981 resultados para Gycine max


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En la cub. además: Materiales de historia de la filosofía


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Max se prepara un sandwich con varias capas de alimentos: pan moreno, queso, tomate, pimiento verde, jamón, brotes y lechuga.


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Max se prepara un sandwich con varias capas de alimentos: pan moreno, queso, tomate, pimiento verde, jamón, brotes y lechuga.


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En la actualidad se confrontan dos grandes corrientes alrededor del tema de la definición de la necesidad: la que define la necesidad humana como un valor relativo que depende de opciones individuales y de las posibilidades que cada persona y su familia tienen para adquirirlas en el mercado (corriente liberal); y la que define la necesidad como un proceso determinante de la vida, cuya realización se constituye de esa manera en un derecho humano inalienable, al que debe accederse bajo una distribución equitativa para todos/as los/as miembros de una sociedad, acceso que debe construirse solidariamente para el máximo bien común (corriente solidaria).


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This article traces the paradoxical impact of Weber's oeuvre on two major scholars of nationalism, Ernest Gellner and Edward Shils. Both these scholars died in 1995, leaving behind a rich corpus of writings on the nation and nationalism, much of which was inspired by Max Weber. The paradox is that although neither scholar accepted Weber's sceptical attitude to the concept of ‘nation’, they both used his other major concepts, such as ‘rationality’, ‘disenchantment’, ‘unintended consequences’, the ‘ethic of responsibility’ and ‘charisma’, in their very analyses of the nation and nationalism. And they both saw, each in his own way, the nation and nationalism as constitutive elements of modern societies. However, the paradox ceases being a paradox if one sees the integration, by Shils and Gellner, of concepts of the nation and of nationalism in the analysis of modernity, as a development of Weber's ideas.


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The predictability of high impact weather events on multiple time scales is a crucial issue both in scientific and socio-economic terms. In this study, a statistical-dynamical downscaling (SDD) approach is applied to an ensemble of decadal hindcasts obtained with the Max-Planck-Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) to estimate the decadal predictability of peak wind speeds (as a proxy for gusts) over Europe. Yearly initialized decadal ensemble simulations with ten members are investigated for the period 1979–2005. The SDD approach is trained with COSMO-CLM regional climate model simulations and ERA-Interim reanalysis data and applied to the MPI-ESM hindcasts. The simulations for the period 1990–1993, which was characterized by several windstorm clusters, are analyzed in detail. The anomalies of the 95 % peak wind quantile of the MPI-ESM hindcasts are in line with the positive anomalies in reanalysis data for this period. To evaluate both the skill of the decadal predictability system and the added value of the downscaling approach, quantile verification skill scores are calculated for both the MPI-ESM large-scale wind speeds and the SDD simulated regional peak winds. Skill scores are predominantly positive for the decadal predictability system, with the highest values for short lead times and for (peak) wind speeds equal or above the 75 % quantile. This provides evidence that the analyzed hindcasts and the downscaling technique are suitable for estimating wind and peak wind speeds over Central Europe on decadal time scales. The skill scores for SDD simulated peak winds are slightly lower than those for large-scale wind speeds. This behavior can be largely attributed to the fact that peak winds are a proxy for gusts, and thus have a higher variability than wind speeds. The introduced cost-efficient downscaling technique has the advantage of estimating not only wind speeds but also estimates peak winds (a proxy for gusts) and can be easily applied to large ensemble datasets like operational decadal prediction systems.


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SBTX, a novel toxin from soybean, was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by chromatographic steps DEAE-Cellulose, CM-Sepharose and Superdex 200 HR fast-protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Lethality of SBTX to mice (LD50 5.6 mg/kg) was used as parameter in the purification steps. SBTX is a 44-kDa basic glycoprotein composed of two polypeptide chains (27 and 17 kDa) linked by a disulfide bond. The N-terminal sequences of the 44 and 27 kDa chains were identical (ADPTFGFTPLGLSEKANLQIMKAYD), differing from that of 17 kDa (PNPKVFFDMTIGGQSAGRIVMEEYA). SBTX contains high levels of Glx, Ala, Asx, Gly and Lys and showed maximum absorption at 280 nm, epsilon(1 cm) (1%) of 6.3, and fluorescence emission in the 290-450nm range upon excitation at 280nm. The secondary structure content was 35% alpha-helix, 13% beta-strand and beta-sheet, 27% beta-turn, 25% unordered, and 1% aromatic residues. Immunological assays showed that SBTX was related to other toxic proteins, such as soyatoxin and canatoxin, and cross-reacted weekly with soybean trypsin inhibitor and agglutinin, but it was devoid of protease-inhibitory and hemagglutinating activities. The inhibitory effect of SBTX on growth of Cercospora sojina, fungus causing frogeye leaf spot in soybeans, was observed at 50 mu g/ml, concentration 112 times lesser than that found to be lethal to mice. This effect on phytopathogenic fungus is a potential attribute for the development of transgenic plants with enhanced resistance to pathogens. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Denna uppsats undersöker olika musikaliskt hörbara kännetecken som är specifika i Max Martins produktioner. Musikaliska kännetecken refererar till hörbara kännetecken i den här uppsatsen och kommer att beröra formen på verket, tonart, rytm, frasindelningar, sångens dynamik, melodin och känslan som artisten framför i sången. Först analyseras tre produktioner producerade och skrivna av Max Martin och sedan jämförs de med tre stycken produktioner som är producerade och skrivna av andra producenter och låtskrivare. Analysen sker genom en så kallad ljudhändelsebeskrivning för att få fram material som går att jämföras och det sker med hjälp av den komparativa metoden. I resultatet går det tydligt att se musikaliskt hörbara kännetecken som är specifika i Max Martins produktioner. Det går även att se vilka musikaliskt hörbara kännetecken som är gemensamma för alla inspelningar som har analyserats i uppsatsen.