880 resultados para HIGH-FAT
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Insulin is a key hormone controlling metabolic homeostasis. Loss or dysfunction of pancreatic β-cells lead to the release of insufficient insulin to cover the organism needs, promoting diabetes development. Since dietary nutrients influence the activity of β-cells, their inadequate intake, absorption and/or utilisation can be detrimental. This review will highlight the physiological and pathological effects of nutrients on insulin secretion and discuss the underlying mechanisms. Glucose uptake and metabolism in β-cells trigger insulin secretion. This effect of glucose is potentiated by amino acids and fatty acids, as well as by entero-endocrine hormones and neuropeptides released by the digestive tract in response to nutrients. Glucose controls also basal and compensatory β-cell proliferation and, along with fatty acids, regulates insulin biosynthesis. If in the short-term nutrients promote β-cell activities, chronic exposure to nutrients can be detrimental to β-cells and causes reduced insulin transcription, increased basal secretion and impaired insulin release in response to stimulatory glucose concentrations, with a consequent increase in diabetes risk. Likewise, suboptimal early-life nutrition (e.g. parental high-fat or low-protein diet) causes altered β-cell mass and function in adulthood. The mechanisms mediating nutrient-induced β-cell dysfunction include transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational modifications of genes involved in insulin biosynthesis and secretion, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, cell differentiation, proliferation and survival. Altered expression of these genes is partly caused by changes in non-coding RNA transcripts induced by unbalanced nutrient uptake. A better understanding of the mechanisms leading to β-cell dysfunction will be critical to improve treatment and find a cure for diabetes.
L'ARN polymérase 3 transcrit un petit groupe de gènes fortement exprimés et impliqués dans plusieurs mécanismes moléculaires. Les ARNs de transfert ou ARNt représentent plus ou moins la moitié du transcriptome de l'ARN polymérase 3. Ils sont directement impliqués dans la traduction des protéines en agissant comme transporteurs d'acides aminés qui sont incorporés à la chaîne naissante de polypeptides. Chez des levures cultivées dans un milieu jusqu'à épuisement des nutriments, Maf1 réprime la transcription par l'ARN polymérase 3, favorisant ainsi l'économie énergétique cellulaire. Dans un modèle de cellules de mammifères, MAF1 réprime aussi la transcription de l'ARN polymérase 3 dans des conditions de stress, cependant il n'existe aucune donnée quant à son rôle chez un mammifère vivant. Pendant mon doctorat, j'ai utilisé une souris délétée pour le gène Maf1 afin de connaître les effets de ce gène chez un mammifère. Etonnamment, la souris Maf1-‐/-‐ est résistante à l'obésité même si celle-‐ci est nourrie avec une nourriture riche en matières grasses. Des études moléculaires et de métabolomiques ont montré qu'il existe des cycles futiles de production et dégradation des lipides et des ARNt, ce qui entraîne une augmentation de la dépense énergique et favorise la résistance à l'obésité. En plus de la caractérisation de la souris Maf1-‐/-‐, pendant ma thèse j'ai également développé une méthode afin de normaliser les données de ChIP-‐sequencing. Cette méthode est fondée sur l'utilisation d'un contrôle interne, représenté ici par l'ajout d'une quantité fixe de chromatine provenant d'un organisme différent de celui étudié. La méthode a amélioré considérablement la reproductibilité des valeurs entre réplicas biologiques. Elle a aussi révélé des différences entre échantillons issus de conditions différentes. Une occupation supérieure de l'ARN polymérase 3 sur les gènes Pol 3 chez les souris Maf1 KO entraîne une augmentation du niveau de précurseurs d'ARNt, ayant pour effet probable la saturation de la machinerie de maturation des ARNt. En effet, chez les souris Maf1 KO, le pourcentage d'ARNt modifiés est plus faible que chez les souris type sauvage. Ce déséquilibre entre le niveau de précurseurs et d'ARNt matures entraîne une diminution de la traduction protéique. Ces résultats ont permis d'identifier de nouvelles fonctions pour la protéine MAF1, comme étant une protéine régulatrice à la fois de la transcription mais aussi de la traduction et en étant un cible potentielle au traitement à l'obésité. -- RNA polymerase III (Pol 3) transcribes a small set of highly expressed genes involved in different molecular mechanisms. tRNAs account for almost half of the Pol 3 transcriptome and are involved in translation, bringing a new amino into the nascent polypeptide chain. In yeast, under nutrient deprivation, Maf1 acts for cell energetic economy by repressing Pol 3 transcription. In mammalian cells, MAF1 also represses Pol 3 activity under conditions of serum deprivation or DNA damages but nothing is known about its role in a mammalian organism. During my thesis studies, I used a Maf1 KO mouse model to characterize the effects of Maf1 deletion in a living animal. Surprisingly, the MAF1 KO mouse developed an unexpected phenotype, being resistant to high fat diet-‐induced obesity and displaying an extended lifespan. Molecular and metabolomics characterizations revealed futile cycles of lipids and tRNAs, which are produced and immediately degraded, which increases energy consumption in the Maf1 KO mouse and probably explains in part the protection to obesity. Additionally to the mouse characterization, I also developed a method to normalize ChIP-‐seq data, based on the addition of a foreign chromatin to be used as an internal control. The method improved reproducibility between replicates and revealed differences of Pol 3 occupancy between WT and Maf1 KO samples that were not seen without normalization to the internal control. I then established that increased Pol 3 occupancy in the Maf1 KO mouse liver was associated with increased levels of tRNA precursor but not of mature tRNAs, the effective molecules involved in translation. The overproduction of precursor tRNAs associated with the deletion of Maf1 apparently overwhelms the tRNA processing machinery as the Maf1 KO mice have lower levels of fully modified tRNAs. This maturation defect directly impacts on translation efficiency as polysomic fractions and newly synthetized protein levels were reduced in the liver of the Maf1 KO mouse. Altogether, these results indicate new functions for MAF1, a regulator of both transcription and translation as well as a potential target for obesity treatment.
Monocarboxylates have been implicated in the control of energy homeostasis. Among them, the putative role of ketone bodies produced notably during high-fat diet (HFD) has not been thoroughly explored. In this study, we aimed to determine the impact of a specific rise in cerebral ketone bodies on food intake and energy homeostasis regulation. A carotid infusion of ketone bodies was performed on mice to stimulate sensitive brain areas for 6 or 12 h. At each time point, food intake and different markers of energy homeostasis were analyzed to reveal the consequences of cerebral increase in ketone body level detection. First, an increase in food intake appeared over a 12-h period of brain ketone body perfusion. This stimulated food intake was associated with an increased expression of the hypothalamic neuropeptides NPY and AgRP as well as phosphorylated AMPK and is due to ketone bodies sensed by the brain, as blood ketone body levels did not change at that time. In parallel, gluconeogenesis and insulin sensitivity were transiently altered. Indeed, a dysregulation of glucose production and insulin secretion was observed after 6 h of ketone body perfusion, which reversed to normal at 12 h of perfusion. Altogether, these results suggest that an increase in brain ketone body concentration leads to hyperphagia and a transient perturbation of peripheral metabolic homeostasis.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Preserving β cell function during the development of obesity and insulin resistance would limit the worldwide epidemic of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium (Ca(2+)) depletion induced by saturated free fatty acids and cytokines causes β cell ER stress and apoptosis, but the molecular mechanisms behind these phenomena are still poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that palmitate-induced sorcin (SRI) down-regulation, and subsequent increases in glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-2 (G6PC2) levels contribute to lipotoxicity. SRI is a calcium sensor protein involved in maintaining ER Ca(2+) by inhibiting ryanodine receptor activity and playing a role in terminating Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release. G6PC2, a GWAS gene associated with fasting blood glucose, is a negative regulator of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). High fat feeding in mice and chronic exposure of human islets to palmitate decreases endogenous SRI expression while levels of G6PC2 mRNA increase. Sorcin null mice are glucose intolerant, with markedly impaired GSIS and increased expression of G6pc2. Under high fat diet, mice overexpressing SRI in the β cell display improved glucose tolerance, fasting blood glucose and GSIS, whereas G6PC2 levels are decreased and cytosolic and ER Ca(2+) are increased in transgenic islets. SRI may thus provide a target for intervention in T2DM.
The POU4F2/Brn-3b transcription factor has been identified as a potentially novel regulator of key metabolic processes. Loss of this protein in Brn-3b knockout (KO) mice causes profound hyperglycemia and insulin resistance (IR), normally associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D), whereas Brn-3b is reduced in tissues taken from obese mice fed on high-fat diets (HFD), which also develop hyperglycemia and IR. Furthermore, studies in C2C12 myocytes show that Brn-3b mRNA and proteins are induced by glucose but inhibited by insulin, suggesting that this protein is itself highly regulated in responsive cells. Analysis of differential gene expression in skeletal muscle from Brn-3b KO mice showed changes in genes that are implicated in T2D such as increased glycogen synthase kinase-3β and reduced GLUT4 glucose transporter. The GLUT4 gene promoter contains multiple Brn-3b binding sites and is directly transactivated by this transcription factor in cotransfection assays, whereas chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirm that Brn-3b binds to this promoter in vivo. In addition, correlation between GLUT4 and Brn-3b in KO tissues or in C2C12 cells strongly supports a close association between Brn-3b levels and GLUT4 expression. Since Brn-3b is regulated by metabolites and insulin, this may provide a mechanism for controlling key genes that are required for normal metabolic processes in insulin-responsive tissues and its loss may contribute to abnormal glucose uptake.
The 16p11.2 600 kb BP4-BP5 deletion and duplication syndromes have been associated with developmental delay; autism spectrum disorders; and reciprocal effects on the body mass index, head circumference and brain volumes. Here, we explored these relationships using novel engineered mouse models carrying a deletion (Del/+) or a duplication (Dup/+) of the Sult1a1-Spn region homologous to the human 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus. On a C57BL/6N inbred genetic background, Del/+ mice exhibited reduced weight and impaired adipogenesis, hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, and recognition memory deficits. In contrast, Dup/+ mice showed largely opposite phenotypes. On a F1 C57BL/6N × C3B hybrid genetic background, we also observed alterations in social interaction in the Del/+ and the Dup/+ animals, with other robust phenotypes affecting recognition memory and weight. To explore the dosage effect of the 16p11.2 genes on metabolism, Del/+ and Dup/+ models were challenged with high fat and high sugar diet, which revealed opposite energy imbalance. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that the majority of the genes located in the Sult1a1-Spn region were sensitive to dosage with a major effect on several pathways associated with neurocognitive and metabolic phenotypes. Whereas the behavioral consequence of the 16p11 region genetic dosage was similar in mice and humans with activity and memory alterations, the metabolic defects were opposite: adult Del/+ mice are lean in comparison to the human obese phenotype and the Dup/+ mice are overweight in comparison to the human underweight phenotype. Together, these data indicate that the dosage imbalance at the 16p11.2 locus perturbs the expression of modifiers outside the CNV that can modulate the penetrance, expressivity and direction of effects in both humans and mice.
Atherosclerosis is a life-long vascular inflammatory disease and the leading cause of death in Finland and in other western societies. The development of atherosclerotic plaques is progressive and they form when lipids begin to accumulate in the vessel wall. This accumulation triggers the migration of inflammatory cells that is a hallmark of vascular inflammation. Often, this plaque will become unstable and form vulnerable plaque which may rupture causing thrombosis and in the worst case, causing myocardial infarction or stroke. Identification of these vulnerable plaques before they rupture could save lives. At present, in the clinic, there exists no appropriated, non-invasive method for their identification. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate novel positron emission tomography (PET) probes for the detection of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques and to characterize, two mouse models of atherosclerosis. These studies were performed by using ex vivo and in vivo imaging modalities. The vulnerability of atherosclerotic plaques was evaluated as expression of active inflammatory cells, namely macrophages. Age and the duration of high-fat diet had a drastic impact on the development of atherosclerotic plaques in mice. In imaging of atherosclerosis, 6-month-old mice, kept on high-fat diet for 4 months, showed matured, metabolically active, atherosclerotic plaques. [18F]FDG and 68Ga were accumulated in the areas representative of vulnerable plaques. However, the slow clearance of 68Ga limits its use for the plaque imaging. The novel synthesized [68Ga]DOTA-RGD and [18F]EF5 tracers demonstrated efficient uptake in plaques as compared to the healthy vessel wall, but the pharmacokinetic properties of these tracers were not optimal in used models. In conclusion, these studies resulted in the identification of new strategies for the assessment of plaque stability and mouse models of atherosclerosis which could be used for plaque imaging. In the used probe panel, [18F]FDG was the best tracer for plaque imaging. However, further studies are warranted to clarify the applicability of [18F]EF5 and [68Ga]DOTA-RGD for imaging of atherosclerosis with other experimental models.
The melanocortin system is an important regulator of feeding, energy metabolism,and cardiovascular function and it consists of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) derived melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-, β- and γ-MSH) and their endogenous melanocortin receptors, MC1R to MC5R. In the hypothalamus, α-MSH reduces food intake, and increases energy expenditure and sympathetic tone by binding to MC4R. Mutations affecting the MC4R gene lead to obesity in mammals. On the other hand, the metabolic effects of MC3R stimulation using agonists such as the endogenously expressed γ-MSH have been less extensively explored. The main objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of increased melanocortin tone in key areas of metabolic regulation in the central nervous system (CNS) in order to investigate the sitespecific roles of both α-MSH and γ-MSH. The aim was to stereotaxically induce local overexpression of single melanocortin peptides using lentiviral vectors expressing α-MSH (LVi-α-MSH-EGFP) and γ-MSH (LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP). The lentiviral vectors were shown to produce a long-term overexpression and biologically active peptides in cell-based assays. The LVi-α-MSHEGFP was targeted to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus of diet induced obese mice where it reduced weight gain and adiposity independently of food intake. When the nucleus tractus solitarus in the brainstem was targeted, the LVi-α-MSH-EGFP treatment was shown to cause a small decrease in adiposity, which did not impact weight development. However, the α-MSH treatment increased heart rate, which was attenuated by adrenergic receptor blockade indicative of increased sympathetic activity. The LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP was targeted to the hypothalamus where it decreased fat mass in mice eating the standard diet, but the effect was abated if animals consumed a high-fat Western type diet. When the diet induced obese mice were subjected again to the standard diet, the LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP treated animals displayed increased weight loss and reduced adiposity. These results indicate that the long-term central anti-obesity effects of α-MSH are independent of food intake. In addition, overexpression of α-MSH in the brain stem efficiently blocked the development of adiposity, but increased sympathetic tone. The evidence presented in this thesis also indicates that selective MC3R agonists such as γ-MSH could be potential therapeutics in combination with low fat diets.
Oxidative stress and hepatic mitochondria play a role in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of the disease. Fatty liver was induced in Wistar rats with a choline-deficient diet (CD; N = 7) or a high-fat diet enriched with PUFAs-omega-3 (H; N = 7) for 4 weeks. The control group (N = 7) was fed a standard diet. Liver mitochondrial oxidation and phosphorylation were measured polarographically and oxidative stress was estimated on the basis of malondialdehyde and glutathione concentrations. Moderate macrovacuolar liver steatosis was observed in the CD group and mild liver steatosis was observed in the periportal area in the H group. There was an increase in the oxygen consumption rate by liver mitochondria in respiratory state 4 (S4) and a decrease in respiratory control rate (RCR) in the CD group (S4: 32.70 ± 3.35; RCR: 2.55 ± 0.15 ng atoms of O2 min-1 mg protein-1) when compared to the H and control groups (S4: 23.09 ± 1.53, 17.04 ± 2.03, RCR: 3.15 ± 0.15, 3.68 ± 0.15 ng atoms of O2 min-1 mg protein-1, respectively), P < 0.05. Hepatic lipoperoxide concentrations were significantly increased and the concentration of reduced glutathione was significantly reduced in the CD group. A choline-deficient diet causes moderate steatosis with disruption of liver mitochondrial function and increased oxidative stress. These data suggest that lipid peroxidation products can impair the flow of electrons along the respiratory chain, causing overreduction of respiratory chain components and enhanced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. These findings are important in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
The objective of the present study was to determine if the acute behavioral effects of cocaine acutely administered intraperitoneally (ip) at doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg on white male CF1 mice, 90 days of age, would be influenced by leptin acutely administered ip (at doses of 5, 10 and 20 µg/kg) or by endogenous leptin production enhanced by a high-fat diet. The acute behavioral effects of cocaine were evaluated in open-field, elevated plus-maze and forced swimming tests. Results were compared between a group of 80 mice consuming a balanced diet and a high-fat diet, and a group of 80 mice fed a commercially available rodent chow formula (Ralston Purina) but receiving recombinant leptin (rLeptin) or saline ip. Both the high-fat-fed and rLeptin-treated mice showed decreased locomotion in the open-field test, spent more time in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze and showed less immobility time in the forced swimming test (F(1,68) = 7.834, P = 0.007). There was an interaction between diets and cocaine/saline treatments in locomotion (F(3,34) = 3.751, P = 0.020) and exploration (F(3,34) = 3.581, P = 0.024). These results suggest that anxiolytic effects and increased general activity were induced by leptin in cocaine-treated mice and that low leptin levels are associated with behavioral depression. Chronic changes in diet composition producing high leptin levels or rLeptin treatment may result in an altered response to cocaine in ethologic tests that measure degrees of anxiety and depression, which could be attributed to an antagonistic effect of leptin.
Obesity is a complex multifactorial disorder that is often associated with cardiovascular diseases. Research on experimental models has suggested that cardiac dysfunction in obesity might be related to alterations in myocardial intracellular calcium (Ca2+) handling. However, information about the expression of Ca2+-related genes that lead to this abnormality is scarce. We evaluated the effects of obesity induced by a high-fat diet in the expression of Ca2+-related genes, focusing the L-type Ca2+ channel (Cacna1c), sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a), ryanodine receptor (RyR2), and phospholamban (PLB) mRNA in rat myocardium. Male 30-day-old Wistar rats were fed a standard (control) or high-fat diet (obese) for 15 weeks. Obesity was defined as increased percent of body fat in carcass. The mRNA expression of Ca2+-related genes in the left ventricle was measured by RT-PCR. Compared with control rats, the obese rats had increased percent of body fat, area under the curve for glucose, and leptin and insulin plasma concentrations. Obesity also caused an increase in the levels of SERCA2a, RyR2 and PLB mRNA (P < 0.05) but did not modify the mRNA levels of Cacna1c and NCX. These findings show that obesity induced by high-fat diet causes cardiac upregulation of Ca2+ transport_related genes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Our previous study has shown that reduced insulin resistance (IR) was one of the possible mechanisms for the therapeutic effect of silibinin on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in rats. In the present study, we investigated the pathways of silibinin in regulating hepatic glucose production and IR amelioration. Forty-five 4- to 6-week-old male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into a control group, an HFD group (high-fat diet for 6 weeks) and an HFD + silibinin group (high-fat diet + 0.5 mg kg-1·day-1 silibinin, starting at the beginning of the protocol). Both subcutaneous and visceral fat was measured. Homeostasis model assessment-IR index (HOMA-IR), intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test and insulin tolerance test (ITT) were performed. The expression of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and of genes associated with hepatic gluconeogenesis was evaluated. Silibinin intervention significantly protected liver function, down-regulated serum fat, and improved IR, as shown by decreased HOMA-IR and increased ITT slope. Silibinin markedly prevented visceral obesity by reducing visceral fat, enhanced lipolysis by up-regulating ATGL expression and inhibited gluconeogenesis by down-regulating associated genes such as Forkhead box O1, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase. Silibinin was effective in ameliorating IR in NAFLD rats. Reduction of visceral obesity, enhancement of lipolysis and inhibition of gluconeogenesis might be the underlying mechanisms.
Maintenance of thermal homeostasis in rats fed a high-fat diet (HFD) is associated with changes in their thermal balance. The thermodynamic relationship between heat dissipation and energy storage is altered by the ingestion of high-energy diet content. Observation of thermal registers of core temperature behavior, in humans and rodents, permits identification of some characteristics of time series, such as autoreference and stationarity that fit adequately to a stochastic analysis. To identify this change, we used, for the first time, a stochastic autoregressive model, the concepts of which match those associated with physiological systems involved and applied in male HFD rats compared with their appropriate standard food intake age-matched male controls (n=7 per group). By analyzing a recorded temperature time series, we were able to identify when thermal homeostasis would be affected by a new diet. The autoregressive time series model (AR model) was used to predict the occurrence of thermal homeostasis, and this model proved to be very effective in distinguishing such a physiological disorder. Thus, we infer from the results of our study that maximum entropy distribution as a means for stochastic characterization of temperature time series registers may be established as an important and early tool to aid in the diagnosis and prevention of metabolic diseases due to their ability to detect small variations in thermal profile.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by fat accumulation in the liver and is associated with obesity and insulin resistance. Activin A is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF)-β superfamily and inhibits hepatocyte growth. Follistatin antagonizes the biological actions of activin. Exercise is an important therapeutic strategy to reduce the metabolic effects of obesity. We evaluated the pattern of activin A and follistatin liver expression in obese rats subjected to swimming exercise. Control rats (C) and high-fat (HF) diet-fed rats were randomly assigned to a swimming training group (C-Swim and HF-Swim) or a sedentary group (C-Sed and HF-Sed). Activin βA subunit mRNA expression was significantly higher in HF-Swim than in HF-Sed rats. Follistatin mRNA expression was significantly lower in C-Swim and HF-Swim than in either C-Sed or HF-Sed animals. There was no evidence of steatosis or inflammation in C rats. In contrast, in HF animals the severity of steatosis ranged from grade 1 to grade 3. The extent of liver parenchyma damage was less in HF-Swim animals, with the severity of steatosis ranging from grade 0 to grade 1. These data showed that exercise may reduce the deleterious effects of a high-fat diet on the liver, suggesting that the local expression of activin-follistatin may be involved.
Ginkgo biloba extract (GbE) has been indicated as an efficient medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. It remains unclear if its effects are due to an improvement of the insulin signaling cascade, especially in obese subjects. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of GbE on insulin tolerance, food intake, body adiposity, lipid profile, fasting insulin, and muscle levels of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B), and protein kinase B (Akt), as well as Akt phosphorylation, in diet-induced obese rats. Rats were fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) or a normal fat diet (NFD) for 8 weeks. After that, the HFD group was divided into two groups: rats gavaged with a saline vehicle (HFD+V), and rats gavaged with 500 mg/kg of GbE diluted in the saline vehicle (HFD+Gb). NFD rats were gavaged with the saline vehicle only. At the end of the treatment, the rats were anesthetized, insulin was injected into the portal vein, and after 90s, the gastrocnemius muscle was removed. The quantification of IRS-1, Akt, and Akt phosphorylation was performed using Western blotting. Serum levels of fasting insulin and glucose, triacylglycerols and total cholesterol, and LDL and HDL fractions were measured. An insulin tolerance test was also performed. Ingestion of a hyperlipidic diet promoted loss of insulin sensitivity and also resulted in a significant increase in body adiposity, plasma triacylglycerol, and glucose levels. In addition, GbE treatment significantly reduced food intake and body adiposity while it protected against hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in diet-induced obesity rats. It also enhanced insulin sensitivity in comparison to HFD+V rats, while it restored insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation, increased IRS-1, and reduced PTP-1B levels in gastrocnemius muscle. The present findings suggest that G. biloba might be efficient in preventing and treating obesity-induced insulin signaling impairment.