968 resultados para HTLV-I infection


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Human T-lymphotropic virus types 1/2 (HTLV-1/2) are distributed worldwide and are endemic in specific regions. METHODS: Serological evaluation of the HTLV-1/2 prevalence and co-infection rate [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Chagas disease, and syphilis)] for 2011-2014 was performed with volunteer blood donors from the western part of São Paulo State. RESULTS: Serrana and Araçatuba had higher HTLV seroprevalence rates (0.1%); while Franca, Olimpia, and Bebedouro had lower seroprevalences (0.04%). Co-infection (HBV and syphilis) was present in 12.3% of HTLV-infected blood donors. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide data for the prevalence of HTLV in Brazil and demonstrate the importance of regional and global hemovigilance.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the correlation of risk factors to the occurrence of urinary tract infection in full-term newborn infants. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study (1997) including full-term infants having a positive urine culture by bag specimen. Urine collection was based on: fever, weight loss > 10% of birth weight, nonspecific symptoms (feeding intolerance, failure to thrive, hypoactivity, debilitate suction, irritability), or renal and urinary tract malformations. In these cases, another urine culture by suprapubic bladder aspiration was collected to confirm the diagnosis. To compare and validate the risk factors in each group, the selected cases were divided into two groups: Group I - positive urine culture by bag specimen collection and negative urine culture by suprapubic aspiration, and Group II - positive urine culture by bag specimen collection and positive urine culture by suprapubic aspiration . RESULTS: Sixty one infants were studied, Group I, n = 42 (68.9%) and Group II, n = 19 (31.1%). The selected risk factors (associated infectious diseases, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, renal and urinary tract malformations, mechanical ventilation, parenteral nutrition and intravascular catheter) were more frequent in Group II (p<0.05). Through relative risk analysis, risk factors were, in decreasing importance: parenteral nutrition, intravascular catheter, associated infectious diseases, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, mechanical ventilation, and renal and urinary tract malformations. CONCLUSION: The results showed that parenteral nutrition, intravascular catheter, and associated infectious diseases contributed to increase the frequency of neonatal urinary tract infection, and in the presence of more than one risk factor, the occurrence of urinary tract infection rose up to 11 times.


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En la patogénesis del cáncer, factores microambientales como la inflamación están estrechamente vinculados al desarrollo y crecimiento tumoral, sustentando la clásica hipótesis de Virchow del origen del cáncer en sitios de inflamación crónica, la cual incitaría a carcinogénesis por múltiples factores. Estudios previos en este laboratorio evidenciaron en un modelo de prostatitis bacteriana agudo con E. coli, profundos cambios estromales semejantes al "estroma reactivo", con predominio de miofibroblasto, que se genera en el cáncer. En correlación, existe abundante evidencia obtenida en modelos experimentales animales confirmando que el microambiente estromal en el cual se desarrollan los tumores epiteliales influencia profundamente la progresión tumoral. El rol protagónico del estroma del huésped en el crecimiento neoplásico, también se ha demostrado inoculando la misma línea tumoral en diferentes tejidos y analizando su comportamiento en comparación con su implantación en el sitio anatómico original del tumor (implante ortotópico); otro factor clave en la repuesta del huésped al tumor está dado por el infiltrado de células inmunes que puede favorecer o limitar el crecimiento tumoral de acuerdo al perfil de citoquinas que secreten. Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, este proyecto tiene como Objetivo General estudiar la influencia de la infección bacteriana crónica en la inducción y evolución del cáncer prostático. Para ello trabajaremos in vivo con dos formas de formas de Tumores Prostáticos, un Tumor Inducido por combinación del carcinógeno N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) y testosterona; el segundo mediante Transplante Ortotópico de células tumorales prostáticas MAT-LU. En ambos modelos se inducirá previamente una prostatitis bacteriana, a fin de estudiar los efectos de la prostatitis en la inducción del tumor en el primer modelo, y en la implantación de las células tumorales en el segundo. También se inducirá prostatitis después de establecido el tumor por ambos procedimientos, a fin de determinar si la prostatitis bacteriana modula la progresión neoplásica. Finalmente, proponemos un modelo in vitro que permita estudiar la interacción tumor/estroma separado de la influencia del sistema inmune. A tal fin se utilizarán co-cultivos combinando células tumorales con estromales modificadas de diferente modo. La Inducción de Tumores Prostáticos se realizará en ratas de la cepa Wistar adultas, en las cuales se inducirán lesiones displásicas y neoplásicas siguiendo protocolos de carcinogénesis prostática por MNU, para lo cual es necesario el tratamiento previo con acetato de ciprosterona y propionato de testosterona, seguido por administración crónica de testosterona. Los estudios con Transplante Ortotópico de células tumorales se realizarán en ratas Copenhagen. La influencia de la infección bacteriana en el desarrollo tumoral será investigada inyectando E. coli intraprostáticamente: Se realizará Análisis Macroscópico, de Parámetros Morfológicos de las lesiones tumorales, grado de malignidad, extensión e invasión de las lesiones de acuerdo a consensos internacionales, y Bioquímicos mediante análisis de la expresión, por IHQ y WB, de fosfatasa ácida, citoqueratina 8, Prostatic Binding Protein, PTEN (gen supresor tumoral) y el receptor de Andrógenos, todos parámetros de actividad y de transformación celular. También se evaluará apoptosis por TUNEL y proliferación celular. Los cambios del compartimiento estromal en respuesta al implante tumoral y la influencia de la inflamación bacteriana se evaluarán mediante análisis morfológico e inmunocitoquímico, caracterizando el fenotipo de las poblaciones celulares con a-actina, vimentina, calponina y tenascina. Se espera que los resultados aporten evidencias acerca de las interacciones bidireccionales entre células neoplásicas prostáticas y su entorno estromal, que en un futuro puedan servir como base para establecr estrategias para prevenir y/o modificar el crecimiento neoplásico.


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La producción de productos lácteos conforma un complejo productivo de larga trayectoria en Argentina, con grandes transformaciones en el sector lechero en los últimos años. La provincia de Córdoba es una de las principales áreas de producción lechera, participando del 34.5 por ciento de la producción nacional. Esta provincia cuenta con un alto número de industrias, principalmente localizadas en la cuenca de Villa María, y concentra el 35 por ciento de los establecimientos lecheros del país. La Mastitis bovina (MB) es la principal causa de pérdidas económicas para el productor y la industria láctea a nivel mundial y regional, por lo cual se plantea la necesidad de mejorar la calidad higiénica y sanitaria de la leche a través de un mayor control de la mastitis. La MB es una inflamación de la glándula mamaria (GM) asociada a una infección bacteriana. Es la enfermedad más común y de mayor incidencia en el ganado lechero, siendo la principal causa de pérdidas económicas para la industria láctea a nivel mundial. Las medidas actuales de control de MB están basadas en prácticas de higiene apropiadas, reducción de la exposición ambiental al patógeno y terapia antibiótica del ganado, las cuales no son totalmente efectivas en el control de la infección. La defensa de la GM contra los patógenos causantes de MB depende de factores anatómicos, celulares y solubles, siendo la eficiencia de esos mecanismos la que determina la resistencia a nuevas infecciones. Los mediadores inmunes innatos y adquiridos de los tejidos y secreciones de la GM actúan en forma coordinada en la protección de la glándula contra enfermedades contagiosas. Staphylococcus aureus es el agente etiológico más importante en la mastitis. Esta bacteria evade la respuesta inmune inflamatoria mediante la inducción de mecanismos inmunosupresores, llevando a la patología a un curso crónico. S. aureus además puede colonizar el tejido epitelial y formar películas bacterianas conocidas como biofilms. Así, S. aureus adquiere más resistencia a la terapia antibiótica y a la acción del sistema inmunológico determinando la persistencia de la enfermedad. Nuestra hipótesis es que una respuesta inmune desarrollada en un microambiente particular de citoquinas, quimioquinas y células, podría contribuir a la evasión del patógeno y al desarrollo de una infección crónica. El polisacárido Quitosano (Q) presenta un efecto antibacteriano e inmunoestimulante en cultivos de células inmunes de ganado bovino, un efecto protectivo en modelos murinos de mastitis y actividad anti-biofilms de distintas cepas bacterianas. Por sus propiedades intrínsecas, este polisacárido es un candidato ideal en la regulación de las respuestas inmunológicas. El objetivo de este proyecto es caracterizar el microambiente local y sistémico, las señales inducidas por el microorganismo que promueven una falla inmunológica y caracterizar el efecto de Q sobre las respuestas generadas en la GM, mediante la realización de numerosos estudios in vivo e in vitro. Las estrategias para controlar la MB por S. aureus y disminuir el impacto de esta patología en la industria láctea, podrían orientarse a la manipulación del sistema inmunológico de la GM bovina a fin de incrementar los mecanismos de defensa naturales del huésped. Los resultados que se desprendan del proyecto permitirán adquirir conocimiento para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de inmunointervención a fin de controlar la MB por S. aureus y disminuir el impacto de esta patología en la industria láctea. Siendo la MB una patología relevante no solo en lo que hace a status sanitario animal, línea prioritaria definida en el Plan Estratégico Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación "Bicentenario 2006-2010", sino también a las implicancias económicas de esta problemática, y dado el desarrollo de la actividad lechera en la región y en el país, los resultados obtenidos podrían tener un importante impacto socioeconómico.


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La enfermedad de Chagas, causada por Trypanosoma cruzi, constituye la principal miocarditis infecciosa a nivel mundial. Crecientes evidencias revelan que la respuesta inmune innata tendría un rol determinante en la fisiopatología de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. La inmunidad innata es la primera línea de defensa, no específica, preprogramada para combatir agentes infecciosos. Este sistema censa la presencia de antígenos extraños a través de los receptores tipo toll (TLR) produciendo citoquinas y activando mecanismos microbicidas. Sin embargo, los TLRs también se hayan distribuidos en las células parenquimales no inmunes, jugando un importante rol tanto en la defensa como en la homeostasis de cada tejido. Durante la etapa aguda de la infección, el T. cruzi invade y se replica dentro de una amplia variedad de células y tejidos. Pero posteriormente, los parásitos son efectivamente eliminados de la mayoría de los tejidos persistiendo durante toda la vida en las células del músculo cardíaco y esquelético de los pacientes infectados. Debido a que el mantenimiento de la célula cardíaca infectada es crítica para la patogénesis de la enfermedad, los mecanismos que participan en la sobrevida de los cardiomiocitos están siendo foco de nuestro estudio. Hemos demostrado, que la infección ejerce efectos antiapoptóticos sobre células cardíacas aisladas. Nuestra hipótesis es que la inmunidad innata cardíaca estaría involucrada en el mantenimiento de la sobrevida de los miocitos así como en la defensa contra el parásito. Objetivo general: determinar la participación de la respuesta inmune innata cardíaca en el desarrollo de la enfermedad de Chagas experimental murina. Objetivos específicos: 1) Analizar el compromiso de TLRs en la respuesta anti-apoptótica y de autofagia de cardiomiocitos aislados de ratones salvajes y de ratones deficientes en TLR4, TLR2 y en MyD88, molécula adaptadora de la señalización por TLRs, sometidos a la infección con el parásito. 2) Determinar la importancia de la actividad cisteín proteasa parasitaria en el grado de infectividad y la sobrevida de cultivos primarios de ratones salvajes infectados con parásitos transgénicos que poseen disminuída o nula actividad cisteín proteasa. 3) Establecer la cinética de expresión de TLR2/TLR6, TLR4 y TLR9, factores antiapoptóticos (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, etc.), daño cardíaco y la carga parasitaria en el tejido cardíaco de ratones infectados salvajes y/o deficientes antes mencionados. Materiales y Métodos: Los animales serán infectados i.p. con 5x103 parásitos y se determinará la cinética de expresión de los mediadores mencionados por western blot e inmunofluorescencia, la carga parasitaria será determinada por qRT-PCR. Como controles se procesarán animales inyectados con solución salina. En cultivos primarios de cardiomiocitos de ratones neonatos salvajes y deficientes infectados se estudiará la carga parasitaria, la activación de los mecanismos microbicidas (producción de óxido nítrico, metabolitos reactivos del oxígeno y del nitrógeno, ciclooxigenasa, etc.), producción de citoquinas y expresión de moléculas anti-apoptóticas (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, etc.). Se explorará la tasa de apoptosis en cultivos deprivados de suero. La autofagia se analizará por microscopia electrónica. Cultivos controles serán mantenidos en medio o tratados con ligandos de los diferentes TLRs. Resultados preliminares sugieren que tanto TLR2 como Bcl-2 se incrementan en tejido cardíaco infectado. Esto nos lleva a profundizar en los mecanismos observados en cultivos y estudiarlos en un modelo in vivo, analizando la posible importancia que tiene la inmunidad innata cardíaca en el control del establecimiento de la infección. La comprensión de los mecanismos que mantienen la sobrevida de los cardiomiocitos y su respuesta a la infección es importante ya que el conocimiento de las bases moleculares es fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes quimioterapéuticos. Chagas disease is endemic in Central and South America and causes the most common myocarditis worldwide. We have previously reported that the cardiotrophic parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, its etiological agent, protects cardiomyocytes against apoptosis induced by growth factor deprivation activating the PI3K/Akt and MEK1/ERK signaling pathways. Recent studies have shown that local innate immunity plays a key role in initiating and coordinating homeostatic as well as defense responses in the heart. One of the mechanisms by which the innate immune system senses the presence of foreign antigens is through TLRs. The stimulation of these receptors leads to the activation and nuclear translocation of NF-kB transcription factor and the production of cytokines. Proinflammatory cytokines, in turn, appear to play a central role in the orchestration and timing of the intrinsic cardiac stress response providing, under different situations, instantaneous anti-apoptotic cytoprotective signals, which allow tissue repair and/or remodeling. The aim of the present project is to study the cardiomyocyte innate immune responses to T. cruzi infection and its role in target cell protection from apoptosis. Specific objectives: 1) Study the mechanism triggered by TLR in the anti-apoptotic response and parasite load of infected cardiomyocyte primary cultures from wild type and mice deficient in TLR2, TLR4 or MyD88. 2) Determine the effect of parasite cisteín protease activity on primary cultures from wild type mice. 3) Determine the TLR signaling-involvement in parasite load and survival indicators in deficient mice. Preliminary results showed us that cardiac-TLR2 may be involved in the anti-apoptotic effect elicited by the parasite and prompted us to establish the mechanisms triggered by the innate immunity that mediate parasite persistence within the host cell.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Finnish Cancer Registry a Helsinki, Finlandia entre setembre i novembre del 2006. Davant l’increment dels tumors hepàtics en països industrialitzats, s’avaluen les tendències temporals de la malaltia hepàtica a Catalunya durant el període 1983-2002 i s’estima la tendència futura a partir de l’any 2005. L’estudi s’ha basat en dades del Registre de Mortalitat de Catalunya i de l’Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya. La malaltia hepàtica inclou diverses tipologies de tumors hepàtics i la cirrosi hepàtica. Els models edad-període-cohort s’han emprat per estimar els efectes període de mortalitat i cohort de naixement. Els resultats han mostrat que les taxes de mortalitat per cirrosi han disminuït en ambdós sexes, exceptuant els homes d’entre els 35-50 anys, pels quals la mortalitat es mantingué estable. S’han observat increments en la mortalitat per carcinoma hepatocel•lular i en els tumors de vies biliars intrahepàtiques, mentre que les projeccions mostren estabilitat en la tendència d’aquestes malalties durant el període 2005-2009. Les tendències de la mortalitat per malaltia hepàtica constatades poden ser degudes a la implementació de teràpies noves, nous mètodes de diagnòstic, infecció pel virus de l’hepatitis C d’altres factors desconeguts.


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Feces of 34 dogs out of 251 (13.5%) from guanabara were positive for Isospora. From these 19 (7.5%) were i. rivolta, 13 (5.2%) were I. canis and 2 (0,7) were i. bigemina. "Free-sporocysts" of I. rivolta were eliminated by 9 dogs (3.5%). A "Caryospora-like" oocyst was seen once. Cross-infection experiments performed with Isospora from dogs and cats failed to produce infection while inoculations of these Isospora in their natural hosts succeeded. The results suggest that the species of Isospora occurring in cats are different from those of dogs.


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Studies were undertaken to determine the influence of several host-related parameters on the course of Leishmania mexicana mexicana infection in inbred C57B1/10 (C57) and outbred albino (OA) mice. An important influence of the following variables was demonstrated: Host strain: lesions in C57s were significantly less variable in size and outcome than those of OAs under the conditions studied and even when persistent developed at a slower rate. Host age: Subcutanous injection of 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 4] to 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] amastigotes into the dorsum of the rear paw produced significantly larger lesions which healed more slowly in 2 mo. old C57s than in 4 mo. old mice. Reduced healing ability was observed in older (8 mo. old) female C57s, and low mortality occurred after 15 months of age in infected mice of both sexes. Lesion site: Following amastigote infection, lesions in paws of most C57s regress within 15 - 25 wks. In contrast, perinasal legions produced with the same number of parasites tend to persist for the life of the animal as slowly spreading irregular nodules. In animals infected in both locations, each lesion site behaves similarly to that in singly infected animals of the same age, i.e. regression in the two sites is independent. Our results indicate that while host strain may strongly influence infection outcoem, such variables as lesion site and host age play important roles and may explain, in part, reported inter- and intraexperimental variability in responses of murine hosts to a given leishmanial parasite.


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A burn patient was infected with Acinetobacter baumannii on transfer to the hospital after a terrorist attack. Two patients experienced cross-infection. Environmental swab samples were negative for A. baumannii. Six months later, the bacteria reemerged in 6 patients. Environmental swab samples obtained at this time were inoculated into a minimal mineral broth, and culture results showed widespread contamination. No case of infection occurred after closure of the unit for disinfection.


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Background: T reatment o f chronic hepatitis C i s evolving, a nd direct acting antivirals ( DAAs) are now a dded to p egylated interferon-α ( Peg- INF-α) and ribavirin (RBV) for the treatment o f hepatitis C v irus ( HCV) genotype 1 infection. DAAs c ause d ifferent side effects and can even worsen RBV induced hemolytic anemia. T herefore, identifying host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy will remain crucial for individualized treatment. Recent d ata showed associations between R BV induced h emolytic anemia and genetic polymorphisms o f concentrative nucleoside transporters s uch as C NT3 (SLC28A3) and i nosine t riphosphatase (ITPA). T o analyze t he association of genetic variants of SLC28 transporters and ITPA with RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment o utcome. Methods: I n our study, 173 patients f rom t he S wiss Hepatitis C C ohort Study and 2 2 patients from Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver study 24 (61% HCV g enotype 1, 3 9% genotypes 2 o r 3) were analyzed for SLC28A2 single nucleotide p olymorphism (SNP) rs11854484, SLC28A3 rs56350726 and SLC28A3 rs10868138 as well as ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101. RBV serum levels during treatment were measured in 49 patients. Results: SLC28A2 r s11854484 genotype TT was associated with significantly higher dosage- and body weight-adjusted RBV levels as compared to genotypes TC and CC (p=0.04 and p=0.02 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively). ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101 were associated with h emolytic a nemia both in genotype as w ell as i n allelic a nalyses. SLC28A3 rs56350726 genotype TT (vs. AT/AA, RR=2.1; 95% CI 1.1-4.1) as well as the T allele (vs. A; RR=1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.2) were associated with increased SVR rates. The combined analysis of overall ITPA activity and SLC28 v ariants together revealed n o significant a dditive effects on either treatment-related anemia or SVR. Conclusions: T he newly identified association between RBV serum levels a nd SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype as well as the replicated association of ITPA and SLC28A3 g enetic p olymorphisms w ith RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment r esponse underpin the need for further studies on host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy f or individualized treatment of chronic hepatitis C.


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OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis (TB) is highly prevalent among HIV-infected people, including those receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), necessitating a well tolerated and efficacious TB vaccine for these populations. We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of the candidate TB vaccine M72/AS01 in adults with well controlled HIV infection on cART. DESIGN: A randomized, observer-blind, controlled trial (NCT00707967). METHODS: HIV-infected adults on cART in Switzerland were randomized 3 : 1 : 1 to receive two doses, 1 month apart, of M72/AS01, AS01 or 0.9% physiological saline (N = 22, N = 8 and N = 7, respectively) and were followed up to 6 months postdose 2 (D210). Individuals with CD4⁺ cell counts below 200 cells/μl were excluded. Adverse events (AEs) including HIV-specific and laboratory safety parameters were recorded. Cell-mediated (ICS) and humoral (ELISA) responses were evaluated before vaccination, 1 month after each dose (D30, D60) and D210. RESULTS: Thirty-seven individuals [interquartile range (IQR) CD4⁺ cell counts at screening: 438-872 cells/μl; undetectable HIV-1 viremia] were enrolled; 73% of individuals reported previous BCG vaccination, 97.3% tested negative for the QuantiFERON-TB assay. For M72/AS01 recipients, no vaccine-related serious AEs or cART-regimen adjustments were recorded, and there were no clinically relevant effects on laboratory safety parameters, HIV-1 viral loads or CD4⁺ cell counts. M72/AS01 was immunogenic, inducing persistent and polyfunctional M72-specific CD4⁺ T-cell responses [medians 0.70% (IQR 0.37-1.07) at D60] and 0.42% (0.24-0.61) at D210, predominantly CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺, CD40L⁺IL-2⁺ and CD40L⁺IL-2⁺TNF-α⁺IFN-γ⁺]. All M72/AS01 vaccines were seropositive for anti-M72 IgG after second vaccination until study end. CONCLUSION: M72/AS01 was clinically well tolerated and immunogenic in this population, supporting further clinical evaluation in HIV-infected individuals in TB-endemic settings.


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In order to investigate the value of the rabbit as an experimental model for Chagas' disease, 72 animals have been inoculated by intraperitoneal and conjunctival route with bloodstream forms, vector-derived metacyclic trypomastigotes and tissue culture trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi strains Y, CL and Ernane. In 95.6% of the animals trypomastigotes had been detected at the early stages of infection by fresh blood examination. The course of parasitemia at the acute phase was strongly influenced by the parasite strain and route of inoculation. At the chronic phase parasites had been recovered by xenodiagnosis and/or hemoculture in 40% of the examined animals. The xenodiagnosis studies have shown selective interactions between the T. cruzi strains and the four species of vectors used, inducing significant variability in the results. The data herein present are consistent with the parasitological requirements established for a suitable model for chronic Chagas' disease.


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Three antigens protective against Schistosoma mansoni have been extensively characterized. The schistosomulum surface antigen GP38 possesses an immunodominant carbohydrate epitope of which the structure has been defined. Protection can be achieved via the transfer of monoclonal antibodies recognizing the epitope or by immunization with anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies. The glycan epitope is shared with the intermediate host, Biomphalaria glabrata as well as being present on other molluscs, including the Keyhole Limpet. A group of molecules at 28 kDa were initially characterized in adult worms and shown to protect rats and mice against a challenge infection. One of these molecules, P28-I, was cloned and expressed in E. coli, yeast and vaccinia virus. The recombinant antigen significantly protected rats, hamsters and baboons against a challenge infection. P28-I is a glutathione-S-transferase and the recombinant antigen produced in yeast exhibits the enzyme activity and has been purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography. A second P28 antigen, P28-II, has also been cloned, fully sequenced and expressed. This recombinant antigen also protects against S. mansoni infection.


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Modification of the immune response to schistosomal infection in children or offspring born to mother R infected with Schistosoma mansoni has been demonstrated in human and in experimental schistosomiasis. One of the hypothesis to explain this fact could be the transfer of circulating antigens and antibodies from mother to foetus through the placenta or from mother to child by milk. The results of this spontaneous transference are controversial in the literature. In an attempt to investigate these questions, we studied one hundred and twenty offspring (Swiss mice), sixty born to infected-mothers (group A) and sixty born to non-infected mothers (group B). These were percutaneously infected with 50 cercariae/mouse, and divided in six sub-groups (20 mice/sub-group), according to the following schedule: after birth (sub-groups A.I and B.I), 10 days old (sub-groups A.II and B.II) and 21 days old (sub-groups A.III and B.III). After the exposure period, the young mice returned to their own mothers for nursing. Six weeks later, the mice were killed. We obtained the following results: 1) There is transference of antibody to cercariae (CAP), adult worms (SWAP) and egg antigens (SEA) from the infected mothers to the offspring, probably through placenta and milk; 2) Offspring born to infected mothers exhibit much less coagulative hepatic necrosis and show a lower number of eggs in the small intestine and a less intense and predominant exsudative stage of the hepatic granulomas when compared with the exsudative-productive stage of the control groups. The findings suggest that congenital and nursing factors can interfere on the development of the schistosomiasis infection, causing an hyporesponse to the eggs.


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Aim: Expression of IL-7R discriminates alloreactive CD4 T cells (Foxp3 negative), from IL-7Rlow regulatory CD4 T cells (Foxp3 positive). Chronic hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) reduces expression of IL-7R on T cells thus promoting persistence of infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of HCV infection on the expression of IL-7R of activated CD4+ T cells in liver transplant patients. Patients and methods: We analyzed PBMC from liver transplant recipients for the expression of CD4, CD25, FoxP3, IL-7R (24 HCV negative and 29 HCV-chronically infected). We compared these data with non-transplanted individuals (52 HCV-chronically infected patients and 38 healthy donors). Results: In HCV-infected liver transplant recipients, levels of CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells were significantly reduced (10.5+/-0.9%) when compared to non-HCV-infected liver transplant recipients (17.6+/-1.4%) (P<0.001), while both groups (HCV-infected and negative transplant recipients) had significantly higher levels than healthy individuals (6.6+/-0.9%) (P<0.0001). After successful antiviral therapy (sustained antiviral response), 6 HCV-infected transplant recipients showed an increase of CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells, reaching levels similar to that of non-HCVinfected recipients (10.73+/-2.63% prior therapy versus 21.7+/-6.3% after clearance of HCV). (P<0.05) In 4 non-responders (i.e. HCVRNA remaining present in serum), levels of CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells remained unmodified during and after antiviral treatment (11.8+/- 3.3% versus 11.3+/-3.3% respectively). Conclusions: Overall, these data indicate that CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells appear to be modulated by chronic HCV infection after liver transplantation. Whether lower levels of alloreactive T cells in HCV-infected liver transplant recipients are associated with a tolerogenic profile remains to be studied.