentation d'environ 20%o au sein des 150 mètres les plus proches du contact (-97.0 à -78%o au contact). La diminution initiale des valeurs de 6D est interprétée comme la conséquence du fractionnement de Rayleigh qui accompagne les réactions de déshydratation formant la cordiérite, alors que l'augmentation finale reflète l'infiltration de fluide riche en eau venant de l'intrusion. A partir de ces résultats, le volume du fluide issu du granite ainsi que son effet thermique a pu être estimé. Ces résultats montrent que l'augmentation de température associée à ces fluides est limitée à un maximum de 30 °C. La contribution de ces fluides dans le bilan thermique est donc faible. Ces différents résultats nous ont permis de créer un modèle thermique associé à la for¬mation de l'auréole de contact qui intègre la mise en place rapide du granite et les réactions d'hydratation lors du métamorphisme. L'intégration de ce modèle thermique dans le modèle numérique de croissance minérale nous permet de calculer les textures des cordiérites. Cepen¬dant, ce modèle est dépendant de la vitesse de croissance et de nucléation de ces cordiérites. Nous avons obtenu ces paramètres en comparant les textures prédites par le modèle et les textures observées dans les roches de l'auréole de contact du Torres del Paine. Les paramètres cinétiques extraits du modèle optimisé indiquent une cristallisation rapide de la cordiérite avant le pic thermique dans la partie interne de l'auréole, et une réaction continue après le pic thermique dans la partie la plus externe de l'auréole. Seules de petites dépendances de température des paramètres de cinétique semblent être nécessaires pour expliquer les don¬nées obtenues sur la distribution des tailles de cristaux. Ces résultats apportent un éclairage nouveau sur la cinétique qui contrôle les réactions métamorphiques.


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Objective: We assessed the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the Seychelles between 1989 and 2013. In the Seychelles, heath care is free to all inhabitants within a national health system, inclusive all hypertension medications. Design and method: Four surveys were conducted in 1989, 1994, 2004 and 2013 (Seychelles Heart Studies I, II, III and IV) in random samples of the population aged 25-64 (N >1000 and participation rate >75% in each sur acceptance of the program, though no objective index could be calculated. In total, 15% of device measurements were above high normal values and would correspond to either newly diagnosed HNT (second measurement required) or to poorly controlled known HTN. It should be stressed that 53 women without HTN who completed the questionnaire had abnormal BP values, including the 29 women who also contacted the research team. It could be speculated that approximately 2% of women would be first diagnosed with HTN following the completion of the initial phase of the screening program. Conclusions: Hypertension screening in the hair salon setting was proved to be conveniently applicable and well accepted both by owners and by customers and could lead to the new diagnosis of hypertension for 2% of the female clients. Further research is warranted to assess the effectiveness of the program.


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Levels of circulating glucose are tightly regulated. To identify new loci influencing glycemic traits, we performed meta-analyses of 21 genome-wide association studies informative for fasting glucose, fasting insulin and indices of beta-cell function (HOMA-B) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in up to 46,186 nondiabetic participants. Follow-up of 25 loci in up to 76,558 additional subjects identified 16 loci associated with fasting glucose and HOMA-B and two loci associated with fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. These include nine loci newly associated with fasting glucose (in or near ADCY5, MADD, ADRA2A, CRY2, FADS1, GLIS3, SLC2A2, PROX1 and C2CD4B) and one influencing fasting insulin and HOMA-IR (near IGF1). We also demonstrated association of ADCY5, PROX1, GCK, GCKR and DGKB-TMEM195 with type 2 diabetes. Within these loci, likely biological candidate genes influence signal transduction, cell proliferation, development, glucose-sensing and circadian regulation. Our results demonstrate that genetic studies of glycemic traits can identify type 2 diabetes risk loci, as well as loci containing gene variants that are associated with a modest elevation in glucose levels but are not associated with overt diabetes.


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Excess entry refers to the high failure rate of new entrepreneurial ventures. Economic explanations suggest 'hit and run' entrants and risk-seeking behavior. A psychological explanation is that people (entrepreneurs) are overconfident in their abilities (Camerer & Lovallo, 1999). Characterizing entry decisions as ambiguous gambles, we alternatively suggest following Heath and Tversky (1991) that people seek ambiguity when the source of uncertainty is related to their competence. Overconfidence, as such, plays no role. This hypothesis is confirmed in an experimental study that also documents the phenomenon of reference group neglect. Finally, we emphasize the utility that people gain from engaging in activities that contribute to a sense of competence. This is an important force in economic activity that deserves more explicit attention.


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A procedure for the simultaneous analysis of cell-wall polysaccharides, amides and aliphatic polyesters by transmission Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIR) has been established for Arabidopsis petals. The combination of FTIR imaging with spectra derivatization revealed that petals, in contrast to other organs, have a characteristic chemical zoning with high amount of aliphatic compounds and esters in the lamina and of polysaccharides in the stalk of the petal. The hinge region of petals was particular rich in amides as well as in vibrations potentially associated with hemicellulose. In addition, a number of other distribution patterns have been identified. Analyses of mutants in cutin deposition confirmed that vibrations of aliphatic compounds and esters present in the lamina were largely associated with the cuticular polyester. Calculation of spectrotypes, including the standard deviation of intensities, allowed detailed comparison of the spectral features of various mutants. The spectrotypes not only revealed differences in the amount of polyesters in cutin mutants, but also changes in other compound classes. For example, in addition to the expected strong deficiencies in polyester content, the long-chain acyl CoA synthase 2 mutant showed increased intensities of vibrations in a wavelength range that is typical for polysaccharides. Identical spectral features were observed in quasimodo2, a cell-wall mutant of Arabidopsis with a defect in pectin formation that exhibits increased cellulose synthase activity. FTIR thus proved to be a convenient method for the identification and characterization of mutants affected in the deposition of cutin in petals.


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This study aimed to describe the effects of the organization of primary healthcare on the assistance provided to the elderly Kaingang population, according to the perception of health professionals that work in this area. It is a qualitative and descriptive study, supported by ethnography methodological references, and was conducted with ten healthcare professionals that work in Faxinal, an indigenous territory in the state of Paraná, in Brazil. Data was collected from November 2010 to February 2012 through participant observation and interviews. The results revealed that health professionals strive to meet the health needs of the elderly Kaingang people; however, there are negative effects that hinder the professional care, especially limited human resources, lack of training and material resources, heavy workload and high turnover rates. This study highlights the need to improve work conditions in order to provide better healthcare.


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Purpose: To examine the relationship of functional measurements with structural measures. Methods: 146 eyes of 83 test subjects underwent Heidelberg Retinal Tomography (HRTIII) (disc area<2.43, mphsd<40), and perimetry testing with Octopus (SAP; Dynamic), Pulsar (PP; TOP) and Moorfields MDT (ESTA). Glaucoma was defined as progressive structural or functional loss (20 eyes). Perimetry test points were grouped into 6 sectors based on the estimated optic nerve head angle into which the associated nerve fiber bundle enters (Garway-Heath map). Perimetry summary measures (PSM) (MD SAP/ MD PP/ PTD MDT) were calculated from the average total deviation of each measured threshold from the normal for each sector. We calculated the 95% significance level of the sectorial PSM from the respective normative data. We calculated the percentage agreement with group1 (G1), healthy on HRT and within normal perimetric limits, and group 2 (G2), abnormal on HRT and outside normal perimetric limits. We also examined the relationship of PSM and rim area (RA) in those sectors classified as abnormal by MRA (Moorfields Regression Analysis) of HRT. Results: The mean age was 65 (range= [37, 89]). The global sensitivity versus specificity of each instrument in detecting glaucomatous eyes was: MDT 80% vs. 88%, SAP 80% vs. 80%, PP 70% vs. 89% and HRT 80% vs. 79%. Highest percentage agreement of HRT (respectively G1, G2, sector) with PSM were MDT (89%, 57%, nasal superior), SAP (83%, 74%, temporal superior), PP (74%, 63%, nasal superior). Globally percentage agreement (respectively G1, G2) was MDT (92%, 28%), SAP (87%, 40%) and PP (77%, 49%). Linear regression showed there was no significant trend globally associating RA and PSM. However, sectorally the supero-nasal sector had a statistically significant (p<0.001) trend with each instrument, the associated r2 coefficients are (MDT 0.38 SAP 0.56 and PP 0.39). Conclusions: There were no significant differences in global sensitivity or specificity between instruments. Structure-function relationships varied significantly between instruments and were consistently strongest supero-nasally. Further studies are required to investigate these relationships in detail.


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OBJECTIVE: Surface magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for aortic plaque assessment is limited by the trade-off between penetration depth and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For imaging the deep seated aorta, a combined surface and transesophageal MRI (TEMRI) technique was developed 1) to determine the individual contribution of TEMRI and surface coils to the combined signal, 2) to measure the signal improvement of a combined surface and TEMRI over surface MRI, and 3) to assess for reproducibility of plaque dimension analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 24 patients six black blood proton-density/T2-weighted fast-spin echo images were obtained using three surface and one TEMRI coil for SNR measurements. Reproducibility of plaque dimensions (combined surface and TEMRI) was measured in 10 patients. TEMRI contributed 68% of the signal in the aortic arch and descending aorta, whereas the overall signal gain using the combined technique was up to 225%. Plaque volume measurements had an intraclass correlation coefficient of as high as 0.97. CONCLUSION: Plaque volume measurements for the quantification of aortic plaque size are highly reproducible for combined surface and TEMRI. The TEMRI coil contributes considerably to the aortic MR signal. The combined surface and TEMRI approach improves aortic signal significantly as compared to surface coils alone. CONDENSED ABSTRACT: Conventional MRI aortic plaque visualization is limited by the penetration depth of MRI surface coils and may lead to suboptimal image quality with insufficient reproducibility. By combining a transesophageal MRI (TEMRI) with surface MRI coils we enhanced local and overall image SNR for improved image quality and reproducibility.


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OBJECTIVEDescribing how Kaingang seniors and their primary caregivers experience access to public health services.METHODA qualitative study guided by ethnography, conducted with 28 elderly and 19 caregivers. Data were collected between November 2010 and February 2013 through interviews and participative observation analyzed by ethnography.RESULTSThe study revealed the benefits and difficulties of the elderly access to health services, the facility to obtain health care resources such as appointments, medications and routine procedures, and the difficulties such as special assistance service problems and delays in the dispatching process between reference services.CONCLUSIONThe importance of knowing and understanding the cultural specificities of the group in order to offer greater opportunities for the elderly access to health services was reinforced.


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Recent genome-wide association studies have described many loci implicated in type 2 diabetes (T2D) pathophysiology and β-cell dysfunction but have contributed little to the understanding of the genetic basis of insulin resistance. We hypothesized that genes implicated in insulin resistance pathways might be uncovered by accounting for differences in body mass index (BMI) and potential interactions between BMI and genetic variants. We applied a joint meta-analysis approach to test associations with fasting insulin and glucose on a genome-wide scale. We present six previously unknown loci associated with fasting insulin at P < 5 × 10(-8) in combined discovery and follow-up analyses of 52 studies comprising up to 96,496 non-diabetic individuals. Risk variants were associated with higher triglyceride and lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, suggesting a role for these loci in insulin resistance pathways. The discovery of these loci will aid further characterization of the role of insulin resistance in T2D pathophysiology.


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THESIS ABSTRACT Nucleation and growth of metamorphic minerals are the consequence of changing P-T-X-conditions. The thesis presented here focuses on processes governing nucleation and growth of minerals in contact metamorphic environments using a combination of geochemical analytics (chemical-, isotope-, and trace element composition), statistical treatments of spatial data, and numerical models. It is shown, that a combination of textural modeling and stable isotope analysis allows a distinction between several possible reaction paths for olivine growth in a siliceous dolomite contact aureole. It is suggested that olivine forms directly from dolomite and quartz. The formation of olivine from this metastable reaction implies metamorphic crystallization far from equilibrium. As a major consequence, the spatial distribution of metamorphic mineral assemblages in a contact aureole cannot be interpreted as a proxy for the temporal evolution of a single rock specimen, because each rock undergoes a different reaction path, depending on temperature, heating rate, and fluid-infiltration rate. A detailed calcite-dolomite thermometry study was initiated on multiple scales ranging from aureole scale to the size of individual crystals. Quantitative forward models were developed to evaluate the effect of growth zoning, volume diffusion and the formation of submicroscopic exsolution lamellae (<1 µm) on the measured Mg-distribution in individual calcite crystals and compare the modeling results to field data. This study concludes that Mg-distributions in calcite grains of the Ubehebe Peak contact aureole are the consequence of rapid crystal growth in combination with diffusion and exsolution. The crystallization history of a rock is recorded in the chemical composition, the size and the distribution of its minerals. Near the Cima Uzza summit, located in the southern Adamello massif (Italy), contact metamorphic brucite bearing dolomite marbles are exposed as xenoliths surrounded by mafic intrusive rocks. Brucite is formed retrograde pseudomorphing spherical periclase crystals. Crystal size distributions (CSD's) of brucite pseudomorphs are presented for two profiles and combined with geochemistry data and petrological information. Textural analyses are combined with geochemistry data in a qualitative model that describes the formation periclase. As a major outcome, this expands the potential use of CSD's to systems of mineral formation driven by fluid-infiltration. RESUME DE LA THESE La nucléation et la croissance des minéraux métamorphiques sont la conséquence de changements des conditions de pression, température et composition chimique du système (PT-X). Cette thèse s'intéresse aux processus gouvernant la nucléation et la croissance des minéraux au cours d'un épisode de métamorphisme de contact, en utilisant la géochimie analytique (composition chimique, isotopique et en éléments traces), le traitement statistique des données spatiales et la modélisation numérique. Il est montré que la combinaison d'un modèle textural avec des analyses en isotopes stables permet de distinguer plusieurs chemins de réactions possibles conduisant à la croissance de l'olivine dans une auréole de contact riche en Silice et dolomite. Il est suggéré que l'olivine se forme directement à partir de la dolomie et du quartz. Cette réaction métastable de formation de l'olivine implique une cristallisation métamorphique loin de l'équilibre. La principale conséquence est que la distribution spatiale des assemblages de minéraux métamorphiques dans une auréole de contact ne peut pas être considérée comme un témoin de l'évolution temporelle d'un type de roche donné, puisque chaque type de roche suit différents chemins de réactions, en fonction de la température, la vitesse de réchauffement et le taux d'infiltration du fluide. Une étude thermométrique calcite-dolomite détaillée a été réalisée à diverses échelles, depuis l'échelle de l'auréole de contact jusqu'à l'échelle du cristal. Des modèles numériques quantitatifs ont été développés pour évaluer l'effet des zonations de croissance, de la diffusion volumique et de la formation de lamelles d'exsolution submicroscopiques (<1µm) sur la distribution du magnésium mesuré dans des cristaux de calcite individuels. Les résultats de ce modèle ont été comparés ä des échantillons naturels. Cette étude montre que la distribution du Mg dans les grains de calcite de l'auréole de contact de l'Ubehebe Peak (USA) résulte d'une croissance cristalline rapide, associée aux processus de diffusion et d'exsolution. L'histoire de cristallisation d'une roche est enregistrée dans la composition chimique, la taille et la distribution de ses minéraux. Près du sommet Cima Uzza situé au sud du massif d'Adamello (Italie), des marbres dolomitiques à brucite du métamorphisme de contact forment des xénolithes dans une intrusion mafique. La brucite constitue des pseudomorphes rétrogrades du périclase. Les distributions de taille des cristaux (CSD) des pseudomorphes de brucite sont présentées pour deux profiles et sont combinées aux données géochimiques et pétrologiques. Les analyses textorales sont combinées aux données géochimiques dans un modèle qualitatif qui décrit la formation du périclase. Ceci élargit l'utilisation potentielle de la C5D aux systèmes de formation de minéraux controlés par les infiltrations fluides. THESIS ABSTRACT (GENERAL PUBLIC) Rock textures are essentially the result of a complex interaction of nucleation, growth and deformation as a function of changing physical conditions such as pressure and temperature. Igneous and metamorphic textures are especially attractive to study the different mechanisms of texture formation since most of the parameters like pressure-temperature-paths are quite well known for a variety of geological settings. The fact that textures are supposed to record the crystallization history of a rock traditionally allowed them to be used for geothermobarometry or dating. During the last decades the focus of metamorphic petrology changed from a static point of view, i.e. the representation of a texture as one single point in the petrogenetic grid towards a more dynamic view, where multiple metamorphic processes govern the texture formation, including non-equilibrium processes. This thesis tries to advance our understanding on the processes governing nucleation and growth of minerals in contact metamorphic environments and their dynamic interplay by using a combination of geochemical analyses (chemical-, isotope-, and trace element composition), statistical treatments of spatial data and numerical models. In a first part the thesis describes the formation of metamorphic olivine porphyroblast in the Ubehebe Peak contact aureole (USA). It is shown that not the commonly assumed succession of equilibrium reactions along a T-t-path formed the textures present in the rocks today, but rather the presence of a meta-stable reaction is responsible for forming the olivine porphyroblast. Consequently, the spatial distribution of metamorphic minerals within a contact aureole can no longer be regarded as a proxy for the temporal evolution of a single rock sample. Metamorphic peak temperatures for samples of the Ubehebe Peak contact aureole were determined using calcite-dolomite. This geothermometer is based on the temperature-dependent exchange of Mg between calcite and dolomite. The purpose of the second part of this thesis was to explain the interfering systematic scatter of measured Mg-content on different scales and thus to clarify the interpretation of metamorphic temperatures recorded in carbonates. Numerical quantitative forward models are used to evaluate the effect of several processes on the distribution of magnesium in individual calcite crystals and the modeling results were then compared to measured field. Information about the crystallization history is not only recorded in the chemical composition of grains, like isotope composition or mineral zoning. Crystal size distributions (CSD's) provide essential information about the complex interaction of nucleation and growth of minerals. CSD's of brucite pseudomorphs formed retrograde after periclase of the southern Adamello massif (Italy) are presented. A combination of the textural 3D-information with geochemistry data is then used to evaluate reaction kinetics and to constrain the actual reaction mechanism for the formation of periclase. The reaction is shown to be the consequence of the infiltration of a limited amount of a fluid phase at high temperatures. The composition of this fluid phase is in large disequilibrium with the rest of the rock resulting in very fast reaction rates. RESUME DE LA THESE POUR LE GRAND PUBLIC: La texture d'une roche résulte de l'interaction complexe entre les processus de nucléation, croissance et déformation, en fonction des variations de conditions physiques telles que la pression et la température. Les textures ignées et métamorphiques présentent un intérêt particulier pour l'étude des différents mécanismes à l'origine de ces textures, puisque la plupart des paramètres comme les chemin pression-température sont relativement bien contraints dans la plupart des environnements géologiques. Le fait que les textures soient supposées enregistrer l'histoire de cristallisation des roches permet leur utilisation pour la datation et la géothermobarométrie. Durant les dernières décennies, la recherche en pétrologie métamorphique a évolué depuis une visualisation statique, c'est-à-dire qu'une texture donnée correspondait à un point unique de la grille pétrogénétique, jusqu'à une visualisation plus dynamique, où les multiples processus métamorphiques qui gouvernent 1a formation d'une texture incluent des processus hors équilibre. Cette thèse a pour but d'améliorer les connaissances actuelles sur les processus gouvernant la nucléation et la croissance des minéraux lors d'épisodes de métamorphisme de contact et l'interaction dynamique existant entre nucléation et croissance. Pour cela, les analyses géochimiques (compositions chimiques en éléments majeurs et traces et composition isotopique), le traitement statistique des données spatiales et la modélisation numérique ont été combinés. Dans la première partie, cette thèse décrit la formation de porphyroblastes d'olivine métamorphique dans l'auréole de contact de l'Ubehebe Peak (USA). Il est montré que la succession généralement admise des réactions d'équilibre le long d'un chemin T-t ne peut pas expliquer les textures présentes dans les roches aujourd'hui. Cette thèse montre qu'il s'agirait plutôt d'une réaction métastable qui soit responsable de la formation des porphyroblastes d'olivine. En conséquence, la distribution spatiale des minéraux métamorphiques dans l'auréole de contact ne peut plus être interprétée comme le témoin de l'évolution temporelle d'un échantillon unique de roche. Les pics de température des échantillons de l'auréole de contact de l'Ubehebe Peak ont été déterminés grâce au géothermomètre calcite-dolomite. Celui-ci est basé sur l'échange du magnésium entre la calcite et la dolomite, qui est fonction de la température. Le but de la deuxième partie de cette thèse est d'expliquer la dispersion systématique de la composition en magnésium à différentes échelles, et ainsi d'améliorer l'interprétation des températures du métamorphisme enregistrées dans les carbonates. Des modèles numériques quantitatifs ont permis d'évaluer le rôle de différents processus sur la distribution du magnésium dans des cristaux de calcite individuels. Les résultats des modèles ont été comparés aux échantillons naturels. La composition chimique des grains, comme la composition isotopique ou la zonation minérale, n'est pas le seul témoin de l'histoire de la cristallisation. La distribution de la taille des cristaux (CSD) fournit des informations essentielles sur les interactions entre nucléation et croissance des minéraux. La CSD des pseudomorphes de brucite retrograde formés après le périclase dans le sud du massif Adamello (Italie) est présentée dans la troisième partie. La combinaison entre les données textorales en trois dimensions et les données géochimiques a permis d'évaluer les cinétiques de réaction et de contraindre les mécanismes conduisant à la formation du périclase. Cette réaction est présentée comme étant la conséquence de l'infiltration d'une quantité limitée d'une phase fluide à haute température. La composition de cette phase fluide est en grand déséquilibre avec le reste de la roche, ce qui permet des cinétiques de réactions très rapides.


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Background: Few data exist on secular trends of high blood pressure (HBP) detection and control in low and middle income countries, particularly in the African region. This study examines trends of HBP over 25 years based on 4 independent population surveys. In the Seychelles, heath care is free to all inhabitants within a national health system, inclusive all HBP medications. Previous studies have shown a transition from traditional to cardiometabolic cardiovascular risk factors in Seychelles. Age adjusted cardiovascular disease mortality rates is high but decreasing over the last two decades.


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Excess entry refers to the high failure rate of new entrepreneurial ventures. Economic explanations suggest 'hit and run' entrants and risk-seeking behavior. A psychological explanation is that people (entrepreneurs) are overconfident in their abilities (Camerer & Lovallo, 1999). Characterizing entry decisions as ambiguous gambles, we alternatively suggest following Heath and Tversky (1991) that people seek ambiguity when the source of uncertainty is related to their competence. Overconfidence, as such, plays no role. This hypothesis is confirmed in an experimental study that also documents the phenomenon of reference group neglect. Finally, we emphasize the utility that people gain from engaging in activities that contribute to a sense of competence. This is an important force in economic activity that deserves more explicit attention.