956 resultados para Guattari, Félix


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Contiene : Vol. 1 - Vol. 2 - Vol. 3 - Vol. 4.


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Índice de las poesías que comprende el códice autógrafo de Lope, propio de Agustin Duran.- Índice del códice autógrafo del marqués de Pidal.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This dissertation, called “The gauche (O gauche): the poetry of crossing between Renato Russo and Carlos Drummond de Andrade”, discusses on the problematic subjection of the gauche which brings Drummond’s poetry into Renato Russo’s singularizing one, emphasizing such subjection and seeking to find the tension which dwells between both, pointing out at the poet and the songwriter the dislocations, the non-territorial process and the repetition of the difference. Thus, the act, the esthetics and the policy of writing do move from a textual, inter-textual character to a range of references, perceptions, dislocations, establishing within those spaces, elements residing in poetical cartographies which relate both writers on this rizomatic crossing for the writing of both is bound by desire and minorities. To do so, we chose, as research basis, authors such as Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Félix Guattari, Jacques Ranciére, Michel Foucault, Maurice Blanchot, Julia Kristeva, Linda Hutcheon, among others who can wander through the established relations of this work.Thus, it constitutes the theoretical and discussion corpus responding to the qualitative implicit requirements of this dissertation. The literary body of this research has a selection of lyrics by Renato Russo and poems by Carlos Drummond presented as subjectivity corpus embracing ideas, affects, perceptions and images


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Este trabajo presentado, direccionado a la defensa de la disertación de maestría, intitulada ¿Lo que se quiere imagen, lo que se quiere deseo?: Entre el fabular de deseos y las construcciones imagéticas en la prosa de Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, discute hasta donde el deseo impulse la imagen y hasta donde esta imagen es tocada por este deseo, visualizando dentro de un sistema literario poético y singular, las construcciones de la imagen junto a las fabulaciones de deseos, lo que nos expone delante de procesos de semiotización por medio de la escrita, de subjetivación, de vértigo, de sensibilización para los efectos y deseos en cuanto producción de sentido y multiplicidades estéticas en cuya letra transgresiva se aventura. En este sentido, el análisis transitará entre el discurso erótico y los problemas fundamentales que este pode, bien como el proceso de construcción de imagen, recortado por vía de discursos problematizados por el lenguaje presentado por la autora Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão. Para tanto, colocase como escopo una investigación norteada por autores como Bataille, Roland Barthes, Luiz Roberto Monzani, Suely Rolnik, Walter Benjamin, Georges Didi-Huberman, Maurice Blanchot, Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, dentre otros que puedan transitar por las relaciones, en este estudio, establecidas, constituyendo el corpus teórico y de discusión, atendiendo al caráter cualitativo implicito en el desarrollo de esta disertación. Cuanto al corpus literario, este es compuesto por los contos trídos en Cuentos de la imagen (2005), de manera a constituiren cuerpo-subjetividad, envolviendo ideas, afectos, perceptos y imagens.


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This work consists of a discussion, analysis and reading of Borges’stories, in that the problem of interest pronounces to the language, to the speech and the deed, sending them so much to the Literature with relationship to the Philosophy, so much to the statute of the ficcional, with relationship to the of the ontologic. In that optics, it intends to show the Borges deed as warp of the death, of the allegorical and of the metaphorical, in the sense of bringing for the ficcional lines different from the Real, elaborating the speech for besides the statement, reaching the interstic, the silence, the interruptions and the suspension of the representation. In that discursive elaboration, a crossing is pointed in the letter, affected for unspeakable sensations, crossing the processes of memory, imaginary and real, in which the time counting makes to emerge the difference and the repetition. In these if constituting territorial negotioting that they lead the characters to imaginary spaces as possibilities of the real, allowing them executes mobility for desterritory it self and reterritory itself, according to the change forces that show in your threshing. For so much, it is placed as mark a bibliographical research orientated by authors as Maurice Blanchot (2008), Kátia Muricy (1998), João Adolfo Hansen (2006), Susan Sontag (2007), Mário Bruno (2004), Juan Manuel García Ramos (2003), Elizabeth Kübler Ross (2008), Walter Benjamin (1984), Gilles Deleuze (1997; 2006; 2009), Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997). The theoretical corpus and of discussion, it is constituted to leave of those authors, assisting to the implicit qualitative character in the construction of this thesis. What about to the literary corpus, this is composed by the stories The writing of the God, The two kings and the two labyrinths, The lottery of Babylon, The metaphor, The library of Babel, The mirror and the mask, A theologian in death and The dead man.


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This paper aims to understand the specifics of the network communication and the logic of articulation of social insurgencies in contemporary inferred from the rizome concept coined by Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze and the multitude as preach Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. To do so, it raises the processes and practices of political bodies, reaching lines and common strategies of operation. Unless the specifics, it is possible to draw a continuous and rizomatic communication that traverses both bodies enrolled in institutionalized democracy, as the spanish movement-party Podemos and the greek coalition Syriza, as the autonomous collectives, such as the Movimento Passe Livre, fighting for universal public, free and quality transport, and the free media initiatives Media Ninja and Catarina Santos, willing to understand the social movements. The constitutional amendment of this model of communication networking seems to be the desire to radicalization of democracy, the bias of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, as a strategic and common struggle. Indeed, speaking specifically of free media, they are built from here processes that take place in understanding the agency of the bodies as relevant to political action toward the radical democracy project, and the use of free softwares, the communicator-protester agency, the performance, the collective experience.


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This thesis is to analyze the fictional texture of Buriti, novella by Guimarães Rosa, which makes part of Corpo do Baile. Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophical background as well as similar theorists such as Mircea Eliade, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Blanchot and Nie-tzsche constitute the main reference, as example of Guimarães Rosa‘s problematizing writing, since they present as basic element of thought the desterritorialization of con-cepts, standards and institutionalized knowledge by the dominant literary language. Along with the theoretical perspective of current alterity on these authors, Buriti is crossed by one aesthetics substantiated with a multiplicity of narrative points of view, opening gaps to other non-sacralized, nomadic voices, using polyphony as a way of breaking and destabilizing crystallized truths related to the canons of mother tongue. Interwoven by a poetic side of transgression, the narrative of Buriti finds especially marked by the signs of the backlands and of the night, which rhizomatically point to a sense of infinity, eternity, loneliness, vertigo before the abyssal, evoking the singularity of a ser-tão before the night, "the body of nocturnal rumor." The nights in the backlands in Buriti give rise to the emergence of a state of subjectivity, the ser-tão, whose nature is shown as a space of communion of the various beings that humans put on the same level of other living beings, setting up a sharing cosmic territory, enjoyment between pain and pleasure, between death and life. It is the night in the darkness, the shadows, the ser-tão is exposed, the being in his depth, facing himself with his internal rumors, which project themselves through the noise, the sound amplified by the vastness of the night at the desert backlands. "The backlands is the night." (ROSA, 1988, p.92).


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This thesis is to analyze the fictional texture of Buriti, novella by Guimarães Rosa, which makes part of Corpo do Baile. Gilles Deleuze‘s philosophical background as well as similar theorists such as Mircea Eliade, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Blanchot and Nie-tzsche constitute the main reference, as example of Guimarães Rosa‘s problematizing writing, since they present as basic element of thought the desterritorialization of con-cepts, standards and institutionalized knowledge by the dominant literary language. Along with the theoretical perspective of current alterity on these authors, Buriti is crossed by one aesthetics substantiated with a multiplicity of narrative points of view, opening gaps to other non-sacralized, nomadic voices, using polyphony as a way of breaking and destabilizing crystallized truths related to the canons of mother tongue. Interwoven by a poetic side of transgression, the narrative of Buriti finds especially marked by the signs of the backlands and of the night, which rhizomatically point to a sense of infinity, eternity, loneliness, vertigo before the abyssal, evoking the singularity of a ser-tão before the night, "the body of nocturnal rumor." The nights in the backlands in Buriti give rise to the emergence of a state of subjectivity, the ser-tão, whose nature is shown as a space of communion of the various beings that humans put on the same level of other living beings, setting up a sharing cosmic territory, enjoyment between pain and pleasure, between death and life. It is the night in the darkness, the shadows, the ser-tão is exposed, the being in his depth, facing himself with his internal rumors, which project themselves through the noise, the sound amplified by the vastness of the night at the desert backlands. "The backlands is the night." (ROSA, 1988, p.92).


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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El embarazo en la adolescencia es un problema que no solamente cambia el futuro de la joven adolescente, sino el de su familia y hasta el de la sociedad. Muchos estudios establecen que son los factores socioeconómicos la causa de la mayor morbimortalidad encontrada en madres adolecentes y sus hijos. En este trabajo planteamos que más que estos factores, es la edad meterna lo que influye en nuestro medio al igual que otros factores psicosociales. Se estudiaron 250 embarazadas adolescentes y 250 adultas procedentes de dos hospitales públicos, escogidas al azar durante un año. Al ingreso para el parto, se les aplicó un cuestionario mediante entrevista y se les examinó fisicamente. También se examinó al recién nacido. Se relacionaron los factores de riesgo descritos en la literatura médica y encontrados en las embarazadas [que en nuestro estudio afectaron por igual a las madres adolescentes y a las madres adultas] con la morbimortalidad neonatal y materna, determinándose mayor afectación entre las adolescentes y sus hijos. Más que los factores de riesgo socieconómicos fueron los biológicos los que se identifican como causa de los efectos negativos encontrados. Los aspectos psicosociales no tuvieron resultados significativos. Finalmente podemos decir que admás de los factores de riesgo biológicos, la edad materna influyó en los resultados de morbimortalidad neonatal y morbilidad materna encontrados.


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330 p.


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En el presente trabajo se realiza un Estudio Comparativo de tres Interpretaciones de la Sonata I Op. 45 en Bb Mayor para Violonchelo y Piano de Félix Mendelssohn. El mismo que fue analizado con ayuda del performance de tres grandes violonchelistas como son: Natalia Gutman (Rusia 1942), Inbal Segev (Israel 1974) y Xenia Jankovic (Serbia 1958), en donde se puede examinar cada una de sus ejecuciones comparando varios aspectos técnicos y estilísticos; los mismos que apoyaron al desarrollo musical y técnico de la autora del trabajo. Además, fue reforzado por material teórico acerca de la vida de cada una de ellas, como de la obra estudiada. Las conclusiones brindan un soporte técnico, fraseológico y de precisión de las dinámicas que pueden ayudar al lector a tener una nueva perspectiva interpretativa


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Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Fundación Sancho el Sabio 2009