697 resultados para H( )-ATPase
The assembly and disassembly of RecA-DNA nucleoprotein filaments on double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) or single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) are important steps for homologous recombination and DNA repair. The assembly and disassembly of the nucleoprotein filaments are sensitive to the reaction conditions. In this work, we investigated different morphologies of the formed nucleoprotein filaments at low temperature under different solution conditions by atomic force microscopy (AFM). We found that low temperature and long keeping time could induce the incomplete disassembly of the formed nucleoprotein filaments.
RecA of Escherichia coli and its active nucleoprotein filaments with DNA are important for the genomic integrity and the genetic diversity. The formation of the DNA-RecA nucleoprotein filaments is a complex multiple-step process and can be affected by many factors. In this work, the effects of poly-L-lysine (PLL) on the DNA-RecA nucleoprotein filaments are investigated in vitro by agarose gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The observed morphologies vary with the concentration, the length, and the addition order of PLL. These distinctions provide information for the conformation change of DNA and the binding sites of RecA protein in the formation process of nucleoprotein filaments.
The effects of La3+ on the structure and function of human erythrocyte membranes were investigated by fluorescence polarization, spin-labeled electron spin resonance (ESR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that increasing concentrations of La3+ inhibited (Na++K+)-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities. La3+ lowered the lipid fluidity of erythrocyte membranes and induced structural transitions in erythrocyte membranes.
The effect of lanthanum and calcium on the structure and function of human erythrocyte membranes was investigated by fluorescence polarization, spin- labeled electron spin resonance (ESR) and laser Raman spectroscopy. The results showed that low concentration of La3+ (0.5 mu mol/L) activated a Little (Na++K+)-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities, and it inhibited obvi ously the ATPase activities with increasing its concentrations. La3+ lowered the lipid fluidity of human erythrocyte membranes and decreased the vibration intensity of alpha-helix of the protein in the Amide I '. The effect of Ca2+ on the lipid fluidity and alpha-helix of the protein in the Amide I ' was smaller than that of La3+.
Hsp70 proteins are a family of molecular chaperones that are involved in many aspects of protein homeostasis. In this study, an Hsp70 homologue (SoHsp70) was identified from red drum Sciaenops ocellatus and analyzed at molecular level. The open reading frame of SoHsp70 is 1920 bp and intronless, with a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 399 bp and a 3'-UTR of 241 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of SoHsp70 shares 84-92% overall identities with the Hsp70s of a number of fish species. In silico analysis identified in SoHsp70 three conserved Hsp70 domains involved in nucleotide and substrate binding. The coding sequence of SoHsp70 was subcloned into Escherichia coli, from which recombinant SoHsp70 was purified and, upon ATPase assay, found to exhibit apparent ATPase activity. Expressional analysis showed that constitutive expression of SoHsp70 was detectable in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, blood, and gill. Experimental challenges with poly(I:C) and bacterial pathogens of Gram-positive and Gram-negative nature induced SoHsp70 expression in kidney to different levels. Stress-responsive analysis of SoHsp70 expression in primary cultures of red drum hepatocytes showed that acute heat shock treatment elicited a rapid induction of SoHsp70 expression which appeared after 10 min and 30 min of treatment. Exposure of hepatocytes separately to iron, copper, mercury, and hydrogen peroxide significantly unregulated SoHsp70 expression in time-dependent manners. Vaccination of red drum with a Streptococcus iniae bacterin was also found to induce SoHsp70 expression. Furthermore, recombinant SoHsp70 enhanced the immunoprotective effect of a subunit vaccine. Taken together, these results suggest that SoHsp70 is a stress-inducible protein that is likely to play a role in immunity and in coping with environmental and biological stresses. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The F1F0 ATP synthase has been purified from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Aquifex aeolicus and characterized. Its subunits have been identified by MALDI-mass spectrometry through peptide mass fingerprinting and MS/MS. It contains the canonical subunits alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon of F-1 and subunits a and c of F-0. Two versions of the b subunit were found, which show a low sequence homology to each other. Most likely they form a heterodimer. An electron microscopic single particle analysis revealed clear structural details, including two stalks connecting F-1 and F-0. In several orientations the central stalk appears to be tilted and/or kinked. It is unclear whether there is a direct connection between the peripheral stalk and the 6 subunit. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is an important member of the heat shock protein superfamily, and it plays a key role in the process of protecting cells, facilitating the folding of nascent peptides and responding to stress. The cDNA of bay scallop Argopecten irradians HSP70 (designated AIHSP70) was cloned by the techniques of homological cloning and rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE). The full length of AIHSP70 cDNA was 2651 bp in length, having a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 96 bp, a 3' UTR of 575 bp, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 1980 bp encoding a polypeptide of 659 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 71.80 kDa and an estimated isoelectric point of 5.26. BLAST analysis revealed that the AIHSP70 gene shared high identity with other known HSP70 genes. Three classical HSP signature motifs were detected in AIHSP70 by InterPro, analysis. 3-D structural prediction of AIHSP70 showed that its N terminal ATPase activity domain and,C terminal substrate-binding domain shared high similarity with that in human heat shock protein 70. The results indicated that the AIHSP70 was a member of the heat shock protein 70 family. A semi-quantitive RT-PCR method was used to analyse the expression of AIHSP70 gene after the treatment of naphthalin which is one kind of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and the challenge of bacteria. mRNA expression of AIHSP70 in scallop was up-regulated significantly after the stimulation of naphthalin and increased with increasing naphthalin concentration. A clearly time-dependent expression pattern of AIHSP70 was observed after the scallops were infected by Vibrio anguillarum, and the mRNA expression reached a maximum level at 8 h and lasted to 16 h, and then dropped progressively. The results indicated that AIHSP70 could play an important role in mediating the environmental stress and immune response in scallop. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
本论文选择在我国分离得到的一株有毒赤潮甲藻-塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense,ATHK株),研究了其对一种我国沿海常见和典型养殖鱼类鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)的危害机制。首先研究了塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)对鲈鱼鳃结构的影响及其溶血毒性; 然后采用腹腔注射的方法,研究了高剂量塔玛亚历山大藻毒素(ATHK毒素:约为1.6×105 细胞,相应PSP为0.886µg STX Equal,相当于每克湿重的鲈鱼PSP注射量为0.0118µg STX Equal)和低剂量塔玛亚历山大藻毒素(ATHK毒素: 约为0.16×105 细胞,相应PSP为0.0886µg STX Equal,相当于每克湿重的鲈鱼PSP注射量为0.00118µg STX Equal)在鲈鱼体内代谢过程中对鲈鱼肝脏、肾脏和鳃组织的超微结构、Na+K+-ATPase活性、肝脏功能和肾脏功能的影响、以及对抗氧化系统酶活性和异生物质代谢酶的影响,以期从不同方面了解塔玛亚历山大藻及其所产水溶性毒素(ATHK毒素)对鲈鱼的毒害效应及机制,为有毒赤潮的有效管理提供一定的科学依据。 塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)对鲈鱼鳃组织影响的实验结果表明,该藻使鲈鱼鳃组织出现水肿现象,细胞间隙变大;粘液细胞颗粒不规则,颜色加深,颗粒发生凝集,有板结状;氯细胞线粒体内部基质凝集。不产PSP的一种亚历山大藻(AT-6)也使鲈鱼鳃出现水肿,且使细胞出现一定的固缩现象。显微镜观察发现鲈鱼鳃丝间存在有这两种亚历山大藻细胞。由此推测塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK和AT-6的表面结构可能具有能导致鲈鱼鳃组织水肿的机械作用。对人血细胞溶血实验结果表明塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)具有较强的溶血毒性,大小与藻的生长阶段和细胞密度都有一定的关系:指数期的溶血毒性最大,随细胞数目的增多,活性逐渐加大;藻细胞、细胞碎片、细胞内容物都有一定的溶血毒性,其中细胞碎片的活性最大。通过11种(株)产PSP的亚历山大藻、不产PSP的亚历山大藻以及标准PSP的实验结果表明这种溶血毒性是由藻细胞的其它非PSP物质造成的,且这种溶血毒性在产PSP的亚历山大藻中具有一定的普遍性。 塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)对鲈鱼组织超微结构实验结果表明:ATHK毒素(约为1.6×105 细胞,相应PSP为0.886µg STX Equal,相当于每克湿重的鲈鱼PSP注射量为0.0118µg STX Equal)能导致鲈鱼组织细胞超微结构发生剧烈的变化,主要表现在:肝细胞细胞膜有肿胀现象,部分膜边缘溶解;细胞质糖原颗粒化;核糖体脱落,仅见滑面内质网;细胞质和线粒体内都出现空泡,且线粒体的嵴状结构也发生变化;核膜溶解比较严重,核质外溢,且异染色质边际化。前肾细胞超微结构的变化主要是淋巴细胞核质出现空泡,核膜有溶解迹象;Ⅰ型粒细胞颗粒膨大,伪足增多且变长;Ⅱ型颗粒细胞颗粒增多,内部出现空腔,细胞膜和核膜溶解,胞质、细胞器和核质外溢。鳃组织中氯细胞的核膜局部溶解,核仁弥散,线粒体膜溶解,微细小管膨大;粘液颗粒膜溶解,内部结构遭受破坏;扁平细胞核膜及线粒体膜几乎全部溶解。因此,我们的结果表明,ATHK毒素能作用于鲈鱼细胞的内膜和外膜系统,使膜发生溶解、脱落等变化;比较注射同样剂量大小ATHK毒素120h和240h时鲈鱼组织超微结构发现,细胞超微结构在一定程度上能够恢复。 ATHK毒素对Na+K+-ATPase活性、肝脏功能以及肾脏功能的影响结果表明,0.16×105―1.6×105细胞范围内的ATHK毒素可以显著影响肝脏和鳃组织中的Na+K+-ATPase,使这两种组织中的Na+K+-ATPase活性出现不同程度的下降; 而且还能够显著抑制肝脏中谷丙转氨酶的活性,最大抑制率为95%。但此范围内的ATHK毒素不能显著影响肾脏中的Na+K+-ATPase活性以及尿素氮含量。因此,ATHK毒素对Na+K+-ATPase活性的抑制则会导致细胞能量的缺失,使细胞进一步发生其它变化,而ATHK毒素对肝脏功能完整性的影响则可能会抑制对蛋白质的分解代谢。 ATHK毒素对鲈鱼肝脏、肾脏和鳃组织中的、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱肝肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)以及谷胱肝肽转硫酶(GST)活性变化影响的结果表明:高剂量(约为1.6×105 细胞,相应PSP为0.886µg STX Equal,相当于每克湿重的鲈鱼PSP注射量为0.0118µg STX Equal)ATHK毒素能显著诱导鲈鱼肝脏和鳃组织中SOD、GSH-Px以及GST酶活性,最大变化范围为正常状态下的3-4倍,对肝脏中CAT酶活性具有一定的抑制作用,对鳃中的CAT抑制效应则不显著;但此剂量的ATHK毒素仅对肾脏鳃中的GSH-Px活性有一定的诱导作用,对SOD、CAT以及GST的活性没有显著影响。低剂量(约为0.16×105 细胞,相应PSP为0.0886µg STX Equal,相当于每克湿重的鲈鱼PSP注射量为0.00118µg STX Equal)ATHK毒素也能诱导鲈鱼肝脏和鳃组织中SOD、GSH-Px以及GST酶活性,其在第一个24h内的诱导效果与临界致死毒素剂量相似; 且连续注射低剂量ATHK毒素则对肝脏和鳃中这三种酶活性具有累加的诱导作用,使这三种酶活性的变化范围为正常的5倍;低剂量ATHK毒素对肝脏中CAT酶活性也具有抑制作用,但对鳃中CAT酶活性的抑制作用并不显著。 同样,低剂量ATHK毒素除对肾脏中GSH-Px活性具有一定诱导效应外,对SOD、CAT以及GST都没有显著影响。 SOD、GSH-Px以及GST酶活性的显著升高表明ATHK毒素在鲈鱼体内代谢过程中能诱导鲈鱼产生活性氧自由基,且GST活性的升高则说明作为细胞色素P450依赖的异生物质代谢酶,GST在ATHK毒素代谢过程中可能可以加速ATHK毒素的代谢。推测鲈鱼可以通过这三种酶降低ATHK毒素以及次生毒物活性氧自由基对鲈鱼的危害。
本论文的研究工作由两部分组成,第一部分研究了海带(Laminaria japonica)水提取物中的活性物质,并研究了提取物对蔬菜促生长的影响及其作用机制。第二部分对三列凹顶藻(Laurencia tristicha)乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯相进行了活性筛选和化学成分研究,并对其中分离得到的单体化合物进行了生物活性筛选。 第一部分主要以中国人工养殖的海带为原料,使用与海藻多糖生产相结合的提取技术并浓缩其中的有效成分。对浓缩提取物进行了蔬菜的农田效果实验,并对作物抗旱性能的增加、作物硝酸盐积累的减少、作物品质的改善、以及作物抵抗病毒病的能力等影响进行了作用机制方面的研究。海藻浓缩提取物进行的农田效果实验表明:作物抗旱型相对含水量RWC值在92%~94%之间;病毒病的防治效果最高可达到91%;作物的品质有明显的改善,最重要的是首次发现海藻提取物有降低蔬菜中硝酸盐的含量(硝酸盐的含量是与有机蔬菜区别的重要指标之一)的作用。该部分研究工作的创新性主要体现在:(1)首次在国内外提出和采用与海藻多糖生产相结合的提取技术。该技术的应用不但减少了提取成本,使工业化生产成为可能,更重要的是使我国的海藻工业生产可能实现高值化和开辟综合利用的新途径。(2)首次发现海藻中的小分子海藻多糖具有和细胞激动素、甜菜碱、植物生长素等活性物质同样的生物活性。 第二部分的研究是在查阅了大量的近20年来国内外有关红藻凹顶藻中化学成分研究的相关文献的基础上,对凹顶藻中的次生代谢产物进行了综述。该论文主要是通过对红藻三列凹顶藻的95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯相进行化学成分分析和生物活性筛选以期能够发现具有药用前景的活性先导化合物。 为了寻找具有生物活性的化合物,我们对采自我国南海硇洲岛海域的红藻三列凹顶藻的95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯相进行了活性筛选。采用MTT法对其在KB细胞株、Bel-7402细胞株、PC-3M细胞株、MCF-7细胞株、Ketr-3细胞株模型上进行了细胞毒活性测试;采用酶模型对其进行了Na+,K+-ATPase的抑制活性测试;采用MTT法对其在犬主动脉血管模型上进行了血管平滑肌细胞增殖抑制活性测试;结果表明,三列凹顶藻的95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯相对Na+,K+-ATPase和犬血管平滑肌细胞增殖具有一定的抑制活性。 利用正相和反相色谱、Sephadex LH-20色谱以及反相HPLC等手段进行分离纯化,从我国南海海域的红藻三列凹顶藻中分离得到33种化学成分,通过波谱学方法(IR、MS、NMR)以及X-ray单晶衍射试验对其化学结构进行了确证,其中化合物L1~L8为新结构化合物,化合物L5为具有新骨架的全新结构化合物,化合物L9~L13为新天然产物,化合物L18和L22系首次从海洋生物中获得,所有化合物均为首次从该属海藻中得到。新化合物L1~L8均为倍半萜类化合物,命名分别为:(1R,3R)-(-)-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methylphenyl)- 1,3-dimethyl–2-methylidene cyclopentanol (L1), (1R,3R)-(-)-3-(4-methylphenyl)-1,3-dimethyl-2-methylidenecyclopentanol (L2), (1R, 3R)-(-)-3-(2-hydroxy-4-methylphenyl)-1,3-dimethyl–2–methylidenecyclopentanol (L3),(+)-(1S,2R)–2-(3–hydroxy–4–methylphenyl)-1,2-[3.1.0]bicy-clohexane (L4),()-(1S,2R) -5-hydroxy–6–methyl-spiro-dihydrobenzofuran-2(3H),2-{1-methyl-[3.1.0]bicyclohexane} (L5), (+)-6-methyl-2-(p-tolyl)hept-4-en-2,6-diol (L6),(3R,3aS,8bS)-(-)-2,3,3a,8b–tetrahydro–7-bromo – 3 a– hydroxymethyl - 3, 6, 8b - trimethyl-1H- cyclopenta[b] benzofuran (L7 ),(3R, 3aS, 8bS) - (-) - 2,3,3a,8b–tetrahydro–3 a–hydroxymethyl-3,6,8b -trimethyl -1H – cyclopenta [b] benzofuran (L8)。25个已知结构化合物确定为:(+)-(1R,2R)-4-bromo-1,5, 9–trimethyl–12– methylidene–8–oxa-tricyclo[]dodeca-2,4,6-triene (L9),(3S,3aR,8bS)-(-)-2,3,3a, 8b– tetra -hydro–7-bromo–3–hydroxy-3,3a,6,8b-tetramethyl-1H-cyclopenta[b]benzofu- ran (L10 ),(3R, 3aR, 8bS) - (-) - 2, 3, 3a, 8b – tetrahydro – 7 - bromo – 3 – hydroxy - 3,3a,6,8b - tetramethyl - 1H - cyclopenta [b] benzofuran (L11 ),(3S,3aR,8bS) - (-) - 2, 3, 3a, 8b – tetrahydro –3–hydroxy -3, 3a, 6, 8b - tetramethyl-1H-cyclopenta[b]benzofuran (L12 ), ( 3aR, 8bS) - (-) - 3a,8b –dihydro–7 - bromo – 3, 3a, 6, 8b - tetramethyl - 1H - cyclopenta[b]benzofuran (L13 ),aplysinol (L14 ) ,aplysin (L15),laurebiphenyl (L16),johnstonol (L17),gossonorol (L18),7,10-epoxy-ar- bisabol-11-ol (L19),10-epi-7,10-epoxyarbisabol-11-ol (L20) 3β-hydroxy- 5α, 6α-epoxy- β- ionone (L21 ),3β-hydroxy-5β,6β-epoxy-β-ionone (L22 ),胆甾醇 (L23 ),胆甾-5-烯-3β,7α二醇胆甾-5-烯-3β,7α二醇 (L24),β-谷甾醇 (L25),叶绿醇 (L26 ),玉米黄素 (L27 ),对羟基苯甲醛 (L28 ),3-吲哚甲醛 (L29 ),1-O-十六烷酰基-3-O-β-D-吡喃半乳糖基-丙三醇(L30 ),1-O-十八烷酰基-3-O-β-D-吡喃半乳糖基-丙三醇 (L31 ),丙三醇-1-软脂酸单酯 (L32 ),正十六碳酸 (L33 )。 采用MTT法对其中23个单体化合物在Bel-7402细胞株、BGC-823细胞株、A549细胞株、A2780细胞株、HCT-8细胞株和HELL细胞株模型上进行了细胞毒活性测试;采用MTT法对其中13个单体化合物在犬主动脉血管模型上进行了血管平滑肌细胞增殖抑制活性测试;结果表明,部分单体化合物显示出一定的生物活性。
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), the primary member of HSPs that are responsive of thermal stress, is found in all multicellular organisms and functions mostly as molecular chaperon. The inducible HSP70 cDNA cloned from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), was highly homologous to other HSP70 genes. The full-length cDNA of the Pacific abalone HSP70 was 2631 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 90 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 573 by with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1968 bp. The HSP70 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 655 amino acids with an ATPase domain of 382 amino acids, the substrate peptide binding domain of 161 amino acids and a C-terminus domain of 112 amino acids. The temporal expression of HSP70 was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after heat shock and bacterial challenge. Challenge of Pacific abalone with heat shock or the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio anguillarum resulted in a dramatic increase in the expression of HSP70 mRNA level in muscle, followed by a recovery to normal level after 96 h. Unlike the muscle, the levels of HSP70 expression in gills reached the top at 12 h and maintained a relatively high level compared with the control after thermal and bacterial challenge. The upregulated mRNA expression of HSP70 in the abalone following heat shock and infection response indicates that the HSP70 gene is inducible and involved in immune response. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Kinesins are common in a variety of eukaryotic cells with diverse functions. A cDNA encoding a member of the Kinesin-14B subfamily is obtained using X-RACE technology and named AtKP1 (for Arabidopsis kinesin protein 1). This cDNA has a maximum open reading frame of 3.3 kb encoding a polypeptide of 1087 aa. Protein domain analysis shows that AtKP1 contains the motor domain and the calponin homology domain in the central and amino-terminal regions, respectively. The carboxyl-terminal region with 202 aa residues is diverse from other known kinesins. Northern blot analysis shows that AtKP1 is widely expressed at a higher level in seedlings than in mature plants. 2808 bp of the AtKP1 promoter region is cloned and fused to GUS. GUS expression driven by the AtKP1 promoter region shows that AtKP1 is mainly expressed in vasculature of young organs and young leaf trichomes, indicating that AtKP1 may participate in the differentiation or development of Arabidopsis thaliana vascular bundles and trichomes. A truncated AtKP1 protein containing the putative motor domain is expressed in E. coli and affinity-purified. In vitro characterizations indicate that the polypeptide has nucleotide-dependent microtubule-binding ability and microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity.
铊是一种有毒有害的重金属元素,已经引起了广泛的关注。本论文通过对黔西南铊矿区土壤和沉积物样品的菌株分离、铊高耐受性菌株的筛选、胞外吸附、富集、亚细胞水平区系分布、絮凝实验及ITS序列等实验研究分析,并结合铊的地球化学相关研究,较系统地阐述了真菌--铊的生物地球化学过程机理,得出以下结论: 1、与环境背景区相比,黔西南滥木厂铊矿区内的河流、土壤中铊的已有不同程度的积累,直接导致了当地微生物生物量在很大程度上的降低,微生物生物量与铊含量间有显著的负相关关系。研究区内的沉积物、土壤中的微生物区系结构和数量发生了明显变化,细菌、真菌及放线菌数量均出现显著降低,而且三大微生物对重金属污染的敏感性大小也不一样,即放线菌>细菌>真菌。从土壤样品中分离到的主要菌群仍为常见种属,如青霉属(Penicillium)、木霉属(Trichoderma)、拟青霉(Paecilomyces)等。 2、经过初筛菌株的铊耐受性实验,在1000 mg/L水平筛选得到九株高耐受性菌株。吸附实验表明:微生物菌株对铊的吸附效率在4.63~16.89%,且随着环境中铊浓度的上升而降低,这可能是因为铊浓度的升高加大了对微生物生长的抑制作用,所形成的菌丝体(或菌丝球)减少,表面积也相应减少,从而导致了吸附效率的下降。各种常量元素和铊的关系呈显著相关性,钙、钾和钠等常量元素也是微生物赖以维持生存的因子,可能由于微生物细胞对钙、钾的吸附方式与对铊的吸附方式类似。因此,随着铊处理浓度的上升,钙和钾的吸附量也随之减少,而钠则呈现相反的趋势。 3、富集实验表明,九株菌株对铊的富集量随着铊处理浓度上升而降低,其影响趋势与对生物量的影响趋势基本一致,最高可达到7189 mg/kg,最大富集系数为7.2。九株菌株对常量元素的富集与对铊的富集并无明显的相关性,但在考察铊处理浓度对常量元素的富集影响时发现,铊处理浓度的上升与对钙的富集量表现出较强的正相关;而对钾、钠、镁的富集影响并不明显。 4、亚细胞水平上的铊分布研究表明,铊的富集优先顺序为:细胞质>细胞壁>细胞器。亚细胞水平的区隔化作用是微生物对铊的主要耐受机制,细胞质是赋存铊的主要场所(53.83~79.45 %)。结合各亚细胞组分中常量元素与铊之间的相关性,并联系前人的研究,Tl+主要是通过细胞壁的Na+ -K+ ATPase和K+ -电位门通道进入细胞内的从而影响细胞的正常代谢的,而Ca2+的活化更有助于这一过程。 5、絮凝实验表明,培养三天后的发酵液对矿区废水中铊的去除率最高可达到70.49 %,最佳影响因子组合为:pH=8,温度为16℃,搅拌时间为4分钟。菌株的絮凝活性最高可达到57.32%,最佳影响因子组合为:pH=8,温度为14℃,搅拌时间为4分钟。 6、通过对九株铊高耐受性菌株的ITS序列分析及其在Gene Bank中的BLAST比对结果表明,五株菌株同属于木霉属(Trichoderma),两株菌株同属于青霉属(Penicillium)。这表明这两类真菌对铊的适应性较强,为以后寻找铊高耐受性菌株及其资源化利用提供了理论基础。
We recently generated a knock-in mouse model (PYGM p.R50X/p.R50X) of McArdle disease (myophosphorylase deficiency). One mechanistic approach to unveil the molecular alterations caused by myophosphorylase deficiency, which is arguably the paradigm of 'exercise intolerance', is to compare the skeletal-muscle tissue of McArdle, heterozygous, and healthy (wild type (wt)) mice. We analyzed in quadriceps muscle of p.R50X/p.R50X (n=4), p.R50X/wt (n=6) and wt/wt mice (n=5) (all male, 8 wk-old) molecular markers of energy-sensing pathways, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and autophagy/proteasome systems, oxidative damage and sarcoplamic reticulum (SR) Ca handling. We found a significant group effect for total AMPK (tAMPK) and ratio of phosphorylated (pAMPK)/tAMPK (P=0.012 and 0.033), with higher mean values in p.R50X/p.R50X mice vs. the other two groups. The absence of massive accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, autophagosomes or lysosomes in p.R50X/p.R50X mice suggested no major alterations in autophagy/proteasome systems. Citrate synthase activity was lower in p.R50X/p.R50X mice vs. the other two groups (P=0.036) but no statistical effect existed for respiratory chain complexes. We found higher levels of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-modified proteins in p.R50X/p.R50X and p.R50X/wt mice compared with the wt/wt group (P=0.011). Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum ATPase 1 (SERCA1) levels detected at 110kDa tended to be higher in p.R50X/p.R50X and p.R50X/wt mice compared with wt/wt animals (P=0.076), but their enzyme activity was normal. We also found an accumulation of phosphorylated SERCA1 in p.R50X/p.R50X animals. Myophosphorylase deficiency causes alterations in sensory energetic pathways together with some evidence of oxidative damage and alterations in Ca handling but with no major alterations in OXPHOS capacity or autophagy/ubiquitination pathways, which suggests that the muscle tissue of patients is likely to adapt overall favorably to exercise training interventions.
This thesis investigates the mechanisms by which HRG-1 contributes to the invasive and cytoprotective signalling pathways in cancer cells through its effects on VATPase activity and heme transport. Plasma membrane-localised V-ATPase activity correlates with enhanced metastatic potential in cancer cells, which is attributed to extrusion of protons into the extracellular space and activation of pH-sensitive, extracellular matrix degrading-proteases. We found that HRG-1 is co-expressed with the V-ATPase at the plasma membrane of certain aggressive cancer cell types. Modulation of HRG-1 expression altered both the localisation and activity of the VATPase. We also found that HRG-1 enhances trafficking of essential transporters such as the glucose transporter (GLUT-1) in cancer cells, and increases glucose uptake, which is required for cancer cell growth, metabolism and V-ATPase assembly. Heme is potentially cytotoxic, owing to its iron moiety, and therefore the trafficking of heme is tightly controlled in cells. We hypothesised that HRG-1 is required for the transport of heme to intracellular compartments. Importantly, we found that HRG-1 interacts with the heme oxygenases that are necessary for heme catabolism. HRG-1 is also required for trafficking of both heme-bound and nonheme-bound receptors and suppression of HRG-1 results in perturbed receptor trafficking to the lysosome. Suppression of HRG-1 in HeLa cells increases toxic heme accumulation, reactive oxygen species accumulation, and DNA damage resulting in caspasedependent cell death. Mutation of essential heme binding residues in HRG-1 results in decreased heme binding to HRG-1. Interestingly, cells expressing heme-binding HRG-1 mutants exhibit decreased internalisation of the transferrin receptor compared to cells expressing wildtype HRG-1. These findings suggest that HRG- 1/heme trafficking contributes to a hitherto unappreciated aspect of receptormediated endocytosis. Overall, the findings of this thesis show that HRG-1-mediated regulation of intracellular and extracellular pH through V-ATPase activity is essential for a functioning endocytic pathway. This is critical for cells to acquire nutrients such as folate, iron and glucose and to mediate signalling in response to growth factor activation. Thus, HRG-1 facilitates enhanced metabolic activity of cancer cells to enable tumour growth and metastasis.